Tag: financial services


Why banks need to act now or risk non-compliance with new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) guidance

If the gauntlet hadn’t been thrown before to protect financial and banking customers’ data, it’s definitely lying on the floor now. The recent circular bulletin from the CFPB makes it clear that financial institutions can’t slow-walk any security upgrades: “Inadequate security for the sensitive consumer information collected, processed, maintained, or stored by the company can


How PCI DSS 4.0 and CFPB Circular 2022-04 are re-shaping authentication across financial services

The recent PCI DSS 4.0 and Consumer Financial Protection Circular 2022-24 setting guidelines for phishing-resistant multi-factor authentication (MFA) for user access to critical systems and customer-facing digital services have set the stage to change how financial services organizations should be thinking about their security investments not just for today but for future regulatory changes.


Drive competitive advantage with modern strong authentication for online and mobile banking

Learn how modern and secure authentication using FIDO open standards used by banks such as Morgan Stanley, Vanguard, and Bank of America, can drive competitive differentiation in the financial sector.


Sep 15, 2021

Why Financial Services Shouldn’t Wait for Regulators to Address Strong Authentication

Financial institutions face some of the most stringent and complex regulatory requirements, including financial service compliance requirements around authentication. So much so that the financial service industry is broadly considered the gold standard from a compliance perspective. To comply with existing regulations and thwart cyber attacks, financial institutions were early adopters of two-factor authentication (2FA)


Modern strong authentication and compliance for Financial Services: How the YubiKey meets global Financial Services regulations

Read this white paper to learn how strong authentication using the YubiKey can help financial institutions stay protected against cyber attacks, and meet regulatory compliance for FFIEC, PCI DSS, GLBA, PSD2, eIDAS, SOX, SOC2, GDPR, and more.


Aug 26, 2021

Hybrid work driven by Covid-19 prompts a shift in financial services security priorities

All industries are dealing with the thorny issue of who comes back to work during the pandemic and who doesn’t, and the return-to-work plans will diverge depending on each enterprise’s needs and culture. But banks, financial institutions, and many other players in the financial services industry are paying close attention to the security perils of


Drive differentiation in financial services with modern strong authentication

Drive competitive differentiation by offering modern strong authentication for online and mobile banking

Protecting financial organizations from cyber security threats

How PCI DSS 4.0 and CFPB Circular 2022-04 are re-shaping authentication across financial services The recent PCI DSS 4.0 and Consumer Financial Protection Circular 2022-24 setting guidelines for phishing-resistant multi-factor authentication (MFA) for user access to critical systems and customer-facing digital services have set the stage to change how financial services organizations should be thinking


Financial services case study

The company incorporated strong two-factor authentication to protect systems from being compromised.


Getting Started with Strong Authentication in Financial Services: Best practices for implementing the YubiKey for fast, easy, and strong authentication

Best practices for implementing the YubiKey for fast, easy and strong authentication.