YubiKey for elections and political campaigns

Secure sensitive information across government elections
and political campaigns
man voting

Secure sensitive information across government elections and political campaigns

Easy, efficient, and strong authentication ensures protection against domestic and foreign threats by securing sensitive information and high-risk individuals.

Read now: Modernizing election security with the YubiKey

Ensure email confidentiality

Foreign hackers are known to use email to infiltrate the political ecosystem. Passwords and SMS-based two-factor authentication (2FA) are easily phishable and insufficient to protect highly sensitive emails.

The YubiKey offers an added level of security for sensitive and confidential email. It is proven to eliminate phishing and account takeovers across GSuite, Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Office 365.

Secure access to computers

If not secured properly, laptops can provide entry points for external and insider threats leading to leaked campaign information that may have political, legal and financial repercussions.

The YubiKey offers secure access for laptops, protecting on-device applications and information such as campaign strategy, competitive analysis and fundraising data. Multiple login options include authentication for Macs, local Windows, Azure Active Directory, Active Directory and Microsoft Accounts.

Protect voter databases

Voter registration databases are a high-value target for attackers looking to disrupt democratic processes. If logins aren’t sufficiently secured, hackers can steal, corrupt or manipulate sensitive voter data.

The YubiKey provides strong hardware-based authentication to secure voter registration databases against hacking. Sensitive information and applications are always protected with a simple, cost-effective and standards-compliant solution.

Stop social media takeovers

Past elections have seen hackers compromise social media accounts connected to campaigns and elections. Political candidates and parties are especially vulnerable and need to secure against social account takeovers, as there can be potentially damaging personal, political and legal ramifications.

YubiKey enables strong verification of users before providing access to social media accounts— even if a user is tricked into giving up their username and password, the YubiKey isn’t fooled. Strong hardware-based security is combined with a easy-to-use and intuitive user experience that offers 4 times faster logins than SMS.

Case in point:

Midwestern U.S. state uses the YubiKey to protect voter registration database


  • The state maintains sensitive voter records, which include information such as name, date of birth, address, and voting history.
  • Needed a way to ensure voter data is secure against database hacking and up-to-date

YubiKey Solution:

  • The YubiKey hardware-based authentication solution chosen to secure all external login requests.
  • Key benefits include a highly secure solution to protect voter registration databases, and an easy-to-use solution for its diverse group of users.
  • YubiKeys are cost-effective to maintain as they don’t require a battery, power source, or other parts that need to be replaced.


  • Deployed more than 1,000 YubiKeys to employees accessing the voter registration database.
  • Support for open authentication standards like FIDO U2F and FIDO2 ensures compatibility across all modern browsers.
  • Freedom from a proprietary platform that could become obsolete or costly to maintain.
“While the attackers might be the same – we will definitely see nation states and cyber criminals and hacktivists – their motivations to attack a specific campaign would be greater than, say, an attacker who is probing networks, looking for someone who didn’t patch for the latest version of Windows.”

“We should expect to see attacks against election systems, elected officials, and candidates to only increase as the 2020 elections get closer.”

Risk reduction, business growth, and efficiency enabled by YubiKeys

Read the Forrester Consulting study commissioned by Yubico and see how a composite  organization reduced risk by 99.9%, saw a drop in password-related helpdesk tickets by 75%, and experienced a 203% 3-year ROI with YubiKeys.

TEI Forrester report

YubiEnterprise Subscription: peace of mind and flexibility for less than a cup of coffee per user/month

YubiEnterprise Subscription simplifies purchase and support while also providing financial benefits. Estimate your potential savings as compared to one-time perpetual purchasing model

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