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The first joint project with friends or how it turned out that each of us is good in his field

Easy Easy
Reading time 3 min
Views 66
Xcode *Swift *

Not so long ago, a good friend of mine suggested that I could make a mobile application that could allow him, as well as other less experienced football scouts, to be able to collect and store analytical information on football players, to provide reports to clubs or agencies and also to communicate with more advanced scouts.

How can it be useful?

At the moment, there is no analogue to similar applications in the Russian segment. This is because there is no great need for it. Clubs don't want to spend money on it, and agencies don't have such resources. Moreover, the implementation takes too much time. And scouts are used to working according to their own schemes and storing information in notebooks and so on. However, it does not mean that such an application cannot be useful for young scouts. It would teach you how to make reports correctly, focus on the data that football clubs and agencies are interested in, and would also allow you to select those scouts who would have potential.

By that time, I had already worked enough in mobile development to make such an application. However, the right approach for the implementation was required, in order to understand what this product should represent as a result, and also design.

By a lucky coincidence, the last question disappeared by itself because my friend's girlfriend was just finishing her design studies at Yekaterinburg University, so her graduation project became our design.

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From Zero to Hero: LeetCode

Medium Medium
Reading time 8 min
Views 322
Java *Go *

This is a translation of my article in Russian

In this article, I want to write about my experience of interacting with the LeetCode platform, and describe my preparation for an interview in FAANG similar companies by breaking it down into levels.

The whole article is written based on my experience, the numbers are very rough, I do not pretend to be objective, perhaps there are best practices on how to solve LeetCode problems, it would be cool if you share your experience in the comments.

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Best digital marketing agencies in Vancouver 2023

Easy Easy
Reading time 11 min
Views 244
Web design *Internet marketing *Display advertising *Search engine optimization *Branding

This year we conducted a survey of 78 purchasing managers from Forbes Global 2000 companies based in Vancouver, BC. Last year, Covid restrictions were eased, agency employees partially returned to their offices. This year has become a real challenge for agencies' CEOs, they had to find compromises with employees who did not want to return to the office, and at the same time manage projects at the same efficient level. Clutch is not the platform market can trust anymore because of the paid placements (sponsors and featured) that can cover up to 50 first positions in some cases. So we asked procurement managers in Vancouver to rate their digital marketing agencies from 0 to 10 based on the following criteria:

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Message broker selection cheat sheet: Kafka vs RabbitMQ vs Amazon SQS

Medium Medium
Reading time 6 min
Views 684
Java *Go *Big Data *

This is a series of articles dedicated to the optimal choice between different systems on a real project or an architectural interview.

At work or at a System Design interview, you often have to choose the best message broker. I plunged into this issue and will tell you what and why. What is better in each case, what are the advantages and disadvantages of these systems, and which one to choose, I will show with several examples.

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Technical debt mini-guide. How to pay it off

Reading time 7 min
Views 382
Java *

In this article, I want to describe my experience of paying off technical debt on our project in the form of a guide. In this guide, I will highlight some of the most common cases of technical debt and suggest methods for solving them. Since this is a rather extensive topic, I will recommend several books for study, because I do not see it possible to talk about everything within the framework of this article. Everything described applies to the BackEnd part, but it may be suitable for other developers. I would be glad if you share your experience on this topic in the comments.

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Everything You Should Know in Indian Premier League (IPL) 2023

Reading time 4 min
Views 107
Game development *Mobile applications design *

Image Credit: amazonspreview.com

Cricket in India is more than just a game and for most of it is a matter of pride and unity. As we all have grown up playing cricket and everyone knows all about its rules and techniques that are quite interesting. Over the last few years, the Indian premier league is the latest and most renowned version of cricket that has 20 overs. Within a short span of time, it has become one of the best sports traditions in India. 

Day by day the fanbase of IPL is increasing and there are many IPL live streaming cricket apps, where you can enjoy IPL matches. 

In this article, we will count everything you should know about IPL 2023. 

IPL 2023

The IPL is a professional T20 cricket league in India that was first begun in 2007 by the Board of control for cricket in India, and in 2023, it will be the 16th season of the premier league. Basically, it is contested by ten teams and annually it is held in summer across India between March to May. 

So, here is the team of IPL 2023.

IPL 2023 Teams 

Here is the list of the total teams of IPL 2023 and its players. 

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Easy Easy
Reading time 3 min
Views 488
CSS *JavaScript *

High Dynamic Range (HDR) allows for a wider range of colours and brightness levels. This technology works on displays that support HDR format. Nowadays web advantage of display gamuts such as Display P3 and Rec. 2020, which can display a much larger color space than traditional sRGB displays. It is 50% more colours.

CSS is ready to fix it (at least for Apple users). Find colour gamuts comparison, code examples and device support overview below.

Find code examples and device support
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Database selection cheat sheet: SQL or NoSQL?

Reading time 9 min
Views 751
PostgreSQL *Java *SQL *NoSQL *Go *

This is a series of articles dedicated to the optimal choice between different systems on a real project or an architectural interview.

This topic seemed relevant to me because such tasks can be encountered both at work and at an interview for System Design Interview and you will have to choose between these two types of DBMS. I plunged into this issue and will tell you what and how. What is better in each case, what are the advantages and disadvantages of these systems and which one to choose, I will show with several examples at the end of the article.


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How Will Artificial Intelligence Influence Online Sports Betting?

Reading time 4 min
Views 279
Artificial Intelligence AR and VR

Online sports betting is a vertical of the gambling industry that has witnessed a massive surge in recent years. It is a great source of entertainment and thrill for online punters and bettors. Moreover, it also provides monetary benefits that are enough to entice the average layman. This is one of the most prominent reasons why people are gravitating towards these online sports betting platforms.

Additionally, the growing popularity of these platforms is urging sports betting software development companies to innovate and upgrade their platforms to cater to the growing needs of the user base. This is where Artificial Intelligence comes into the equation, AI has been at the forefront of innovations and development and has been offering users an enhanced user experience across multiple platforms. 

Artificial Intelligence technology has allowed Sports betting platforms to evolve with time and streamline their operations for better efficiency and enhanced productivity. This is why sports betting platforms all over the world are adopting this technology to offer better features and functionality to users and also increase their productivity and revenue. 

In this article, we will highlight how Artificial Intelligence has influenced the sports betting industry. So without further delay, let’s get started. 

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Q4 2022 DDoS Attacks and BGP Incidents

Reading time 7 min
Views 844
Qrator Labs corporate blog Information Security *IT Infrastructure *Network technologies *

Now that 2022 has come to an end, we would like to share the DDoS attack mitigation and BGP incident statistics for the fourth quarter of the year, which overall saw unprecedented levels of DDoS attack activity across all business sectors.

In 2022, DDoS attacks increased by 73.09% compared to 2021. 

Let's take a closer look at the Q4 2022 data.

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Data Phoenix Digest — ISSUE 2.2023

Reading time 2 min
Views 404
Python *Big Data *Machine learning *DevOps *Artificial Intelligence

Video recording of our webinar about dstack and reproducible ML workflows, AVL binary tree operations, Ultralytics YOLOv8, training XGBoost, productionize ML models, introduction to forecasting ensembles, domain expansion of image generators, Muse, X-Decoder, Box2Mask, RoDynRF, AgileAvatar and more.

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Building a GPT-like Model from Scratch with Detailed Theory and Code Implementation

Reading time 14 min
Views 3.1K
Open Data Science corporate blog Python *Machine learning *Artificial Intelligence Natural Language Processing *

Unlock the power of Transformer Neural Networks and learn how to build your own GPT-like model from scratch. In this in-depth guide, we will delve into the theory and provide a step-by-step code implementation to help you create your own miniGPT model. The final code is only 400 lines and works on both CPUs as well as on the GPUs. If you want to jump straight to the implementation here is the GitHub repo.

Transformers are revolutionizing the world of artificial intelligence. This simple, but very powerful neural network architecture, introduced in 2017, has quickly become the go-to choice for natural language processing, generative AI, and more. With the help of transformers, we've seen the creation of cutting-edge AI products like BERT, GPT-x, DALL-E, and AlphaFold, which are changing the way we interact with language and solve complex problems like protein folding. And the exciting possibilities don't stop there - transformers are also making waves in the field of computer vision with the advent of Vision Transformers.

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NFun — expression evaluator for .Net

Reading time 6 min
Views 560
Open source *.NET *Compilers *C# *GitHub *

Nfun is an embedded language and expression executor that supports primitive types, arrays, structures and lambda expressions.

Most likely, you have already met tasks that require such a tool, and in this article I want to show examples of its application, its capabilities and why it may be useful to you.

Let's learn some nFun!
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Payment Village at PHDays 11: pentesting our online bank

Reading time 13 min
Views 255
Positive Technologies corporate blog Information Security *Payment systems *Entertaining tasks Web services testing *

Hello everyone! We've already talked in our blog about how the Positive Hack Days 11 forum had a special Payment Village zone, where anyone could look for vulnerabilities in an online bank, ATMs, and POS terminals. Our competition to find vulnerabilities in an online bank is not new, but in recent years it has been somewhat supplanted by ethical hacking activities for other financial systems. In 2022, we decided to correct this injustice and created a new banking platform, making use of all our years of experience. We asked the participants to find typical banking vulnerabilities and report them to us. In the competition, the participants could play for either the "white hats" (participate in the bug bounty program of an online bank) or for the "black hats" (try to steal as much money from the bank as possible).

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Important Role of Cryptocurrency in NFT Game Development

Reading time 5 min
Views 403
Artificial Intelligence

Most people assume crypto and NFT are the same but both are different. NFTs are based on blockchain platforms that allow the minting and exchange of cryptocurrencies of a specific type. The basic difference between crypto and NFTs is that two NFTs can not have equal value. Meanwhile one 1 crypto coin will be equal to one coin.

In this article, we will discuss NFT games, like why they are trending and what features and functions are making them more advanced than traditional games. As the demand for NFT based is increasing day by day, then you can also churn this opportunity by developing your own game with the help of a crypto app development company. 

Before diving in, let’s know about the blockchain and NFTs.

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BGP Route Leak prevention and detection with the help of the RFC9234

Reading time 8 min
Views 645
Qrator Labs corporate blog Information Security *Network technologies *Network standards *

All the credit is due to the RFC’s authors: A. Azimov (Qrator Labs & Yandex), E. Bogomazov (Qrator Labs), R. Bush (IIJ & Arrcus), K. Patel (Arrcus), K. Sriram.

A BGP route leak is an unintentional propagation of BGP prefixes beyond the intended scope that could result in a redirection of traffic through an unintended path that may enable eavesdropping or traffic analysis, and may or may not result in an overload or complete drop (black hole) of the traffic. Route leaks can be accidental or malicious but most often arise from accidental misconfigurations.

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Exploring the Capabilities and Implications of ChatGPT 3 in the Educational Technology Field

Reading time 24 min
Views 1.1K
Artificial Intelligence

From language translation and virtual assistants to self-driving cars and personalized recommendations, AI has been a buzzword for a while now, but it seems that it is only now with the new ChatGPT 3 being released to the public that it is so close to revolutionizing the educational technology field as well. In this article, I would like to give my first impressions, test results, and insights on the new technology.

ChatGPT is a chatbot by OpenAI that can write texts, code, answer questions, and solve various problems. It can even write college essays that, although lacking heart and personal touch, are still pretty good.

It somehow reminds me of the times when distance learning started captivating different fields and what started as a tool for kids with special needs (about 15 years ago, it was a major theme in pedagogical universities, at least) turned into massive online open courses from top universities available to anyone with access to the internet. In corporate learning culture, it went from "e-learning is a cheap and less effective replacement for offline trainings" to being a part of a complicated educational system where we can have the best qualities of offline and online learning for employees.

Right away, serious discussions emerged on the threats to the usage of ChatGPT. Since the beginning of December, many educators have been giving their opinion on its ability to write essays, code, and find correct answers for tests and on the studying culture that will probably need to change.

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