
WordPress 19

Today is the 19th anniversary since WordPress’ first release, which is especially exciting for a number of reasons:

  1. The community put together an awesome site celebrating the occasion at
  2. We just had an awesome 6.0 “Arturo” release.
  3. Next week June 2-4 WordCamp Europe returns in-person in Porto, Portugal, and I’ll be there and so excited to connect with the community! Tickets are still available.
  4. Nineteen seems like an in-between number, but actually it’s very salient for me because now WordPress is the same age I was when the first release came out.
  5. Which means I’ve now been working on WordPress half my life!

Cheers and here’s to many more years together. 🥂

14 replies on “WordPress 19”

Hmmm, now …

19 is a prime number and (the year) 22 a beautiful mirror

the next prime would be:
23 that means, you will B … free? (just kidding, that was 4 the rhyme)
=> 42 48 <= fate?
4 me the year opened a gate
eternal 4s 2
bring IT forth
Learned to B
Grateful 4 2day,
sometimes even Grateful 4 2 days and also sometimes to
B A Great Fool
42 days & more


Happy B-day WordStress!

Grrrrrrrr eat, WordPress swallowed my poetry

when WordPress is
23 you’re
– 42 – Do I need to say more?

then next prime
29 – another rhyme?
…. you’re – 48 –
could mayBe open a gate

eternal 4s 2
bring it forth
Learn to B
Grateful 4 2day, (no matt:er what)
sometimes even grateful 4 2 days and also sometimes to
B A Great Fool
42 days & more


No more WordStress 4 2day 🙂

Congratulations! I’m curious as to why you haven’t yet converted over to the new Twenty Twenty Two FSE theme? I’ve converted one of my sites, and I have to say, FSE is still quite rough around the edges. However, it’s exciting to see it progress. It definitely has a learning curve, but it’s all so worth it! I’ve spent a couple of days trying to pin down a workflow while learning the new site editor, templates; global styles; etc. I can say this, once you learn FSE, you won’t want to develop sites any other way. It’s going to be a huge game changer…