Search Results | Aulani, a Disney Resort & Spa              window.hideMobile = "false"; seasonalRatesCalendarToggleOff = false;                   Skip Navigation    var Settings = {"guestInformationErrorTexts":{"fieldFirstNameRequiredError":"Error: <\/span>Please enter your first name","fieldFirstNameLettersOnlyError":"Error: <\/span>Please enter valid first name","fieldLastNameRequiredError":"Error: <\/span>Please enter last name","fieldLastNameLettersOnlyError":"Error: <\/span>Please enter valid last name","fieldEmailAddressRequiredError":"Error: <\/span>Please enter email address","fieldPhoneNumberRequiredError":"Error: <\/span>Please enter phone number","fieldPhoneNumberMinimum3Error":"Error: <\/span>Please enter valid phone number(XXX-XXX-XXXX)","fieldPhoneNumberMinimum4Error":"Error: <\/span>Please enter valid phone number(XXX-XXX-XXXX)","fieldPhoneNumberNumError":"Error: <\/span>Please enter valid phone number(XXX-XXX-XXXX)","fieldPartyMixRequiredError":"Error: <\/span>Please select your Party details.","fieldPartyMixValidError":"Error: <\/span>Your party size does not match your original search. 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Spring Offer: Save Up to 25% on Select RoomsDisney Vacation Club Membership Benefits About Aulani Aulani Resort OverviewThe Disney DifferenceThe Aulani Resort StoryParking & TransportationGuest ServicesDisney Vacation Club at Aulani ResortMaps & DirectionsKnow Before You GoFree Vacation Planning BrochureIncluded With Your Stay Activities At Aulani ResortAll ActivitiesPool AreasBeach Activities Included With Your StayCharacter ExperiencesShows & EntertainmentShopping at Aulani ResortPhotography ServicesAround the IslandThings to Do in O‘ahuExcursionsGolfShopping around O‘ahuSpecial ExperiencesWeddings & CelebrationsMeetings & EventsHoneymoonsActivities MapsDaily ‘Iwa: Aulani Resort Activities CalendarPlaces of Interest on O’ahuAulani Resort AppExperience KA WA‘A – A Lū‘au at Aulani Resort Dining Resort DiningAll DiningTable ServiceQuick-Service DiningLounges & BarsDining MapsExperience KA WA‘A – A Lū‘au at Aulani Resort Spa & Fitness Laniwai – A Disney SpaSpa TherapiesFamily TreatmentsHydrotherapy GardenPainted Sky: HI Style StudioSalon ServicesFitness & Wellness Cart  My Aulani My ProfileMy Aulani Dashboard     Search Cancel      or Welcome, !   |   Retrieve Reservation   |   Sign outVisit             Search Results                          Learn More          Load More                     Aulani, A Disney Resort & Spa in Ko Olina, Hawai‘i   Please call (866) 443-4763 between 9:00 AM and 9:00 PM Pacific Time for assistance with your vacation. Guests under 18 years of age must have parent or guardian permission to call.   .nondesktop #storycard-group-PromoModule div.single:first-child, .nondesktop #storycard-group-PromoModule div.single:nth-child(2) {margin-bottom: 10px;} .nondesktop #storycard-group-PromoModule div.single:first-child {min-height: 400px;} #header img#logo { height: auto; } html[lang="ja"] .themes-media-player .mediaLauncher, html[lang="ja"] .themes-media-player .openMediaEngineButton{ display:none !important; } li.hover-card:before { font-family: "peptasia-icons"; content: "\e30c"; color: #e4e4e2; right: 0; position: absolute; top: 40%; font-size: 25px; } .nav-container { z-index:11; } .billboard-player .qq-top, .billboard-player .qq-bottom { position:relative; z-index:10; } /*.billboard-player .container { z-index:1; } */ #global-banner { z-index:15; } body[class^="home-3"]:not(.nondesktop) { padding-top: 84.5px; } body:not(".home-3") {height: 70px;} html[lang="ja"] #header:not(.mobile-version) div#logoWrapper { width: 175px; } html[lang="ja"] #header:not(.mobile-version) div.right-panel { right:0; top:0; } #header div.actions { padding-right: 0; } #main #srchAulani { display: none !important; } #header #callAulani:not(.mobile_call) .num { font-size: 11px; line-height: inherit; left: 0; top: 0; display: inline; width: auto; height: auto; font-weight: bold; position: relative; } #contentCrisisManagement a {color: #d95915;text-decoration: none;} .me-theme-aulani .mediaEngineContainer .shareModal .shareGoogleButton {display: none !important;} #header #mobileDISID input[type="button"] {font-weight: bold; -webkit-appearance: none; -moz-appearance: none; appearance: none; } .detail-pep .card-layout-category-list .read-more-card div.img-container { width: 228px; } ul.checkmark {list-style-position: outside; list-style-type: none;margin-left:-.9em;padding-right:5px;} ul.checkmark li::before { content: "\2713"; %|214129580_3|% } html[lang="ja"] .iwa-calendar-main-navigation { margin-left:20px; } html[lang="ja"] .iwa-calendar-main-navigation li { margin-right:10px; } html[lang="ja"] .iwa-calendar-main-navigation li .nav-item, html[lang="ja"] .iwa-calendar-main-navigation li .nav-item.wider { width: 105px; padding: 6px 5px; } @media screen and /*! 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