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TGW Logistics Group as an employer

Living Logistics

We are an internationally leading systems integrator of automated warehouse solutions with more than 4,400 employees worldwide. We have created a culture that enables us to exceed our objectives every day. We motivate each other and we have a strong foundation philosophy driving us forward.

We place a great deal of value on diversity, and each and every one of our employees has an important trait: PASSION. Do you want to be a part of our success story too? Then we should get to know each other!

Learn about career opportunities at our North American headquarters in Grand Rapids, Michigan.



Over 50 years ago, Ludwig Szinic founded TGW, and he had a vision: "The people should take center stage like at no other company." We have made it our mission to continue this legacy. Various programs ensure that our colleagues grow individually and collectively.

More about our Values

Mehr erfahren über unsere Kultur & Werte!

Your health and contentment are important to us. Each of our locations offer a wide variety of various benefit options.

All Benefits at a Glance

Expatriation programm


Our international exchange program enables employees to spend time overseas at one of TGW's 24 locations around the world. 

In this way we foster international cooperation, the exchange of knowledge among our units and the further development of our employees' intercultural and language skills.


Flexible working hours

Flexible working hours

The reconciliation of family and work is of particular importance at TGW. In order to support our employees in this regard and to allow maximum flexibility in their daily work routine, we offer flexible working hours, a generous home office model, and more.

Flexibilität und eine gute Work-Life-Balance sind uns wichtig.

Work environment

Work environment

A work environment with state-of-the-art equipment offers our employees the necessary space for individual development. This also helps us create a pleasant atmosphere conducive to working together in agile teams.

Moderner Arbeitsplatz bedeutet für uns eine gute Ausstattung, moderne Büroeinrichtung, ein Firmenhandy, klimatisierte Umgebung sowie ein gutes Arbeitsumfeld.

Home office


Our flexible home office model makes it possible to find the ideal balance between working at the office and from home. We offer different options depending on the employee's department, including hybrid working and remote working.

Daheim im eigenen Büro arbeiten? TGW bietet diese Möglichkeit für alle Jobs, bei denen das sinnvoll umsetzbar ist.

Training & development

Training & development

Through our comprehensive training concept, lifelong learning and growth in both professional and personal terms are firmly embedded in our company philosophy. We therefore offer our employees a wide range of additional training opportunities, in the form of both face-to-face trainings and eLearning courses: 

  • International trainings offered by the TGW Academy, especially in the areas of technical competence training, personal development, management development and much more.
  • Local training programs
  • Extensive onboarding programs for new employees: coaching, mentoring, buddy system, information about eLearning courses, management training, personal development interviews and much more.
  • Scholarships, internships and supervision for master theses & final year projects
  • Apprenticeship training 
Weiterentwicklung & Training, Aus- und Weiterbildung, Lebenslanges Lernen

Dual employee participation

Dual employee participation

Taking on responsibility and partaking in the success of the company: that duality lies at the heart of TGW's dual employee participation. We very much appreciate our employees' commitment, so at the end of a successful business year we offer each employee the choice between three options: money, additional vacation days or attractive healthcare options.


Bei der dualen Mitarbeiterbeteiligung kann bei TGW jeder Mitarbeiter zwischen Geld oder Zeit wählen.

Health promotion

Health promotion

Health management and promotion are a particular concern of ours. That's why we offer things like

  • Fitness studios
  • Fitness courses
  • Cooperation with external fitness studios
  • Massage services
  • Company doctors 
  • Occupational psychological support
Gesundheitsförderung, Sport, Fitnesscenter, Fitnesskurse, Massageangebote, Betriebsarzt, Arbeitspsychologe, Impfungen
Growing Together

It is our more than 4,400 employees who, through their personalities, expertise, and passion, determine our success as a company. Dive into the everyday life of our colleagues and get insight into what it means for us to grow together.


Proximity to the customer is important to us: For this reason, we have locations throughout the world. And it doesn't matter whether you're in Wels, Shanghai or Grand Rapids – you can unleash your full potential at any of our workplaces


Global Headquarters

In the summer of 2018, we moved into our new headquarters in Marchtrenk, Upper Austria. The TGW Evolution Park comprises a total land area of over 74,000 m². This is where our five-floor office building, as well as halls for pre-assembly and manufacturing, are located. Our work environment is complemented by an employee restaurant, fitness studio, company childcare facilities as well as the Activity Garden -  a 9,000 m² outdoor space for physical activity and outdoor meetings as a perfect contrast to everyday office work.

Learn more about our North American location.

Explore TGW