News from the market

  • Walbusch is the first customer to use Setlog's new software generation Beitragsbild

    Walbusch is the first customer to use Setlog's new software generation

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  • There is no alternative to globalization Beitragsbild

    There is no alternative to globalization

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    Top 10 SCM Trends 2022

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  • LogiMAT 2022 Setlog presents enhanced SCMsoftware OSCA Beitragsbild

    LogiMAT 2022: Setlog presents enhanced SCM software OSCA

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Our customer's voices

How Drive Medical digitizes their supply chain

“Before OSCA, we had a number of systems that weren’t reasonably connected, so a lot of processes were manual and we weren’t able to accurately predict inventory over the long term.”

– Sri Venkatesan, Senior Director Supply Chain Systems, Drive Medical –

In 2018, Drive Medical analyzed its own supply chain and realized that critical shortcomings could only be solved with the right software solution. For this reason, Drive, one of the world’s leading medical device manufacturers, decided to implement Setlog’s software.

Learn here how we work with our customers

Our software at a glance

What is OSCA?

Setlog provides end-to-end supply chain solutions that make the supply chain more digital, secure and sustainable. Through our OSCA software, we enable you to connect all your supply chain partners, manage activities collaboratively, and easily integrate your IT landscape. This results in a fast and secure identification of problems and a quick solution. Effectiveness and quality go hand in hand.

Today, more than 150 brands worldwide benefit from our expertise and the many advantages of a transparent, digital supply chain –  achieving sustainable competitive and cost advantages.

Bring real transparency to your supply chain
For a real digital supply chain

Activate the digital core now

Supply chains are often organized in Excel spreadsheets and managed by using different systems that do not interact with each other. The lack of a central data and information core results in:

  • Lost documents and information
  • Unclear workflows
  • Manual processes that lead to more errors
  • Occurrence of media discontinuities

But what happens when supply chains are managed by a Digital Core instead? Find out and activate it now!

Those who digitize their supply chain and control it via a digital core bring all their systems and all supply chain participants together. This results in:

  • Data, information and documents flow in real time
  • No more media discontinuities and data silos
  • Seamless and transparent communication
  • As well as guaranteed digitized, optimized processes
Interested in a digital core? Book a demo now

Supplier Relationship Management Software

With the OSCA SRM software, you can manage your suppliers with one click, compare price quotes at a glance, and communicate schedules directly within the system. The system provides you with:

  • regular reporting and analysis of all activities
  • connection to all supply chain partners and central information exchange
  • fast, digital approval processes and communication

To find out how we can make supplier relationship management easier for you, click “More about OSCA SRM”.

Mora about OSCA SRM

Our Corporate Social Responsibility solution

It is becoming increasingly crucial to identify and remediate production processes that are harmful to the environment or violate working conditions in ethical global production. OSCA CSR provides you with the necessary overview. The software enables you to manage all your compliance goals and react to problems immediately. In addition, you will benefit from:

  • centrally kept audit data
  • easy data exchange with partners via a digital platform
  • audit-proof verification of compliance goals

Under “More about OSCA CSR”, you will get a deeper insight into our solution.

More about OSCA CSR

Optimized Procurement

Monitoring all procurement and sourcing processes and being able to intervene directly, offers a fundamental advantage in procurement management. This advantage allows up-to-date information on orders, delivery schedules and conditions at all times. OSCA Procurement gives you these benefits:

  • digital reconciliation, approval and management of purchase orders
  • transparent monitoring of supplier production and schedules
  • exchange of information on purchase orders centrally in the system

For more information, click on “More about OSCA Procurement”.

Mora about OSCA Procurement

Transparent global logistics

To achieve transparency in your supply chain, a clear, central display of all relevant data and updates in real time is a necessity. OSCA Global Logistics covers exactly that and gives you many other functions as well. Such as:

  • complete overview of your supply chain by displaying all relevant shipment information and changes
  • creation and exchange of packing lists, shipping and other documents
  • digitized booking workflow and invoicing process

You can find all other features and benefits under “More about OSCA Global Logistics”.

More about OSCA Global Logistics

More overview of your quality control

Our solution for efficient quality monitoring – OSCA QC – offers online connection to all partners to the test and inspection processes in order to actively and safely check the quality of your products. This way you will get:

  • easy and accessible planning and processing of tests and inspections for your partners and laboratories
  • direct product testing and approval processes on one platform

You can find out more about the software under “More about OSCA QC”.

More about OSCA QC

High logistics competence, many years of experience and a long-term business relationship

Setlog is your secure partner for the digitizing of supply chains

Constant market change and the associated challenges require a high degree of adaptability for companies – especially in regard to their supply chains. To meet the challenges of globalization and digitalization, a suitable and transparent supply chain management is a must.
At Setlog, we know how Supply Chain Management works! We are a pioneer in the digital design of transparent supply chains and therefore also an important enabler for the digital restructuring of business processes.
In addition to the reduction of manual and time-consuming processes, our customers primarily benefit from our deep knowledge. A project team accompanies them through the years with our state-of-the-art technology. Therefore, it is not surprising that many of our customers have been with us for more than a decade. Our experience and the benefits of an optimized end-to-end supply chain make Setlog an ideal partner.

Why you should decide on Setlog

These customers already work with Setlog

We are here for you.

Personal contact is important to us. 
We are glad to advise you on how our software solution can optimize your value chain.

Where to find us