Blue H.E.L.P.

Honoring the Service of Law Enforcement Officers Who Died by Suicide


Offering comfort and honor to the families who have lost an officer to suicide is necessary to maintain the credibility of the thin blue line. All officers, regardless of method of death, deserve thanks; all families deserve your support.

“Suicide should be pursued as relentlessly as any other cop killer; together, publicly and, with unabating courage.”

– Karen Solomon, Co-Founder


It’s not how they died, it’s how they lived. Submit an officer for inclusion to the database


Knowledge is power. Want to be a part of the solution rather than the problem? Click here.


Honor Boxes, Blankets, Honor Dinners. Your assistance can make this all happen.


Statistics are at the core of what we do. Check them here.

blue help badge

Honor. Educate. Lead. Prevent.

We believe that officers who suffer emotional injuries should be recognized and their service to the community honored.

We believe it’s time to put names and faces to the men and women who have died because their emotional injuries became too much to bear.

We believe it’s time to support the families who have lost loved ones to those injuries.

We believe in the saying, “It is not how they died that mattered, it is how they lived”


Why Blue H.E.L.P.?

It is the mission of Blue H.E.L.P. to reduce mental health stigma through education, advocate for benefits for those suffering from post-traumatic stress, acknowledge the service and sacrifice of law enforcement officers we lost to suicide, support families after a suicide and to bring awareness to suicide and mental health issues.

Suicides To Date by Year

Since January 1, 2016, Blue H.E.L.P. (BH) has been compiling a list of law enforcement officers lost to suicide; this information includes corrections and federal officers of all duty status. In addition to officers that have died since 2016, BH has information on officers dating back to 1979 and now has over 1,000 records of those deaths.

The numbers do not necessarily indicate an increase in suicides. They do, however, indicate an increase in reporting to Blue H.E.L.P. For clarification, [email protected] 

National Law Enforcement Suicide Awareness Day

September 26th – National Law Enforcement Suicide Awareness Day is created to recognize the service of officers lost to suicide, raise awareness about suicide in law enforcement and, to remind officers and their families that they are not alone; help is available. This day will help to reduce the stigma associated with seeking help and, recognize that one moment in time does not define a life.

The Honor Wall

 Join us as we recognize the officers we have lost to suicide.



Withheld Date of Death: February 3, 2023



Withheld Date of Death: January 26, 2023



Withheld Date of Death: January 24, 2023

Family Support

A suicide loss is unique, it can be difficult for families to share their experience with others who have not suffered the same type of loss. With the loss of thousands of law enforcement officers to suicide, we can put you in touch with another family who has experienced LEO suicide and knows what you are going through. No judgement, no stigma; just compassion and understanding. Care packages which honor your loved ones are shipped to you and events customized to your needs are hosted for and by you.

Our Family

The world of first responders is challenging at best, and while many agencies and organizations have worked to make the job physically safer with new tactics, equipment, and policy, the same cannot be said for first responder mental health.  First H.E.L.P seeks to change that by bringing together credible representatives from each first responder discipline to serve as a voice for those who work in the field and those families that stand behind them.

Shop & Support

Whether it’s branded merchandise, spices, shoes or pottery, your purchase benefits Blue H.E.L.P. 

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