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Lone Worker App – New

Lone worker protection with our easy-to-use mobile app

Hundreds of clients from large corporate organisations to SMEs use StaySafe 

Tens of thousands of employees are protected by StaySafe in the United Kingdom and around the world every day

Comprehensive onboarding and support to ensure high user engagement

Meet your duty of care with our lone worker mobile app

Your staff may be at risk from accidents, injury and violence whilst at work. As their employer, you have a duty of care to ensure that they are safe whilst they work, travel or meet with clients alone or in remote locations. Working alone can increase their risk, as there is no one to raise the alarm in an emergency.

The StaySafe app gives employers visibility of the location and safety status of lone workers in an emergency and allows them to check-in safely once they have finished a lone working or travel session. Employees are in complete control of when their location is visible to ensure their privacy is maintained. 

Fulfil Legislation

Fulfil your legal duty
to protect workers

Social Responsibility

Enhance your reputation as a
responsible employer

Reduce Resource

Save time managing diaries
and call checks

Quickly and easily turn any smart mobile device into a lone worker safety tool

The StaySafe app has been designed for a simple user experience. It is quick, easy to use and fits effortlessly into the working day.

As the lone worker mobile app is installed on your employee’s smart device, it is generally always with them and charged. This also means there is less user resistance compared to a separate lone worker device.

With no capital outlay for hardware, our lone working mobile app can be up and running in less than 24 hours, with minimal upfront investment.

Key features of the StaySafe lone worker protection app

Timed sessions

Ensures your employees have finished working safely and/or are home safe.

Welfare check

Employees are requested to provide welfare checks. They check-in at any point to confirm that they are safe. Failure to do so will raise an alert.

Fall detection

Automatically sends an alert to the hub when an employee suffers an impact.

Driving mode

Remove any distractions from an employee when they are behind the wheel of their vehicle, whilst still being able to raise a panic alarm.

Low signal mode

When data is not available the StaySafe app will automatically switch to low signal mode. Alerts will be sent via SMS.

Biometric control

Employees can use fingerprint or facial recognition to use the app even more easily.

Low battery

Low battery warnings will be sent to the employee and hub.


Prompts for employees to start and end sessions based on time and/or location.


Raise an immediate alert if employees are in need of assistance. A panic can be raised at any time the app doesn’t need to be active.

Discreet panic

A discreet panic alert can be triggered using the phone’s power button, Siri commands, shortcuts, or through a connected Bluetooth device.


If an employee is being forced to terminate the app, a ‘false PIN’ can be entered to appear as if the app is inactive, or alert has been cancelled. A duress alert will be triggered and raised in the Hub.


If an employee has not moved for a prolonged period of time, an alert is triggered in case there has been an accident and the employee is unable to move.

Get up and running fast

Our friendly customer success team are always on hand to help with any issues or questions you may have. In-app training means users do not need formal training to use the app. The training can be accessed at any time through the app, allowing you to easily onboard new employees remotely.

StaySafe offers 16% more coverage than any other lone worker mobile app

The StaySafe app seamlessly switches between all available connections to offer the very best levels of connectivity and protection to your lone working employees.

Data is the first connection the StaySafe app attempts to make, but in areas where a signal cannot be located, low signal mode is automatically activated. While in low signal mode, session communications will continue to be sent to the hub via 2G SMS. Alerts and session functions will continue to operate as usual, with location data updating if an alert is triggered. 

Monitor and respond to alerts

Depending on the size of your team and resources, you can choose to monitor activity in the Hub in-house or outsource to one of our professional 24/7 monitoring and response partners. You can also combine both options to structure a bespoke service that meets your needs.



Monitoring your employees in house via the StaySafe Hub is easy, low cost and eliminates the need for paper trails and routine check-in calls. The flexibility of the Hub allows you to decide how you manage your employees and alert responses.


We also work alongside professional monitoring partners to offer round the clock monitoring and response services for lone worker emergencies. Available 24/7, external monitoring is a great solution for those with minimal in-house resources, larger organisations or those who operate out of hours such as through the night.

What our customers say about StaySafe

“The app and Hub itself are intuitive and easy to use with a great range of functions and alerts. The fact that employees start and end their own sessions has also gone down well as staff are in control of when they are being monitored rather than feeling we are tracking them intrusively.”

Nick Coley

Head of Telecare, St Johns

“Our workers out in the field now feel reassured that they will receive help should they ever require it even in remote areas or while working out of hours. With the ability to set up check-in intervals, which we have set for every half hour, we are immediately alerted if an employee fails to check-in and we can send them the appropriate assistance.”

Padraic Dolan

HSEQ Manager, Celtic Water

“Switching to the StaySafe solution has proven more reliable, more user-friendly and much more efficient for lone workers and their managers. We now feel assured and wise to where our staff are which is of utmost importance as schedules can change last minute, and our staff are regularly in contact with members of the public that they have never met with before.”

Nerys Eldridge

Project Officer, Hafod Housing

British Standard Accredited

StaySafe is BS8484* accredited, giving you peace of mind that you are protecting your employees with a high-quality solution that meets stringent safety standards.

*Full Lone Worker Device (LWD) accreditation (Part 5) is linked to certain v. 4.0 operating system and above android smartphones when monitoring is provided by a BS 5979 accredited Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC)

If you are looking for a lone worker solution trusted by clients all over the globe, we would love to hear from you.

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