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Introducing the expanded Security Key Series, featuring Enterprise Edition keys (coming soon!) and an updated YubiKey pricing strategy

As part of our YubiEnterprise Subscription announcement, we’re excited to share that we’ll be expanding the Security Key Series lineup to include two new enterprise, FIDO-only (FIDO2/WebAuthn and FIDO U2F) keys.  Now available in two options — an enterprise version as part of the YubiEnterprise Subscription program or a consumer version available on a perpetual basis —


Available now: Security key support for Apple ID on iOS 16.3

We have exciting news for our Apple users: just yesterday, as part of iOS 16.3, Apple announced the general availability of security key support for Apple ID accounts — so grab your iPhone and your YubiKey and turn it on today!  Check out our support center here for a step-by-step guide and setup instructions on how to


Forging ahead: A CISOs top recommendations to stay secure in 2023

Last year, we anticipated that 2022 would be challenging for cybersecurity. This was proven true with the countless number of sophisticated high-profile phishing and ransomware attacks like DropBox, Twitter, Rockstar Games and Uber (twice). With the introduction of phishing-as-a-service and other sophisticated toolkits that target weaker forms of 2FA, security teams are now prioritizing phishing


Uncovered PIV use cases on iOS: Using YubiKey as a smart card on iOS

In a recent post we discussed the concept of using a YubiKey as a smart card on iOS. Now that we’ve outlined the overall concept, we’d like to expand by exploring the unlocked use cases for using a smart card for authentication, creating digital signatures, and decrypting messages and documents on Apple iPhones and iPads.


2022: A year of phishing with a solution to calm the seas

In 2022, phishing scams continued to hook into consumers and enterprise accounts. In fact, recent research from EMA revealed that 87% of surveyed businesses indicate that their organization experienced an identity-related security breach in the preceding 12 months. Many successes of the sophisticated phishing scams were due to legacy MFA implementations such as SMS, mobile


Apple announces upcoming support for security keys: A look at the past, present and future of Advanced Protection with YubiKeys

In 2022, if one thing has been proven, it has been made very clear that not all multi-factor authentication (MFA) is created equal. Vulnerabilities with legacy forms of MFA, such as SMS, TOTPs, and mobile-based apps, continue to be the target and victims of data breaches, with attackers taking aim in record numbers in 2022.


An inside look: How hackers rely on low effort tactics for phishing attack success

Phishing continues to make headlines with attackers using stolen credentials to gain access to valuable systems and sensitive data. Although phishing has been a known technique for a long time, the industry is still struggling to effectively defend against it. This may seem surprising to many as “phishing” calls to mind poorly written emails, generic