Resource Category: White papers and reports


Securing telecommunications against modern cyber threats

Read the white paper to learn how phishing-resistant MFA protects telecommunication organizations from modern cyber threats and prevents account takeovers with an easy to use experience that removes roadblocks that legacy forms of authentication such as passwords, mobile-based MFA provides.


State Global Enterprise Authentication Survey

The Yubico State of Global Enterprise Authentication Survey asked 16,000 employees in 8 countries how modern enterprises are embracing phishing-resistant MFA.


Devising Your Enterprise Authentication Strategy with Passkey

Read the ESG Showcase for guidance on the benefits and challenges of different forms of passkeys and discuss what to look for in a passkey solution.


The Rise of Low-Friction Access: Emerging Requirements and Solutions for Boosting Workforce Productivity and Security Assurance

To provide businesses with actionable guidance to streamline authentication processes, Yubico commissioned a study with Enterprise Management Associates (EMA) to identify current requirements, challenges, and solutions in relation to mitigating access friction.


Meeting enhanced cyber
insurance requirements with
strong authentication

Cyber risk is becoming an ever-greater business liability, with 40% of business leaders reporting cyber threats as the No. 1 business risk. As a result, organizations have increasingly turned to cyber insurance to help them recover from damage or minimize impact. Read this whitepaper to learn about the changing cyber threat and cyber insurance landscape, and the best way to position your organization to qualify more easily for cyber insurance.


Protecting retail and hospitality against modern cyber threats

Learn how modernizing authentication can secure shared devices, protect sensitive data, and prevent account takeovers while enhancing customer experience.


Phishing-Resistant MFA fact vs fiction

Phishing-resistant multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a critical call to action per the White House Executive Order 14028 on Protecting the nation’s cybersecurity, and Office of Management and Budget Memo M-22-09


Modernizing MFA and going passwordless across the healthcare sector

Read the white paper to learn how to protect against phishing and ransomware across the healthcare sector using YubiKeys for phishing-resistant MFA and passwordless authentication


TEI Forrester report

Read the Forrester Consulting study commissioned by Yubico and see how a composite organization reduced risk by 99.9%, saw a drop in password-related helpdesk tickets by 75%, and experienced a 203% 3-year ROI with YubiKeys.


Establishing a Secure Portable Root of Trust with WebAuthn

Establishing a “root of trust” is the mechanism in which a user recovers an account or establishes their identity on a new device