I finally decided to wear my hearing loss rather than hide it

Nick Button at The Guardian: I was also exhausted: exhausted at missing out on the nuances of conversation; exhausted from asking people to repeat themselves and always feeling the need to apologise; exhausted at missing out on song lyrics; exhausted by feeling irritated at competing with other voices; exhausted at finding my way through distortions … Continue reading I finally decided to wear my hearing loss rather than hide it

Hacky CSS Selectors

With CSS, for years now, I thought that we could only use an element once as a selector to increase the overall specificity. e.g. .my-class to div .my-class. However, I learnt very recently that we can repeat selectors more than once and it adds to the specificity value, as each is matched individually (it made sense when I … Continue reading Hacky CSS Selectors

What I’ve learnt from (ten) years of contributions to BuddyPress

By yours truly, from an Automattic company meet-up in 2014. Then-titled "What I've learnt so far in about 5 years of contributions to BuddyPress": 1) Sometimes you have to believe that something is a good idea for a long time before other people do. If the idea has your passion, keep believing and sell the … Continue reading What I’ve learnt from (ten) years of contributions to BuddyPress