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How do today’s masters create their art? American Masters: Creative Spark presents narrative interviews that go in-depth with an iconic artist about the creation of a single work. Each episode offers a unique window into the world of art and the creative process of artists and cultural icons across a wide range of disciplines, from music and comedy to poetry and film. Explore more at www.pbs.org/creativespark
The CX Leader Podcast with host Steve Walker provides insights for customer experience (CX) and experience management (XM) leaders to improve their business results by unlocking the potential of their customer experience, helping their customers and prospects want to do more business with them. Steve is CEO and Chairman of Walker, a experience management consulting firm that helps companies accelerate their XM success.
Check into reality with short talks on mental health, motivation, philosophy and politics. It’s only through the open and honest discussion of our mental health issues, past traumas, and the recovery process that we can hope to heal and reduce stigma. By sharing our stories we realise we are not alone, that there is hope, and that we can work to improve ourselves, despite our past and present issues. What I hope to do with this platform is to show that it is possible to go from barely surviv ...
Stephanie Fleming, happiness activist and the creative entrepreneur behind The Happy Planner, is here to help you (yes, you!) plan a happy life. Every week, Stephanie and her daughter Kayla tackle one approachable way you can bring a little more happiness into your relationships, career, home, and everyday life.
Business and Money Podcast (formerly True Underdog) is an Entrepreneurship podcast on Apple hosted by Jayson Waller. Waller is a natural star with a great presence and has an impressive following on Instagram and YouTube, with several hundred thousand followers and subscribers, as well as millions of listens and views. His show has featured guests like Shark Tank star Kevin O'Leary, top podcaster Jordan Harbinger, former drug trafficker Rick ‘Freeway’ Ross, NFL legend Barry Sanders, two-time ...
In The Filmcast, hardcore geeks David Chen, Devindra Hardawar, and Jeff Cannata debate, pontificate, and delve into the latest films, TV shows, and other entertainment-related items from the past week. Weekly guests include everyday bloggers, webmaster luminaries, film directors, and movie stars from all walks of life. You can reach us at [email protected] and find more podcast episodes at http://www.thefilmcast.com
Looking for mentorship from someone who has a track record of business success? Want to learn how to build a 1% lifestyle and develop the mindset of a champion? Are you a business leader looking to 10x your results so you can build your dream life? If you are unwilling to settle for the status quo, and looking for real, honest, business, leadership, and mindset conversations... look no further. Tune in each week to learn from Kelly Roach, a former Fortune 500 executive and NFL cheerleader tu ...
In 2016, a group of men in rural Kansas started meeting in secret. They spent months forming a militia group and plotting what would’ve been one of the worst domestic terror attacks in U.S. history -- if it hadn't been stopped. "Truth and Lies: The Informant" tells the remarkable story of an ordinary man who infiltrated this dangerous group as an FBI informant and risked his life to save others. Season 1, "Truth and Lies: Jeffrey Epstein," covered the rise and fall of the notorious sex offen ...
Weekly reading of National Geographic Magazine produced by Radio Eye under the Chafee Amendment to the Copyright Act which states that authorized entities that are governmental or nonprofit organizations whose primary mission is to provide copyrighted works in specialized formats to blind or disabled people. By continuing to listen, you verify you have an eligible print-reading disability.
A little show about big ideas. From the people who make Planet Money, The Indicator helps you make sense of what's happening today. It's a quick hit of insight into work, business, the economy, and everything else. Listen weekday afternoons. Got money on your mind? Try Planet Money+ — a new way to support the show you love, get a sponsor-free feed of the podcast, *and* get access to bonus content. A subscription also gets you access to The Indicator and Planet Money Summer School, both witho ...
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