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The National Prayer Breakfast has been controversial over recent years — including shadowy fundraising and even infiltration by a Russian spy. Lawmakers have now taken it out of the hands of the Christian evangelical group that ran it for decades.
TikTok invited journalists to tour its PR museum in LA as part of its charm offensive to convince the public it’s safe from Chinese intrusions amid Biden White House infighting over the future of the app
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These dancers fled Ukraine when Russia invaded. Now, they’re taking the stage to perform ‘Giselle’ at The Kennedy Center this week.
Iryna Zhalovska and other dancers with The United Ukrainian Ballet train at The Kennedy Center. The company is performing Giselle there this week. Keren Carrión/NPR
Elizaveta Gogidze fled with her family to Germany. She dances the lead in The United Ukrainian Ballet's production of Giselle. Keren Carrión/NPR
Principal dancers Elizaveta Gogidze and Oleksii Kniazkov of The United Ukrainian Ballet are performing Giselle at The Kennedy Center this week. Keren Carrión/NPR
The United Ukrainian Ballet's dress rehearsal for Giselle at The Kennedy Center. Keren Carrión/NPR
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Brazil’s former president Jair Bolsonaro has applied for a six-month visa to remain in the U.S. as his home country investigates whether he's partially responsible for an attack on Brasilia's capital buildings last month.
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SNAP recipients nationwide will stop getting pandemic-era boosts — around an extra $95 — in March. Some may see further reductions, or lose eligibility, due to the cost of living increase in Social Security.
Six more weeks of winter it is. How did Punxsutawney Phil become the authority, and why do we still look to him for answers? Read/listen here for some history and science behind Groundhog Day — and why a biologist says it’s “really a holiday about sex.”
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Soda and fast food companies’ marketing programs have allowed them to thrive in low resource countries at the expense of children and the poor. Eduardo J. Gomez’s new book, ‘Junk Food Politics,’ casts a critical eye at the companies’ efforts.
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The pale daylight and early darkness of winter create a space for stories — in particular, ones that ask the reader to mull difficult themes and ideas, our book reviewer writes. Here are five young adult books you should read this winter.
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The Cannes award-winning film ‘Close’ — about two inseparable teen boys — will resonate with anyone who remembers the childhood friendships that felt like they would last forever, our critic writes.
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Cook County said this week it’s dropping sex-abuse charges against R. Kelly, who already faces stern federal punishment. One victim shares her disappointment in the decision — in part because Kelly is still fighting to appeal his federal convictions.
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Rechargeable batteries are frequently powered by cobalt, which was mined in the Democratic Republic of Congo by workers laboring in slave-like conditions. Siddharth Kara discusses the dangerous labor in his new book, ‘Cobalt Red.’
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Republican leaders in the House of Representatives used their first hearing of the new Congress to zero in on what they call a crisis at the southern U.S. border. Democrats accused them of fear-mongering and spreading misinformation.
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There have been significant changes to the AP curriculum for African American studies announced by the College Board. Units on Black feminist literary thought and Black Lives Matter have been removed from the revisions.