Banish the dreaded damp


Damp in your home can be a big problem. It's not just about the damage it can do to the building - it can also lead to health problems for you and your family. The good news is that there are plenty of ways to fix damp problems.

The routine jobs you can’t afford to ignore

Some jobs are tough to get excited about. Sure, if you’re planning a new kitchen or a loft conversion you’ll be chomping at the bit. But guttering or roof repairs? Not everybody feels the love.

Our essential decorating guide


Great decoration starts long before you pop the lid off the paint tin. Ask any professional and they’ll tell you that planning and preparation give the best results. Here are our tips to do it properly.

Cut out draughts to save on bills


As temperatures drop and we turn on the heating, it’s a good time to think about a cheap and easy way to make your home more energy efficient: draught proofing.

Optimise your heating


As the temperature drops outside it’s time to turn on the heating. But with energy costs running high this winter, here are some ideas to keep your home’s heating running efficiently

Repair or Replace?


Which jobs could be a quick repair and where are you better saving up and waiting to do a full-blown replacement?

What’s that smell?


There’s nothing worse than opening your front door and being greeted by a suspicious smell. And although some of them are easily solved, by emptying the bin or washing the pots, more serious home issues can cause smells.

Jobs to book and beat the September rush


The start of the new school year always sees a rush for people booking big home improvement jobs, so don't get left behind - here's some inspriation for the dream jobs you could take on...

The jobs that are hiding in your home


There's more to your home than meets the eye, so we've suggest a few hidden things you should check out with some expert help...

Let yourself relax by fixing these problems


It's easy to turn a blind eye to long-running issues, but think about how satisfying it is to fix those problems. Check out our guide to common issues and see which ones you could sort today...

Get your home ready for visitors


If you're looking forward to sharing your home with visitors in the coming months, then you need to make sure it's ready. Check out the jobs you could do to get ready for anything...