Restricted Reports

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Fiscal Year 2023

Guantanamo Bay: Challenges Exist in Providing Medical Care to Detainees

GAO-23-103737C Published: Jan 23, 2023.

Overseas Nuclear Material Security: A Comprehensive National Strategy Could Help Address Risks of Theft and Sabotage

GAO-23-104715SU Published: Dec 21, 2022.

Weapon System Sustainment: Navy Ship Usage Has Decreased as Challenges and Costs Have Increased

GAO-23-105339SU Published: Dec 15, 2022.

Immigrant Investor Program: Opportunities Exist to Improve Fraud and National Security Risk Monitoring

GAO-23-105389SU Published: Dec 06, 2022.

Tactical Aircraft Investments: DOD Needs Additional Portfolio Analysis to Inform Future Budget Decisions

GAO-23-105453SU Published: Nov 15, 2022.

Navy Readiness: Actions Needed to Improve Process for Preparing Ships to Deploy

GAO-23-105294SU Published: Nov 01, 2022.

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission: Oversight of the Length of the Charge Intake Process Is Needed

GAO-23-104508SU Published: Oct 31, 2022.
Fiscal Year 2022

Export Controls: State Needs to Improve Compliance Data to Enhance Oversight of Defense Services

GAO-105106SU Published: Sep 30, 2022.

Weapon System Sustainment: Aircraft Mission Capable Goals Were Generally Not Met and Sustainment Costs Varied by Aircraft

GAO-22-105050SU Published: Sep 19, 2022.

Columbia Class Submarine: Program Lacks Essential Schedule Insight amid Continuing Construction Challenges

GAO-22-104758SU Published: Sep 15, 2022.

National Vetting Center: Vetting of Foreign Nationals Has Been Enhanced, but Further Enhancement Opportunities in Managing Operations Exist

GAO-22-104482C Published: Sep 13, 2022.

Military Training: Opportunities Exist to Strengthen DOD’s Approach to Modernize Small Arms Simulators

GAO-22-104689SU Published: Sep 13, 2022.

Preventing A Dirty Bomb: Vulnerabilities Persist in NRC’s Controls for Purchases of High-Risk Radioactive Materials

GAO-22-106076SU Published: Aug 23, 2022.

Public Health Preparedness: HHS Action Needed to Address Strategic National Stockpile Statutory Requirements and Risks Related to Inventory Gaps

GAO-22-104718SU Published: Aug 12, 2022.

China: Efforts Underway to Address Technology Transfer Risk at U.S. Universities, but ICE Could Improve Related Data

GAO-22-104362SU Published: Aug 02, 2022.

Military Operations: DOD Has Made Progress in Implementing Its Dynamic Force Employment Approach, but Should Improve Guidance, Budgeting, and Mission Assessments

GAO-22-105076C Published: Jul 14, 2022.

NATO Enlargement: President’s Reports on Finland and Sweden Address Senate Resolution Requirements

GAO-22-106060SU Published: Jul 08, 2022.

National Intelligence Program: Opportunities Exist for ODNI to Improve FBI’s Budget Formulation Process

GAO-22-104118C Published: Jun 14, 2022.

Management Report: IRS Needs to Improve Financial Reporting and Information System Controls

GAO-22-105558SU Published: May 25, 2022.

Military Readiness: DOD Domain Readiness From Fiscal Year 2017 through Fiscal Year 2021

GAO- 22-105279C Published: May 18, 2022.

U.S. Space Command: Air Force Should Develop Guidance for Strengthening Future Basing Decisions

GAO-22-105099SU Published: May 13, 2022.

Yemen: State and DOD Need Better Information on Civilian Impacts of U.S. Military Support to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates

GAO-22-105073SU Published: Apr 27, 2022.

State Department: Additional Actions Needed to Address IT Workforce Challenges

GAO-22-104233SU Published: Apr 26, 2022.

GPS Alternatives: DOD Is Developing Navigation Systems But Is Not Measuring Overall Progress

GAO-22-104609SU Published: Apr 06, 2022.

Management Report: Improvements Needed in the Bureau of the Fiscal Service’s Information System Controls Related to the Schedule of Federal Debt

GAO-22-105568SU Published: Mar 17, 2022.

Export Controls: Enforcement Agencies Should Better Leverage Information to Target Efforts Involving U.S. Universities

GAO-22-104331SU Published: Mar 02, 2022.

Biological Defense: Actions Needed to Strengthen DOD's Preparation for Responding to Emerging Threats

GAO-22-104367SU Published: Feb 28, 2022.

Economic and Commercial Diplomacy: State and Commerce Could Build on Efforts to Improve Coordination and Effectiveness

GAO-22-104591SU Published: Feb 22, 2022.

Capitol Attack: Federal Agencies’ Use of Open Source Data and Related Threat Products Prior to January 6, 2021

GAO-22-105256SU Published: Feb 16, 2022.

Artificial Intelligence: DOD Should Improve Strategies, Inventory Process, and Collaboration Guidance

GAO-22-104516SU Published: Feb 16, 2022.

Combat Helicopters: Actions Needed to Fully Review Readiness Goals and Address Long-Standing Maintenance Challenges

GAO-22-104607SU Published: Feb 15, 2022.

Space Operations: DOD Efforts to Improve Space Control Shortfalls Underway but Longstanding Challenges Persist

GAO-22-530C Published: Nov 08, 2021.
Fiscal Year 2021

Virtual Currencies: Additional Information Could Improve Federal Agency Efforts to Counter Human and Drug Trafficking

GAO-21-104129SU Published: Sep 30, 2021.

Telecommunication And Surveillance: Agency Efforts to Prohibit Certain Suppliers’ Equipment and Services

GAO-21-105277SU Published: Sep 30, 2021.

Nuclear Deterrence: Combatant Commands' Planning and Exercising

GAO-21-451C Published: Aug 30, 2021.

Mission Assurance: Actions Needed to Improve DOD’s Cyber Risk Management of Utility-Related Control Systems

GAO-21-250SU Published: Aug 23, 2021.

Littoral Combat Ship: Actions Needed to Address Significant Operational Challenges and Implement Planned Sustainment Approach

GAO-21-331SU Published: Aug 05, 2021.

Securities Regulation: SEC Could Take Further Actions to Help Achieve Its FINRA Oversight Goals

GAO-21-576SU Published: Jul 29, 2021.

Cybersecurity: NIH Needs to Address Program and Control Deficiencies

GAO-21-333SU Published: Jun 30, 2021.

Satellite Communications: DOD Should Explore Options for Meeting Near and Long-term Narrowband Needs

GAO-21-349SU Published: Jun 03, 2021.

Navy Training: Actions Needed to Better Prepare Fleets for Great Power Competition

GAO-21-187C Published: May 20, 2021.

Defense Information Environment: Integration of Sensor Data Capabilities of 5th Generation Aircraft into the Joint Force

GAO-21-249SU Published: May 19, 2021.

Air Cargo Security: TSA Field Testing Should Ensure Screening Systems Meet Detection Standards

GAO-21-339SU Published: May 13, 2021.

COVID-19: Federal Air Marshal Service Should Document Its Response to Cases and Facilitate Access to Testing

GAO-21-382SU Published: May 05, 2021.

Management Report: Internal Revenue Service Needs to Improve Financial Reporting and Information System Controls

GAO-21-400RSU Published: May 04, 2021.

Management Report: IRS Should Accelerate the Reporting Deadline for Two Information Returns

GAO-21-433RSU Published: May 03, 2021.

Facial Recognition Technology: Federal Law Enforcement Agencies Should Better Assess Privacy and Other Risks

GAO-21-243SU Published: Apr 28, 2021.

Management Report: Improvements Needed in the Bureau of the Fiscal Service’s Information System Controls Related to the Schedules of the General Fund

GAO-21-363RSU Published: Apr 15, 2021.

North Korea: DOD Needs to Take Actions to Improve the Preparedness of U.S. Forces to Counter Chemical and Biological Weapons

GAO-21-104C Published: Apr 15, 2021.

Synthetic Opioids: Considerations for Class-wide Scheduling of Fentanyl-Related Substances

GAO-21-301SU Published: Apr 08, 2021.

Management Report: Improvements Needed in the Bureau of the Fiscal Service’s Information System Controls Related to the Schedule of Federal Debt

GAO-21-304RSU Published: Mar 30, 2021.

Missile Warning Satellites: Comprehensive Cost and Schedule Information Would Enhance Congressional Oversight

GAO-21-218SU Published: Mar 11, 2021.

Iraq: U.S. Agencies Have Provided Assistance to the Ministry of Interior Since 2014, but Have Not Yet Fully Assessed the Effectiveness of the Assistance

GAO-21-288RC Published: Feb 23, 2021.

Military Housing Privatization: DOD Should Improve Oversight of Property Insurance and Natural Disaster Recovery

GAO-21-184SU Published: Feb 18, 2021.

Global Health Security: USAID and CDC Funding, Activities, and Assessments of Countries’ Capacities to Address Infectious Disease Threats before COVID-19 Onset

GAO-21-213SU Published: Feb 04, 2021.

Southwest Border Security: Actions Are Needed to Address the Cost and Readiness Implications of Continued DOD Support to U.S. Customs and Border Protection

GAO-21-159SU Published: Feb 02, 2021.

Hypersonic Weapons: DOD Should Clarify Roles and Responsibilities to Ensure Coordination across Development Efforts

GAO-21-75SU Published: Jan 15, 2021.

Warfighter Support: DOD Needs a Complete Picture of the Military Services’ Prepositioning Programs

GAO-21-126SU Published: Dec 18, 2020.

Firearms Trafficking: U.S. Efforts to Disrupt Gun Smuggling into Mexico Would Benefit from Additional Data and Analysis


Forced Labor Imports: CBP Enforcement Actions, Jan. 1, 2009–Sept. 8, 2020

GAO-21-33RSU Published: Nov 30, 2020.

U.S. Assistance to Mexico: State and USAID Should Strengthen Risk Management for Programs under the Mérida Initiative

GAO-21-112SU Published: Nov 17, 2020.

Columbia Class Submarine: Delivery Hinges on Timely and Quality Materials from an Atrophied Supplier Base

GAO-21-136SU Published: Nov 06, 2020.

Information and Communications Technology: Federal Agencies Need to Take Urgent Action to Manage Supply Chain Risks

GAO-21-164SU Published: Oct 27, 2020.

Nuclear Command, Control, and Communications: U.S. Strategic Command Met Its Milestone and Cost Estimates to Transfer Systems to Its New Headquarters Facility

GAO-21-19RSU Published: Oct 08, 2020.
Fiscal Year 2020

Cyberspace Operations: DOD Has Authorities and Organizations in Place, but Policies, Processes, and Reporting Could be Improved

GAO-20-13C Published: Sep 28, 2020.

Mission Assurance: Additional Actions Needed to Ensure DOD Effectively Manages Risks to Strategic Missions

GAO-20-76SU Published: Sep 03, 2020.

Weapon System Sustainment: Aircraft Mission Capable Rates Generally Did Not Meet Goals and Cost of Sustaining Selected Weapon Systems Varied Widely

GAO- 20-67SPSU Published: Aug 27, 2020.

Federal Tactical Teams: Characteristics, Training, Deployments, and Inventory

GAO-20-585SU Published: Aug 11, 2020.

Forced Labor Imports: DHS Increased Resources and Enforcement Efforts, but Needs to Improve Workforce Planning and Monitoring

GAO-20-605SU Published: Jul 30, 2020.

Management Report: IRS Should Continue Prerefund Checks of Nonemployee Compensation to Identify Possible Fraud and Noncompliance

GAO-20-550RSU Publicly Released: Jul 08, 2020.

Nuclear Triad: DOD and DOE Face Challenges Mitigating Risks to U.S. Deterrence Efforts

GAO-20-87C Published: Jun 19, 2020.

Information Technology: DOD Software Development Approaches and Cybersecurity Practices May Impact Cost and Schedule

GAO-20-456SU Published: Jun 10, 2020.

Security Force Assistance: Army Has Made Progress Developing New Advisor Brigades, but Actions Are Needed to Better Equip and Train Them for Future Deployments

GAO-20-226SU Published: Jun 09, 2020.

Department of Homeland Security: Assessment of Air and Marine Operating Locations Should Include Comparable Costs across All DHS Marine Operations

GAO-20-420SU Published: May 27, 2020.

Management Report: Improvements Are Needed to Enhance the Internal Revenue Service’s Information System Security Controls

GAO-20-410RSU Published: May 14, 2020.

Management Report: Improvements Needed in the Bureau of the Fiscal Service’s Information System Controls Related to the Schedule of Federal Debt

GAO-20-375RSU: Published: Mar 31, 2020.

Management Report: Improvements Needed in the Bureau of the Fiscal Service’s Information System Controls Related to the Schedules of the General Fund

GAO-20-398RSU Published: Mar 31, 2020.

Unmanned Aircraft Systems: DOD's Domestic Preparedness Could Benefit from Improved Information Sharing and Budget Planning

GAO-20-82C Published: Mar 11, 2020.

Employment-Related Identity Fraud: Improved Collaboration and Other Actions Would help IRS and SSA Address Risks

GAO-20-38SU Published: Jan 30, 2020.

Nuclear Weapons: NNSA Should Further Develop Cost, Schedule, and Risk Information for the W87-1 Warhead Program

GAO-20-207C Published: Feb 28, 2020.

Rough Terrain Container Handler: Army and Marine Corps Are Taking Actions to Improve Mission Capability

GAO-20-60SU Published: Jan 17, 2020.

International Mail: Progress Made in Using Electronic Data to Detect Illegal Opiod Shipments, but Additional Steps Remain

GAO-20-231RSU Published: Dec 18, 2019.

North Macedonia: Review of Political Events and U.S. Government Actions, 2012-2017

GAO-20-142C Published: Dec 10, 2019.

Nuclear Nonproliferation: Past U.S. Involvement Improved Russian Nuclear Material Security, but Little is Known about Current Conditions

GAO-20-78C Published: Dec 05, 2019.

Public-Safety Broadband Network: Network Deployment is Progressing, but FirstNet Could Strengthen Its Oversight

GAO-20-102SU Published: Dec 02, 2019.

Consumer Reporting Agencies: CFPB Should Define Its Supervisory Expectations

GAO-20-58SU Published: Nov 12, 2019.

Defense Nuclear Enterprise: Systems Face Sustainment Challenges, and Actions Are Needed to Effectively Monitor Efforts to Improve the Enterprise

GAO-20-9C Published: Oct 24, 2019.

Information Operations: DOD Should Improve Leadership and Integration Efforts

GAO-20-51SU Published: Oct 18, 2019.
Fiscal Year 2019

Nuclear Command, Control, and Communications: Some Acquisition Programs Face Challenges That Could Delay Required Capabilities, and the Department of Defense Is Preparing for Transition of Operations to New Satellite Networks

GAO-19-568RC Published: Sep 30, 2019.

Information Security: FCC Improved Its Electronic Comment System, but Needs to Remedy Additional Control Weaknesses

GAO-19-247SU Published: Sep 26, 2019.

U.S. Secret Service: Investigative Operations Confer Benefits, But Additional Actions are Needed to Prioritize Resources

GAO-19-560SU Published: Sep 26, 2019.

Defense Procurement: Ongoing DOD Fraud Risk Assessment Efforts Should Include Contractor Ownership

GAO-19-549SU Published: Sep 12, 2019.

Military Aviation: DOD Should Take Actions to Conduct More Comprehensive Analyses of Rotary-Wing Mishaps

GAO-19-236C Published: Sep 11, 2019.

Military Readiness: Readiness Improved in the Ground and Cyber Domains but Declined in the Sea, Air, and Space Domains from Fiscal Year 2017 to Fiscal Year 2018

GAO-19-499C Published: Aug 30, 2019.

Information Operations: DOD Should Improve Leadership and Integration Efforts

GAO-19-510C Published: Aug 28, 2019.

Immigration Enforcement: Immigration-Related Prosecutions Increased from 2017 to 2018 in Response to U.S. Attorney General's Direction

GAO-19-548SU Published: Aug 19, 2019.

Management Report: Improvements Are Needed to Enhance the Internal Revenue Service’s Information System Security Controls

GAO-19-473RSU Published: Jul 18, 2019.

Warfighter Support: Actions Needed to Improve Planning for Explosive Ordnance Disposal Forces

GAO-19-234SU Published: Jul 17, 2019.

Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands: Review of Transitional Worker Permit and Visa Data

GAO-19-334SU Published: Jun 27, 2019.

Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States: Selected Transactions Involving Real Estate May Share Certain National Security Risks, but Dispositions Can Vary Due to Case-Specific Factors

GAO-19-417C Published: Jun 14, 2019.

Land Ports of Entry: CBP Should Update Policies and Enhance Analysis of Inspections

GAO-19-400SU Published: Jun 13, 2019.

Information Technology: Agencies Need to Develop Modernization Plans for Critical Legacy Systems

GAO-19-351SU Published: Jun 11, 2019.

NATO Enlargement: President's Report on North Macedonia Addresses Senate Resolution Requirements

GAO-19-574RSU Published: Jun 11, 2019.

Military Readiness: Update on DOD’s Readiness Recovery and Domain Readiness Assessment

GAO-19-390RC Published: May 06, 2019.

Missile Defense: Further Collaboration with the Intelligence Community Would Help MDA Keep Pace with Emerging Threats

GAO-19-92C Published: May 01, 2019.

Columbia Class Submarine: Overly Optimistic Cost Estimate Will Likely Lead to Budget Increases

GAO-19-169SU Published: Mar 28, 2019.

Northern Border Security: CBP Identified Resource Challenges but Needs Performance Measures to Assess Security Between Ports of Entry

GAO-19-194SU Published: Mar 28, 2019.

Management Report: Areas for Improvement in the Federal Reserve Banks' Information System Controls

GAO-19-303RSU Published: Mar 26, 2019.

Management Report: Improvements Needed in the Bureau of the Fiscal Service’s Information System Controls

GAO-19-301RSU Published: Mar 26, 2019.

Nuclear Forces Readiness: Incomplete Readiness Reporting, Aging Delivery Systems, and Potential Delays in Replacement Systems Put Deterrent at Risk

GAO-19-12C Published: Mar 20, 2019.

Combating Nuclear Terrorism: NRC Needs to Take Additional Actions to Ensure the Security of High-Risk Radioactive Material

GAO-19-258SU Published: Mar 14, 2019.

European Deterrence Initiative: DOD Should Define Program Objectives, Identify Logistics Requirements, and Assess Prepositioning Decisions

GAO-19-190C Published: Feb 22, 2019.

Defense Strategy: Revised Analytic Approach Needed to Support Force Structure Decision-Making

GAO-19-40C Published: Feb 11, 2019.

Aviation Security: TSA Improved Covert Testing but Needs to Conduct More Risk-Informed Tests and Address Vulnerabilities

GAO-19-154C Published: Jan 10, 2019.

Operational Contract Support: Actions Needed to Strengthen DOD Vendor Vetting Efforts

GAO-19-37C Published: Dec 20, 2018.

Nuclear Command, Control, and Communications: U.S. Strategic Command Has Plans for Reliable Operations during Transfer of Systems, but Its Schedule is Not Reliable

GAO-19-11C Published: Dec 06, 2018.

Division of Corporation Finance Review

GAO-19-59RSU Published: Dec 06, 2018.

Continuity of Operations: Actions Needed to Strengthen FEMA’s Oversight and Coordination of Executive Branch Readiness

GAO-19-18SU Published: Nov 26, 2018.

Student and Exchange Visitor Program: DHS Can Take Additional Steps to Manage Fraud Risks Related to School Recertification and Program Oversight

GAO-19-133SU Published: Nov 20, 2018.

State Department: Replacing Host-Nation Staff with U.S. Citizens at Select Posts May Mitigate Some Intelligence Risks but Increase Costs

GAO-19-65C Published: Nov 14, 2018.

DOD Training: U.S. Cyber Command and Services Should Take Actions to Maintain a Trained Cyber Mission Force

GAO-19-142SU Published: Nov 06, 2018.

Navy Readiness: Actions Needed to Address Costly Maintenance Delays Affecting the Attack Submarine Fleet

GAO-19-192C Published: Oct 31, 2018.

Presidential Security: Vetting of Individuals and Secure Areas at Mar-a-Lago

GAO-19-177SU Published: Oct 17, 2018.

Nuclear Command, Control, and Communications: Military Services are Taking Steps to Modernize and Strengthen the System Architecture

GAO-19-129C Published: Oct 17, 2018.

Aviation Security: TSA Uses a Variety of Methods to Secure U.S.-bound Air Cargo, but Could Do More to Assess Their Effectiveness

GAO-19-2SU Published: Oct 17, 2018.

Federal Facility Security: Actions Needed to Better Address Various Emerging Threats

GAO-19-32SU Published: Oct 17, 2018.

Special Operations Forces: Actions Needed to Manage Increased Demand and Improve Data for Assessing Readiness

GAO-19-149C Published: Oct 12, 2018.

Federal Law Enforcement: Purchases and Inventory Controls of Firearms, Ammunition, and Tactical Equipment

GAO-19-119SU Published: Oct 03, 2018.
Fiscal Year 2018

Army Modernization: Actions Needed to Measure Progress and to Fully Identify Near-Term Costs

GAO-18-604SU Published: Sep 28, 2018.

National Security: Long-Range Emerging Threats Facing the United States Identified by Federal Agencies

GAO-18-497SPC Published: Sep 28, 2018.

Security Force Assistance: U.S. Advising of Afghan National Army Has Expanded since 2015, and the U.S. Army Has Deployed a New Advising Unit

GAO-18-573RC Published: Sep 26, 2018.

Afghanistan Security: Some Improvements Reported in Afghan Forces’ Capabilities, but Actions Needed to Enhance DOD Oversight of U.S.-Purchased Equipment

GAO-18-662SU Published: Sep 20, 2018.

Defense Management: Actions Needed to Ensure Regional Campaign Plans Include Specific Objectives with Clear Timeframes and Resources Needed

GAO-18-413C Published: Sep 14, 2018.

Defense Logistics: Actions Needed to Enhance the Security of High-Risk Ammunition at Storage Locations

GAO-18-542SU Published: Sep 05, 2018.

Whistleblower Program: IRS Needs to Improve Data Controls for Some Award Determinations

GAO-18-516SU Published: Aug 14, 2018.

Military Readiness: Update on DOD’s Progress in Developing a Readiness Rebuilding Plan

GAO-18-441RC Published: Aug 10, 2018.

Iraq's Security Forces: U.S. Efforts to Monitor U.S.-Provided Equipment and Provide Stipends

GAO-18-458C Published: Aug 10, 2018.

Unmanned Aircraft: The Navy Has Reduced MQ-25 Development Risk, but Should Improve Its Cost Estimate

GAO-18-541SU Published: Aug 09, 2018.

Information Security: IRS Needs to Rectify Control Deficiencies That Limit Its Effectiveness in Protecting Sensitive Financial and Taxpayer Data

GAO-18-390SU Published: Jul 31, 2018.

Information Security: CDC Needs to Improve Its Program and Resolve Control Deficiencies

GAO-18-437SU Published: Jun 20, 2018.

Information Security: CDC Needs to Improve Its Program and Resolve Control Deficiencies

GAO-18-639TSU Published: Jun 20, 2018.

Air Force Readiness: Changes to Readiness Reports Could Help Stakeholders Take More Informed Actions

GAO-18-65C Published: Jun 18, 2018.

Southwest Border Security: CBP Is Evaluating Designs and Locations for Border Barriers but Is Proceeding Without Key Information

GAO-18-489SU Published: Jun 12, 2018.

Nonimmigrant Visas: Outcomes of Applications, Screening and Vetting Processes, and Changes in Response to 2017 Executive Actions

GAO-18-286SU Published: Jun 08, 2018.

Aviation Security: Actions Needed to Better Identify and Track U.S.-Bound Public Charter Operations from Cuba

GAO-18-345SU Published: May 03, 2018.

Force Structure: Changes to F-22 Organization and Utilization Could Improve Aircraft Availability and Pilot Training

GAO-18-120C Published: Apr 27, 2018.

West Bank and Gaza: State Monitors Textbook Content but Should Improve Its Reporting to Congress

GAO-18-227C Published: Apr 26, 2018.

Weapon System Sustainment: Selected air Force and Navy Aircraft Generally Have Not Met Availability Goals, and DOD and Navy Guidance Need Clarification

GAO-18-146SU Published: Apr 25, 2018.

Management Report: Improvements Needed in the Bureau of the Fiscal Service's Information System Controls

GAO-18-331RSU Published: Apr 17, 2018.

Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States: Action Needed to Address Evolving National Security Concerns Facing the Department of Defense

GAO-18-261SU Published: Apr 05, 2018.

Management Report: Areas for Improvement in the Federal Reserve Banks’ Information System Controls

GAO-18-333RSU Published: Apr 05, 2018.

Climate Change Adaptation: DOD Needs to Better Incorporate Adaptation into Planning and Collaboration at Overseas Installations

GAO-18-265C Published: Apr 02, 2018.

Nuclear Nonproliferation: The Administration's 2015 Plan and 2017 Update for Nuclear Proliferation Verification and Monitoring Generally Did Not Address Reporting Requirements

GAO-18-372RC Published: Mar 30, 2018.

Military Aircraft: F-35 Brings Increased Capabilities, but the Marine Corps Needs to Assess Challenges Associated with Operating in the Pacific

GAO-18-79C Published: Mar 28, 2018.

U.S. Nuclear Weapons in Europe

GAO-18-86C Published: Feb 06, 2018.

Dual Capable Aircraft: DOD Needs to Develop a Reliable Schedule and Address Risk for Nuclear Certification of the F-35A

GAO-18-82C Published: Jan 31, 2018.

Homeland Defense: Urgent Need for DOD and FAA to Address Risks and Improve Planning for Technology that Tracks Military Aircraft

GAO-18-176C Published: Jan 18, 2018.

Border Security: Actions Needed to Strengthen Performance Management and Planning for Expansion of DHS's Visa Security Program

GAO-18-104SU Published: Dec 19, 2017.

DHS Financial Management: Key Factors, Metrics, and Processes Used to Identify Best Alternative for the TRIO System Modernization Project

GAO-18-251RSU Published: Dec 15, 2017.

Personnel Security Clearances: Additional Actions Needed to Address Quality, Timeliness, and Investigation Backlog

GAO-18-26SU Published: Dec 07, 2017.

Personnel Security Clearances: Additional Planning Needed to Implement and Oversee Continuous Evaluation of Clearance Holders

GAO-18-159SU Published: Nov 21, 2017.

Defense Microelectronics: Efforts Ongoing to Increase Trusted Sources, but a National Strategy is Needed to Strengthen the Industrial Base

GAO-18-43SU Published: Oct 26, 2017.

Transportation Security Administration: Surface Transportation Inspector Activities Should Align More Closely With Identified Risks

GAO-18-17SU Published: Oct 16, 2017.

Aviation Security: TSA Has Strengthened Foreign Airport Assessments and Air Carrier Inspections, but Could Improve Data Management

GAO-18-73SU Published: Oct 12, 2017.

Military Readiness: Personnel Shortfalls and Persistent Operational Demands Strain Army Missile Defense Units and Personnel

GAO-18-168SU Published: Oct 05, 2017.

Physical Security: NIST and Commerce Need to Complete Efforts to Address Persistent Program Challenges

GAO-18-14SU Published: Oct 04, 2017.
Fiscal Year 2017

Nuclear Security: CBP Needs to Take Action to Ensure Imported Radiological Material Is Properly Licensed

GAO-17-774SU Published: Sep 28, 2017.

Navy and Marine Corps Training: Further Planning Needed for Amphibious Operations Training

GAO-17-477C Published: Aug 29, 2017.

European Reassurance Initiative: DOD Needs to Prioritize Posture Initiatives and Plan for and Report Their Future Costs

GAO-17-539C Published: Aug 23, 2017.

Aviation Security: Actions Needed to Systematically Evaluate Cost and Effectiveness Across Security Countermeasures

GAO-17-602C Published: Aug 16, 2017.

Defense Nuclear Enterprise: Processes to Monitor Progress on Implementing Recommendations and Managing Risks Could Be Improved

GAO-17-565C Published: Aug 17, 2017.

Facility Security: Agencies Should Improve Methods for Assessing and Monitoring Risk

GAO-17-605SU Published: Aug 09, 2017.

International Mail: Changes and Alternatives to Terminal Dues System Benefit USPS and Some Stakeholders

GAO-17-571SU Published: Aug 03, 2017.

Information Security: OPM Has Improved Controls, but Further Efforts Are Needed

GAO-17-459SU Published: Aug 03, 2017.

Information Security: SEC Improved Control of Financial Systems but Needs to Take Additional Actions

GAO-17-429SU Published: Jul 27, 2017.

Information Security: Control Deficiencies Continue to Limit IRS's Effectiveness in Protecting Sensitive Financial and Taxpayer Data

GAO-17-394SU Published: Jul 26, 2017.

Defense Efficiency Initiatives: DOD Needs to Improve the Reliability of Cost Savings Estimates

GAO-17-535SU Published: Jul 24, 2017.

Nuclear Command, Control, and Communications: Installation of Systems at U.S. Strategic Command's New Headquarters Facility

GAO-17-439RC Published: Jun 29, 2017.

Management Report: Areas for Improvement in the Bureau of the Fiscal Service's Information Systems Controls

GAO-17-591RSU Published: Jun 29, 2017.

Embassy Evacuations: State Should Take Steps To Improve Emergency Preparedness

GAO-17-560SU Published: Jun 28, 2017.

Offshore Petroleum Discharge System: The Navy Has Not Mitigated Risk Associated with System Limitations

GAO-17-531C Published: Jun 22, 2017.

Military Readiness: Coastal Riverine Force Challenges

GAO-17-462C Published: Jun 13, 2017.

Army Readiness: Progress Made Implementing New Concept, but Actions Needed to Improve Results

GAO-17-458SU Published: Jun 08, 2017.

Refugees: Actions Needed by State Department and DHS to Further Strengthen Applicant Screening Process and Assess Fraud Risks

GAO-17-444SU Published: Jun 07, 2017.

Refugees: State and Its Partners Have Implemented Several Antifraud Measures but Could Further Reduce the Risk of Staff Fraud

GAO-17-446SU Published: Jun 07, 2017.

Defense Logistics: Actions Needed to Improve Accountability for Sensitive Conventional Ammunition Overseas

GAO-17-308C Published: Jun 02, 2017.

Information Security: FDIC Needs to Improve Controls over Financial Systems and Information

GAO-17-435SU Published: May 31, 2017.

National Mall: Actions Needed to Better Manage Physical Security Risks

GAO-17-479SU Published: May 22, 2017.

Supply Chain Security: CBP Needs to Enforce Compliance and Assess the Effectiveness of the Importer Security Filing and Additional Carrier Requirements

GAO-17-419SU Published: May 18, 2017.

Management Report: Areas for Improvement in the Federal Reserve Banks' Information Systems Controls

GAO-17-466RSU Published: May 18, 2017.

Observations on DOD's Use of Paid Administrative Leave for Civilian Employees

GAO-17-547SU Published: May 16, 2017.

DOD Critical Technologies: Additional Actions Needed to Ensure Consistent Protection of Weapon Systems

GAO-17-292SU Published: May 09, 2017.

Biological Defense: Additional Information That Congress May Find Useful as It Considers DOD's Report on Its Advanced Development and Manufacturing Capability

GAO-17-297SU Published: May 04, 2017.

Russia: U.S. Government Takes a Country-Specific Approach to Addressing Disinformation Overseas

GAO-17-382C Published: May 02, 2017.

Customs and Border Protection: Improved Planning Efforts Needed to Strengthen Trade Enforcement

GAO-17-439SU Published: Apr 27, 2017.

Countering ISIS and Its Effects: Key Oversight Issues

GAO-17-354SPC Published: Apr 20, 2017.

(U) Iraq: Status of DOD Efforts to Train and Equip Iraq's Security Forces

GAO-17-32C Published: Apr 07, 2017.

Marine Corps Asia-Pacific Realignment: DOD Should Resolve Capability Deficiencies and Infrastructure Risks and Revise Cost Estimates

GAO-17-107SU Published: Apr 05, 2017.

Ford-Class Aircraft Carrier: Follow-On Ships Need More Frequent and Accurate Cost Estimates to Avoid Pitfalls of Lead Ship

GAO-17-190SU Published: Mar 01, 2017.

International Air Travelers: CBP Collaborates with Stakeholders to Facilitate the Arrivals Process, but Could Strengthen Reporting of Airport Wait Times

GAO-17-252SU Published: Feb 15, 2017.

Border Security: Additional Actions Could Strengthen DHS Efforts to Address Subterranean, Aerial, and Maritime Smuggling

GAO-17-205SU Published: Feb 03, 2017.

NATO Enlargement: President's Report on Montenegro Addresses Senate Resolution Requirements but Includes Limited Detail on Costs to NATO and the United States

GAO-17-406RSU Published: Feb 02, 2017.

Nuclear Command, Control, and Communications: Update on Air Force Oversight Efforts and Selected Programs

GAO-17-175RC Published: Jan 27, 2017.

Southwest Border Security: Additional Actions Needed to Better Assess Fencing's Contributions to Operations

GAO-17-167SU Published: Jan 23, 2017.

Combating Terrorism: Additional Steps Needed in U.S. Efforts to Counter ISIS Messaging

GAO-17-41C Published: Dec 08, 2016.

Federal Real Property: GSA Should Inform Tenant Agencies When Leasing High-Security Space from Foreign Owners

GAO-17-21SU Published: Nov 30, 2016.

Combating Terrorism: U.S. Footprint Poses Challenges for the Advise and Assist Mission in Iraq

GAO-17-220C Published: Nov 22, 2016.

Identity Theft and Tax Fraud: IRS Needs to Improve its Ability to Locate Fraudsters and Monitor Identity Theft Controls

GAO-17-46SU Published: Nov 15, 2016.

Navy Shipbuilding: Need to Document Rationale for the Use of Fixed-Price Incentive Contracts and Study Effectiveness of Added Incentives

GAO-17-219SU Published: Nov 09, 2016.

Federal Courthouses: Actions Needed to Enhance Capital Security Program and Address Collaboration Issues

GAO-17-6SU Published: Oct 18, 2016.
Fiscal Year 2016

Iraq: State and DOD Need to Improve Documentation and Record Keeping for Vetting of Iraq's Security Forces

GAO-16-658C Published: Sep 30, 2016.

Information Security: VA Needs to Improve Controls over Selected High-Impact Systems

GAO-16-691SU Published: Sep 30, 2016.

Border Security: CBP Programs to Prevent High Risk Travelers from Boarding U.S.-Bound Flights

GAO-16-646SU Published: Sep 29, 2016.

Information Security: NASA Needs to Improve Controls over Selected High-Impact Systems

GAO-16-688SU Published: Sep 23, 2016.

Countering ISIS: DOD Should Develop Plans for Responding to Risks and for Using Stockpiled Equipment No Longer Intended for Syria Train and Equip Program

GAO-16-670C Published: Sep 09, 2016.

Diplomatic Security: State Should Enhance Management of Transportation-Related Risks to Overseas U.S. Personnel

GAO-16-615SU Published: Sep 09, 2016.

Information Security: NRC Needs to Improve Controls over Selected High-Impact Systems

GAO-16-689SU Published: Aug 22, 2016.

Air Force Training: Further Analysis and Planning Needed to Improve Effectiveness

GAO-16-635SU Published: Aug 16, 2016.

Information Security: OPM Needs to Improve Controls over Selected High-Impact Systems

GAO-16-687SU Published: Aug 15, 2016.

Arleigh Burke Destroyers: Classified Annex to GAO-16-613, Delaying Procurement of DDG 51 Flight III Ships Would Allow Time to Increase Design Knowledge

GAO-16-846C Published: Aug 04, 2016.

Management Report: Areas for Improvement in the Bureau of the Fiscal Service's Information Systems Controls

GAO-16-654RSU Published: Jul 28, 2016.

Countering Improvised Explosive Devices: Improved Planning Could Enhance Federal Coordination Efforts

GAO-16-581SU Published: Jul 14, 2016.

Force Structure: Better Information Needed to Support Air Force A-10 and Other Future Divestment Decisions

GAO-16-525C Published: Jul 12, 2016.

Information Security: FDA Needs to Rectify Control Weaknesses That Place Industry and Public Health Data at Risk

GAO-16-512SU Published: Jun 30, 2016.

Military Readiness: DOD's Readiness Rebuilding Efforts May Be at Risk without a Comprehensive Plan

GAO-16-534C Published: Jun 30, 2016.

Information Security: FDIC Implemented Controls Over Financial Systems, but Further Improvements Are Needed

GAO-16-604SU Published: Jun 29, 2016.

Federal Air Marshal Service: Additional Actions Needed to Ensure Air Marshals' Mission Readiness

GAO-16-535SU Published: Jun 17, 2016.

Distributed Common Ground System: Army is Applying Lessons Learned to Next Program Increment, but Needs to Conduct a Technology Assessment

GAO-16-558SU Published: Jun 16, 2016.

Syria: Train and Equip Program Servicemembers in Jordan Receive the Combat Zone Tax Exclusion Benefit while those in Turkey Do Not

GAO-16-311RC Published: Jun 13, 2016.

Regional Missile Defense: Agency's Report Addressed Most Statutory Requirements, but Did Not Include Additional Relevant Information

GAO-16-540RC Published: Jun 10, 2016.

Management Report: Areas for Improvement in the Federal Reserve Banks' Information Systems Controls

GAO-16-600RSU Published: Jun 06, 2016.

Nuclear Command, Control, and Communications: DOD Has Taken Steps to Address Sustainment and Maintenance Challenges for Critical Satellite Systems but Could Better Identify Risks and Mitigation Actions

GAO-16-370C Published: May 26, 2016.

Air Force: Service Faces Challenges to Rebuilding Readiness

GAO-16-482RC Published: May 25, 2016.

Army: Service Faces Challenges to Rebuilding Readiness

GAO-16-473RC Published: May 25, 2016.

Navy and Marine Corps: Services Face Challenges to Rebuilding Readiness

GAO-16-481RC Published: May 25, 2016.

Nuclear Weapons: DOD Assessed the Need for Each Leg of the Strategic Triad and Considered Other Reductions to Nuclear Forces

GAO-16-372C Published: May 18, 2016.

Defense Facility Condition: Revised Guidance Needed to Improve Oversight of Assessments and Ratings

GAO-16-369SU Published: May 13, 2016.

Low-Income Housing Tax Credit: Some Agency Practices Raise Concerns and IRS Could Improve Noncompliance Monitoring

GAO-16-421SU Published: May 11, 2016.

Defense Technologies: DOD Is Seeking Options to Secure Future Access to Leading-Edge Microelectronics

GAO-16-440RSU Published: May 11, 2016.

Aviation Security: TSA Should Ensure Testing Data Are Complete and Fully Used to Improve Screener Training and Operations

GAO-16-415SU Published: May 04, 2016.

Information Security: Opportunities Exist for SEC to Improve Its Controls over Financial Systems and Data

GAO-16-445SU Published: Apr 28, 2016.

Syria: DOD has Organized Forces to Execute the Syria Train and Equip Program but Faces Challenges in Fully Developing Personnel Requirements

GAO-16-292C Published: Apr 01, 2016.

Syria: Results of U.S. Efforts to Vet Recruits to Form a New Syrian Force to Counter ISIS

GAO-16-277C Published: Mar 31, 2016.

Aviation Security: Airport Perimeter and Access Control Security Would Benefit from Risk Assessment and Strategy Updates

GAO-16-318SU Published: Mar 28, 2016.

Information Security: IRS Needs to Further Improve Controls over Financial and Taxpayer Data

GAO-16-397SU Published: Mar 28, 2016. Actions Needed to Enhance Information Security and Privacy Controls

GAO-16-264SU Published: Mar 23, 2016.

Security Assistance: U.S. Government Should Strengthen End-Use Monitoring and Human Rights Vetting for Egypt

GAO-16-244SU Published: Mar 18, 2016.

Federal Air Marshal Service: Actions Needed to Better Incorporate Risk in Deployment Strategy

GAO-16-130C Published: Feb 19, 2016.

Defense Management: Additional Cost Information and Oversight Needed to Strengthen U.S. Position in Negotiating Host Nation Support

GAO-16-340C Published: Jan 15, 2016.

Information Security: DHS Needs to Enhance Capabilities, Improve Planning, and Support Greater Adoption of Its National Cybersecurity Protection System

GAO-16-43SU Published: Nov 19, 2015.

U.S. Secret Service: Data Analyses Could Better Inform the Domestic Field Office Structure

GAO-16-21SU Published: Nov 18, 2015.

Southeast Asia: Trends in U.S. and Chinese Economic Engagement in Indonesia and Vietnam

GAO-16-63SU Published: Oct 29, 2015.
Fiscal Year 2015

Kabul: Camp Sullivan Mishap Related to HESCO Security Barriers

GAO-15-708RSU Published: Sep 28, 2015.

Information Security: GAO Review of State-Based Marketplace Security and Privacy - 1

GAO-15-804RSU Published: Sep 22, 2015.

Information Security: GAO Review of State-Based Marketplace Security and Privacy - 2

GAO-15-805RSU Published: Sep 22, 2015.

Information Security: GAO Review of State-Based Marketplace Security and Privacy - 3

GAO-15-806RSU Published: Sep 22, 2015.

Nuclear Nonproliferation: DOE Made Progress to Secure Vulnerable Nuclear Materials Worldwide, but Opportunities Exist to Improve Its Efforts

GAO-15-501C Published: Aug 03, 2015.

Defense Infrastructure: Improvements in DOD Reporting and Cybersecurity Implementation Needed to Enhance Utility Resilience Planning

GAO-15-547SU Published: Jul 23, 2015.

Littoral Combat Ship: Knowledge of Survivability and Lethality Capabilities Needed Prior to Making Major Funding Decisions

GAO-15-361C Published: Jul 07, 2015.

Management Report: Improvement Needed in the Bureau of the Fiscal Service's Information Systems Controls

GAO-15-411RSU Published: Jun 25, 2015.

Military Readiness and Metrics

GAO-15-504RC Published: Jun 23, 2015.

Arctic Planning: DOD Expects to Play a Supporting Role to Other Federal Agencies and Has Efforts Under Way to Address Capability Needs and Update Plans

GAO-15-615C Published: Jun 19, 2015.

Force Structure: Preliminary Observations on Air Force A-10 Divestment

GAO-15-600RC Published: Jun 19, 2015.

Library of Congress: Information Security Review

GAO-15-575SU Published: Jun 18, 2015.

Diplomatic Security: State Department Should Better Manage Risks to Residences and Other Soft Targets Overseas

GAO-15-512SU Published: Jun 18, 2015.

U.S. Cyber Command: Actions Needed to Improve DOD's Management and Control of Cyberspace Operations

GAO-15-456C Published: Jun 18, 2015.

Iran Sanctions: Executive Branch Has Established Processes to Impose and Waive Sanctions on Financial Transactions Including Certain Purchases of Iranian Petroleum Products

GAO-15-682SU Published: Jun 17, 2015.

Iran Sanctions: Executive Branch Has Established Processes to Address Exceptions and Remittances Related to Purchases of Iranian Crude Oil

GAO-15-622C Published: Jun 17, 2015.

Combating Terrorism: Steps Taken to Mitigate Threats to Locally Hired Staff, but State Department Could Improve Reporting on Terrorist Threats

GAO-15-458SU Published: Jun 17, 2015.

Personnel Security Clearances: Funding Estimates and Government-Wide Metrics Are Needed to Implement Long-Standing Reform Efforts

GAO-15-179SU Published: Apr 23, 2015.

Insider Threats: DOD Should Strengthen Management and Guidance to Protect Classified Information Systems

GAO-15-357C Published: Apr 22, 2015.

Combating Terrorism: State Should Review How It Addresses Holds Placed During the Foreign Terrorist Organization Designation Process

GAO-15-439SU Published: Apr 21, 2015.

Regional Web Interaction Program: DOD Has Established Measures and Controls to Oversee U.S. Central Command's Program

GAO-15-383C Published: Apr 16, 2015.

Defense Technologies: Future DOD Access to Leading-Edge Microelectronics is Uncertain

GAO-15-422RSU Published: Apr 15, 2015.

Management Report: Areas for Improvement in Federal Reserve Bank's Information Systems Controls

GAO-15-369RSU Published: Apr 03, 2015.

Prepositioned Stocks: Additional Information and a Consistent Definition Would Make the Annual Report More Useful

GAO-15-187C Published: Mar 26, 2015.

Information Security: IRS Needs to Continue Improving Controls over Financial and Taxpayer Data

GAO-15-336SU Published: Mar 19, 2015.

Confidential Informants: Updates to Policy and Additional Guidance Would Improve Oversight by DOJ and DHS Agencies

GAO-15-242SU Published: Mar 05, 2015.

Interagency Coordination: DoD and State Need to Clarify DoD roles and Responsibilities to Protect U.S. Personnel and Facilities Overseas in High-Threat Areas

GAO-15-219C Published: Mar 04, 2015.

Critical Infrastructure Protection: DHS and State Need to Improve Their Process for Identifying Foreign Dependencies

GAO-15-233C Published: Feb 26, 2015.

Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty: State Informs Congress of Russian Compliance through Reports and Briefings

GAO-15-318RSU Published: Feb 25, 2015.

Homeland Security: Action Needed to Better Assess Cost Effectiveness of Security Enhancements at Federal Facilities

GAO-15-186SU Published: Feb 24, 2015.

Homeland Security: Actions Needed to Better Manage Security Screening at Federal Buildings and Courthouses

GAO-15-109SU Published: Jan 30, 2015.

Information Security: FAA Needs to Address Weaknesses in Air Traffic Control Systems

GAO-15-204SU Published: Jan 29, 2015.

Aviation Security: TSA Should Take Additional Actions to Obtain Stakeholder Input when Modifying the Prohibited Items List

GAO-15-135SU Published: Dec 15, 2014.

Triton Unmanned Aircraft System: Assessment of the Navy's Acquisition Strategy and Program Progress

GAO-15-99SU Published: Dec 12, 2014.

Nuclear Weapons: DOD Plan for Implementing Nuclear Reductions Generally Addresses Statutory Requirements but Lacks Some Detail

GAO-15-90RC Published: Dec 11, 2014.

Military Strategy: Improved Sequencing and Additional Details Could Enhance the Value of DOD's Reports to Congress

GAO-15-46C Published: Nov 28, 2014.

Information Security: James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation Needs to Address Program and Privacy Weaknesses

GAO-15-140SU Published: Nov 20, 2014.

Information Security: National Endowment for the Humanities Needs to Address Program and Privacy Weaknesses

GAO-15-139SU Published: Nov 20, 2014.

Information Security: National Capital Planning Commission Needs to Address Program and Privacy Weaknesses

GAO-15-138SU Published: Nov 20, 2014.

Information Security: Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board Needs to Address Program and Privacy Weaknesses

GAO-15-137SU Published: Nov 20, 2014.

Information Security: International Boundary Commission, U.S. and Canada, Needs to Address Program and Privacy Weaknesses

GAO-15-136SU Published: Nov 20, 2014.

Information Security: Federal Trade Commission Needs to Address Program Weaknesses

GAO-15-76SU Published: Nov 20, 2014.

Supply Chain Security: CBP Needs To Enhance Its Guidance and Oversight of High-Risk Maritime Cargo Shipments

GAO-15-18SU Published: Nov 13, 2014.