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Studying in IT

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Writing The Matrix in Python: easy guide

Level of difficulty Easy
Reading time 6 min
Views 415
Python *Programming *Studying in IT

Programming textbooks usually do not indulge us with variety of examples. In most manuals, exercises are similar to each other and not particularly interesting: create another address book, draw a circle using turtle, develop a website for a store selling some kind of "necessary" advertising nonsense. Too far from the authentic imitation of "The Matrix". Although…

How about taking over the control and starting to invent exercises yourself?

Would you like to write your own personal little "Matrix"? Of course, not the one with skyscrapers, stylish phones of the time, and the ubiquitous invincible Agent Smiths. We will need a couple of more months of learning for that. But any beginner programmer can write a model of the cult splash screensaver with the green streams of digits flowing down the screen. Let's try to creat it in the "great and mighty" Python.

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Introduction to Engineering

Reading time 16 min
Views 1.5K
Programming *System Analysis and Design *Studying in IT IT career Systems engineering *

This is a set of chapters for young engineers. We give practical advice and discuss goals, challenges and approaches used in modern software engineering.

Along with classical foundations this article contains original ideas of conceptualizing engineer's work with emphasis on bringing order to the situation and finding an insight. Engineering is approached as work in uncertainty with other people which requires special skills. Non-obvious complications regarding modern production in big companies are discussed.

This article is based on 15 years of experience in engineering and management in high-tech industries.

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What is one of the most common mistakes beginner developers make

Reading time 2 min
Views 1.2K
Website development *Programming *Studying in IT IT career

It may seem that when you are a beginner, you'll do simple things only. No need to learn data structures and algorithms. No need to understand Big O notation, complexity and stuff like that. 

This couldn't be further away from the truth!

In 2008, when I just started learning to program, I spent a lot of time reading books on PHP and MySQL. Months later, when I felt confident, I took my first freelance project. It was a real estate website. A simple one. I used a custom-made ORM and everything worked just fine!

When I released it, the search feature quickly became sluggish and made the website unusable. 

I was wondering what the heck had happened. I figured out that database queries became very slow when there were over 200 real estate objects added to it. 

This is it. What worked fine during testing did not work in real life.

I was a self-taught developer. I did not know how to measure if my project scaled well. I didn't even know that I had to do it.

I thought algorithms mattered only for launching a spaceship.

If I had some basic understanding of algorithms, I would have known that the more the input, the longer it takes. 

I am not saying I would have come up with a robust solution as a junior, but I would have looked for a solution because I knew there would be a problem. 

Please, don't make the same mistake!

Of course, data structures and algorithms are much more than that and they apply differently depending on what you work on.

But a basic understanding of data structures and algorithms is a must for every software developer. 

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Passcode Data Protection by Using FPGA and Verilog

Reading time 4 min
Views 2K
FPGA *Programming microcontrollers *Studying in IT Computer hardware Robotics

There are many situations when you need to protect your data, and different tools can be used to do that. For example, a safe. We develop a passcode data protection mechanism by using an FPGA board and Quartus Prime software. It allows demonstrating the basic concepts of a combination lock such as entering data, setting and checking a passcode, and displaying data.

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9 Reasons Why Students Don’t Want You as a Teacher

Reading time 1 min
Views 1.3K
Programming *Machine learning *Studying in IT Social networks and communities Learning languages
Teaching is hard! Finding a way to explain ideas and concepts, finding an approach to each individual among your students, each having a unique mind and learning capabilities. Being patient and creative, friendly but respective, kind but fair. You have to understand complex stuff and be able to present them in the simplest of ways. There are so many things that you must balance and consider in your work. Teachers, you are heroes, the every-day heroes! With this heroic work comes a responsibility. A responsibility of keeping yourself accountable for your student’s education. Some teachers forget about that and stay oblivious to the mistakes they are making. We’ve compiled a list of 9 Reasons Why Students Don’t Want You as a Teacher. We sincerely hope that it will help you to self-reflect, better connect with your students and achieve better results during your lessons.
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PopMech and its ancestors: a foray into the history of tech

Reading time 4 min
Views 1.2K
ITMO corporate blog Studying in IT Media management *History of IT Popular science

Many of us grew up reading a classic, that was a staple of many home libraries. However, it doesn’t seem to be as prominent as it once was. To understand the ongoing shift in tech coverage, we need to explore its roots.

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Getting Better at Reading Academic Papers: a Brief Guide for Beginners (Part 2)

Reading time 3 min
Views 1.7K
ITMO corporate blog Research and forecasts in IT *Studying in IT Education abroad Learning languages
«Nothing makes you feel stupid quite like reading a scientific journal article» — writes the TV presenter and molecular biologist Adam Ruben. In a way, he's right — many of us get lost in the often confusing language of peer-reviewed papers. But the situation does not have to be hopeless. A bit of effort on the readers' part can go a long way. We looked at the techniques actual scientists use to navigate academic content. And compiled them into this two-part guide (Part 1: Getting Better at Understanding Academic Papers).

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Getting Better at Understanding Academic Papers: a Brief Guide for Beginners (Part 1)

Reading time 4 min
Views 6K
ITMO corporate blog Research and forecasts in IT *Studying in IT Education abroad Learning languages
«Nothing makes you feel stupid quite like reading a scientific journal article» — writes the TV presenter and molecular biologist Adam Ruben. In a way, he's right — many of us get lost in the often confusing language of peer-reviewed papers. But the situation does not have to be hopeless. A bit of effort on the readers' part can go a long way. We looked at the techniques actual scientists use to navigate academic content.

And compiled them into this two-part guide (part 2).

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Finding Neo

Reading time 6 min
Views 698
Studying in IT Personnel Management *IT career
Continuing the previous part, let's talk about junior programmer candidates searching and their integration into your team. In this part I'd like to share my experience of forming a vacancy, more precisely its format. I'll try to tell you how to create the most attractive, honest and, not less important, informative vacancy card.

Like in the previous part, I'd like to remind you, that I'm just sharing my own experience and expressing the personal opinion. No more than that.

Making a vacancy card


One of the most important criteria of your search success is the right choice of HR platform. Since we are working with IT segment, I'd like to recommend the Habr Career.

For an extra traffic source you can use Head Hunter, LinkedIn (blocked in RF) and various telegram channels. For example: a good channel to find java developers, this will help to find mobile developers, or you can use your personal sources, if you have them.
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Programmer VS Engineer

Reading time 4 min
Views 4K
Studying in IT Personnel Management *

There is a way...

Hello, Habr. I've been watching IT market for a long time. But i'd never written anything. That's the first part of my first article, so please don't hate it too much.

In this series of articles i'd like to share my experience of finding, teaching and integrating interns and juniors in a product team. (Don't confuse them with freelance teams or something like that).

I'd like to point out that everything you'll be reading in my articles represents my personal opinion. Yes, it has sound foundation in years of experience. But i won't say my experience is exclusive and therefore, the only right way to do things is to do it as i say.


In this part we'll see two sides of one entity. That, in turn, will help you to determine what kind of people you want for your team.

Let's look closer on the two basic scenarios:
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Weekend picks: A closer look at ITMO University

Reading time 4 min
Views 1.1K
ITMO corporate blog Robotics development *Studying in IT Offices of IT companies Physics
ITMO University occupies several prominent buildings in the centre of St. Petersburg. But residents and guests alike rarely get a chance to take a look at what’s happening inside them. Articles featured in this digest will take you on a virtual tour of our labs, as well as shed some light on the work underway within our walls.

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Working with light: Starting your career at ITMO University

Reading time 4 min
Views 1.2K
ITMO corporate blog Development of communication systems *Studying in IT IT career Physics
One of our previous articles featured an overview of our photonics department students’ work lives. Today we’re going to expand on this topic by looking at four related MA programs: “Light Guide Photonics and Programmable Electronics”, “LED technologies and optoelectronics”, “Photonic materials” and “Laser technologies”. We sat down with some of the folks currently enrolled in these programs, as well as recent graduates, to talk about the role ITMO University played in kickstarting their careers.

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Juggling work and study at ITMO University: CS edition

Reading time 3 min
Views 951
ITMO corporate blog Programming *Studying in IT IT career Sound
We talked to the graduates of the Speech Information Systems MA program at ITMO about the ways our university helped jumpstart their careers. [More stories from our startups]:

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Mind traps: how scientists fool themselves

Reading time 5 min
Views 1.7K
ITMO corporate blog System Analysis and Design *Research and forecasts in IT *Studying in IT Popular science
Even the most honest of scientists are regularly misled by their cognitive biases. They often go to great lengths to find proof for whatever seems logical, while dismissing evidence to the contrary.

Yet this issue is rarely discussed — because it remains an embarrassing subject.

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