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Framework for working with containerized applications

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Simple rest based kogito microservice with several embedded pmml models

Reading time 3 min
Views 1.5K
Java *Business Models *Kubernetes *

In previous post I've described an example of kogito-based microservice on quarkus in native mode, containing one embedded pmml model with decision tree. While it can be successfully used for prototyping purposes, in the real life microservice might contain several prediction models. From the first view I've got an impression, that inclusion of several models should be a trivial extension of the prototype with one model. We were completely wrong in our assumption, that's the reason, why I've decided to write this post. Another reason, is absence of guides, in which 2 (or more models) are put inside DMN diagrams in kogito framework.

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Enhancing security of containers in Linux

Reading time 12 min
Views 1.3K
Huawei corporate blog Configuring Linux *Open source *Cloud services *Kubernetes *

In any history textbooks, the modern time has already been called the time of the next change of the industrial structure or the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0). The main role, in this case, is given to information and IT systems. In an attempt to reduce the cost of IT infrastructure, unify and accelerate the process of developing IT solutions, humanity first invented "clouds" in order to replace traditional data centers, and then containers to replace virtual machines.

Clearly, containers appear more vulnerable from a security point of view. What are the advantages of containerization over virtualization? In fact, there are quite a lot of them:

the possibility of more flexible use of available resources (no need to backup them as in the case of virtual machines);

the ability to save resources (no need to spend them on many copies of the OS for each virtual machine);

no delays at startup (just start of the process is almost instantaneous compared to the time needed to load the virtual machine);

 the interaction between processes, even if isolated, is much easier to implement when needed than between virtual machines. That is how, by the way, came the concept of microservices, which has recently become very popular.

All of the above led to the very rapid development of container technologies, despite the recurring problems with the security of already deployed container cloud systems, their hacks, and data leaks. Accordingly, the work on strengthening container security is also continuing. This is what will be discussed further in this article.

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11 Kubernetes implementation mistakes – and how to avoid them

Reading time 13 min
Views 3.7K
VK corporate blog Cloud computing *DevOps *Kubernetes *

I manage a team that designs and introduces in-house Kubernetes aaS at Mail.ru Cloud Solutions. And we often see a lack of understanding as to this technology, so I’d like to talk about common strategic mistakes at Kubernetes implementation in major projects.

Most of the problems arise because the technology is quite sophisticated. There are unobvious implementation and operation challenges, as well as poorly used advantages, all of those resulting in money loss. Another issue is the global lack of knowledge and experience with Kubernetes. Learning its use by the book can be tricky, and hiring qualified staff can be challenging. All the hype complicates Kubernetes-related decision making. Curiously enough, Kubernetes is often implemented rather formally – just for it to be there and make their lives better in some way.

Hopefully, this post will help you to make a decision you will feel proud of later (and won’t regret or feel like building a time machine to undo it).
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Monitoring and Logging external services in Kubernetes

Reading time 3 min
Views 2.7K
DevOps *Kubernetes *

Greetings to all!

As a matter of fact I haven't found so far any generalized guide on logging and monitoring of metrics from external systems to Kubernetes on the web. Here I want to share with you my own version. First of all it is supposed that you have already got working Prometheus and other services.

As an example I use third-party data for stateful service RDBMS PostgreSQL in a Docker container. In our company we also use the Helm package manager, and you'll find how it works below. You can see same examples in this article below. You can see same examples in this article below. For a complete solution we create a nested chart.
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Tarantool Kubernetes Operator

Reading time 10 min
Views 1.6K
VK corporate blog High performance *Database Administration *Kubernetes *Tarantool *

Kubernetes has already become a de-facto standard for running stateless applications, mainly because it can reduce time-to-market for new features. Launching stateful applications, such as databases or stateful microservices, is still a complex task, but companies have to meet the competition and maintain a high delivery rate. So they create a demand for such solutions.

We want to introduce our solution for launching stateful Tarantool Cartridge clusters: Tarantool Kubernetes Operator, more under the cut.
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Writing yet another Kubernetes templating tool

Reading time 8 min
Views 12K
System administration *Python *Server Administration *DevOps *Kubernetes *

If you are working with Kubernetes environment then you probably make use of several existing templating tools, some of them being a part of package managers such as Helm or Ksonnet, or just templating languages (Jinja2, Go template etc.). All of them have their own drawbacks as well as advantages and we are going to go through them and write our own tool that will try to combine the best features.

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