
Webinar: Russia’s war on Ukraine – what does it mean for people and nature?
17 March 2022, 17:00 - 18:00 hrs CET

Webinar: Russia’s war on Ukraine – what does it mean for people and nature?

Thursday 17 March 2022 17:00-18:00 hrs CET


While Russia’s invasion in Ukraine is still ongoing, it has already become clear that the war is taking a terrible toll on the Ukrainian people. The world is watching with horror, as the criminal attacks on civilians and their homes, on Ukrainian cities and villages increase in intensity and brutality. Putin’s war is a crime against humanity, but it is also an environmental crime whose consequences are difficult to predict. The news have focussed on concerns about the safety of Ukraine’s nuclear power plants. Other aspects, such as the fate of Ukrainian water supply, the effects of environmental pollution stemming from the destruction of fuel depots and other industrial infrastructure, or the damage to Ukrainian nature from the battles have received much less attention.


We want to hear from conservation professionals in the Ukraine how the war is affecting their current personal and professional situation and how they view the effects of the war on the Ukrainian people and the environment. Attendees will get the chance to ask the panellists direct questions.



Bohdan Prots – CEO of the Danube Carpathian Programme

Ivan Timofeiev – Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU) Head of Ukrainian Office

Natalia Kulia – Project Manager at the Institute of Ecological and Religious Studies



Dr. Tilmann Disselhoff – Eurosite President

Please join us on 17 March on the Zoom platform from 17:00 - 18:00 hrs CET:

Please click the link below to join the webinar. The passcode is 433685.

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Photo by Max Kukurudziak on Unsplash

This event is organised with support from the EU LIFE Programme.

We look forward to connecting with you!

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