Wikipedia Gets a Fresh New Look: First Desktop Update in a Decade Puts Usability at the Forefront

The interface update, built in collaboration with Wikipedia volunteers worldwide, will make the site more welcoming, easier to use for everyone The Wikimedia Foundation, the nonprofit that operates Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects, announced today the launch of Wikipedia’s first major desktop interface update in over ten years. The updated interface, which comes on the….

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7 ragioni per cui dovresti donare a Wikipedia

This post is also available in English. Le persone donano a Wikipedia per tanti motivi diversi. La Wikimedia Foundation, la fondazione senza scopo di lucro che gestisce Wikipedia, garantisce che ogni donazione ricevuta venga investita per essere di servizio a Wikipedia, ai progetti Wikimedia e alla nostra missione relativa alla conoscenza libera.  Sebbene molti visitino….

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2022 as you saw it on Wikipedia

It has been a long year dominated by news headline after news headline. The Russian government invaded Ukraine. Queen Elizabeth II died. Amber Heard and Johnny Depp. The World Cup. Everything surrounding Elon Musk. Wikipedia isn’t immune to that phenomenon. But in 2022, one particular English Wikipedia article captivated readers like you more than any….

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Experience some of the world’s most beautiful places with Wiki Loves Earth 2022

Think about that feeling you get when you are walking through pristine nature. Do you think it can be captured in a single photo?  The Wiki Loves Earth photography competition celebrates the world’s natural heritage, encompassing everything from small parks to massive nature reserves. It asks photographers to dive into those areas to pick out….

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New Wikipedia editor features make it easy for everyone to contribute

New features on Wikipedia are making it easy for everyone to edit Wikipedia, especially those contributing to the site for the first time. Every time you read a Wikipedia article, you are reading the work of a volunteer contributor.  Nearly 300,000 people from around the world edit Wikipedia articles each month — they start new….

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Moscow court upholds order to target Wikipedia content: The Wikimedia Foundation will continue to challenge attempts to curb free knowledge in Russia

Цей пост також доступний українською мовою.Этот пост также доступен на русском языке. On 22 November 2022, a Moscow Court rejected a case filed by the Wikimedia Foundation (“Foundation”) challenging a court verdict to impose a fine on the Foundation for failing to remove “prohibited” information from the Russian Wikipedia article about the Russian Invasion of….

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Московський суд залишив у силі рішення стосовно вмісту Вікіпедії: Фонд Вікімедіа продовжить оскаржувати спроби обмеження вільних знань у Росії

This post is also available in English.Этот пост также доступен на русском языке. 22 листопада 2022 року суд міста Москви відхилив справу Фонду Вікімедіа (далі — «Фонд»), в якій оскаржувалося рішення суду про накладення штрафу на Фонд за те, що він не видалив «заборонену» інформацію зі статті російської Вікіпедії про російське вторгнення в Україну (2022).….

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7 reasons you should donate to Wikipedia

Questo post è anche disponibile in italiano. People give to Wikipedia for many different reasons. The Wikimedia Foundation, the nonprofit that operates Wikipedia, ensures that every donation we receive is invested back into serving Wikipedia, Wikimedia projects, and our free knowledge mission.  While many visit Wikipedia on a daily basis, it’s not always obvious what….

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모든 사람들의 지식의 소리를 찾고 있습니다: 글로벌 콘테스트는 위키백과 및 위키미디어 프로젝트를 위한 최초의 사운드 로고를 정의하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

이 포스트는 다음의 언어로도 읽을 수 있습니다: : اَلْعَرَبِيَّةُ, 中文, Bahasa Indonesia, Deutsch, English, Español, Français, हिंदी, Русский, Português, & 한국어. 업데이트: 모든 사람들의 지식의 소리 공모전의 접수는 마감되었습니다. 상위 10개의 소리를 가지고 진행하는 최종 투표는 2022년 12월 6일 – 19일까지 위키미디어 공용에서 진행되며, 최종 우승작은 2023년에 발표될 예정입니다. 9월 13일부터 10월 10일까지 135개국의 2,094명의 참가자로부터 3,235개의….

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Wikimedia Sound Logo

Pencarian Suara Segenap Pengetahuan Manusia sudah dimulai! Sebuah kompetisi pencarian logo suara untuk Wikipedia dan proyek-proyek Wikimedia.

Siaran pers ini juga tersedia dalam bahasa: اَلْعَرَبِيَّةُ, 中文, Deutsch, English, Español, Français, हिंदी, Русский, Português, & 한국어. Pembaharuan: Kompetisi Suara Segenap Pengetahuan sudah resmi ditutup. Pemungutan suara untuk 10 finalis logo suara akan berlangsung dari tanggal 6–19 Desember 2022 melalui Wikimedia Commons. Pemenang akan diumumkan pada tahun 2023. Dari tanggal 13 September sampai 10 Oktober 2022, kami menerima….

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