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National Institute of Standards and Technology
NIST promotes U.S. innovation & competitiveness by advancing measurement science, standards & tech to enhance economic security & improve our quality of life.
Gaithersburg, MD; Boulder, COnist.govJoined June 2009

National Institute of Standards and Technology’s Tweets

Great work led by Nate Dwarshuis to understand how genomic repeats influence error rates, and use benchmarks to predict clinically relevant variants that may be missed by a method.
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StratoMod: Predicting sequencing and variant calling errors with interpretable machine learning #biorxiv_genomic
For everything from peanut butter to paint, here's how companies can use our Standard Reference Materials (SRMs): (1) Put SRM into company’s machine. (2) Machine analyzes SRM. (3) Compare machine's analysis to NIST info. (4) Matching numbers? Machine is accurate.
Animation showing a bottle from a box labelled "Pet Food" alongside a paper with data labelled "SRM data." The bottle goes onto a conveyor belt and into a machine. The machine prints off another paper with data labelled as "Machine results" that is then placed alongside the "SRM data" page. Green checkmarks appear and with the word "verified" over the pages.