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# k8s/driver attributes
# "version" is used to verify the values file matches driver version
# Not recommend to change
version: v2.5.0
# "driver" defines the container image, used for the driver container.
driverRepository: dellemc
# "powerflexSdc" defines the SDC image for init container.
powerflexSdc: dellemc/sdc:
# Represents number of certificate secrets, which user is going to create for ssl authentication. (vxflexos-cert-0..vxflexos-cert-n)
# If user does not use certificate, set to 0
certSecretCount: 0
# CSI driver log level
# Allowed values: "error", "warn"/"warning", "info", "debug"
# Default value: "debug"
logLevel: "debug"
# CSI driver log format
# Allowed values: "TEXT" or "JSON"
# Default value: "TEXT"
logFormat: "TEXT"
# Specify kubelet config dir path.
# Ensure that the config.yaml file is present at this path.
# Default value: None
kubeletConfigDir: /var/lib/kubelet
# "defaultFsType" is used to set the default FS type which will be used
# for mount volumes if FsType is not specified in the storage class
# Allowed values: ext4, xfs
# Default value: none
defaultFsType: ext4
# imagePullPolicy: Policy to determine if the image should be pulled prior to starting the container.
# Allowed values:
# Always: Always pull the image.
# IfNotPresent: Only pull the image if it does not already exist on the node.
# Never: Never pull the image.
# Default value: None
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# "enablesnapshotcgdelete"- a boolean that, when enabled, will delete all snapshots in a consistency group
# everytime a snap in the group is deleted
# Allowed values: true, false
# Default value: none
enablesnapshotcgdelete: "false"
# "enablelistvolumesnapshot" - a boolean that, when enabled, will allow list volume operation to include snapshots (since creating a volume
# from a snap actually results in a new snap)
# It is recommend this be false unless instructed otherwise.
# Allowed values: true, false
# Default value: none
enablelistvolumesnapshot: "false"
# Setting allowRWOMultiPodAccess to "true" will allow multiple pods on the same node
# to access the same RWO volume. This behavior conflicts with the CSI specification version 1.3
# NodePublishVolume descrition that requires an error to be returned in this case.
# However some other CSI drivers support this behavior and some customers desire this behavior.
# Kubernetes could make a change at their discretion that would preclude our ability to support this option.
# Customers use this option at their own risk.
# You should leave this set as "false" unless instructed to change it by Dell support.
# Allowed values: true, false
# Default value: "false"
allowRWOMultiPodAccess: "false"
# fsGroupPolicy: Defines if the underlying volume supports changing ownership and permission of the volume before being mounted.
# Allowed values:
# ReadWriteOnceWithFSType: supports volume ownership and permissions change only if the fsType is defined
# and the volume's accessModes contains ReadWriteOnce.
# File: kubernetes may use fsGroup to change permissions and ownership of the volume
# to match user requested fsGroup in the pod's security policy regardless of fstype or access mode.
# None: volumes will be mounted with no modifications.
fsGroupPolicy: File
# "controller" allows to configure controller specific parameters
# enabled: Enable/Disable health monitor of CSI volumes
# Allowed values:
# true: enable checking of health condition of CSI volumes
# false: disable checking of health condition of CSI volumes
# Default value: None
enabled: false
# interval: Interval of monitoring volume health condition
# Allowed values: Number followed by unit (s,m,h)
# Examples: 60s, 5m, 1h
# Default value: 60s
interval: 60s
# volumeNamePrefix- defines a string prepended to each volume created by the CSI driver.
# Default value: none
# Examples: "k8s", "app1"
volumeNamePrefix: k8s
# "controllerCount" defines the number of VxFlex controller pods to deploy
# Allowed values: n, where n > 0
# Default value: none
controllerCount: 2
# enabled: Enable/Disable volume snapshot feature
# Allowed values:
# true: enable volume snapshot feature(install snapshotter sidecar)
# false: disable volume snapshot feature(do not install snapshotter sidecar)
# Default value: None
enabled: true
# enabled: Enable/Disable volume expansion feature
# Allowed values:
# true: enable volume expansion feature(install resizer sidecar)
# false: disable volume snapshot feature(do not install resizer sidecar)
# Default value: None
enabled: true
#"controller.nodeSelector" defines what nodes would be selected for pods of controller deployment
# Leave as blank to use all nodes
# Allowed values: map of key-value pairs
# Default value: None
# Examples:
# ""
# ""
# "controller.tolerations" defines tolerations that would be applied to controller deployment
# Leave as blank to install controller on worker nodes
# Default value: None
# Uncomment if nodes you wish to use have the taint
# - key: ""
# operator: "Exists"
# effect: "NoSchedule"
# Uncomment if nodes you wish to use have the taint
# - key: ""
# operator: "Exists"
# effect: "NoSchedule"
# "node" allows to configure node specific parameters
# enabled: Enable/Disable health monitor of CSI volumes- volume usage, volume condition
# Allowed values:
# true: enable checking of health condition of CSI volumes
# false: disable checking of health condition of CSI volumes
# Default value: None
enabled: false
# "node.nodeSelector" defines what nodes would be selected for pods of node daemonset
# Leave as blank to use all nodes
# Allowed values: map of key-value pairs
# Default value: None
# Examples:
# ""
# ""
# "node.tolerations" defines tolerations that would be applied to node daemonset
# Leave as blank to install node driver only on worker nodes
# Default value: None
# Uncomment if nodes you wish to use have the taint
# - key: ""
# operator: "Exists"
# effect: "NoSchedule"
# Uncomment if nodes you wish to use have the taint
# - key: ""
# operator: "Exists"
# effect: "NoSchedule"
# Uncomment if CSM for Resiliency and CSI Driver pods monitor is enabled
# - key: ""
# operator: "Exists"
# effect: "NoSchedule"
# - key: ""
# operator: "Exists"
# effect: "NoSchedule"
# - key: ""
# operator: "Exists"
# effect: "NoSchedule"
# - key: ""
# operator: "Exists"
# effect: "NoSchedule"
# - key: ""
# operator: "Exists"
# effect: "NoSchedule"
# - key: ""
# operator: "Exists"
# effect: "NoSchedule"
# monitoring pod details
# These options control the running of the monitoring container
# This container gather diagnostic information in case of failure
# enabled allows the usage of the monitoring pod to be disabled
# Allowed values: true, false
# Default value: "false"
enabled: false
# hostNetwork determines if the monitor pod should run on the host network or not
# Allowed values: true, false
# Default value: "false"
hostNetwork: true
# hostPID determines if the monitor pod should run in the host namespace
# Allowed values: true, false
# Default value: "false"
hostPID: true
# CSM module attributes
# volume group snapshotter(vgsnapshotter) details
# These options control the running of the vgsnapshotter container
enabled: false
image: dellemc/csi-volumegroup-snapshotter:v1.2.0
# Podmon is an optional feature under development and tech preview.
# Enable this feature only after contact support for additional information
enabled: false
image: dellemc/podmon:v1.4.0
# args:
# - "--csisock=unix:/var/run/csi/csi.sock"
# - "--labelvalue=csi-vxflexos"
# - "--mode=controller"
# - "--skipArrayConnectionValidation=false"
# - "--driver-config-params=/vxflexos-config-params/driver-config-params.yaml"
# - "--driverPodLabelValue=dell-storage"
# - "--ignoreVolumelessPods=false"
# args:
# - "--csisock=unix:/var/lib/kubelet/plugins/"
# - "--labelvalue=csi-vxflexos"
# - "--mode=node"
# - "--leaderelection=false"
# - "--driver-config-params=/vxflexos-config-params/driver-config-params.yaml"
# - "--driverPodLabelValue=dell-storage"
# - "--ignoreVolumelessPods=false"
# CSM module attributes
# authorization: enable csm-authorization for RBAC
# Deploy and configure authorization before installing driver
# Allowed values:
# "true" - authorization is enabled
# "false" - authorization is disabled
# Default value: "false"
enabled: false
# sidecarProxyImage: the container image used for the csm-authorization-sidecar.
# Default value: dellemc/csm-authorization-sidecar:v1.5.0
sidecarProxyImage: dellemc/csm-authorization-sidecar:v1.5.0
# proxyHost: hostname of the csm-authorization server
# Default value: None
# skipCertificateValidation: certificate validation of the csm-authorization server
# Allowed Values:
# "true" - TLS certificate verification will be skipped
# "false" - TLS certificate will be verified
# Default value: "true"
skipCertificateValidation: true