University Module Series

Wildlife Crime


Module Series



Each year, while countless species are driven closer to extinction, criminals make billions from the sale of protected wildlife products. Not only do these crimes have a devastating impact on biodiversity, they also undermine national and regional political and economic security, weaken the rule of law, and threaten global efforts to responsibly and sustainably manage natural resources in the service of development for all. As with other areas of transnational organized crime, wildlife crime is rooted in opportunities for profit.

Who is involved in this crime? Where is it happening? How big are the flows? What can  be done to stop it? What is being  done to stop it?

The Education for Justice (E4J) initiative has developed, with the support of academics from around the world, a series of University Modules on Wildlife Crime to support lecturers with an interest in this area. The modules cover many aspects of this complex crime. They apply a multidisciplinary approach and use innovative and practical teaching techniques meant to inspire and encourage students to engage in this important topic.

Terms of Use and Disclaimers

The Illegal Wildlife Trade in the Context of Zoonotic Diseases

The illegal wildlife trade not only impacts a state’s natural resources, security and development, but may also have dire consequences for public health, as it can be one of many factors that contribute to the spread of zoonotic diseases.