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Washington, DCUSA.govJoined March 2008

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OUTBREAK UPDATE: 32 sick in 20 states from contact with bearded dragons. Half of sick people are younger than 5 years old. Don’t allow bearded dragons to roam in areas where your baby or young children crawl and play.
An infographic with a photo of a bearded dragon and tips on how to keep your child and yourself healthy around your pet bearded dragon. Wash your hands after handling your bearded dragon. Keep your bearded dragon away from areas where young children play and out of the kitchen. Avoid letting young children touch your bearded dragon.
If you're under a tornado warning, seek safe shelter immediately. 🔹 Get to a safe room, basement, or storm cellar. 🔹 Stay away from windows, doors, & outside walls. 🔹 If in a mobile home or outdoors, move to the closest sturdy building nearby. More:
If you're under a tornado warning, get to a safe room, basement, or storm cellar. If there's no basement, get to a small interior room on the lowest level. Use your arms to protect your head and neck. If you are outdoors and can safely get to a sturdy building, do so immediately. If there's no nearby shelter, take cover in a vehicle & buckle up. Do not get under a bridge. You're safer in a low, flat location.
If you've been impacted by disaster and are feeling distress during recovery - you're not alone: the national offers 24/7 emotional support. Text 1-800-985-5990 to be connected with a trained, caring counselor.