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ESG In Sight

Insights and solutions to meet your ESG and sustainability goals.

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Insights and solutions to meet your ESG and sustainability goals

Investors, customers, employees, vendors, community groups, legislators and regulators are demanding environmental, social and governance (ESG) actions. Organizations are increasing their focus on overall impact while addressing key stakeholder needs. As you connect your ESG and sustainability efforts to company purpose and business priorities, the opportunity to reflect that commitment in your people, risk and capital strategies and tactics will become increasingly urgent.

What is ESG?

A wide ranging and multifaceted challenge, from managing carbon emissions and environmental stewardship, to enhancing employee wellbeing and diversity, equity and inclusion strategies, to ensuring responsible governance of people, capital and risk issues, ESG requires a coordinated and multidimensional approach to driving performance and managing risk.

Yet too many organizations take a siloed view, seeing ESG goals as a group of distinct challenges and addressing each individually. Often their results fall short of expectations because they lack some foundational elements of a good ESG strategy.

Why ESG is important to business success?

Good ESG is simply good business. It creates a sustainable tomorrow for generations to come. It brings equity to the underserved and builds resilience among the vulnerable. And it serves as the conduit for linking organizational purpose and the path to profit.

When you get ESG right, you’ll find that success builds on several fronts:

Environmental and sustainability goals

Meeting environmental and sustainability goals enables you to move beyond meeting regulators’ requirements. It helps you satisfy a range of stakeholders – employees and prospective candidates, communities, among others – and future-proof your organization.

Employee wellbeing

By committing to employee wellbeing, DEI, reskilling and upskilling, you strengthen your brand, better positioning you to attract, engage and retain top talent.

Better governance and risk management

And with good governance you ensure risks are mitigated and ESG is well executed – a virtuous cycle that unlocks further opportunity.

What sets the WTW approach to ESG apart?

A multifaceted challenge – and opportunity – ESG requires a multidimensional approach. WTW takes a holistic view of ESG, addressing it through people, risk and capital solutions. By taking a more holistic view, WTW enables you to more effectively meet ESG challenges and uncover opportunities across the organization.

WTW provides the foundational elements of a good ESG strategy:

  • Market insights and benchmarks
  • A full understanding of key stakeholders’ priorities
  • The ability to embed sustainability into the culture and brand
  • The connection between ESG and business objectives (including risk)
  • A deliberate roadmap to prioritize and embed ESG strategies

What questions should leaders be asking about ESG?

  • How do we get started or enhance our current ESG and sustainability efforts?
  • How do we embed ESG factors into our business strategy to drive competitive advantage?
  • How do we quantify, prioritize and manage ESG risks and opportunities in line with our overarching goals?
  • What is the role of ESG in our corporate and employer brand? How do we activate our people programs to help mitigate ESG risks and advance our ESG goals and commitments?
  • How do we ensure a coordinated and comprehensive approach to ESG that drives impact? How do we ensure transparency, measurement and disclosure of our progress on ESG?
  • What’s the risk of not getting ESG right?
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