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Climate Change

Find the latest insights, thought leadership, and resources on climate change from Willis Towers Watson’s climate risk and resilience experts.

We cover a wide range of topics relating to climate risk for corporates, financial services companies, governments, and other public sector agencies. Our resources provide valuable insights on a range of issues from managing the transition to net zero and quantifying physical risk, to understanding legal liability and how climate relates to your organisation’s people strategy.

To learn more about how we can help you manage today’s climate risks and develop a strategic response for the long-term, please visit our Climate and Resilience solutions page.

Featured Campaigns

Our featured campaigns present curated collections of thought leadership and resources, providing a deep-dive into a hot-topic.


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Talking Climate and Sustainability Podcast

The Talking Climate and Sustainability podcast series showcases latest thinking from those working at the cutting edge of climate and sustainability action, offering a holistic view of the risks and opportunities, as well as the granular, actionable insights essential for a strategic response to climate and sustainability.

Featured episode: Finance fit for the future

In this episode, Carlos Sanchez, Director of Climate Resilient Finance at Willis Towers Watson, talks about the recent progress in climate finance around correctly pricing climate risk.

Featured episode: Finance fit for the future
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