Tag: FIDO2


Breaking the cycle of cyberattacks in healthcare with phishing-resistant MFA

Ransomware attacks and other types of cyberattacks in healthcare are growing, not only in amount, but in sophistication as well.  The recent State of Ransomware in Healthcare report released by Sophos highlighted a 94 percent increase in ransomware attacks in 2021, with 66 percent of healthcare organizations hit by ransomware – up from 34 percent


Q&A: Yubico’s SVP Fredrik Krantz on top cybersecurity trends

The world of cybersecurity continues changing rapidly. This has been catalyzed by the sudden shift to remote work, the increasing threat of cybercrime and the complexity of attacks. Understanding the new technological landscape, and what comes next, can be challenging. Hearing from experts who spend their daily lives not only thinking about and facing these


Laying the groundwork for continuous authentication

Continuous authentication is an emerging concept—a future ‘nirvana’ state of security that would provide the capability to validate a user’s identity in real-time as they maneuver between systems, applications, and devices. In theory, continuous authentication solutions would use risk signals from a variety of monitoring sources to authenticate users, identify potential threats and proactively remediate


WebAuthn implementation: What’s what, why should you care and new updates from Yubico

When it comes to WebAuthn, there’s certainly no shortage of acronyms or protocols. But what do they mean, and which ones do you need to care about? Fret not – both clarity and help are available! In this blog, we’ll share tips on how to implement WebAuthn, as well as share news about java-webauthn-server library


In passwordless authentication, who is holding the keys?

Strong authentication practices are based on validating a number of authentication factors to a relying party (RP) or identity provider (IDP) to prove you are who the RP expects. Examples of relying parties could be Dropbox or Salesforce. Identity providers, who can also be a relying party that interacts with the authenticator, include Microsoft Azure,


Jun 28, 2021

Top five pitfalls companies should avoid when rolling out a passwordless strategy

Given the number of breaches in the news today where passwords were at the root of the problem, many companies are now exploring the benefits of a secure passwordless future. Secure passwordless logins not only bring cost efficiencies and a more frictionless user login experience into the organization, but deliver the security that is necessary


How will authentication standards evolve in 2021 and beyond?

Authentication standards development is like a slow-moving, winding river. It often takes years of dedicated work to reach new milestones, yet it feeds the entire security ecosystem and sustains digital workflow safety throughout the enterprise. While the benefits of this river are often invisible to the end-user, CISOs and developers are thinking about the river’s

What is CTAP?

How does CTAP work? FIDO2 consists of two standardized components, a web API (WebAuthn) and a version 2 of CTAP. The two work together and are required to achieve a passwordless experience for login. The earlier FIDO U2F (Link to FIDO U2F Glossary) protocol working with external authenticators is now renamed to CTAP1 in the WebAuthn specifications.

What is FIDO Universal 2nd Factor?

What does it mean to be FIDO U2F Certified? FIDO’s certification programs are a critical element in ensuring an interoperable ecosystem of products and services that organizations can leverage to deploy FIDO Authentication solutions worldwide. FIDO Alliance manages functional certification programs for its various specifications (e.g. U2F and FIDO2) to validate product conformance and interoperability.

What is FIDO 2?

What does it mean to be FIDO2 Certified? FIDO’s certification programs are a critical element in ensuring an interoperable ecosystem of products and services that organizations can leverage to deploy FIDO Authentication solutions worldwide. FIDO Alliance manages functional certification programs for its various specifications (e.g. U2F and FIDO2) to validate product conformance and interoperability. A FIDO2-certified device,