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Apple announces upcoming support for security keys: A look at the past, present and future of Advanced Protection with YubiKeys

In 2022, if one thing has been proven, it has been made very clear that not all multi-factor authentication (MFA) is created equal. Vulnerabilities with legacy forms of MFA, such as SMS, TOTPs, and mobile-based apps, continue to be the target and victims of data breaches, with attackers taking aim in record numbers in 2022.


An inside look: How hackers rely on low effort tactics for phishing attack success

Phishing continues to make headlines with attackers using stolen credentials to gain access to valuable systems and sensitive data. Although phishing has been a known technique for a long time, the industry is still struggling to effectively defend against it. This may seem surprising to many as “phishing” calls to mind poorly written emails, generic


Survey results are in: 59% of employees still rely on username and password as primary method to authenticate their accounts

Our inaugural State of Global Enterprise Authentication Survey – which we exclusively previewed in September during YubiSummit – captures a snapshot of how companies around the world are tackling authentication.  We received over 16,000 responses from entry-level employees up to business owners at organizations ranging in size from one to 2,000+ employees, in eight countries:


The Key to election security: Q&A with Michael Kaiser, president and CEO of Defending Digital Campaigns

The election ecosystem is a prime target for cybersecurity threats and the 2022 United States Midterm election cycle has been no different. Though many security improvements have been made in recent years, bad actors continue to become more sophisticated in gaining access to private information – often driven by phishing attacks. Officials in charge of


‘YubiKeys-as-a-Service’ delivered 203% ROI: new Forrester Consulting research and BeyondTrust case study

For organizations around the world, cybersecurity often boils down to a few important areas: high reliability, ease-of-use and cost. Forrester Consulting, in a Yubico- commissioned Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study, examined these areas regarding the adoption and use of YubiKeys, including the potential return on investment (ROI) enterprises may realize by deploying YubiKeys. One of


Energy infrastructure security: Key takeaways from modern day cyberattacks

Energy grids have long been a target of cyber criminals looking to disrupt critical infrastructures and attacks across this sector have become commonplace across the globe.  The 2021 cyberattack in the U.S. on the Colonial Pipeline showed that password compromises can impact both IT and OT systems and that disruptions to these systems have far


Yubico Authenticator 6 is here!

Earlier this year we announced the upcoming release of Yubico Authenticator 6, the next version of our YubiKey authentication and configuration app. We released a beta version, first for desktop, and then for Android, and we solicited your feedback. We got plenty of it, and have been busy incorporating a lot of it into the