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Pirate Wires
technology, politics, culture
Media & News Companypiratewires.comJoined March 2020

Pirate Wires’s Tweets

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executives seemed to respond with indifference to foreign spies having infiltrated the company, like when the FBI told twitter they suspected a chinese foreign asset was on their payroll. “well since we have one, what does it matter if we have more?”
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the report also says that twitter didn't have separate dev, test, staging, and prod environments, which among other things meant that about 5,000 twitter employees—and anyone who had access to their machines via spyware—may have had access to sensitive company and user data
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the report claims twitter's database architecture was so flimsy that it almost permanently shut down in 2021. imagine—a key piece of the global information system gone, overnight. a multibillion-dollar company obliterated in an instant, the biggest 404 error in history
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in july, twitter's former security lead released a whistleblower report alleging that foreign spies were on the company's payroll & outside organizations could remotely access user data via spyware on employee laptops guests for PW
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“The Fifth Estate is a fundamentally different kind of power …The true failsafe. Our ultimate reset. Tremendously empowering of tyranny in times of stagnation, technology is also our most powerful weapon against tyranny in times of innovation.”
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ngl i killed this one
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btw the thread mentions that vijaya gadde, then twitter’s legal, policy and trust & safety lead, is on record denying that they don’t shadow ban. she wrote that in a canonical post on twitter’s blog, which is still up.
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philly's problems are solvable, argues. but the people in charge are incapable of effective action. we reject these effete elites, and issue a call to make local politics cool again. along the way, let's burn this parasitic governance culture to the ground.
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“i’m waiting for something bad to happen all the time. i’ll be happy when i’m not mayor, and i can enjoy some stuff.” this is a quote from philly's current mayor jim kenney, after two officers got shot on independence day of this year.
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the problems are compounded by a major staffing shortage. and so far, one of the city's few responses has been to take 8 months and $200k to complete a pay scale study. meanwhile, people will have to keep putting up with huge trash fires like this one that hit the city in 2018.
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state and local officials have known about philly’s junkyard and trash problems for decades, but they remain out-of-control. last year, six days after delaware valley recycling's yard passed inspection, it looked like this.
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A deep dive into the municipal dysfunction underlying Philly’s junkyard fires and trash-strewn streets. Effeteness is killing our cities — time to make local politics cool again A privilege to guest for ⁦⁩ on ⁦
One of the strongest pieces from the Pirate Wires newsletter
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tech is facing a crisis of bullshit. important to ask yourself "am i really making the world a better place rn, or am i just building another SaaS company on a beach in bali." from @traestephens and @markiewagner: happy thanksgiving, choose good quests.
“When Clooney sells tequila, Alba sells diapers, or Kylie sells lip liner, they’re all doing the same thing — leveraging their brands to make money in a commodity market. Instead of cosmetics & alcohol, tech celebrities do Enterprise SaaS and VC.”🔥 &
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tech is facing a crisis of bullshit. important to ask yourself "am i really making the world a better place rn, or am i just building another SaaS company on a beach in bali." from @traestephens and @markiewagner: happy thanksgiving, choose good quests.
Who are the founders tackling the hardest quests? come to mind. Besides the obvious: and
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tech is facing a crisis of bullshit. important to ask yourself "am i really making the world a better place rn, or am i just building another SaaS company on a beach in bali." from @traestephens and @markiewagner: happy thanksgiving, choose good quests.
"Silicon Valley faces a crisis of nonsense. The market is overrun with luxury credit cards and task management tools. But the world is filled with good quests: semiconductor mfg, industrial automation, nat resource discovery, nextgen energy, low-cost/labor construction..." 🔥🔥
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1/ History is the record of TOP players completing GOOD quests. This is a moral imperative. Check out the latest @PirateWires post by @markiewagner and I and ask yourself what the world would look like if our best players all took on good quests.
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