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Google Cloud
Cloud computing, ready for business. Questions? ➡️ For do-ers & makers ➡️ Watch #GoogleCloudNext on-demand content ⬇️
Information Technology…Joined January 2009

Google Cloud’s Tweets

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We're going to Miami with for Google Cloud Study Jam: SRE Jumpstart ☀️ Come visit the Google Miami office (or join us virtually) to learn how to adopt SRE best practices to accelerate innovation and improve reliability of your cloud apps →
Image of two people in the left corner, the person to the right holding a laptop. Text in the top right corner reads: SRE Jumpstart: Get started on your organization's journey to adopting SRE culture and best practices. January 17th, 0223. 3-6pm, at Google Miami & Virtual.
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What are the benefits of digital transformation? Modernize infrastructure Break down team silos Realize cost savings 🔘 All of the above, plus a few more →
An image with text defining Digital Transformation. Digital Transformation uses modern digital technologies - including all types of public, private, and hybrid cloud platforms - to create or modify business processes, culture, and customer experiences.
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To improve reliability, punctuality, customer satisfaction and sustainable impact, worked with Google Cloud to build an Operations Decision Support Suite. Learn how this cloud-based tool uses #BigQuery & #VertexAI for analytics and modeling ↓
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A cloud provider needs to provide 3️⃣ types of connectivity: 1️⃣ Site-to-cloud 2️⃣ Site-to-site 3️⃣ VPC-to-VPC Review these typical connectivity use cases to help you select and set up the best connectivity option for your environment →
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The next wave of Google Cloud infrastructure innovation is here: 1) New Compute Engine C3 machine series 2) Hyperdisk is our next-generation block storage Take a look back at how they enable high performance workloads ↓
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Google Cloud support is more than a fix, it’s a conversation: we talk with our customers to collect information, make hypotheses & work together to solve the case. Look back at this video to see how Google Cloud support solves a sticky customer issue ↓
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Yariv Adan, Product Lead for Cloud Conversational AI, battles with chronic pain every day—but it has taught him that his disability shouldn’t control his life. Now, he works to break stigmas around disabilities in the workplace. Read more of his story ↓
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#DYK? BISE is a cold, dry wind that blows from the northeast to southwest in Switzerland, through the Swiss Plateau. Explore an experiment did with Google Cloud and Vertex AI Forecast—accurately predicting BISE hours in advance ↓
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Last August, Google Cloud Armor blocked the largest Layer 7 DDoS attack known to date, 76% bigger than the previous largest reported—and ensured the customer's service stayed online and continued serving their end-users. Review the details, here →
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As we reflect on another year of disruption and opportunity—with another year on the horizon with as much promise for the prepared, and peril for those who are not—taking stock of your data and #AI progress has never been so important. Learn more ↓
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8. Protect your startup from Web attacks with Cloud Armor, a leading Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDOS) defense service. Use it with an HTTP Load Balancer for Managed Instance Groups across regions to keep your workloads highly available and secure.
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7. Create scalable containerized apps in any programming language on Cloud Run, a fully managed compute platform. Pair it with container tools like Cloud Build and Docker, and only pay when your code is running.
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6. Get more from your data to keep moving ahead of the competition with Looker, a trusted business intelligence and data platform. Generate real-time reports and get insights at the right time with proactive alerts.
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2. Build your startup’s foundation with Cloud SQL, a fully managed relational database solution that integrates with Google Cloud services. Create and connect to your first database in minutes and scale with a single API call.
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1. Speed up innovation with Firebase, a mobile development platform that’s fully integrated with Google Cloud. Work in a simpler cloud environment, easily pull in products or services, and build your apps faster.
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Review the 123 announcements from Next '22, covering: ▪️ new Google Cloud regions ▪️ compute ▪️ networking ▪️ hybrid and #multicloud ▪️ developer productivity ▪️ developer security ▪️ management and migration tools ▪️ data cloud ▪️ #AI + #ML ▪️ and more ↓