Environmental Sustainability

The Walt Disney Company is committed to protecting the planet and delivering a positive environmental legacy for future generations as we operate and grow our business.

Goals & Targets

Zero Emissions

Water & Oceans

Reducing Waste

Lower Impact Products

Building Sustainably

Learn more below

Our Impact

The Walt Disney Company’s commitment to environmental stewardship goes back to our founding nearly 100 years ago. Here are just a few ways we are focused on helping to protect the planet we all share.

Reducing Emissions

Walt Disney World® Resort and Reedy Creek Improvement District teamed up with local utility partners to begin development of two new 75MW solar facilities, which are expected to come online in FY23. The new facilities, paired with two existing facilities, are projected to bring the Walt Disney World Resort’s renewable energy consumption up to 40% of its total electricity use.

Conserving Water

Through water conservation efforts and use of reclaimed water, we are working to reduce potable water consumption at our operations. Recently, Shanghai Disney Resort converted 100% of the toilets in their Team Disney Administration building restrooms from potable water to non-potable, saving 2.1M gallons of potable water in 2021. The project is now expanding at the Resort, with additional installations coming in 2022.

Reducing Waste

We eliminated single-use plastic straws and stirrers at all owned and operated locations globally, a reduction of more than 175M straws and 13M stirrers per year. Meanwhile, organic waste from Walt Disney World is sent to an off-site composting facility where it is turned into a nutrient-rich soil product and can be used to fertilize onsite plants.

Lower Impact Products

We redesigned our iconic Core Classic dolls to feature plastic-free packaging that is made of 100% recyclable, sustainably sourced paper. It’s also easier to open than traditional packaging, providing a more accessible unboxing experience for kids and families.

Building Sustainably

In collaboration with design teams across the Company, and leveraging the creative expertise of our Disney Imagineers, we have established a new, rigorous set of Sustainable Design Standards, aligned with our 2030 goals.

Greening Production

Across hundreds of film and TV productions created by our studios each year, including Star Wars’ “The Mandalorian”, we are focused on reducing waste, switching to low emissions energy sources, and educating cast and crew on  environmental best practices.

Protecting Nature and the Climate

For over a decade, Disney has invested in nature-based climate solutions. These natural places provide habitats for animals and resources for local communities, including food, shelter, and income, all while helping reduce the impact of climate change.

Learn more about Natural Climate Solutions


tons operational waste diverted from landfills in FY21


acres of solar panels at Walt Disney World® Resort


trees planted

2030 Environmental Goals

Zero Emissions

Since 2009, Disney has operated under a long-term vision to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions. We are addressing our emissions footprint first through avoided emissions, and then through emission reductions wherever possible, including by investing in low carbon fuel innovation and by powering our operations with zero carbon electricity. We will balance any remaining emissions with investments in high quality, verified emissions reductions (carbon credits) from projects around the world that promote improved land management, reforestation, and the protection and restoration of natural ecosystems.

We are committed to reducing our greenhouse gas emissions beyond our direct operations to include the production and delivery of our products and services, commonly referred to as Scope 3 emissions. Our intention is to define a science-based reduction goal for The Walt Disney Company’s Scope 3 emissions footprint by the end of 2022.

Zero Emissions

  • Net zero emissions for direct operations by 2030
  • 100% zero carbon electricity by 2030
  • Innovation for low carbon fuels
  • Invest in natural climate solutions

Water & Oceans

Water Stewardship: At Disney, we recognize that water is a precious resource for our business and the communities in which we operate. We also recognize that water is a highly local issue, with unique considerations in each geography. In keeping with the latest science and standards, each of our high water impact sites around the world will implement localized watershed stewardship strategies, focusing on both water conservation within our operations and investments to conserve and protect local natural water systems.

Since 2014, the Disney Conservation Fund has awarded more than $2.0 million to non-profit organizations supporting these water stewardship efforts.

Responsible Seafood: Responsible selection and sourcing of seafood is important to the future of our business, to the livelihoods of the fishing industry worldwide and to the health of the planet for future generations. Beginning in 2022, we are serving 100% environmentally responsible seafood in our US parks, resorts and cruise line. We are also aligning the culinary practices of our international parks and resorts with regional responsible seafood sourcing best practices that help move the fishery industry forward in communities where we work.

Water & Oceans

  • Implement localized watershed stewardship strategies 
  • Source sustainable seafood

Reducing Waste

Since 2009, Disney has operated under a long-term vision to achieve zero waste in our operations. We have made significant progress towards this goal including through a series of waste management initiatives to reduce, reuse, recycle, donate, and encourage behavior change initiatives with our Guests and employees, in order to divert as much material as possible from landfills.

While we are proud of the progress we have made, we are committed to doing more. We will work to achieve zero waste to landfill for our wholly owned and operated parks and resorts by 2030. We have a responsibility to get ever closer to our zero waste ambition in order to protect the ecosystems and communities that host us, as well as do our part to minimize our global environmental footprint. This will take the dedicated effort of our Cast Members and Guests alike to get us one step closer to a world without waste.

Reducing Waste

  • Zero waste to landfill for our wholly owned and operated parks and resorts by 2030

Lower Impact Products

The Walt Disney Company brings stories and characters to life through innovative and engaging products from toys and t-shirts, to books and games. We are committed to responsibly reducing the environmental impact of materials used in the creation and packaging of these items

By evaluating the impact we can have across our company-branded product portfolio, we identified a set of materials that are consistently used in high volumes and across a number of different product categories and/or are known to have significant environmental impacts associated with their production and use: forest products including paper, wood and palm; textiles; and plastics. Our materials goals will focus on reducing the environmental impacts of these materials while also increasing the sustainability of our manufacturing network as a whole.

Lower Impact Products

By 2030

  • Use paper and wood that is recycled; or certified/verified sustainably sourced
  • Plastic in branded products and packaging will contain at least 30% recycled content or lower impact alternative
  • Design branded packaging for reuse, recycling, or composting
  • Use recycled, sustainably sourced, or lower impact alternative content in textiles
  • Monitor/utilize sustainable production processes for branded products

Building Sustainably

In collaboration with our various design teams across the company, and leveraging the creative expertise of our Disney Imagineers, we have established a new, rigorous set of design standards that will guide the development of all new building projects. Whether it’s an office building, resort, film stage, or attraction, we will design all new construction with a focus on minimizing waste, water, and energy in the construction and use of the building.

As one example, our new corporate campus in New York City, which includes more than 1 million square feet of office and production space, is being designed to LEED Platinum standards as well as being evaluated for employee wellness certifications. The project is being designed as an all-electric building, which will be achieved through the use of high performance facades, on-site solar plant, waste heat recovery systems, demand control, and electric heat pumps. Significant water reduction is being achieved through low-flow fixtures, on-site water capture and reuse for industrial purposes and irrigation. The project is also designed to support zero waste operations and will achieve minimum 95% construction waste diversion.

Building Sustainably

  • New projects will be designed to achieve near net zero greenhouse gas emissions, maximize water efficiencies, and support zero waste operations
  • New construction projects in the U.S. and Europe will achieve 90% diversion of construction waste

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