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PostgreSQL 16: Part 3 or CommitFest 2022-11

Postgres Professional corporate blog PostgreSQL *SQL *


We continue to follow the news of the upcoming PostgreSQL 16. The third CommitFest concluded in early December. Let's look at the results.

If you missed the previous CommitFests, check out our reviews: 2022-07, 2022-09.

Here are the patches I want to talk about:

meson: a new source code build system
Documentation: a new chapter on transaction processing
psql: \d+ indicates foreign partitions in a partitioned table
psql: extended query protocol support
Predicate locks on materialized views
Tracking last scan time of indexes and tables
pg_buffercache: a new function pg_buffercache_summary
walsender displays the database name in the process status
Reducing the WAL overhead of freezing tuples
Reduced power consumption when idle
postgres_fdw: batch mode for COPY
Modernizing the GUC infrastructure
Hash index build optimization
MAINTAIN ― a new privilege for table maintenance
SET ROLE: better role change management
Support for file inclusion directives in pg_hba.conf and pg_ident.conf
Regular expressions support in pg_hba.conf

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Codepast people – programmers’ sunset

Programming *Science fiction

— Glitchy couch! — Anton exclaimed, yet another time crushing down his fingers by heavy coach he and Sergey were pulling for 14 storeys already.
— ‘Glitchy’? — Sergey asked — have you been coder in the past too?
They’ve been working almost a week together, but Sergey would have never suspected he was coder in the past. Lean and muscular Anton did not look the part at all.
— I had to in my student years, — Anton answered, abashed.
— Relax! One of us. Layout, three years and JS for every browser out there, — Sergey perked up, pushed the couch and pressed it a bit forcefully on Anton.

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Global corporations. Is there a light in the end of the tunnel?

Open source *Google Chrome

Global corporations became a part of our everyday life for a long time ago, their products often don’t leave an alternative option for users. Either is it exist? This article touches an issue of dominating big companies in certain areas, but also contains a row of useful tips. Spoiler of one of them: if you’re a user of Android then the tips will help you increase time between charging your phone and improve your privacy.

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Top 10 IPTV Services for FireStick, Android TV, PC [Best 2023 Reviews]

IPTV *Monitors and TV

Are you looking for the best IPTV services for FireStick, Android TV, and PC now?

The rising demand for IPTV services has also raised the number of service providers in the marketplace. IPTV has emerged as one of the leading entertainment sources these days. It offers an extreme level of comfort and convenience to the users and makes it easier for them to find their preferred content at affordable pricing. 

IPTV is a more excellent and cost-effective solution for streaming cable channels conveniently. Using IPTV services is an altogether simple and easy-to-go process. You need to buy the preferable IPTV subscription and download the app on the supported devices. Most IPTV providers available in the marketplace need to provide high-end resolutions effortlessly.

IPTV serves as the primary source of Live TV Streaming and offers VOD movies and shows to the users. Please stay connected with us to know the leading IPTV services in detail.

The longer the format war goes on, the more opportunity smart players in the cable and IPTV and online spaces have to build market share.—Laura Behrens

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We are the first year students studying Computer Science in Innopolis University and we would like to share our experience in developing a Verilog program to create the greatest Memory Game (MemGame) that has ever existed on the FPGA board.

In this article, we decided to create a game for extending human memory. You will read the background theory and the incredible story of creation.

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Asymmetric horizontal distribution for time series

Python *

The goal of paper is to demonstrate non-trivial approaches to give statistical estimate for forecast result. Idea comes from probability cone concept. A probability cone is an indicator that forecasts a statistical distribution from a set point in time into the future. This acticle provide alternative approaches using machine learning, regression analysis.

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Traffic sign recognition using CNN

Machine learning *

During the last years, one of the modern directions of technology development is computer vision. The main task of this direction is the classification of objects from a photo or video camera. In usual problems, it is solved using case-based machine learning methods. This work presents the application of computer vision for traffic sign recognition using machine learning algorithm. A road sign is a flat artificial object with a fixed appearance. There are two applied problems in which road sign recognition algorithms are used. The first task is to control an autonomous vehicle. Self-driving cars are cars that can drive on roads without a driver. A key component of an unmanned vehicle control system is object recognition. Objects of interest are primarily pedestrians, other vehicles, traffic lights and road signs.

Traffic signs are a fundamental portion of our day to day lives. They contain critical information that ensures the safety of all the people around us. A road sign is a flat artificial object with a fixed appearance. There are two applied problems in which road sign recognition algorithms are used. The first task is to control an autonomous vehicle. Self-driving cars are cars that can drive on roads without a driver. A key component of an unmanned vehicle control system is object recognition. Objects of interest are primarily pedestrians, other vehicles, traffic lights and road signs. The second task that uses traffic sign recognition is automatic mapping based on data from DVRs installed on cars. The task is relevant, because currently, compiling and maintaining detailed roadmaps requires either significant financial costs or a large amount of human time.

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How to exchange a secret key over an insecure network (EC-Diffie-Hellman algorithm)

Information Security *Cryptography *Programming *

Let’s say you want to send an encrypted message to your friend in order to avoid it being intercepted and read by a third party. You generate a random secret key and encrypt the message with it. Let’s say you use AES. But how do you let your friend know the key to decrypt it?

In this article, we will explore how the Elliptic-Curve Diffie-Hellman algorithm works under the hood. The article includes the implementation of this algorithm from scratch, written in Python.

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Anonymity and Authenticity

Decentralized networks *Information Security *Cryptography *

The following text consists of two logically connected parts. The first part constructively rules out the assumption that untraceability supposes anonymity. The second part enumerates specific practical tasks in the form of various scenarios when digital signatures (DS) do not provide correct solutions to the task. It is demonstrated that a complete solution can be obtained through a special combination of DS and an interactive anonymous identification protocol.

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E-commerce Trends you can’t miss

Instant Messaging *CRM systems *Internet marketing *E-commerce management *Sales management *

The e-commerce market in 2022 leaves entrepreneurs no choice but immediately incorporate new technologies. Today it is not enough to follow the latest trends, because you need to be two steps ahead. How to do it?

Consumer behavior has changed, especially since this pandemic. You get used to good things quickly, so online shopping and fast delivery services made us all appreciate our time and comfort.

You have to pay for everything in this life, so retailers and marketplaces have to pay for the growth of demand and profits in the field of e-commerce by regularly introducing new technologies, fighting for consumer loyalty, and rivalry in endless competition.

Here are a few of the latest e-commerce trends that cannot be missed if you want to achieve stable profits and customer growth.

All attention to CRO

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Main Challenges and Mistakes in Creating Your Design System

Иннотех corporate blog Development of mobile applications *Mobile applications design *

Design system creation and integration is a challenging and rather tedious task. It can simply the development process or make it even harder. Anton Polyakov, Project Management Director for Innotech’s Mobile Development Department shares his team’s experience to demonstrate the unforeseen challenges they encountered.

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Proof's by induction using Rust's type-system

Mathematics *Functional Programming *Rust *

Rust's type system is quite powerful as it allows to encode complex relationships between user-defined types using recursive rules that are automatically applied by the compiler. Idea behind this post is to use some of those rules to encode properties of our domain. Here we take a look at Peano axioms defined for natural numbers and try to derive some of them using traits, trait bounds and recursive impl blocks. We want to make the compiler work for us by verifying facts about our domain, so that we could invoke the compiler to check whether a particular statement holds or not. Our end goal is to encode natural numbers as types and their relationships as traits such that only valid relationships would compile. (e.g. in case we define types for 1 and 3 and relationship of less than, 1 < 3 should compile but 3 < 1 shouldn't, that all would be encoded using Rust's language syntax of course)

Let's define some natural numbers on the type level first.

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The potential Augmented Reality has to disrupt real sectors

Development for AR and VR *
Recovery mode

Augmented reality (AR) has been gaining popularity in recent years, with companies such as Apple, Meta, Google and Microsoft investing heavily in the technology. AR technology allows users to see digital objects and information overlaid onto the real world. This technology has the potential to revolutionize multiple sectors in the future, from healthcare to education to entertainment. In this article, we will explore how AR is going to change these sectors and the potential impact it will have on society. 

We will have a closer look into three sectors and try to see how AR could change them in upcoming future.

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InvokeAI 2.2: UI Outpainting, Embedding Management and more

Python *Image processing *Machine learning *Graphic design *Artificial Intelligence

InvokeAI 2.2 is now available to everyone. This update brings in exciting features, like UI Outpainting, Embedding Management and more. See highlighted updates below, or the full release notes for everything included in the release.

What’s new?
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Mocking RESP API in 20 minutes via Yakbak

JavaScript *Programming *

Imagine this: you are an ordinary frontend developer. When you open your mailbox you found a message — tomorrow DevOps team will make an optimization with Kubernetes. You are experienced developer and you know that environment operation test might go sideways. Test environment is crucial for your job as frontend developer and you don’t want to miss a whole day on a job, so there are two possible solutions present:

  1. Setup all microservices on your laptop
  2. Prepare mocks for API

I will describe how to mock REST API request via Yakbak.

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The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences today

Mathematics *Social networks and communities

You can encounter integer sequences all around combinatorics, number theory, and recreational mathematics. And if there is a multitude of objects of the similar form, then one can create an index for these objects. The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, OEIS, is such an index.

This is a translation of my article The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences in 2021, published in Mat. Pros. Ser. 3 28, 199–212 (2021).

This article covers the On-Line Encyclopedia inclusion criteria, its editorial process, its role in mathematics, and its future.

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