FP PeaceGames are ground-breaking, scenario-based crisis simulations developed by FP Analytics, Foreign Policy’s research and advisory division. These simulations offer clients a unique opportunity to foster discourse on the challenges of diplomacy and peace-building with the same creativity and focus traditionally devoted to war games. FP PeaceGames bring together global policy leaders, corporate executives, NGOs, subject matter experts, and future diplomats around the common objective of de-escalating crises and peacefully resolving conflicts.

Each FP PeaceGame and simulation is rigorously researched and facilitates a new level of engagement among diverse stakeholders. Clients rely on FP PeaceGames to strengthen communication among global actors, enable more strategic and effective planning, and inform policy, investment, and resource allocation decisions.

FP PeaceGames Opportunities

  • For Higher Education & Training— With FP PeaceGames, international relations programs can provide students with constructive, hands-on experience in conflict resolution and international negotiation—building critical skills for any global career path.
    • Future Diplomats PeaceGame: The Emirates Diplomatic Academy utilizes FP PeaceGames to train new cohorts of future global diplomats in peaceful conflict resolution.
  • For Foreign-Policy Professionals — FP PeaceGames enable think tanks and foreign-policy professionals to strategize and think innovatively about challenges and crises that they may well be forced to address during their careers.
    • PeaceGame Venezuela: Pathways to Peace: A collaboration between Foreign Policy, the Atlantic Council, and Florida International University, PeaceGame Venezuela convened global stakeholders to “game out” diplomatic solutions to destabilizing political developments in Venezuela. The final outcomes and recommendations were published in a synthesis report, positioning contributing partners at the forefront of real-world policy strategy.
  • For International Conferences— A large-scale FP PeaceGames convening offers a chance for clients to showcase thought leadership by probing some of the finest minds in international relations on the world’s most pressing issues—in addition to being an extraordinary networking opportunity.
    • Paris Peace Forum 2019: Paris Peace Forum participants took part in an intense simulation highlighting some of the most complex challenges related to an escalating climate emergency. The FP PeaceGames scenario demonstrated ways in which climate change is exacerbating economic and security risks across the Middle East, North Africa, and beyond, and it challenged participants to think quickly and creatively about averting a humanitarian crisis and mitigating future climate impacts.
  • For Corporations— FP simulations allow corporations to creatively stress-test their existing risk mitigation expertise and responses against different geopolitical scenarios that could significantly impact their bottom line as well as long-term business resiliency.
    • Corporate simulations are proprietary, as they help inform strategic planning. Please contact us below to learn more.

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Join this impressive network of partners and supporters:

Atlantic Council
Florida International University
Harvard Kennedy School Belfer Center
Paris Peace Forum
UAE Future Diplomats
US Institute-of Peace
The World Bank
World Vision