FP Analytics, Foreign Policy’s research and advisory division, does more than deliver in-depth research, scenario planning, and actionable intelligence on evolving policy, markets, and technology trends — it positions public and private-sector clients at the forefront of policy-shaping discussions.

With expertise in critical sectors like energy, climate, trade, and global finance, FP Analytics combines quantitative and qualitative analysis to inform clients’ strategic planning and investment decisions and support them to more effectively engage with stakeholders and demonstrate thought leadership. FPA’s research and analysis can be combined with FP Events to further elevate thought leadership and drive action-oriented dialogue on pressing global issues.

Partnership Opportunities –

  • In-depth Analysis and Interactive Microsites: FPA can work with your team to produce both in-depth proprietary research and public-facing thought leadership platforms —including in-depth quantitative and qualitative analysis, custom microsites, live events, and multi-media promotions. Recent examples include:
    • Elevating Gender Equality in COVID-19 Economic Recovery, meta-analysis that highlights key findings from the Gates Foundation’s existing research and other leading analysis surrounding women’s economic recovery from COVID-19.
    • Navigating Through Turbulence, a comprehensive survey and analysis of global think tanks and their efforts to advance democracy, economic openness, human rights, and poverty reduction in their home countries.
  • Issue Briefs and Policy Roundtables: These shorter-form research projects provide timely analysis and insights to inform clients’ and partners’ constituencies, and the broader public, and help inform policy discussions and public debate. Issue briefs of often coupled with FP’s Virtual Dialogues and Roundtables and provide an analytical underpinning for discussion. Recent examples include:
  • Synthesis Reports: Synthesis Reports summarize the key insights and takeaways from FP’s events, summits, and simulations. These help to establish our partners’ thought leadership on critical issues, garner additional coverage and attention for the events, and serve as a record of the highlights and action items from the event. Recent examples include:
  • FP Simulations and PeaceGames: FP Analytics applies its rigorous research capabilities to the ideation and production of scenario-based crisis simulations that facilitate innovative thinking to help meet partners’ diplomatic, strategic, or business objectives. Simulations and PeaceGames offer partners the unique opportunity to foster dialogue among a range of stakeholders across sectors and around the world, including policy leaders, corporate executives, NGOs, subject matter experts, civil society, and young leaders. FP’s Simulations and PeaceGames are held in person as well as on a bespoke virtual platform that enables simultaneous participation from around the world. They can be closed-door or as part of a public forum. Recent examples include:
    • The COVID-19 & Global Food Security Crisis simulation convened key stakeholders to identify innovative solutions to global hunger amid the converging pandemic and climate change crises. The findings and recommendations can be found in FPA’s synthesis report.
    • FP Analytics’ Climate and Security PeaceGame brought together experts and practitioners from around the world to think through and identify concrete recommendations to manage the cascading security impacts from a warming world. The takeaways and recommendations are distilled in FP Analytics’ Climate and Security synthesis report.
  • PowerMaps & Special Reports: As part of FP Insider, FPA produces a range of PowerMaps and Special Reports at the intersection of technology, regulation, and geopolitics that provide insight into critical market access and competitiveness issues. Recent examples include:
    • The Future of Money is a 3-part series exploring the unfolding evolution of the financial system and the technologies, developments, and regulations set to shape it.
    • The Biden Power Map is an interactive guide to key players across seven foreign-policy priorities.
    • Firm Zero-Emission Power is part of a 2-part series on deep decarbonization and the transformational technologies that could enable it. This report explores how carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS), advanced nuclear, and unconventional geothermal can be part of the solution to decarbonize the grid.
    • Semiconductors and the U.S.-China Innovation Race examines the interconnectivity and fragility of global supply chains and the central role of Taiwan in global tech competition.

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Join us in building ground-breaking research and events, like past partners:

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Duke Energy
Emirates Diplomatic Academy
Gobierno de Chile
Hawaii Bioenergy
Inter-American Development Bank
Reliance Industries Limited
World Trade Centers Association
US Chamber of Commerce
World Bank
World Vision