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Talking about issues that fat people and their admirers face in relationships, media, and society. Dan and Trevor (chaser/chub) bring expert opinions on the subjects while Don and Michael (chub/chaser) bring anecdotal experience and lots of questions. Two chubs, two chasers; two Millennials, two Gen-Xers; two experts, two laymen. A well-rounded bunch!
We're deep diving each episode of Netflix's 1899 by the minds that brought you DARK, Baran bo Odar and Jantje Friese. Hosted by DARK superfans Zach Brooks (@brooksza) and Aaron Brooks (@aaronjaybrooks). Send us your feedback at [email protected]. We deep dive every episode of Netflix's mystery series 1899. We'll be discussing each episode, checking in a few times per week. Previously we covered every episode of DARK and FARGO s4. Those podcasts are in the archives.
Money. Romance. Tragedy. Deception. The story of Elizabeth Holmes and Theranos is an unbelievable tale of ambition and fame gone terribly wrong. How did the world’s youngest self-made female billionaire lose it all in the blink of an eye? How did the woman once heralded as “the next Steve Jobs” find herself facing criminal charges — to which she pleaded not guilty — and up to decades in prison? How did her technology, meant to revolutionize health care, potentially put millions of patients a ...
Millennial podcast is a weekly roundtable about our Generation Y experience. From news to politics and pop culture, a panel of friends digs in on why these stories matter and how they affect millennials. If you’ve ever wondered how to maneuver student loan debt, voting, relationships, careers, or just life in general, we feel that SO. HARD. And we’re here to share our stories, along with our greatest challenges and wins, along the way. Millennial podcast is about journeying through young adu ...
Over 25 years, WE built a golden brand by inspiring children to rally around their charismatic leader. But behind the scenes, employees experienced a cult-like culture and a troubling blur of charitable and commercial activities. In the aftermath of a national scandal, thousands of donors and volunteers (and dozens of 'celebrity ambassadors') are left wondering where the money went, and whether the savior industry creates a constant need for victims. From CANADALAND, the news company that ex ...
Join Juliet Litman and David Jacoby every week for ‘Food News,’ in which they will sample various snacks, share personal tales about food, and round up the latest in food news from around the world. And come hang with Joe House and his culinary comrades on ‘House of Carbs’ to devour the latest additions to the food universe’s menu with a slate of tasty episodes throughout the year.
Learn from history's greatest entrepreneurs. Every week I read a biography of an entrepreneur and find ideas you can use in your work. This quote explains why: "There are thousands of years of history in which lots and lots of very smart people worked very hard and ran all types of experiments on how to create new businesses, invent new technology, new ways to manage etc. They ran these experiments throughout their entire lives. At some point, somebody put these lessons down in a book. For v ...
Stuff I Never Knew is weekly trivia game show recorded live online! Each week players from around the world call in and battle it out over 3 rounds of trivia until 1 winner remains! We play different games and have different challenges each week. Each episode is streamed live on Facebook and You Tube with players from all over the place! If you like general knowledge trivia and silly games, this is the trivia podcast for you
Humans are resilient. In our toughest moments, we will fight, we will struggle, and we will triumph...often against the odds. In this immersive series from Wondery, host-adventurers Mike Corey and Cassie De Pecol will share thrilling stories of survival. From the daring rescue of a soccer team trapped in an underwater cave in Thailand, to a woman taken hostage by Somali pirates, these stories made headlines around the world. AGAINST THE ODDS will make you feel as though you’re living these e ...
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