Our 2022 Research for the Public Good focuses on our mission of providing innovative, accessible, and high-quality education to those who serve. Throughout our history, our university has been devoted to furthering the public good through all of our teaching and research endeavors. The work on display during this week is in a variety of formats and highlights the work of faculty and students which highlight this theme.
Date & Time
October 24, 2022, 9:00 AM - October 28, 2022 - 5:00 PM
Friday, October 28th
9:30 - 10:00 am et
Verbal Argumentativeness: A Study of Retail Store Managers
Presenter: Dr. Brett Winkelhake

This presentation focuses on a study conducted by Dr. Winkelhake on verbal argumentativeness. The focus of this study is on the ability for retail store managers to better communicative with employees within their stores. Dr. Winkelhake will describe the study through his research methods and conclusions.

Join us here: https://apus.zoom.us/j/91429538018?pwd=LzA0a29ZMGMwVDlBUDVkQlJpRW10QT09
11:00 - 11:30 am et
Dietary Protein Intake and your Gut Microbiome
Presenters: Dr. Lauri Byerley, Dr. Karyn Gallivan, and Dr. Kristin Ondrak

This presentation is centered on a research study conducted by the presenters sponsored by the 2021 APUS Faculty Research Grant.

Join us here: https://apus.zoom.us/j/99850614066?pwd=TEl5dEM5aXl3THpzWDJGNkFLVFpmZz09
1:00 - 1:30 pm et
A Mindful Approach to PTSD
Presenters: Jill Wingerter and Coleman Myron

This mindful approach led to the creation of an interactive website to provide those suffering from PTSD an opportunity to be the authors of their own recovery. Providing the tools of both writing therapy and mindfulness, the intent of the project is to help sufferers of PTSD to move forward in a mindful fashion that emphasizes a balance of a healthy mind and body. Since research highlights the reluctance of many military members and others to declare publicly their PTSD, this project seeks to empower such individuals directly through the means of exploring, embracing and confronting their trauma, and seeking additional help if needed in their recovery.

Join us here: https://apus.zoom.us/j/94796297376?pwd=blB4WUxERGxyYWFpbXdJTko2RVgrdz09
Student Lightning Talk Competition
The Lightning Talk competition is a communication and public speaking activity that challenges students to explain a research project to a broad audience with a three minute video. This playlist shows students from a variety of programs and degree levels at American Public University System discussing their research topics.
The People's Choice Award voting is OPEN! Vote for your favorite video by
pressing the "like" button. We will award the video with the most votes the People's Choice prize.
On-Demand Presentations
This playlist of presentations demonstrates the work of APUS faculty in a variety of schools and subjects.
Faculty Lightning Talks
This playlist demonstrates the ongoing work of the 2022 APUS Faculty Research Grant researchers.

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