Partner Program

Each month, my company SERP helps millions of people find the best choice of everything from service providers, to softwares, to travel destinations – and we pride ourselves in promoting brands we trust and vet first hand. 

Our Partner Program gives our readers confidence that they’re dealing with businesses that they will have a quality experience with. While simultaneously giving your business business more credibility, exposure & traffic.

  • Improve the trustworthiness & credibility of your business instantly with our widely recognizable trust badges.
  • Increase your traffic, leads & sales with a dedicated listing on our directory and placements on our “Best of” pages for your business category or the products/services you provide.

47% of consumers said trust badges reassure them a site is secure and trustworthy.

Our Partner Program is free to join, as we believe that every business should have the opportunity to get in front of their ideal audience – not just the ones who pay search engines for adspace.

61% of consumers are more likely to trust non-paid recommendations.

Partner Program Perks

Reach New CustomersStrengthened CredibilityCompetitive AdvantageComplimentary Listing Page
As a SERP Certified business, customers looking for a trustworthy company will be able to find you easily through our directory.SERP is dedicated to providing our readers with the best information available.

We research, vet, and publish only the best providers and businesses around.
Our websites get millions of visitors a month.

Get your business in front of more customers without spending a dime on ads.
Build your business profile to showcase your products, services, and track record in the marketplace.


Every year, we vet thousands of businesses, and their products, to provide reviews and ratings for the market. Before adding any company to our database, we perform extensive research to ensure we recommend companies following consumer-friendly marketplace practices.  

We spend most of our time acquiring information on products and services, market demand, and what our members care about the most. Our editorial and research team then scrutinizes the material to build a trusted resource for the community.

While the process may be more complex, our standards are simple. 

We only recommend businesses that we know and have their customer’s best interests in mind.

Click the GET STARTED button below to apply for our Partner Program.