


RMS Tour Brazil & Argentina 2017

Events that promote free software

Richard Stallman in Brasil

Access to the Source Code of Imposed Tax Software

Free Software Events

IRPF-Livre 2011: Death and Taxes

FSFLA's petition for Canaima GNU/Linux to be Free

Linux-2.6.36-libre: turning Linux's Free Bait into Free Software

IRPF-Livre 2010: Free as Always, Sooner than Ever

Take your freedom back, with Linux-2.6.33-libre

you mean now, or once copyright gets abolished?
(hint: neither depends on copyright; I linked to a great book in this thread that answers your question)

@[email protected] 2022-12-24 02:56

heh. tem uma fruta amazônica que é tipo um caroção de abacate, duro que só, com uma casca de manga em volta. a polpa é a camada quase imaginária entre a casca e o caroço. deve precisar de uma saca de 60kg pra juntar 100g de polpa.
não lembro do nome dessa fruta (alguém reconhece pela descrição?), mas lembro dela como a antítese do slogan "quem poupa tem" :-)

@[email protected] 2022-12-23 22:30

what do you mean by "larger than"? the comparison hardly even makes sense. GNU is independent from the FSF. the FSF was initially founded to support GNU, to raise funds for it, and to fiscally sponsor it, but GNU is not part of the FSF, and the FSF has taken up many other activities unrelated to GNU. FSF's staff is much smaller than the pool of volunteers that contributes to the GNU project, and there's no expectation that GNU contributors be FSF associate members or vice versa. the comparison seems just misguided, following from a very common misunderstanding as to the relationship between the GNU Project and the FSF

the inability to perceive a difference between entities of different nature, different goals, different members, and different activities just goes to reinforce how prejudiced and misinformed your conflation is

next thing, we may even find out that your gripes with the GNU Project are not even because of things GNU actually did! :-) (that's quite common too, alas, and a symptom of the labeling issue I mentioned earlier)

@[email protected] 2022-12-23 22:19

não estou falando de como deveria ser, mas de como é. propriedade industrial nem mesmo se refere a copyright ou direitos autorais, regidos por leis diferentes cá e lá. generalizações baseadas na equivocada suposição de algo em comum entre essas miragens normalmente são enganosas. por exemplo, você tem algo contra a defesa dos direitos do consumidor? sua generalização faz parecer que sim, mas duvido que seja o caso. melhor não cair na armadilha cognitiva dessas miragens e pensar e usar os termos separados

quanto a argumento, sua tentativa de refutação não tem respaldo nos fatos. pra incidir direito autoral, não precisa ser algo trabalhoso. escreva um par de linhas, ou faça uns rabiscos desatentos, ligue um gravador e registre um pensamento ou uma linha melódica que lhe venha à cabeça e pronto, já está valendo. uma ferramenta como um gerador de analisador sintático ou léxico torna muitíssimo mais simples escrever programas para reconhecer linguagens e termos, mas essa simplificação não invalida a expressão autoral das gramáticas ou dos léxicos, mesmo tornando-as simples para que muitos que não seriam capazes de escrever os programas completos o façam através das ferramentas. por que geradores de imagens a partir de textos haveriam de ter efeitos diferentes?

talento e maestria ainda valorizam a arte:

@[email protected] 2022-12-23 21:52

there's no such thing as FSF branches. FSFLA, FSFE, FSF India, FSF France are all independent organizations, united only by supporting essentially the same ideas promoted by the original FSF. there's no hierarchy, authority, shared funding, no structure or relationship that could be reasonably denoted by "branch"

@[email protected] 2022-12-23 21:40

GNU/FSF is an inappropriate conflation in itself, which already weakens your opposition as prejudiced rather than reasoned, FWIW

I've found it quite common for someone to assign to such labels a set of ideas one opposes or supports, without necessarily any resemblance to what the label-carriers actually oppose or support. by conflating two separate labels into one, you reinforce the appearance that what drives your stance is prejudice rather than wisdom.

@[email protected] 2022-12-23 21:33

that appears to be conflating protocol and network
remember when email was not all smtp and imap, and addresses had to specify the path a message was to take to reach the destination? when uucp and smtp and other protocols coexisted and allowed mediated interoperation? it was the email network, even while some used only smtp to interoperate
activitypub is analogous to smtp; the fediverse is analogous to the email network
same reasoning goes to ipv4 vs internet. ipv4 doesn't define the boundaries of the internet, nor do they overlap fully, though for an e.g. ipv6-challenged party it may seem like it.

@[email protected] 2022-12-23 20:09

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