Diplomacy and Human Rights Summit 
November 18-19, 2021

The US Institute of Diplomacy and Human Rights (USIDHR) successfully hosted their Second Annual Summit on November 18th and 19th, a two-day event titled Diplomacy and Human Rights Summit. 
With more than 50 thousand reaches on Facebook on day 1, ultimately reaching over 124k page reaches on Facebook over the course of the two days plus thousands other on Youtube.

Boasting over 20 speakers including high-level officials, diplomats, ambassadors, and founders of international non-profits to name a few, from over 15 countries. The event brought together a variety of specialties to create an enticing and unique conversation about some of the most pressing human rights and diplomatic issues of recent years and solutions to move forwards and create a stronger international community.
The event was streamed live on the US Institute of Diplomacy and Human Rights Facebook and Youtube pages. This year’s event was hosted by Isabelle Vladoiu, the Founder of the US Institute of Diplomacy and Human Rights, with individual panels being moderated by Manuel Oancia, President at USIDHR, and Olivia Flavell, Senior Research Associate.

WATCH the Livestream for Day 1 below.  

Re-visit the incredible first day of the Diplomacy and Human Rights Summit 2021. 
Watch the entire Day 1 with topics on Human Rights Education, Religious Freedom and Women's Rights!
Hear from our distinguished panelists and engage in conversation using the hashtag #USIDHRsummit2021 
Isabelle Vladoiu USIDHR James Dold Human Rights for kids Marice Morales Muhammad Ahmad Global peace chain USIDHR Summit 2021

Takeaways from Day 1 - Human Rights Education Panel

The first day was centered around three main topics, Human Rights Education; Religious Freedom; and Women’s Rights. The first session, moderated by the Founder of USIDHR, Isabelle Vladoiu focused on communicating the importance of Human Rights Education to create a more sustainable and peaceful future. 

Guest speakers: 

James Dold, CEO & Founder, Human Rights for Kids
Muhammad Ahmad, Co-founder, Global Peace Chain
Dr. Chaima Amari, Former Advisor to UN Mission in New York
Marice Morales, Attorney, Former Member of House of Delegates Montgomery County
Nadine Maenza USCIRF Greg Mitchell Manuel Oancia president USIDHR Simran Singh Paul Murray IRF Secretariat

Takeaways from Day 1 - Religious Freedom Panel

The Religious Freedom session was moderated by the President of USIDHR, Manuel Oancia with coveted guests discussing how religious freedom is imperative for upholding the remaining articles of the Universal Declaration. 

Guest Speakers:

The Honorable Nadine Maenza, Chair, United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF)
Greg Mitchell, Co-Chair, International Religious Freedom Roundtable
Simran Singh Stuelpnagel, Co-Chair, IRF Secretariat
Paul Murray, Co-Chair, IRF Secretariat

Takeaways from Day 1 - Women's Rights Panel

The final topic of the Human Rights discussion was Women’s Rights, moderated by Senior Research Associate at USIDHR, Olivia Flavell. Speakers all gave unique insights into how as a global community, we can work at both the grassroots and institutional levels to ensure women’s rights are made a priority. Topics included were Human Trafficking, Domestic Abuse, Gender Based-Violence and Societal Attitudes towards women.  

Guest Speakers:

Nick Papandreou, Author, Economist (GREECE)
Judy Oricho, Founder, Awino Love Foundation (KENYA)
Lynn Shaw, Founder, Lynn's Warriors (USA)
Dr. Sherlee Small, Founder, Shers Hope Foundation (USA)

WATCH the Livestream for Day 2 below.  

Re-visit the insightful second day of the Diplomacy and Human Rights Summit 2021.
Watch Day 2 with panels on Cultural and Economic Diplomacy!
Hear from coveted guests and engage in the conversation using the hashtag 
Takeaways from Day 2 - Cultural Diplomacy Panel

Day two of the Summit saw two incredibly insightful panels on Cultural Diplomacy and Economic Diplomacy. The first panel of the day Cultural Diplomacy was moderated by Founder of USIDHR, Ms. Isabelle Vladoiu and discussed how cultural diplomacy can play an important role in re-building a stronger international community post-pandemic. 

His Excellency Radovan Javorcik, Ambassador of Slovak Republic to the USA
Mr. Ioseb Jorjoliani, Second Secretary, Embassy of Georgia to the USA
Mr. Spyridon Heracles Aktypis, Third Counselor of the Embassy of Greece
Ms. Sandra Pires, Cultural Attache, Embassy of Portugal to the USA
Mr. Ahmad Toor, Primeminister's National Youth Council of Pakistan 
Takeaways from Day 2 - Economic Diplomacy Panel

The second panel of the day Economic Diplomacy was moderated by President of USIDHR, Mr. Manuel Oancia and discussed how can we use economic diplomacy to strengthen international relations and help build resilience post-pandemic. 

His Excellency Dr. Fernando Llorca Castro, Ambassador of Costa Rica to the USA
Her Excellency Bergdís Ellertsdóttir, Ambassador of Iceland to the USA
Dr. Abdallah Nassereddine, Economic Attaché, Embassy of Lebanon to the USA
Mr. Andrija Djuranovic, Second Secretary, Embassy of Montenegro to the USA
Mr. Brody Sinclair, Trade & Economic Counsellor, Embassy of New Zealand to the USA

The Summit continued each day with some educational Breakout Sessions on Children's Rights, Women's Health Rights and one session delivered entirely in Spanish. 
Children's Rights - Breakout Session USIDHR SUMMIT 

Re-visit the exclusive first breakout session of the Diplomacy and Human Rights Summit 2021.
Watch the Children’s Education Session and hear how crucial education is to the wellbeing of children and the key to a better world. Hear from Human Rights Consultants and engage in the conversation using the hashtag #usidhrsummit2021

Moderated by Manuel Oancia, President at USIDHR 

Addy Stamenova, RN, Human Rights Consultant
Pastor Jarvis Bestman, Human Rights Consultant
Ernest Sherman, UN Mission Liberia

Derechos Humanos -  Breakout Session USIDHR SUMMIT (in SPANISH)

Watch the first-ever Breakout session entirely in Spanish, 
Re-visit the exclusive first breakout session of the Diplomacy and Human Rights Summit 2021.  Hear from Human Rights Consultants and engage in the conversation using the hashtag #usidhrsummit2021

Moderated by Isabelle Vladoiu, Founder USIDHR

Vicky Levya, Human Rights Consultant, RIMLA USA
Geomar Pacheco, RIMLA Latin America & the Caribbean
Berenice Gorduño Bernal, RIMLA Mexico

Women's Health Rights -  Breakout Session USIDHR SUMMIT 

Re-visit our final summit event of the Diplomacy and Human Rights Summit 2021.Watch our Women’s Reproductive Health Rights session to understand why these particular rights need to be a more distinctive part of the human rights conversation and how we can make this happen. Hear from Human Rights Consultants and engage in the conversation using the hashtag #usidhrsummit2021

Moderated by Olivia Flavell, Sr. Research Associate at USIDHR 

Blaise Hunter, Human Rights Consultant

How would you describe the USIDHR Summit?

"Very informative, well-spoken, and informed about the issues coming forward next year and in the future."

"A summit full of knowledgeable discussion about the way of life which I believe is Human Rights." 

"Informative. Hopefully more specific info on problems and solutions presented."

"The Summit was very engaging, informative and insightful. I’ve learned a lot in the last two days and I’m very grateful to USIDHR for this." 

"It was really a warming a hub of learning for sensitive topics."

"A phenomenal discussion on human rights...religious rights, women's freedoms, children's right to education, climate change along with all this was striking"

"An unforgettable experience!"

"World Class! Exciting in awareness and challenge to action on global platform for kids."

"Spectacular , inspiring...super amazing when all these panelists on same platform 100% thumbsup."

"It was one of the best summits that I ever participated in it and it was so academic."

"It was so beneficial for us as a student of university and I hope USIDHR it will be continue in the next years."

"Lovely and smashing experience to be able to hear the spectacular panelists from all over and exchanging their inspirational stories on this platform.. amazing to have connected with like minds."

"The best conference that I’ve ever experienced so far, I hope this conference will be happening every year!" 

"As I said earlier, this summit was absolutely well-developed and well-presented! It has inspired me to reach out and do my part in bringing cultural diplomacy and human rights to every corner of the world."

"Really insightful and enjoyable. Looking forward to participate more in USIDHR webinars, conferences and summits from now on. Thanks for the great opportunity."

"A meaningful experience for teenagers and adults!"

"One of a kind....wonderful, enlightening." 

"It is a really professional summit, at the same time it was really exciting and entertaining especially for students that have the same age of me. This is because topics like these may be very hard to understand and comprehend but the summit made it in a way to understand more easily."

"It was a great experience since I am on my to be more educated and involved the human rights aspect. My academic studies are far away from this field and the summit was the guide to know where to start. 
It is good with some people because we are listening other subject important with world."

"Great Summit full of Diverse speakers, very eye opening, revolutionary"

"Great experience!"



"Informative, educational, and eye opening in regards to one’s rights."

"It was so good this conference to me which about the human rights and diplomacy that I learned too much new informations about it."

"Fue una experiencia inolvidable!"

"Great with learning sessions and debates."

"Very thankful to USIDHR. It gave me free knowledges about human rights that everyone should know."

"Totally helpful about cultural and economical diplomacy, religious freedom and human rights."

Did you learn something new? If YES, what?

"I learned about the value of trade for organizing peace (vs. commercial), as well as the proposed growth of education in 2022."

"I have learned fundamental roles of individuals from across the world in the field of Human Rights. I have learned and enjoyed the culture diplomacy session and its importance for Ambassadors all over the world! "

"Yes this summit was very helpful. Nice, Diversity, Equality, Equity and Inclusion are where our economic strength going forward with climate priority."

"An amazing experience and such an awesome Panel. The invited guest speakers were excellent speakers. I have learned much from this an unforgettable experience. Much thanks to you all."

Summit was outstanding and learned the critical issue of education for children globally

"Wonderful summit and diplomats. The panelists were inspiring and I hope to be more than a volunteer and I will do much more for HUMANITY soon after my grads..."

"Yes, lot of new things."

Was a wonderful virtual experience, wonderfully delivered by all panelist and of course so much to do and learn. I enjoyed the delivery by LYNN, CHAIMA, DR. SMALL, any woman should stand up for rights and rightly said domestic violence has to be seriously dealt with, also about educating the masses getting a better youth in coming decade. Lovely mission set by USIDHR!"

Yes, it was so good for me and I learned a bunch of new informations about different things wich that has mentioned in the agenda of this conference 

"The part about religion equality was the best part for me and I've learned a lot from this session.
Of course I learned a lot of new knowledge and information about the human rights issues and diplomacy as well." 

It was absolutely well-developed and successful and inspiring. For me it inspired me to reach out to many of the speakers and others in the field to work together to bring cultural diplomacy and human rights to every corner of the world. 

"Of course! I have learned a lot of things and I have gained more knowledge about the topics that have been discussed at the summit. Human Rights and so on."

"Human Rights go deep to every country and economic level."

"The importance of freedom of religion in humanity and it's very important that every country most adopt it be their top priority."

"I now have a better knowledge of human rights and diplomacy."

"Amazing stories and how we can improve not just the human rights purpose but also combat the domestic violence."

"I think that the summit was a great experience especially for students like me, because it taught me many things that I never learned in school, like human rights."

"The summit was great and very interactive and I learned a lot about human rights."

"It was just amazing for me and were new experiences for me about the women's right, economical diplomacy, children education and about freedom of religion."

"Very enriching sessions."

"One major thing I loved was the fact that a speaker stressed on the reason why we need to allow our culture to merge us all together."

"I found it very interesting and educative given the insightful speakers' level of wisdom. Religious freedom and women's rights was essential to me and I have learnt a lot in those discussions. Basically, it was a great summit!"

"Bringing people together to share opinions and potential solutions is the way to create real change!
Honestly, all the things I learned were important because if they weren’t, they wouldn’t have been said.
Yes, it was a new experience to me and that I learned too much about the human rights and diplomacy and others."

"Great event! Cooperation and Trust."

"The summit is unique and outstanding. I have learned a lot of things from it on human rights issue in general and specific vulnerable right for women. Keep up the good work USIDHR!"
Find out more about USIDHR's educational programs. Visit our main website at https://usidhr.org
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