Leading Auto Manufacturer Hyundai Implements Workspot Enterprise Desktop Cloud. Learn More

Modernize VDI with Cloud PCs

Stream Windows or Linux desktops from
any cloud onto any device for greater
security and business agility.

About our platform

Hear Mark Templeton discuss why now is the time to modernize with Cloud PCs.

Now you can stream enterprise desktops and apps from any cloud to people anywhere for ultimate flexibility, stronger security, and outstanding performance that delights even the most demanding end users.

Trusted by Enterprises Worldwide

Southland uses Workspot Cloud Desktops & WorkstationsSoutlanPoyner SpruillAdvisor360

The Workspot Enterprise Desktop Cloud™ platform is an innovative SaaS Cloud PC solution suited for enterprise organizations with demanding requirements for security, global scalability, performance, and reliability. Every organization has unique requirements – one size does not fit all. That’s why we honor the technology choices you’ve already made. Our enterprise-proven technology features multi-cloud support, customizable everything, and exceptional performance end users love!

Rave Reviews on G2

For Solution Architects

  • Eliminate on-premises VDI complexity
  • Securely support remote access for employees and contractors
  • Enable high-performance computing in the cloud
  • Major operating systems supported: Windows 10, Window 11, Linux, MacOS, iOS, Android
  • Support for hybrid deployments, single-console global management, and unmatched monitoring tools
Take Me There

For IT Leaders

  • Modernize legacy virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI)
  • Scale globally in a few minutes through a web browser
  • Support business growth and agility
  • Strengthen security and simplify compliance
  • Reduce complexity & cost; improve resilience
  • Use any corporate or BYO device: laptop, desktop computer, phone, and tablet
  • Provide secure access to Microsoft 365 and all your business apps
Take Me There

Flexibility and disaster recovery are strong arguments for choosing Workspot. The cloud approach secures our data better, and we are much better prepared for a business continuity event with the built-in disaster recovery capabilities of cloud desktops.”

Poyner Spruill – Legal

Workspot dramatically decreased our time to get deliverables into the hands of our clients, giving us a competitive advantage.”

Dudek – Civil Engineering

We’ve become accustomed to the ‘Concierge Service’ we receive from Workspot.”

Global Law Firm

Allowing Workspot to take care of the underlying VDI infrastructure has really helped our IT department focus on supporting end-users as opposed to supporting infrastructure.”

Agdata – Data Management Services

We are 100% in on Workspot. It’s all about being agile.

Wood Rodgers – Engineering

My IT team is happy, the CAD design engineers are happy, and I get a consistent cost every month.”

Mead & Hunt – Design/Build

“Workspot is the one thing I can count on in a cloud computing platform!”

Poyner Spruill – Legal

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NELSON Worldwide has successfully moved 500 engineers & designers to the cloud for all their CAD development projects.

Modernize and Simplify

SaaS cloud desktops on Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud eliminate complexity, reduce TCO & bring greater agility…

Enterprise Cloud Desktops

Be prepared for any business dynamic. SaaS cloud PCs are the only solution that deliver that kind of agility…
