Google Cloud release notes

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The following release notes cover the most recent changes over the last 60 days. For a comprehensive list of product-specific release notes, see the individual product release note pages.

You can also see and filter all release notes in the Google Cloud console or you can programmatically access release notes in BigQuery.

To get the latest product updates delivered to you, add the URL of this page to your feed reader, or add the feed URL directly:

December 20, 2022

Cloud Composer

(Available without upgrading) Fixed an issue where upgrading a Private IP environment with VPC peerings to Cloud Composer 2.0.31 and later versions resulted in intermittent issues with database connections.

Cloud Composer 1.20.2 and 2.1.2 are versions with an extended upgrade timeline.

Cloud SQL for MySQL

Cloud SQL for MySQL now supports using the lower_case_table_names flag for MySQL 8.0. For more information, see Configure database flags.

Vertex AI

Vertex AI Matching Engine

Vertex AI Matching Engine now offers General Availability support for updating your indices using Streaming Update, which is real-time indexing for the Approximate Nearest Neighbor (ANN) service.

Virtual Private Cloud

December 19, 2022

Anthos clusters on bare metal

Release 1.13.3

Anthos clusters on bare metal 1.13.3 is now available for download. To upgrade, see Upgrading Anthos on bare metal. Anthos clusters on bare metal 1.13.3 runs on Kubernetes 1.24.

Known issues:

For information about the latest known issues, see Anthos on bare metal known issues in the Troubleshooting section.


A weekly digest of client library updates from across the Cloud SDK.


Changes for google-cloud-bigquery

2.20.0 (2022-12-13)

  • Add fast query path support when empty jobId object is passed (#2349) (42c083a)
  • Next release from main branch is 2.20.0 (#2405) (9297a43)
  • Update arrow.version to v10.0.1 (#2426) (aff9019)
  • Update cloud client dependencies (#2444) (7255357)
  • Update dependency to v2.8.0 (#2418) (1ac1653)
  • Update dependency to v2.9.0 (#2441) (01cc3c3)
  • Update dependency to v2-rev20221127-2.0.0 (#2437) (eb52002)
  • Update dependency to v1.12.0 (#2419) (c449031)
  • Update dependency to v3.1.0 (#2435) (c99b215)
  • Update dependency to v2.15.1 (#2420) (baf337a)
  • Update dependency org.graalvm.buildtools:junit-platform-native to v0.9.18 (#2424) (63b5196)
  • Update dependency org.graalvm.buildtools:junit-platform-native to v0.9.19 (#2432) (396c6dc)
  • Update dependency org.graalvm.buildtools:native-maven-plugin to v0.9.18 (#2425) (cd2ae9f)
  • Update dependency org.graalvm.buildtools:native-maven-plugin to v0.9.19 (#2433) (bf94087)
  • Update jmh.version to v1.36 (#2415) (0676586)


Changes for google-cloud-bigquery

3.4.1 (2022-12-09)

  • Add info about streaming quota limits to insert_rows* methods (#1409) (0f08e9a)
  • make pyarrow and BQ Storage optional dependencies (e1aa921)
Cloud Bigtable

A weekly digest of client library updates from across the Cloud SDK.


Changes for google-cloud-bigtable

2.17.1 (2022-12-13)

  • Update dependency to v3.8.0 (#1548) (48f136d)
Cloud Logging

Cloud Logging now supports the following regions:

  • US

  • EU

For more information, see Data regionality for Cloud Logging.

Cloud Spanner

You can now use the ALTER INDEX statement to add columns into an index or drop non-key columns. For more information, see Alter an index.

Cloud TPU

Cloud TPU now supports TensorFlow patches: 2.8.4, 2.9.3, and 2.10.1. See the TensorFlow release notes for details:


A weekly digest of client library updates from across the Cloud SDK.


Changes for google-cloud-dataflow-client

0.7.0 (2022-12-15)

  • Add support for (5f36251)
  • Add typing to proto.Message based class attributes (5f36251)
Bug Fixes
  • Add dict typing for client_options (5f36251)
  • deps: Require google-api-core >=1.34.0, >=2.11.0 (9b9083c)
  • Drop usage of pkg_resources (9b9083c)
  • Fix timeout default values (9b9083c)
  • samples: Snippetgen handling of repeated enum field (5f36251)
  • samples: Snippetgen should call await on the operation coroutine before calling result (9b9083c)
Document AI

The Document AI OCR Processor has the following new features:

  • The OCR Processor now supports extracting embedded text from digital PDFs in public preview. A fallback to the optical OCR model is automatically triggered to extract text in the regions when the PDF being processed contains non-digital text. To opt into this feature, set process_options.ocr_config.enable_native_pdf_parsing=true in your API request to the OCR Processor.

  • Added advanced versioning support to the Document AI OCR, which enables OCR users to pin to a historical model version. When enabled, OCR outputs are guaranteed to be consistent and virtually frozen, with zero behavioral drifts. To enable advanced versioning, select the release candidate version pretrained-ocr-v1.2-2022-11-10 in your Document AI console.

Known issues with the digital PDF feature of the Document AI OCR Processor:

  • On a small number of documents, the word ordering within lines of text as reported by native text extraction might be wrong.

  • On certain documents, invisible text embedded in a native PDF may be reported.

  • On certain Japanese documents, currency symbols such as Yen might be incorrectly extracted as /.

  • On certain documents, apostrophe symbols may be missing in word/line results.

  • On certain documents, native text extraction might report different word/line results than those obtained by image-based OCR on an identical document.


Support for the australia-southeast2 (Melbourne) region.

Firestore in Datastore mode

Support for the australia-southeast2 (Melbourne) region.

A weekly digest of client library updates from across the Cloud SDK.


Changes for google-cloud-ndb

2.1.0 (2022-12-15)

Bug Fixes
  • zlib: Accomodate different Zlib compression levels (#852) (c1ab83b)
Google Kubernetes Engine

CVE-2022-37434, CVE-2022-40674, CVE-2022-1586, CVE-2022-1587 have been patched in the PD CSI driver in 1.22, 1.23, 1.24 for newly created clusters. CVE-2022-37434, CVE-2021-3999, CVE-2022-40674, CVE-2022-1586, CVE-2022-1587 have been patched in the PD CSI driver in 1.25 for newly created clusters.


A weekly digest of client library updates from across the Cloud SDK.


Changes for google-cloud-pubsub

1.122.2 (2022-12-15)

  • Update dependency to v2.9.0 (#1435) (786c493)
  • Update dependency to v3.1.0 (#1436) (a40337b)
Pub/Sub Lite

Pub/Sub Lite now supports export subscriptions. You can use an export subscription to export Pub/Sub Lite messages to a destination Pub/Sub topic. This feature is generally available (GA).

Storage Transfer Service

Storage Transfer Service now offers Preview support for tracking progress of a Transfer Job using Cloud Monitoring, allowing you to monitor the number of objects and amount of data copied by Storage Transfer Service in near real-time.

See Monitor transfer jobs for details.

December 16, 2022

Assured Workloads

The ITAR compliance regime is now generally available.


You can now enable up to 500 active rules within your Chronicle account. Up to 75 of those can be multi-event rules. See Running a rule against live data for information on how to enable rules and Manage rules using Rules Editor for information on how to configure rules.

Cloud SQL for MySQL

Automatic IAM database authentication for Cloud SQL for MySQL is now available. To get started using automatic IAM database authentication, see Cloud SQL IAM database authentication.

MySQL 5.7.38 has been upgraded to 5.7.39. For more information, see MySQL 5.7 release notes.

Cloud Vision

Landmark Detection Upgrade

Specify "builtin/latest" in the model field of a Feature object to use the new model.

We'll support both the current model and the new model the next 90 days. After 90 days the current model will be deprecated and only the new model will be used for all landmark detection requests.

Face Detection Upgrade

Specify "builtin/latest" in the model field of a Feature object to use the new model.

We'll support both the current model and the new model the next 90 days. After 90 days the latest model will become the default model. The old model will be available for another 90 days by specifying "builtin/legacy".

Compute Engine

The image import tool now supports importing RHEL 9 images to Google Cloud.


Dataflow now supports regional placement for workers.


Dataplex BigLake integration is now available in preview. Dataplex BigLake integration allows upgrading a Cloud Storage bucket to managed, creating BigLake tables instead of external tables. This allows the manual application of column-level, row-level, and table-level policies.


To improve security, the "dialogflow.sessions.detectIntent" and "dialogflow.sessions.streamingDetectIntent" permissions are being removed from the IAM Viewer role on January 31, 2023.

To continue using the Dialogflow CX/ES console simulator or making detectIntent/streamingDetectIntent API calls, users and service accounts with the IAM Viewer role must update roles granted to them to include a role with these permissions. For example, the IAM Dialogflow API Client role (ES documentation, CX documentation) includes these permissions. For Dialogflow CX, you can apply the agent-specific Client role using the Dialogflow console.

Google Cloud Armor

Advanced network DDoS protection is now Generally Available for network load balancers, protocol forwarding, and VMs with public IP addresses. Metering and billing of Managed Protection Plus protected resources and the data processing fee for the endpoint covered by advanced Network DDoS protection will begin on Jan 31, 2023. For more information, see Configure advanced DDoS protection and the Cloud armor pricing page.

Google Kubernetes Engine

Global external HTTP(S) load balancer is now supported with the GKE Gateway controller in Preview. You can now configure GKE clusters with control plane version 1.24 or later in Rapid channel to use a global external HTTP(S) load balancer to expose web services to the Internet, in a single cluster or multi-cluster architecture. You can benefit from many advanced traffic management capabilities offered by the new generation of Google Cloud global external HTTP(S) load balancers natively in GKE by using the Kubernetes Gateway API and specifying a new Gateway class. To see the difference between Gateway classes compatible with our GKE Gateway controller, see here.

Security Command Center

Event Threat Detection, a built-in service of Security Command Center, launched the Initial Access: Dormant Service Account Action rule to Preview. This rule detects events where a dormant user-managed service account triggered an action. For more information, see Event Threat Detection rules.

Traffic Director

A new series of enhancements for handling locality load balancing in proxyless mesh deployments is now available in GA. These enhancements let you do the following:

  • Create and use a list of preferred load-balancing policies. With this feature, if your first preferred policy can't be used by a particular client, gRPC falls back to the next policy on the list.

  • Use a custom load-balancing policy that you created and deployed with gRPC. As part of a related gRPC enhancement, a new set of APIs lets you capture metrics about query cost and server utilization. You can use these APIs to fine-tune your custom policy.

For more information about using these features, see Locality load balancing.

December 15, 2022

Access Approval

Access Approval supports Artifact Registry in the Preview stage. For the complete list of services that Access Approval supports, see Supported services.

Anthos Anthos Attached Clusters

A new generation of Anthos attached clusters is now available. This release includes the following Anthos attached clusters platform versions:

  • 1.21.0-gke.1
  • 1.22.0-gke.1
  • 1.23.0-gke.2
  • 1.24.0-gke.1
  • 1.25.0-gke.1

This release of Anthos attached clusters supports AKS and EKS cluster versions 1.21, 1.22, 1.23, 1.24 and 1.25.

This generation of Anthos attached clusters further streamlines the process of attaching your cluster to the Google Cloud infrastructure.

This release supports logging and monitoring of your cluster's status with full log examination through Google's Cloud Logging UI.

This release supports migration of your existing EKS and AKS clusters from the previous generation Anthos attached clusters product.

Anthos clusters on AWS

You can now launch clusters with the following Kubernetes versions:

  • 1.23.14-gke.1100
  • 1.24.8-gke.1300
  • 1.25.4-gke.1300

You can now dynamically update AWS node pool security groups. To do so your API role must have the ec2:ModifyInstanceAttribute and ec2:DescribeInstances permissions.

You can now dynamically updating AWS node pool tags. To do so, your API role must have the autoscaling:CreateOrUpdateTags, autoscaling:DeleteTags, ec2:CreateTags, ec2:DeleteTags, and ec2:DescribeLaunchTemplates permissions.

Elastic File System (EFS) dynamic provisioning is now available in GA for clusters at version 1.25 or later. To use this feature, you must add the following permissions to the control plane role:

  • ec2:DescribeAvailabilityZones
  • elasticfilesystem:DescribeAccessPoints
  • elasticfilesystem:DescribeFileSystems
  • elasticfilesystem:DescribeMountTargets
  • elasticfilesystem:CreateAccessPoint
  • elasticfilesystem:DeleteAccessPoint

You can now upload workload metrics using Google Managed Service for Prometheus with managed collection to Cloud Monarch. This has been upgraded from a preview feature to GA.

You can now enable and update CloudWatch metrics collection on AWS node pool's auto scaling group. To use this feature your API role must have the autoscaling:EnableMetricsCollection and autoscaling:DisableMetricsCollection permissions.

Added a new token manager (gke-token-manager) to generate tokens for control plane components. This eliminates a control-plane component dependency on kube-apiserver, removes the need for RBAC in token generation, and permits logging to begin earlier in the startup cycle.

As a preview feature, Google Cloud Monitoring can now ingest a set of control plane metrics from kube-apiserver, kube-scheduler, kube-controller manager and etcd.

Administrators can grant AWS cluster access to all members of a Google Group by granting the required RBAC permission to the group. For details, see Set up the Connect gateway with Google Groups.

To use the following features with gcloud requires gcloud v413.0.0, scheduled for release in January 2023. You can access these features through the API now:

  • Dynamically updating AWS node pool tags
  • Enable and update CloudWatch metrics collection on AWS node pools

Static pods running on the cluster's control plane VMs are now restricted to run as non-root Linux users.

Fixed an issue in which outdated versions of gke-connect-agent were not always removed after cluster upgrades.

Kubernetes 1.22 versions are no longer supported. To upgrade to a supported version, see Upgrade your AWS cluster version.

Kubernetes version 1.25 deprecates several APIs. For details, see the Kubernetes Deprecated API Migration Guide.

Anthos clusters on Azure

You can now launch clusters with the following Kubernetes versions:

  • 1.23.14-gke.1100
  • 1.24.8-gke.1300
  • 1.25.4-gke.1300

You can now upload workload metrics using Google Managed Service for Prometheus with managed collection to Cloud Monarch. This has been upgraded from a preview feature to GA.

Azure ActiveDirectory is now supported in GA, letting cluster admins configure RBAC policies based on Azure AD groups for authorization in clusters and supporting retrieval of groups information for users belonging who belong to more than 200 groups.

Added a new token manager (gke-token-manager) to generate tokens for control plane components. This eliminates a control-plane component dependency on kube-apiserver, removes the need for RBAC in token generation, and permits logging to begin earlier in the startup cycle.

As a preview feature, Google Cloud Monitoring can now ingest a set of control plane metrics from kube-apiserver, kube-scheduler, kube-controller manager and etcd.

Administrators can grant Azure cluster access to all members of a Google Group by granting the required RBAC permission to the group. For details, see Set up the Connect gateway with Google Groups.

Static pods running on the cluster's control plane VMs are now restricted to run as non-root Linux users.

Fixed an issue in which outdated versions of gke-connect-agent were not always removed after cluster upgrades.

Kubernetes 1.22 versions are no longer supported. To upgrade to a supported version, see Upgrade your Azure cluster version.

Kubernetes version 1.25 deprecates several APIs. For details, see the Kubernetes Deprecated API Migration Guide.

Anthos clusters on VMware

Anthos clusters on VMware 1.13.3-gke.26 is now available. To upgrade, see Upgrading Anthos clusters on VMware. Anthos clusters on VMware 1.13.3-gke.26 runs on Kubernetes 1.24.7-gke.1700.

The supported versions offering the latest patches and updates for security vulnerabilities, exposures, and issues impacting Anthos clusters on VMware are 1.13, 1.12, and 1.11.

  • Added yq tool in the admin workstation to simplify troubleshooting.
  • Upgraded VMware vSphere Container Storage Plug-in from 2.5 to 2.6.2. This version bump includes support for Kubernetes version 1.24. For more information, see VMware vSphere Container Storage Plug-in 2.6 Release Notes.
  • Added storage validation that checks Kubernetes PersistentVolumes and vSphere virtual disks as part of admin and user cluster upgrade preflight checks.
  • Fixed an issue where anet-operator could be scheduled to a Windows node with enableControlplaneV2: true.
  • Fixed OOM events associated with monitoring-operator- Pods by increasing memory limit to 1GB.
  • Fixed the issue where deleting a user cluster also deleted cluster-health-controller and vsphere-metrics-exporter ClusterRole objects.
  • Fixed the following vulnerabilities:
Bare Metal Solution

Enhancements to Bare Metal Solution resource management for SAP HANA–For Bare Metal Solution environments running SAP HANA, you can now use the Google Cloud console, gcloud CLI, and API to view and manage your Bare Metal Solution servers, storage, and networks.

For more information, see Maintaining your Bare Metal Solution environment in the SAP HANA on Bare Metal Solution deployment guide.


Any job can use a custom machine type. (Before, you could only use custom machine types by creating a job from a Compute Engine instance template.)

Preview: Batch supports VPC Service Controls, which lets you create perimeters that protect the resources and data of Google Cloud services that you explicitly specify. For more information about using VPC Service Controls with Batch, see Supported products and limitations.


You can now access and query Cloud SQL data over a private connection. This feature is generally available (GA).

Certificate Manager

You can now view a list of certificates managed by Certificate Manager in your project in the Cloud Console. You can also view detailed information about each certificate. For instructions, see Manage Certificates.

Load Balancing SSL certificates, previously available in the "Certificates" tab on the "Load Balancing" page, are now also available in the Certificate Manager page in the "Classic Certificates" tab.


Starting December 15, 2022, you may not see data in your Chronicle instance that is older than the data retention period defined in your contract. For more information, see Data Retention.

Cloud Composer

All Composer environment GKE clusters are set up with maintenance exclusions for the period between December 22, 2022 and January 2, 2022. For more information, see Maintenance exclusions.

Cloud Data Fusion

Cloud Data Fusion integrates with Data Catalog for asset level lineage in Preview.

Cloud SQL for MySQL

You can now allow other Google Cloud services, such as BigQuery, to access data in Cloud SQL for MySQL and make queries against this data over a private connection. For more information, see Create instances.

Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL

You can now allow other Google Cloud services, such as BigQuery, to access data in Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL and make queries against this data over a private connection. For more information, see Create instances.


The Dataflow VM image has been updated to include mitigations for OpenSSL CVE-2022-3602 by upgrading to cos-97-16919-189-12. For jobs that use GPUs, the NVIDIA drivers have also been updated to mitigate the vulnerability. Dataflow jobs started on or after December 14, 2022 will run VM instances that use this image.

Deep Learning Containers

M102 Release

  • TensorFlow 2.11 is now available.
  • PyTorch 1.13 is now available.
  • Regular security patches and package upgrades.
Deep Learning VM Images

M102 Release


Eventarc support for creating triggers for direct events from the following sources is available in Preview:

  • API Gateway
  • Apigee Registry
  • BeyondCorp
  • Certificate Manager
  • Cloud Data Fusion
  • Cloud Functions
  • Cloud Memorystore for Memcached
  • Database Migration
  • Datastream
  • Eventarc
  • Workflows

SAP on Google Cloud

Enhancements to Bare Metal Solution resource management for SAP HANA

For Bare Metal Solution environments running SAP HANA, you can now view and manage your Bare Metal Solution servers, storage, and networks using the Google Cloud console, CLI, and API.

For more information, see Maintaining your Bare Metal Solution environment in the SAP HANA on Bare Metal Solution deployment guide.

Security Command Center

Event Threat Detection, a built-in service of Security Command Center, launched the following rules to Preview.

  • Privilege Escalation: Anomalous Impersonation of Service Account for Admin Activity
  • Privilege Escalation: Anomalous Multistep Service Account Delegation for Admin Activity
  • Privilege Escalation: Anomalous Multistep Service Account Delegation for Data Access
  • Privilege Escalation: Anomalous Service Account Impersonator for Admin Activity
  • Privilege Escalation: Anomalous Service Account Impersonator for Data Access

These rules detect the unusual impersonation or delegation of a service account, as recorded in either the Admin Activity or Data Access audit logs. For more information, see Event Threat Detection rules.

Storage Transfer Service

Storage Transfer Service now offers GA Support for transferring data between file systems, including on-premises file systems and Filestore instances. This allows you to use the Transfer Service API, gcloud command line tool, or the Cloud console to migrate data from a self-managed file system to Filestore; accelerate data transfer from an on-premise file system to a cloud file system; or move data between on-premises systems.

You can also transfer specific files or objects using a manifest for file system to file system transfers.

VPC Service Controls

Preview stage support for the following integrations:


A workflow's source and details can now be updated independently through the Cloud Console using the Source and Details tabs for quicker editing.

December 14, 2022

Anthos Anthos clusters on bare metal

Release 1.12.6

Anthos clusters on bare metal 1.12.6 is now available for download. To upgrade, see Upgrading Anthos on bare metal. Anthos clusters on bare metal 1.12.6 runs on Kubernetes 1.23.

The following container image security vulnerabilities have been fixed:

Known issues:

For information about the latest known issues, see Anthos on bare metal known issues in the Troubleshooting section.

Apigee Integrated Portal

On December 14, 2022 we released an updated version of Apigee integrated portal.

Bug ID Description
260725456 The x-xss-protection header on portal runtime loading changed from value of "1;" to be "1; mode=block".
254053443 Fixed a bug to ensure that a Not found page is displayed whenever an invalid document path is navigated to in a portal.
Cloud Asset Inventory

The following resource types are now publicly available through the Export APIs (ExportAssets, ListAssets, and BatchGetAssetsHistory), Feed API, and Search APIs (SearchAllResources, SearchAllIamPolicies).

  • Transcoder
Cloud DNS

Zonal Cloud DNS zones are now available in GA.

You can create private DNS zones that are scoped only to a Google Cloud zone.

Configuring Cloud DNS scopes is now available in GA.

Cloud Data Fusion

Cloud Data Fusion is available in the following regions:

  • us-east5
  • us-south1

For more information, see Locations and Pricing.

Cloud Data Loss Prevention

A new detection model is available for the STREET_ADDRESS infoType detector. The new model offers improved detection quality. You can try it out by setting InfoType.version to latest when including the STREET_ADDRESS infoType in your InspectConfig.

You can still use the old model by setting InfoType.version to stable or leaving it unset when using the STREET_ADDRESS infoType. In 30 days, the new model will be promoted to stable.

Cloud IDS

You can disable noisy or otherwise unnecessary threat IDs by using the --threat-exceptions flag when you create or update your Cloud IDS endpoint. IDS Threat Exceptions is now Generally Available. For more information, see the Cloud IDS overview

Cloud Monitoring

You can now use the Observability tab on the Kubernetes Engine Workloads page to see the five workloads consuming the most of a resource. For more information, see View cluster and workload observability metrics.

Cloud Router

Cloud Router supports Multiprotocol BGP (MP-BGP) and can exchange IPv6 prefixes over IPv4 BGP sessions. Cloud Router supports IPv6 prefix advertisement for VPC networks with dual-stack subnets. You can enable IPv6 prefix exchange over IPv4 BGP sessions that are created for HA VPN tunnels. This feature is generally available.

Cloud Spanner

Cloud Spanner now offers the Cloud Spanner change streams to Pub/Sub Dataflow template, which streams Cloud Spanner data change records and writes them into Pub/Sub topics.

You can now create a custom instance configuration and add optional read-only replicas to your custom instance configurations to scale reads and support low latency stale reads. For more information, see Regional and multi-region configurations.

Cloud VPN

Cloud VPN supports dual-stack HA VPN gateways that allow both IPv4 and IPv6 traffic. By using Multiprotocol BGP (MP-BGP) sessions in Cloud Router, HA VPN can connect your peer networks to VPC networks with dual-stack subnets. This feature is generally available.

Config Controller

Config Controller now uses the following versions of its included products:

Google Kubernetes Engine

(2022-R28) Version updates

GKE cluster versions have been updated.

New versions available for upgrades and new clusters

The following Kubernetes versions are now available for new clusters and for opt-in control plane upgrades and node upgrades for existing clusters. For more information on versioning and upgrades, see GKE versioning and support and Upgrades.

No channel

Stable channel

  • Version 1.23.13-gke.900 is now the default version in the Stable channel
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Stable channel will be upgraded from version 1.23 to version 1.23.13-gke.900 with this release.

Regular channel

  • Version 1.24.7-gke.900 is now the default version in the Regular channel
  • The following versions are now available in the Regular channel:
  • The following versions are no longer available in the Regular channel:
    • 1.22.13-gke.1000
    • 1.23.12-gke.1600
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Regular channel will be upgraded from version 1.21 to version 1.22.15-gke.100 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Regular channel will be upgraded from version 1.22 to version 1.23.13-gke.900 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Regular channel will be upgraded from version 1.23 to version 1.23.13-gke.900 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Regular channel will be upgraded from version 1.24 to version 1.24.7-gke.900 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Regular channel will be upgraded from version 1.25 to version 1.25.3-gke.800 with this release.

Rapid channel

  • Version 1.25.4-gke.1600 is now the default version in the Rapid channel
  • The following versions are now available in the Rapid channel:
  • The following versions are no longer available in the Rapid channel:
    • 1.22.15-gke.100
    • 1.23.12-gke.1600
    • 1.24.5-gke.600
    • 1.25.3-gke.800
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Rapid channel will be upgraded from version 1.21 to version 1.22.15-gke.1000 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Rapid channel will be upgraded from version 1.22 to version 1.23.13-gke.900 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Rapid channel will be upgraded from version 1.23 to version 1.23.13-gke.900 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Rapid channel will be upgraded from version 1.25 to version 1.25.4-gke.1600 with this release.

Cloud DNS for GKE (cluster scope) is now Generally Available. You can now configure GKE clusters with control plane version 1.24.7-gke.800, 1.25.3-gke.700 or later to use Cloud DNS as the DNS provider for in-cluster name resolution, and replace the existing DNS service based on kube-dns.

GKE Autopilot clusters may now migrate the cluster's datapath provider to Dataplane V2. Migration is triggered during a control plane upgrade (see version requirements below). The migration is complete once all nodes running the legacy datapath have been recreated. Node pools created after the control plane upgrade will be created using Dataplane V2.

  • For clusters running 1.24 without Dataplane V2, upgrading to 1.24.7-gke.300 or a higher 1.24 version will begin the migration to Dataplane V2.

  • For clusters running 1.25 without Dataplane V2, upgrading to 1.25.3-gke.200 or a higher 1.25 version will begin the migration to Dataplane V2.

To determine whether you are in the process of migrating the datapath, run:

gcloud container clusters describe <CLUSTER> --region <REGION> --project <PROJECT> --format="value(networkConfig.datapathProvider)"

Clusters migrating to Dataplane V2 will have the datapath provider field of the cluster set to MIGRATE_TO_ADVANCED_DATAPATH.

Clusters that have migrated to Dataplane V2 will have the datapath provider field of the cluster set to ADVANCED_DATAPATH.

(2022-R28) Version updates

  • Version 1.24.7-gke.900 is now the default version in the Regular channel
  • The following versions are now available in the Regular channel:
  • The following versions are no longer available in the Regular channel:
    • 1.22.13-gke.1000
    • 1.23.12-gke.1600
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Regular channel will be upgraded from version 1.21 to version 1.22.15-gke.100 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Regular channel will be upgraded from version 1.22 to version 1.23.13-gke.900 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Regular channel will be upgraded from version 1.23 to version 1.23.13-gke.900 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Regular channel will be upgraded from version 1.24 to version 1.24.7-gke.900 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Regular channel will be upgraded from version 1.25 to version 1.25.3-gke.800 with this release.

(2022-R28) Version updates

  • Version 1.25.4-gke.1600 is now the default version in the Rapid channel
  • The following versions are now available in the Rapid channel:
  • The following versions are no longer available in the Rapid channel:
    • 1.22.15-gke.100
    • 1.23.12-gke.1600
    • 1.24.5-gke.600
    • 1.25.3-gke.800
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Rapid channel will be upgraded from version 1.21 to version 1.22.15-gke.1000 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Rapid channel will be upgraded from version 1.22 to version 1.23.13-gke.900 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Rapid channel will be upgraded from version 1.23 to version 1.23.13-gke.900 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Rapid channel will be upgraded from version 1.25 to version 1.25.4-gke.1600 with this release.

(2022-R28) Version updates

(2022-R28) Version updates

  • Version 1.23.13-gke.900 is now the default version in the Stable channel
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Stable channel will be upgraded from version 1.23 to version 1.23.13-gke.900 with this release.
Identity and Access Management

For information about issues with workforce identity federation, see Troubleshoot workforce identity federation


The Pull subscription guide is now updated with improved conceptual information regarding the following topics:

SAP on Google Cloud

Cloud Storage Backint agent for SAP HANA version 1.0.24

Version 1.0.24 of the Cloud Storage Backint agent for SAP HANA is now available. This version includes logging enhancements.

For more information about the agent, see Cloud Storage Backint agent for SAP HANA overview.

Virtual Private Cloud

General Availability: VPC Peering supports the exchange of IPv6 routes between peered VPC networks.

December 13, 2022

AlloyDB for PostgreSQL

AlloyDB for PostgreSQL is generally available (GA).

Anthos clusters on AWS (previous generation)

Anthos clusters on AWS (previous generation) aws-1.14.0-gke.2 is now available.

You can now launch clusters with the following Kubernetes versions:

  • 1.23.13-gke.2000
  • 1.24.7-gke.2000
  • 1.25.3-gke.1900

Kubernetes version 1.25 deprecates several APIs. See the Kubernetes Deprecated API Migration Guide for details.

Anthos clusters on bare metal

Release 1.14.0

Anthos clusters on bare metal 1.14.0 is now available for download. To upgrade, see Upgrading Anthos on bare metal. Anthos clusters on bare metal 1.14.0 runs on Kubernetes 1.25.

Improved cluster lifecycle functionalities:

  • Upgraded from Kubernetes version 1.24 to 1.25.

  • Enabled customers to run the latest health and preflight checks by running the command bmctl check cluster –check-image-version=latest. Setting the check-image-version flag to 'latest' ensures that clusters are examined for more recent issues, including issues discovered after a release.

  • Preview: Added support of Control group v2 (cgroup v2).

  • GA: Added automatic reservation of CPU and memory resources on cluster nodes so that system daemons have the resources they require.

  • Optimized the consumption of resources by components such as cluster-operator, cap-manager, preflight-check operator, and lifecycle-controllers-manager.

  • GA: Enabled automatic and periodic health checks on all clusters.


  • Preview: Added support for turning on kube-proxy-free mode for cluster objects. WARNING: This operation is not reversible. Once enabled, it cannot be disabled.

  • Changed behavior of Dataplane V2 so that it drops a packet if no service backends are available. Previously, the packet was passed to the kernel stack.

  • Enabled automatic API rate limit adjustments in Dataplane V2.


  • Added severity level to container logs.

  • Enabled collection of uptime and other Kubernetes resource metrics from the kubelet summary API.

  • Enabled Stackdriver log forwarder in the bootstrap cluster. This log forwarder publishes bootstrap container logs to Cloud Logging.

Security and Identity:

  • GA: Added feature enabling cluster administrators to configure RBAC policies based on Azure Active Directory (AD) groups. Groups information for users belonging to more than 200 groups can now be retrieved.

  • GA: Added secure computing mode (seccomp) support. Running containers with a seccomp profile improves the security of a cluster because it restricts the system calls that containers are allowed to make to the kernel.

  • Added annotation in the cluster configuration file which allows customers to disable the kubelet read-only port. After disabling the read-only port, customers have to change their cluster configurations so that workloads use the kubelet secure port.

VM Runtime:

  • GA: Added support for guest OS booting of UEFI. Previously, only BIOS was supported.

  • Preview: Enabled Terraform scripting to create VMs on an Anthos cluster. For more information, including usage instructions, an input reference, and examples, see the terraform-google-anthos-vm GitHub repository.

  • Preview: Add support for non-uniform memory access (NUMA) awareness. When enabled, all communication within the VM is local to the NUMA node, thus avoiding the performance cost of data transactions with remote memory locations.

  • Preview: Enabled multicast traffic for VMs.

  • Added Anthos VM Runtime preflight checks to validate hardware accelerator configuration.

  • Enabled configuration of storage's volume mode (block or filesystem) and access modes, such as RWO and RWX.

  • Enabled means to configure the storage class of a scratch space. A scratch space is sometimes required when importing or uploading a VM disk image.

  • Added support for configuring cloud-init, using virtctl.

  • Enabled ability to disable auto-installation of the guest agent binary. After the initial guest agent installation, yoiu can set the autoInstallGuestAgent flag to false so that the binary doesn't mount in subsequent restarts.

  • Enabled the support of multiple network interfaces, by default, for all clusters.

  • Improved security for creating a VM with kubectl virt create. If an initial password is specified, it is now stored in a secret and not as a VM annotation.

  • Reduced the permissions of the network controller.

  • Changed default to always use Asynchronous IO mode (AIO) in order to reduce QEMU memory pressure.

  • Added VM creation and disk provisioning times to Prometheus metrics.

  • Added support for the Tesla T4 GPU.

  • Enabled reset of GPU card to its original status when GPU functionality is disabled.

  • Enabled ability to disable Anthos VM Runtime when it's in the enabling state and custom resource definitions haven't yet been installed.

  • Added the following command, which allows you to display the VM screen: kubectll virt vnc --screenshot VM_NAME.

  • Fixed the IP address update for Windows guest VMs.

  • Resolved the MacVTap interface creation failure which occurred when the name of the interface was too long.

  • Fixed attaching VM disk using SATA driver.

  • Fixed issue so that setting disableCDIUploadProxyVIP to true correctly disables the cdi-uploadproxy service.

  • Fixed issue so that specifying a PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC) with an empty underlying PersistentVolume (PV) correctly creates the underlying empty disk format (raw or qcow2).

  • Enforced VM names to follow the standard RFC1123 format.

  • Fixed issue so that ISO image is correctly imported from a Cloud Storage bucket.

  • Fixed benign crash looping of the NVIDIA device plugin and the Multi-Instance GPU (MIG) manager when all GPU cards are allocated to a VM.

  • Fixed issue so that virt-launcher Pod can be created when advanced compute is enabled.

Known issues:

For information about the latest known issues, see Anthos on bare metal known issues in the Troubleshooting section.

App Engine flexible environment .NET

You can now use any configured service account in your Cloud project as the app-level default service account, while creating and updating your App Engine applications.

App Engine flexible environment Go

You can now use any configured service account in your Cloud project as the app-level default service account, while creating and updating your App Engine applications.

App Engine flexible environment Java

You can now use any configured service account in your Cloud project as the app-level default service account, while creating and updating your App Engine applications.

App Engine flexible environment Node.js

You can now use any configured service account in your Cloud project as the app-level default service account, while creating and updating your App Engine applications.

App Engine flexible environment PHP

You can now use any configured service account in your Cloud project as the app-level default service account, while creating and updating your App Engine applications.

App Engine flexible environment Python

You can now use any configured service account in your Cloud project as the app-level default service account, while creating and updating your App Engine applications.

App Engine flexible environment Ruby

You can now use any configured service account in your Cloud project as the app-level default service account, while creating and updating your App Engine applications.

App Engine flexible environment custom runtimes

You can now use any configured service account in your Cloud project as the app-level default service account, while creating and updating your App Engine applications.

App Engine standard environment Go

You can now use any configured service account in your Cloud project as the app-level default service account, while creating and updating your App Engine applications.

App Engine standard environment Java

You can now use any configured service account in your Cloud project as the app-level default service account, while creating and updating your App Engine applications.

App Engine standard environment Node.js

You can now use any configured service account in your Cloud project as the app-level default service account, while creating and updating your App Engine applications.

App Engine standard environment PHP

You can now use any configured service account in your Cloud project as the app-level default service account, while creating and updating your App Engine applications.

App Engine standard environment Python

You can now use any configured service account in your Cloud project as the app-level default service account, while creating and updating your App Engine applications.

App Engine standard environment Ruby

You can now use any configured service account in your Cloud project as the app-level default service account, while creating and updating your App Engine applications.

Cloud Composer

Data lineage is available in Preview in Cloud Composer 2.

Data lineage is a Dataplex feature that lets you track how data moves through your systems: where it comes from, where it is passed to, and what transformations are applied to it.

Fixed an issue where a failed upgrade to the latest Cloud Composer version caused further upgrade attempts to fail.

Cloud Composer 1.20.2 and 2.1.2 images are available:

  • composer-1.20.2-airflow-1.10.15 (default)
  • composer-1.20.2-airflow-2.2.5
  • composer-1.20.2-airflow-2.3.4
  • composer-2.1.2-airflow-2.2.5
  • composer-2.1.2-airflow-2.3.4 (default)

Cloud Composer versions 1.17.6, 1.17.7, 2.0.0-preview.6, and 2.0.0-preview.7 have reached their end of full support period.

Cloud Database Migration Service

Database Migration Service now supports high availability (HA) instances for MySQL and PostgreSQL database migrations. To find out how to configure connectivity for a high availability instance, click here. To learn how to configure a high availability instance when creating a migration job, click here.

Cloud Functions

The API now supports reading 1st gen functions, using the get and list methods. Function responses contain an Environment field that differentiates between 1st and 2nd gen functions.

You can use the filter field to restrict the response to only 2nd gen functions, for example: filter=environment="GEN_2".

Note that 1st gen functions in europe-west5 can't be read from the v2 API as the region is not available yet in 2nd gen.

If you are using an older version of gcloud, the gcloud functions list command may show 1st gen functions twice. Updating to a newer version of gcloud should fix this.

Cloud Monitoring

You can use the new Map view on the VM Instances dashboard to visualize the health of the resources in your fleet. Using the map, you can group VMs by resource labels, like "instance group" or "zone", and color the VMs by the value of a metric, like CPU utilization, to highlight hotspots and anomalies in your fleet.

Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL

The Cloud SQL System insights dashboard now shows additional metrics and an events timeline. You can also use the Auto refresh function to keep the dashboard up to date.

Compute Engine

Generally available: NVIDIA® T4 GPUs are now available in the following region and zones:

  • Hong Kong, APAC: asia-east2-a,c

For more information about using GPUs on Compute Engine, see GPU platforms.

Config Connector

Config Connector version 1.98.0 is now available.

Added support for DataCatalogTaxonomy resource. This resource has been auto-generated and is in alpha stability.

Added spec.maxTimeTravelHours to BigQueryDataset.

Added to CloudBuildTrigger.

Added spec.sourceDiskRef and status.sourceDiskId to ComputeDisk.

Added spec.rules to ComputeRouterNAT.

Added spec.clusterAutoscaling.autoProvisioningDefaults.diskSize to ContainerCluster.

Fixed spec.datapathProvider in ContainerCluster by making it immutable.

Added mutation support to spec.nodeConfig.tags in ContainerCluster.

Added status.member to IAMServiceAccount.

Fixed spec.schemaSettings.encoding in PubSubTopic by making it immutable (#698).

Added spec.settings.timeZone to SQLInstance.

Document AI Warehouse

Text extracted flag (text_extraction_disabled) will be deprecated. While customers can still use it in the client library, it will be no-op in our server-side. Meanwhile, a new flag (text_extraction_disabled) will be used to replace the old one. UI will have a new button for this new flag to let customers control the behavior.

CreateDocument response will only return document metadata instead of the whole document.

Mark async_enabled field as internal only.

Google Kubernetes Engine

Compact placement policy is now generally available. Set up a compact placement policy to specify that nodes within the node pool should be placed in closer physical proximity to each other within a zone. Having nodes closer to each other can reduce network latency between nodes, which can be useful for tightly-coupled batch workloads.

Virtual Private Cloud

December 12, 2022

AlloyDB for PostgreSQL

The AlloyDB index advisor helps you optimize your databases by observing the queries your databases handle, and then recommending new indexes based on these observations.


New endpoint for UK

Chronicle has added a supported region for Chronicle customers in the UK, europe-west2.

Cloud Bigtable

A weekly digest of client library updates from across the Cloud SDK.


Changes for google-cloud-bigtable

2.17.0 (2022-12-07)

  • Update dependency … (#1531) (ee98338)
  • Update dependency to v3.1.0 (#1539) (3244cef)
  • Update dependency kr.motd.maven:os-maven-plugin to v1.7.1 (#1518) (8309681)
  • Update dependency org.graalvm.buildtools:junit-platform-native to v0.9.19 (#1537) (7f7c478)
  • Update dependency org.graalvm.buildtools:native-maven-plugin to v0.9.19 (#1538) (9d3df57)


Changes for google-cloud-bigtable

2.14.1 (2022-12-06)

Bug Fixes
  • Deps: Require google-api-core >=1.34.0, >=2.11.0 (e5875cb)
  • Drop usage of pkg_resources (e5875cb)
  • Fix timeout default values (e5875cb)
  • Samples: Snippetgen should call await on the operation coroutine before calling result (e5875cb)
Cloud Logging

A weekly digest of client library updates from across the Cloud SDK.


Changes for google-cloud-logging

3.13.6 (2022-12-07)

Bug Fixes
  • Retrieving logentries pagewise always results in an exception (#1220) (662a439)

3.13.5 (2022-12-06)

  • Update dependency to v3.1.0 (#1219) (b54e015)


Changes for google-cloud-logging

3.3.1 (2022-12-05)

Bug Fixes
Cloud Monitoring

You can now use the Monitoring API to configure a snooze, which prevents Cloud Monitoring from sending notifications or creating incidents during specific time periods. You can also configure a snooze by using the Google Cloud Console. For information about how to create, view, and modify a snooze, see Create and manage snoozes.

Cloud Spanner

Support for moving a Cloud Spanner instance is now generally available. You can request to move your Spanner instance from any instance configuration to any other instance configuration, including between regional and multi-region configurations. For more information, see Move an instance.

An update to Spanner change streams provides two new data capture types for change records:

  • NEW_VALUES mode captures only new values in non-key columns, and no old values. Keys are always captured.
  • NEW_ROW mode captures the full new row, including columns that are not included in updates. No old values are captured.

Note that existing change streams remain set to OLD_AND_NEW_VALUES.


Dataplex auto data quality (AutoDQ) is now available in Preview. Dataplex auto data quality helps data users build trust in their data with a turnkey and automated product that encapsulates the entire process of data quality.

Dataplex data profiling is now available in Preview. Dataplex data profiling helps data users build deeper understanding about their data by identifying common data characteristics. Dataplex utilizes this information to recommend the data quality rules as well.


General Availability (GA) release of Dataproc 2.1 images.

New sub-minor versions of Dataproc images:

  • 1.5.78-debian10, 1.5.78-rocky8, 1.5.78-ubuntu18
  • 2.0.52-debian10, 2.0.52-rocky8, 2.0.52-ubuntu18
  • 2.1.0-debian11, 2.1.0-rocky8, 2.1.0-ubuntu20

Upgrade Cloud Storage connector version to 2.1.9 for 1.5 images.

Upgrade Cloud Storage connector version to 2.2.9 for 2.1 images.

New Serverless Spark runtime versions:1.0.24 and 2.0.4

Serverless Spark runtime 1.0:

  • Upgrade to Spark to 3.2.3
  • Upgrade Cloud Storage connector version to 2.2.9
  • Upgrade dependencies:
    • Jetty to 9.4.49.v20220914
    • ORC to 1.7.7
    • Protobuf to 3.19.6
    • RoaringBitmap to 0.9.35
    • Scala to 2.12.17

Serverless Spark runtime 2.0:

  • Upgrade Cloud Storage connector version to 2.2.9
  • Upgrade Spark dependencies:
    • Protobuf to 3.21.9
    • RoaringBitmap to 0.9.35

Use jemalloc as a default OS memory allocator in Dataproc Serverless for Spark runtime.

Upgrade Cloud Storage connector version to 2.2.9 in Serverless Spark runtime 1.0 and 2.0.

Backport Spark patches in Serverless Spark runtime 1.0 and 2.0:

  • SPARK-39324: Log ExecutorDecommission as INFO level in TaskSchedulerImpl
  • SPARK-40168: Handle SparkException during shuffle block migration
  • SPARK-40269: Randomize the orders of peer in BlockManagerDecommissioner
  • SPARK-40778: Make HeartbeatReceiver as an IsolatedRpcEndpoint

Dialogflow CX now supports interaction logging export to BigQuery.

Dialogflow CX added sentiment analysis support in the following regions for English (en), French (fr), Italian (it), German (de), and Spanish (es) languages:

  • asia-southeast1
  • europe-west1
  • europe-west2
  • europe-west3
  • northamerica-northeast1
Document AI

The Form Parser now supports Generic Entity Extraction in Public Preview, covering the following entity types:

  • email: email address
  • phone: phone number
  • url: website URLs
  • date_time: partial or full date/time/period
  • address: full address or street address in a single line
  • person: partial or full name of a person
  • organization: full name of an organization
  • quantity: a number specifying quantity or percentage
  • price: a number specifying monetary amount
  • id: a number specifying identity
  • page_number: a number specifying page number

The Form Parser has the following feature enhancements:

  • The Form Parser key-value pair (entity and checkbox) extraction and table extraction now support 200+ languages that are supported by the underlying multi-language OCR model. This language expansion is in Public Preview, with key-value pair internationalization backed by quality benchmarks in selected languages such as Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.

  • Table extraction in Form Parser is now powered by an enhanced vision-based table parsing model.

These enhanced features are automatically enabled for Form Parser processor version pretrained-parser-v2.0-2022-11-10 and all future versions. Note that this is a Release Candidate version, which is subject to further changes before graduating to the Stable version.

Firestore in Datastore mode

A weekly digest of client library updates from across the Cloud SDK.


Changes for google-cloud-ndb

2.0.0 (2022-12-06)

  • dependencies: Upgrade to google-cloud-datastore >= 2.7.2
  • dependencies: Upgrade to google-cloud-datastore >= 2.7.2 (12bbcb5)
Bug Fixes
  • Correct access to SerializeToString, CopyFrom, and MergeFromString (12bbcb5)
  • Fix enum namespaces (12bbcb5)
  • Update API capitalization/casing (12bbcb5)
  • Update datastore stub creation (12bbcb5)
  • Update module imports (12bbcb5)


Changes for google-cloud-datastore

2.13.0 (2022-12-06)

  • Next release from main branch is 2.13.0 (#917) (1f12435)
Bug Fixes
  • #355 Explicitly passing --project argument when starting emulator (#923) (ef4065d)
  • Update dependency to v3.1.0 (#932) (1dbcea7)
  • Update dependency org.graalvm.buildtools:junit-platform-native to v0.9.18 (#924) (625e896)
  • Update dependency org.graalvm.buildtools:junit-platform-native to v0.9.19 (#930) (77285be)
  • Update dependency org.graalvm.buildtools:native-maven-plugin to v0.9.18 (#925) (0c7539d)
  • Update dependency org.graalvm.buildtools:native-maven-plugin to v0.9.19 (#931) (40b4011)
Google Kubernetes Engine

Public clusters upgraded to GKE versions 1.25 and later will eventually be migrated to use Private Service Connect (PSC) for private control plane communication. There is no price increase for using GKE public clusters running on PSC.

Policy Intelligence

You can now use the Google Cloud console to write IAM policy analysis results to BigQuery. This feature is generally available.


A weekly digest of client library updates from across the Cloud SDK.


Changes for pubsub/apiv1

1.28.0 (2022-12-05)

  • pubsub: rewrite signatures and type in terms of new location (620e6d8)
VPC Service Controls

Preview stage support for the following integration:

December 09, 2022

Anthos clusters on bare metal

Release 1.12.5

Anthos clusters on bare metal 1.12.5 is now available for download. To upgrade, see Upgrading Anthos on bare metal. Anthos clusters on bare metal 1.12.5 runs on Kubernetes 1.23.

Known issues:

For information about the latest known issues, see Anthos on bare metal known issues in the Troubleshooting section.

Bare Metal Solution

Operating systems updates for Bare Metal Solution servers–The following OS is now supported on general-purpose servers:

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8.4

Other formatting revisions have been added to the Bare Metal Solution operating systems page and the SAP HANA on Bare Metal Solution operating systems page to make them easier to use.

Channel Services

More options are now available when you create and manage repricing configurations for your customers. This includes the option to add one override per SKU group (currently only Google Marketplace and Maps groups) to provide further discounts or markups for your customers.

A snapshot of product SKUs for each SKU group can be downloaded as a CSV from the partner Sales Console. Use this feature for greater control and transparency of partner program discounts. Visit the rebilling overview to learn more about this feature.

Rebilling data exported to BigQuery now includes the columns: CustomerRepricingConfigName, ChannelPartnerRepricingName, and Tags. The first full month with this data will be Jan, 2023. For more information see the Rebilling Table Schema and sample export queries.

Tags are attached to resources and support inheritance, centralized management, nomenclature standardization, and policy engine integration. For Cloud Billing, Tags help map costs across your organization. In cost reporting, you can query on Tags to perform Cost Management tasks like chargebacks, audits, and other cost allocations.

Cloud Key Management Service

The Key Usage dashboard in the Google Cloud console and the new KMS Inventory REST API are now in Preview.

For more information about the Key Usage dashboard, see View key usage.

For more information about the KMS Inventory REST API, see KMS Inventory API.

For example curl commands using the KMS Inventory REST API, see View key usage and View keys by project.

Cloud Run

Healthcheck probes are now at general availability (GA).


Added the metric to track the status of Dataproc Jobs states (such as, RUNNING or PENDING). This metric is collected by default and is not chargeable to customers.

Dataproc job IDs are now queryable and viewable from MQL(Monitoring Query Language), and the metric can be used for long-running job monitoring and alerting.

Deep Learning Containers

M101 Release

  • TensorFlow patch version upgrades:
    • From 2.8.3 to 2.8.4.
    • From 2.9.2 to 2.9.3.
    • From 2.10.0 to 2.10.1.
  • TensorFlow 1.15 Deep Learning Containers images are now deprecated.
  • Regular security patches and package upgrades.
Deep Learning VM Images

M101 Release

  • TensorFlow patch version upgrades:
    • From 2.8.3 to 2.8.4.
    • From 2.9.2 to 2.9.3.
    • From 2.10.0 to 2.10.1.
  • TensorFlow 1.15 Deep Learning VM images are now deprecated.
  • Regular security patches and package upgrades.
Storage Transfer Service

Storage Transfer Service offers Preview support for event-driven transfers - serverless, real-time replication from AWS S3 to Cloud Storage, and between Cloud Storage buckets. With this new capability, you can accelerate your event-driven analytics pipeline, enable automatic replication across Cloud Storage buckets, create a backup copy of data in a different region or project, or perform live migration.

Learn more about Event-driven transfers.

Vertex AI Workbench

M101 Release

The M101 release of Vertex AI Workbench includes the following:

  • TensorFlow patch version upgrades:
    • From 2.8.3 to 2.8.4.
    • From 2.9.2 to 2.9.3.
    • From 2.10.0 to 2.10.1.
  • TensorFlow 1.15 on Vertex AI Workbench is now deprecated.
  • Added * as part of the domains required for users to access Notebooks API. Removed *
  • Regular security patches and package upgrades.

A list.prepend function is available to support creating a copy of a list with a new element added to the beginning.

December 08, 2022

AlloyDB for PostgreSQL

AlloyDB cross-region replication replicates your primary cluster's data and resources. It makes the data and resources available in different regions, allowing disaster recovery in the event of an outage in the primary region.

Anthos Config Management

Config Sync now ignores validating and applying any resource configuration that has the annotation with any value except for "false", instead of ignoring only when the value is "true". This is consistent with its behavior in kpt.

The following five metrics are removed because these metrics aren't needed for monitoring system performance or health:

  • rendering_count
  • skip_rendering_count
  • resource_override_count
  • git_sync_depth_override_count
  • no_ssl_verify_count

For information on current metrics, see Monitor Config Sync.

The first edition of the Config Sync Service Level Indicators (SLIs) is published. You can set up alerts based on these SLIs, and get alerts if a threshold is hit. To learn more about the Config Sync SLIs, see Use Config Sync SLIs.

The constraint template library includes a new template: K8sBlockAllIngress. For reference see Constraint template library.

The constraint template library includes a new template: K8sBlockCreationWithDefaultServiceAccount. For reference see Constraint template library.

The constraint template library includes a new template: K8sBlockObjectsOfType. For reference see Constraint template library.

The constraint template library includes a new template: K8sEnforceCloudArmorBackendConfig. For reference see Constraint template library.

The constraint template library includes a new template: K8sEnforceConfigManagement. For reference see Constraint template library.

The constraint template library includes a new template: K8sRequireDaemonsets. For reference see Constraint template library.

The constraint template library includes a new template: K8sRequireDefaultDenyEgressPolicy. For reference see Constraint template library.

The constraint template library includes a new template: K8sRequireValidRangesForNetworks. For reference see Constraint template library.

The constraint template library includes a new template: K8sRestrictRbacSubjects. For reference see Constraint template library.

The following enhancements are made to Config Sync metrics:

  • Enhanced the histogram distribution bounds for the parser_duration_seconds and apply_duration_seconds metrics to support longer durations.
  • Enhanced the last_sync_timestamp metric to prevent timeseries with empty commits.
  • Added a new label called controller into the apply_operations metric to track whether the operation is from the applier or the remediator.
  • Support the errorclass label of the reconciler_errors metric correctly.

For more details, see Monitor Config Sync.

Added resource tags to all Config Sync metrics to identify the source component. For more information, see Config Sync Metric Tags.

Fixed a known compatibility issue in Config Sync that was announced in Anthos Config Management 1.13.1 affecting Autopilot on GKE 1.23 and later. Config Sync is now compatible with Autopilot clusters on all supported GKE versions.

Various reliability and stability improvements to Config Sync.

Anthos clusters on VMware

Anthos clusters on VMware 1.11.6-gke.18 is now available. To upgrade, see Upgrading Anthos clusters on VMware. Anthos clusters on VMware 1.11.6-gke.18 runs on Kubernetes 1.22.15-gke.3300.

The supported versions offering the latest patches and updates for security vulnerabilities, exposures, and issues impacting Anthos clusters on VMware are 1.13, 1.12, and 1.11.

Apigee X

On December 8, we released an updated version of Apigee X.

GA release of Simplified Onboarding for Apigee X (Pay-as-you-go) in the Google Cloud console.

With this release, new Apigee customers using Pay-as-you-go pricing can quickly configure Apigee using a simplified onboarding flow accessible from the Google Cloud console.

  • The new onboarding UI provides stepped navigation consistent with other products available in the console.
  • Apigee X (Pay-as-you-go) provisioning is simplified but remains flexible. Default settings are provided, with the option to customize as needed.
  • Improved contextual help streamlines decision-making during onboarding.

See Before you begin and Get started in the Cloud Console for more details on provisioning Apigee X with Pay-as-you-go pricing from the Google Cloud console.


The demo query guide helps you query a public dataset from Google Trends and is now in preview.


The following changes were made to UDM Search. You can now do the following:

  • Use enhanced filtering to include Bottom 30 values in addition to Top 30 values for each UDM Field in search results
  • Use 'field[key] = value' exact match to search the 'additional' and 'labels' fields
  • Pin fields (using the push pin icon) in Quick Filter to save them as a favorite. They will appear at the top of the Quick Filters list
  • Save column layouts and load them
  • Escape special characters by using backslashes and double-quotes
Cloud Bigtable

Cloud Bigtable now lets you restore from a backup to a different project. This feature is generally available (GA). To learn more, see Bigtable backups.

The ability to configure deletion protection for a Cloud Bigtable table is now generally available (GA). This setting prevents deletion of the table, its column families, and the instance containing the table. See Modify deletion protection for instructions.

Cloud Billing

Preview: Get estimated costs in the Google Cloud console

You can now estimate the cost of Compute Engine and Cloud Storage workloads in the Google Cloud console. The Cost Estimation tool provides estimates that also include any custom contract prices on your Cloud Billing account. These cost estimates can help you make more informed business decisions.

Learn about estimating costs in the Google Cloud console.

Cloud Healthcare API

A release was made. Updates may include general performance improvements, bug fixes, and updates to the API reference documentation.

Compute Engine

Generally available: You can merge your active hardware resource commitments into one larger commitment to track and manage them as a single entity. You can now also merge your commitments by using the Google Cloud Console. For more information, see Merging commitments.

Document AI Warehouse

AutoProvision service will return an operation ID for immediate completed operations.

Enable operation service for Document AI Warehouse v1 service.

Partially supports Google AIP-160 syntax ( in search query. Search query now supports literals, logical operators, negation operators, comparison operators, and functions.

Fix operation status fetching for pending AutoProvision long running operations.

Disable text extraction for Google Cloud Storage based ingestion.

VPC Service Controls for Document AI Warehouse are publicly supported.

Google Cloud VMware Engine

In order to support new features in the future, Google Cloud VMware Engine will convert the resource names for private clouds to a standardized format that is more consistent with Google Cloud. Specifically, this resource name translation will make minor changes to the names of resources in your project, such as:

  • Changing capital letters to lowercase
  • Changing white space to hyphens

Resource name translation is currently optional, but existing private clouds must perform a resource name translation in order to access the gcloud CLI or VMware Engine API. Resource name translation will be required after September 2023.

For more information on resource name translation, see Resource Name Translation

Network Intelligence Center

Performance Dashboard now shows latency metrics between VMs and Internet endpoints:

  • In the Project performance view, Performance Dashboard shows latency between VMs across all Google Cloud regions and Internet endpoints.
  • In the Google Cloud performance view, Performance Dashboard shows latency metrics for regions where you have VM instances and the Internet locations communicating with the VMs.
Security Command Center

The Malicious URL Observed detector of Container Threat Detection, a built-in service of Security Command Center Premium, is now generally available.

The detector checks URLs observed in arguments passed by executables against known phishing and malware URLs to determine if they are malicious.

You can see the full details of the detector's findings only if you upgrade to the refreshed findings display in the Security Command Center dashboard.

For more information, see the following pages:

Sensitive Actions Service, a built-in service of Security Command Center Premium, is now generally available.

Sensitive Actions Service detects when actions are taken in your Google Cloud organization, folders, and projects that could be damaging to your business if they were to be taken by a malicious actor.

For more information, see Sensitive Actions Service overview.

reCAPTCHA Enterprise

You can now enable the email verification feature of MFA from the Google Cloud console. For instructions, see Configure Multi-factor authentication.

December 07, 2022

App Engine standard environment Go

The Go 1.18 and Go 1.19 runtimes for App Engine standard environment are now available in Preview.

App Engine standard environment Node.js

The Node.js 18 runtime for App Engine standard environment is now available in Preview.

BeyondCorp Enterprise

BeyondCorp Enterprise integration with Microsoft Intune is generally available (GA).

With this integration, you can collect real-time information about the devices in your organization using Microsoft Intune, and use this information to manage your devices and control access to your organizational resources using BeyondCorp Enterprise.


The following supported default parsers have changed. Each is listed by product name and ingestion label, if applicable.

  • Cisco Router (CISCO_ROUTER)
  • Digital Guardian DLP (DIGITALGUARDIAN_DLP)
  • Linux Auditing System (AuditD) (AUDITD)
  • Microsoft Azure Activity (AZURE_ACTIVITY)
  • Rubrik (RUBRIK)
  • Sentinelone Alerts (SENTINELONE_ALERT)
  • SentinelOne EDR (SENTINEL_EDR)
  • Sophos Firewall (Next Gen) (SOPHOS_FIREWALL)
  • STIX Threat Intelligence (STIX)
  • Thales Luna Hardware Security Module (THALES_LUNA_HSM)
  • Thinkst Canary (THINKST_CANARY)
  • Unix system (NIX_SYSTEM)
  • Workspace Activities (WORKSPACE_ACTIVITY)

For details about changes in each parser, see Supported default parsers.

Cloud Bigtable

You can now retrieve information about a Cloud Bigtable query to help you evaluate the query's performance. This feature is generally available (GA). For more information, see Get query stats.

Cloud Data Fusion

Cloud Data Fusion is available in the following region:

  • me-west1

For more information, see Locations and Pricing.

Cloud Monitoring

For public and private uptime checks, a new create flow is available in Public Preview. For private uptime checks, the Public Preview flow lets you create the Service Directory service and perform other prerequisite steps by using the Google Cloud console. For more information, see Create public uptime checks and Create private uptime checks.

Firestore in Datastore mode

A weekly digest of client library updates from across the Cloud SDK.


Changes for datastore/admin/apiv1

1.10.0 (2022-11-29)

  • datastore: start generating proto stubs (eed371e)


Changes for google-cloud-ndb

1.12.0 (2022-11-29)

Bug Fixes
  • Drop Python 2 support (90efd77)
  • Drop Python 3.6 support (#829) (b110199)
  • model: Ensure repeated props have same kind when converting from ds (#824) (29f5a85)
  • Add note in Django middleware documentation that it is unimplemented (#805) (aa7621d)
  • Add note that ProtoRPC message classes are unimplemented (#819) (ae813e9)
  • context: Note that several methods are no longer implemented. (#821) (34c2c38)
  • CONTRIBUTING: Note the need for Redis/Memcached env vars in tests (#838) (19f8415), closes #836
  • Fix bad import path in migration guide (#827) (7b44961)
  • Fix typo in begin_transaction docstring (#822) (7fd3ed3)
  • README: Syncronize supported version text with python-datastore (#837) (316f959)
  • tasklets: Fix Py2-style print statement (#840) (0ebfaed)

Changes for google-cloud-datastore

2.11.0 (2022-11-30)

Vertex AI Vision

Generally available: Vertex AI Vision is now Generally Available. View pricing details at the Vertex AI Vision pricing page.

For more information, see the Vertex AI Vision documentation.

December 06, 2022

Channel Services

The Partner Sales Console Dashboard and the Reporting API now use the rebilled values for Google Cloud and Maps customer costs. You can use this data set to simplify your customer billing process by using the API to integrate rebilled data in your billing applications.

Cloud Asset Inventory

Preview: You can now query asset metadata via the Cloud Asset Inventory API or the Cloud console, without needing to export the data to a BigQuery table first. This feature is available as a preview for Security Command Center Premium customers.

Cloud Composer

(Cloud Composer 2) Environment snapshots and Scheduled snapshots are now generally available (GA) for Cloud Composer 2 versions 2.1.1 and later.

Scheduled snapshots provide additional support for running disaster recovery scenarios.

The following versions for Cloud Composer 1.20.1 and 2.1.1 are available:

  • composer-1.20.1-airflow-1.10.15 (default)
  • composer-1.20.1-airflow-2.2.5
  • composer-1.20.1-airflow-2.3.4
  • composer-2.1.1-airflow-2.2.5
  • composer-2.1.1-airflow-2.3.4 (default)

(Available without upgrading) Allowed custom secondary IP range for pods is now narrower. You can now create Composer environments using IP ranges with /23 masks.

Cloud Composer versions 1.17.7 and 2.0.0-preview.7 have reached their end of full support period.

Cloud Data Fusion

Cloud Data Fusion version 6.8.0 is in Preview. This release is in parallel with the CDAP 6.8.0 release.

Features in 6.8.0:

In Cloud Data Fusion 6.8.0, Reference name is no longer mandatory for the following plugins:

  • BigQuery Source
  • BigQuery Sink
  • Dataplex Source
  • Dataplex Sink
  • Spanner Sink
  • GCS Sink

For these plugins, their unique identifiers in lineage are generated based on their configuration properties. For example, project ID+dataset+table is used as a unique identifier for BigQuery. This identifier can be seen on the lineage diagram. For more information, see Cloud Data Fusion Plugins.

Changes in 6.8.0:

  • For Replication jobs with an Oracle (by Datastream) source, ensured data consistency when multiple CDC events are generated with the same timestamp, by ordering events reliably.

  • For Oracle replication sources, added a purge policy for a Cloud Storage bucket created by the plugin where Datastream writes its output.

  • In the Oracle replication source, added the GCS Bucket Location property, where Datastream writes its output.

  • In the Oracle replication source, added the list of Datastream regions to the Region property. You no longer need to manually enter the Datastream region.

  • The Oracle replication source identifies each row by the Primary key of the table. Previously, the plugin identified each row by the ROWID.

  • For Replication jobs, improved performance for Review Assessment.

  • Splitter Transformation based plugins have access to prepareRun() and onRunFinish() methods.

  • In Wrangler, added the Average arithmetic function, which calculates the average of the selected columns.

  • In Wrangler, Numeric functions support 3 or more columns.

  • In the Dataplex Sink plugin, added the Update Dataplex Metadata property, which adds support for updating metadata in Dataplex for newly generated data.

  • In the GCS Delete Action plugin, added support for bulk deletion of files and folders. You can use the (*) wildcard character to represent any character.

Fixed in 6.8.0:

  • For custom Dataproc compute profiles, fixed the issue causing the wrong Cloud Storage bucket to be used to stage data. Cloud Data Fusion uses the bucket specified in the custom compute profile.

  • Fixed the issue in the BigQuery Replication Target plugin causing Replication jobs to fail when the BigQuery target table already existed. The new version of the plugin is used by default in new Replication jobs. To use the new plugin version in existing jobs, recreate the job.

  • Fixed an issue causing the Replication Assessment to get stuck when the Oracle (by Datastream) storage bucket property was empty, or had an invalid bucket name. Cloud Data Fusion returns a 400 error code during assessment when the property is empty or has an invalid bucket name.

  • Fixed an issue causing Replication jobs to fail when the source column name didn't comply with BigQuery table naming conventions. In 6.8.0, if a source column name doesn't comply with BigQuery naming conventions, Cloud Data Fusion replaces invalid characters with an underscore, prepends an underscore when the first character is a number, and truncates the name when it exceeds the maximum length.

  • In the File batch source, fixed an issue causing Get Schema to appear only when Format was set to delimited. Get Schema appears for all formats.

  • Fixed an issue with the output schema when connecting a Splitter transformation with a Joiner transformation.

  • Fixed an issue causing imports in the Cloud Data Fusion UI to fail for pipelines exported through the Pipeline Microservices.

  • In the Oracle Batch Source, when the source data included fields with the Numeric data type (undefined precision and scale), Cloud Data Fusion set the precision to 38 and the scale to 0. If any values in the field had scale other than 0, Cloud Data Fusion truncated the values, which could have resulted in data loss. If the scale for a field was overridden in the plugin output schema, the pipeline failed. For more information, see the CDAP 6.8.0 bug fixes.

  • In the Wrangler transformation, fixed the issue causing the pipeline to not fail when the Error Handling property was set to Fail Pipeline. This happened when an error was returned, but no exception was thrown, and there were 0 records in the output. For example, this happened when one of the directives (such as.parse-as-simple-date) failed because the input data wasn't in the correct format. This fix is not available by default. Instead, contact support if you need this fix for your projects.

  • In Wrangler, fixed the issue causing the Wrangler page to get stuck when a BigQuery table name contained non-alphanumeric characters, such as underscores. Wrangler imports BigQuery tables that follow BigQuery table naming conventions.

Upgrading the Cloud Data Fusion version for Replication jobs is broken. Upgrading Replication jobs to Cloud Data Fusion version 6.8.0 isn't recommended.

Cloud Run

Cloud Run support for a new second generation execution environment is now at generally availability (GA).

Cloud Run support for network file systems such as NFS, NDB, 9P, CIFS/Samba, and Ceph, as well as Cloud Filestore and Cloud Storage FUSE, is now at general availability (GA.)

Cloud Spanner

We identified an issue in how we calculate the Total Database Storage metric in multi-regional Spanner instances. This metric is used to calculate the charges for Spanner database storage.

Database storage is currently incorrectly reported lower than it actually is in multi-regional configurations, resulting in undercharging for database storage. We communicated a Service Announcement in October and started rolling out this change to pricing on December 1, 2022. Depending on your configuration, your Total Database Storage could increase by up to 25%.

For the majority of impacted customers, the impact on your total bill will be less than 0.5%. For those affected, you will notice an increase in database storage charges that reflect this corrected metric.

We waived the under-billed amount for all past billing cycles. Please note that this issue only affects multi-region configurations of Spanner. It does not affect regional configurations of Spanner. Additionally, the Total Backup Storage metric is not affected by this issue, and has always been reported correctly.

For more information, see Database storage prices.


Dataproc Serverless for Spark runtime version 2.0 will become the default Dataproc Serverless for Spark runtime version on January 24, 2023 (instead of December 13, 2022, as previously announced).

Error Reporting

On the Error Reporting page, use the new resource filter to filter error groups by resource type. For more information, see Filter errors.

Migrate to Containers

On Dec 6, 2022 we released Migrate to Containers 1.14.0.

Support for refactoring applications running on JBoss Enterprise Application Platform or WildFly application platform to containers, which lets you deploy the application as containers on GKE, GKE Autopilot clusters, Anthos clusters, and Cloud Run, released for Public Preview. See Migrate JBoss Servers.

Support for refactoring Apache 2 Linux based applications to containers, which lets you deploy Apache 2 application components as containers on GKE, GKE Autopilot clusters, Anthos clusters, and Cloud Run, released for Public Preview. See Migrate Apache 2 Servers.

Enhanced control on the verbosity of backend logs. You can now use the migctl logging set-verbosity <verbosity> command, where verbosity 0 corresponds to info logs only and verbosity 1 shows debug logs. See migctl reference.

Containerization from AWS and Azure sources and local processing in AWS cluster are now deprecated and planned to be supported until April 2023.

The following issues were fixed:

  • Windows IIS modernization - In case IIS files are not accessible to BUILTIN/Administrators, the discovery phase of IIS modernization will fail.
  • Support migration of Windows IIS sites where Administrator user has no permissions to access the IIS configuration files.
  • On Linux migrations, if the migration plan YAML is missing the Image section, the task will fail with a panic instead of an indicative message.

The following are open issues:

  • migctl migration status sometimes prints an error message before the migration table. This message does not indicate a concrete problem and can be ignored.
  • UI fails when performing "Processing Cluster Add" having Resource Location Org Policy. To overcome that, the processing cluster installation should be done using migctl and the target region should be provided using --gcp-region.
  • Two migrations from different M2VM sources on the same VM can affect each other. When using M2VM sources, users should avoid creating multiple Migration objects from different sources at the same time for the same VM.
  • Creation of multiple source providers at the same time may cause timeouts. If this happens users should delete and recreate source provider objects that failed to be created.
  • Replicated VM deletion can hang depending on other object deletion. To prevent this from happening users should delete M2VM source after deleting the corresponding Migration objects. Otherwise, if this happens users should delete the M2VM replications manually.
  • migctl setup uninstall failure - source snapshot is not deleted. This is happening when the corresponding source provider was already deleted. If this happens users should recreate the corresponding source provider and after migrations are removed to proceed with uninstalling.
  • Starting a migration from the UI page "Sources & Candidates" might get stuck on a "retrying" step. If this happens users should create a Migration using the VM name as input.

December 05, 2022

Apigee hybrid

hybrid v1.8.3

On December 5, 2022 we released an updated version of the Apigee hybrid software, v1.8.3.

For information on upgrading, see Upgrading Apigee hybrid to version 1.8.

Bug ID Description
259738092 Intermittent 404's were seen at the Apigee Ingress Gateway due to an inconsistent configuration delivery mechanism.
255677576 In fresh installations with Apigee Ingress (instead of user-installed Anthos Service Mesh), the Apigee UI would sometimes show red (not working) status. This is because in certain circumstances Watcher did not send the correct deployment status due to using the wrong selector for the Apigee Ingress Gateway.
218567150 The ingress gateway is now configured to consistently preserve UUID in the x-request-id header. This applies to both Apigee Ingress gateway and to the Istio ingress gateway when are using customer-installed Anthos Service Mesh.
Note: This setting does have some impact on tracing in the ingress gateway. For more information, see pack_trace_reason in the "UUID (proto)" page in the envoy documentation.
Bug ID Description
259290668 Update Kubectl in the backup utility. This addresses the following vulnerabilities:
254862745, 249630685 Security fix for apigee-diagnostics-runner and apigee-envoy. This addresses the following vulnerabilities:
254774167 Fix for apigee-mart-server, apigee-mint-task-scheduler, apigee-runtime, and apigee-synchronizer. This addresses the following vulnerabilities:
254773838, 254773636, 254772551, 254771693 Fix for vulnerability in apigee-diagnostics-collector, apigee-mart-server, apigee-mint-task-scheduler, apigee-runtime, and apigee-synchronizer. This addresses the following vulnerabilities:
254774193, 254773110 Fix for vulnerability in apigee-diagnostics-collector, apigee-mart-server, and apigee-mint-task-scheduler. This addresses the following vulnerability:
254770883, 249633275, 249629782 Security fixes for apigee-diagnostics-collector, apigee-mart-server, apigee-runtime, and apigee-synchronizer. This addresses the following vulnerabilities:
254521563, 246970779 Fix for golang vulnerability in Cassandra. This addresses the following vulnerability:
249635718, 249629771 Security fixes for Apigee Connect and apigee-redis. This addresses the following vulnerabilities:
249633289 Fix for apigee-prometheus-adapter. This addresses the following vulnerabilities:

A weekly digest of client library updates from across the Cloud SDK.


Changes for bigquery/storage/apiv1beta1

1.44.0 (2022-11-30)

  • bigquery/datatransfer: Add Location API methods docs: updated comments (22ec3e3)
  • bigquery/storage: Add missing_value_interpretations to AppendRowsRequest (2a0b1ae)
  • bigquery: Add default partition expiration to Dataset (#7096) (601c77a), refs #7021
  • bigquery: Remove code for reservation/apiv1beta1 (#7010) (451acc1)
  • bigquery: Start generating proto stubs (#7026) (debc4c7)
  • bigquery: Widen retry predicate (#6976) (753b751)
Bug Fixes
  • bigquery/storage/managedwriter: Remove old header routing (#6960) (434b407)
  • bigquery/storage: Remove stale header guidance for AppendRows (9c5d6c8)
Cloud Bigtable

A new suite of client-side metrics for the Cloud Bigtable client for Java is generally available (GA) in versions 2.16.0 and later. To learn more about using the new monitoring metrics for performance optimization and troubleshooting, see the Client-side metrics overview.

A weekly digest of client library updates from across the Cloud SDK.


Changes for google-cloud-bigtable

2.14.0 (2022-11-30)

  • Add typing to proto.Message based class attributes (c1538d5)
  • Remove enum value ReadRowsRequest.RequestStatsView.REQUEST_STATS_EFFICIENCY (c1538d5)
  • Remove field ReadIterationStats.deletes_seen (c1538d5)
  • Remove field RequestStats.read_efficiency_stats (c1538d5)
  • Remove proto ReadEfficiencyStats (c1538d5)
  • Rename field RequestStats.all_read_stats to full_read_stats_view (c1538d5)
  • Rename proto AllReadStats to FullReadStatsView (c1538d5)
  • Rename proto ReadIteratorStats to ReadIterationStats (c1538d5)
Bug Fixes
  • Add dict typing for client_options (c1538d5)
Cloud Billing

View expiring commitments and automatically renew resource-based commitments with the Committed use discount dashboard

In the Committed use discount dashboard, you can now see subscription expiration notifications for commitments that are expiring within the next 30 days. In the dashboard's auto renewal column, you can automatically renew your resource-based commitments.

For more information about viewing the Commitment dashboard, see Committed use discount overview.

Cloud Composer

(Cloud Composer 2) The Composer Local Development CLI tool is now available to help streamline testing and developing using local Airflow environments with Composer 2.

Cloud DNS Cloud Load Balancing

Currently, health check probes for hybrid NEGs originate from Google's centralized health checking mechanism. If you cannot allow traffic that originates from the Google health check ranges to reach your hybrid endpoints and would prefer to have the health check probes originate from your own private IP addresses instead, speak to your Google account representative to get your project allowlisted for distributed Envoy health checks.

This feature is available in General availability for allowlisted projects only.

Cloud Logging

A weekly digest of client library updates from across the Cloud SDK.


Changes for @google-cloud/logging

10.3.2 (2022-12-02)

Bug Fixes


Changes for logging/apiv2

1.6.1 (2022-12-02)

Bug Fixes
  • logging: downgrade some dependencies (7540152)

1.6.0 (2022-11-29)

  • logging: start generating proto stubs (0eb700d)
Bug Fixes
  • logging: Fix stdout log http request format (#7083) (2894e66)


Changes for google-cloud-logging

3.13.4 (2022-12-03)

  • Update dependency org.graalvm.buildtools:junit-platform-native to v0.9.19 (#1214) (f104203)
  • Update dependency org.graalvm.buildtools:native-maven-plugin to v0.9.19 (#1215) (7785a7c)

3.13.3 (2022-12-01)

Bug Fixes


Changes for google-cloud-logging

3.3.0 (2022-11-26)

  • Add support for custom JSON encoders (#657) (77e621c)
  • Include context on batch log errors (#650) (d08be9a)
  • Set partial_success to default to true for batched logs (#649) (e56d3e8)
  • Support Django asgi middleware (#625) (f52b3aa)
Bug Fixes
  • deps: Allow protobuf 3.19.5 (#644) (12f3001)
  • Json fields dictionary has modification side effect (#654) (a62a0d6)
Cloud Spanner

New SQL syntax, RETURNING in the PostgreSQL dialect and THEN RETURN in Google Standard SQL, selects and returns data from rows that were just updated as part of a DML statement. This is especially useful for getting values from default or generated columns and can reduce latency over equivalent multi-statement transactions. The preview supports the Java, JDBC, Python, and Go Spanner clients as well as PostgreSQL drivers that connect through PGAdapter.

Cloud Vision API Product Search

Product Search legacy category migration

In 90 days, the legacy categories "apparel", "homegoods", and "toys" will be upgraded. You will still be able to use these categories. However, when running searches, they will perform similar to the "apparel-v2", "homegoods-v2", and "toys-v2" categories.

Dataproc Metastore

Dataproc Metastore administrator interface is available in preview.

The administrator interface provides you with a centralized tool to inspect and manage the metadata stored in your Dataproc Metastore service.

Google Kubernetes Engine

(2022-R27) Version updates

GKE cluster versions have been updated.

New versions available for upgrades and new clusters

The following Kubernetes versions are now available for new clusters and for opt-in control plane upgrades and node upgrades for existing clusters. For more information on versioning and upgrades, see GKE versioning and support and Upgrades.

No channel

  • Version 1.24.5-gke.600 is now the default version.
  • The following control plane and node versions are now available:
  • The following control plane versions are no longer available:
    • 1.21.14-gke.3000
    • 1.21.14-gke.9500
    • 1.22.12-gke.2300
    • 1.23.8-gke.1900
    • 1.23.9-gke.900
    • 1.23.9-gke.2100
    • 1.23.10-gke.1000
    • 1.24.4-gke.800
  • The following node version is no longer available: 1.21.14-gke.9500
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled will be upgraded from version 1.20 to version 1.21.14-gke.4300 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled will be upgraded from version 1.21 to version 1.22.15-gke.100 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled will be upgraded from version 1.23 to version 1.23.11-gke.300 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled will be upgraded from version 1.24 to version 1.24.5-gke.600 with this release.

Stable channel

  • Version 1.23.11-gke.300 is now the default version in the Stable channel
  • The following versions are now available in the Stable channel:
  • The following versions are no longer available in the Stable channel:
    • 1.21.14-gke.3000
    • 1.22.12-gke.2300
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Stable channel will be upgraded from version 1.20 to version 1.21.14-gke.4300 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Stable channel will be upgraded from version 1.21 to version 1.22.15-gke.100 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Stable channel will be upgraded from version 1.24 to version 1.24.7-gke.900 with this release.

Regular channel

  • Version 1.24.5-gke.600 is now the default version in the Regular channel
  • The following versions are now available in the Regular channel:
  • The following versions are no longer available in the Regular channel:
    • 1.22.12-gke.2300
    • 1.23.12-gke.100
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Regular channel will be upgraded from version 1.21 to version 1.22.13-gke.1000 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Regular channel will be upgraded from version 1.22 to version 1.23.12-gke.1600 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Regular channel will be upgraded from version 1.23 to version 1.23.12-gke.1600 with this release.

Rapid channel

  • Version 1.25.3-gke.800 is now the default version in the Rapid channel
  • The following versions are now available in the Rapid channel:
  • The following versions are no longer available in the Rapid channel:
    • 1.21.14-gke.7100
    • 1.21.14-gke.9500
    • 1.22.14-gke.300
    • 1.23.12-gke.100
    • 1.24.4-gke.800
    • 1.25.2-gke.1700
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Rapid channel will be upgraded from version 1.20 to version 1.21.14-gke.8500 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Rapid channel will be upgraded from version 1.21 to version 1.22.15-gke.100 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Rapid channel will be upgraded from version 1.22 to version 1.23.12-gke.1600 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Rapid channel will be upgraded from version 1.23 to version 1.24.6-gke.1500 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Rapid channel will be upgraded from version 1.24 to version 1.24.6-gke.1500 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Rapid channel will be upgraded from version 1.25 to version 1.25.3-gke.800 with this release.

(2022-R27) Version updates

  • Version 1.24.5-gke.600 is now the default version.
  • The following control plane and node versions are now available:
  • The following control plane versions are no longer available:
    • 1.21.14-gke.3000
    • 1.21.14-gke.9500
    • 1.22.12-gke.2300
    • 1.23.8-gke.1900
    • 1.23.9-gke.900
    • 1.23.9-gke.2100
    • 1.23.10-gke.1000
    • 1.24.4-gke.800
  • The following node version is no longer available: 1.21.14-gke.9500
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled will be upgraded from version 1.20 to version 1.21.14-gke.4300 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled will be upgraded from version 1.21 to version 1.22.15-gke.100 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled will be upgraded from version 1.23 to version 1.23.11-gke.300 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled will be upgraded from version 1.24 to version 1.24.5-gke.600 with this release.

(2022-R27) Version updates

  • Version 1.23.11-gke.300 is now the default version in the Stable channel
  • The following versions are now available in the Stable channel:
  • The following versions are no longer available in the Stable channel:
    • 1.21.14-gke.3000
    • 1.22.12-gke.2300
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Stable channel will be upgraded from version 1.20 to version 1.21.14-gke.4300 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Stable channel will be upgraded from version 1.21 to version 1.22.15-gke.100 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Stable channel will be upgraded from version 1.24 to version 1.24.7-gke.900 with this release.

(2022-R27) Version updates

  • Version 1.24.5-gke.600 is now the default version in the Regular channel
  • The following versions are now available in the Regular channel:
  • The following versions are no longer available in the Regular channel:
    • 1.22.12-gke.2300
    • 1.23.12-gke.100
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Regular channel will be upgraded from version 1.21 to version 1.22.13-gke.1000 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Regular channel will be upgraded from version 1.22 to version 1.23.12-gke.1600 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Regular channel will be upgraded from version 1.23 to version 1.23.12-gke.1600 with this release.

(2022-R27) Version updates

  • Version 1.25.3-gke.800 is now the default version in the Rapid channel
  • The following versions are now available in the Rapid channel:
  • The following versions are no longer available in the Rapid channel:
    • 1.21.14-gke.7100
    • 1.21.14-gke.9500
    • 1.22.14-gke.300
    • 1.23.12-gke.100
    • 1.24.4-gke.800
    • 1.25.2-gke.1700
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Rapid channel will be upgraded from version 1.20 to version 1.21.14-gke.8500 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Rapid channel will be upgraded from version 1.21 to version 1.22.15-gke.100 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Rapid channel will be upgraded from version 1.22 to version 1.23.12-gke.1600 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Rapid channel will be upgraded from version 1.23 to version 1.24.6-gke.1500 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Rapid channel will be upgraded from version 1.24 to version 1.24.6-gke.1500 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Rapid channel will be upgraded from version 1.25 to version 1.25.3-gke.800 with this release.
Policy Intelligence

You can now set the minimum observation period for the IAM recommender to 30 or 60 days instead of the default period of 90 days. For more information, see Configure role recommendation generation. This feature is available in Preview.


A weekly digest of client library updates from across the Cloud SDK.


Changes for pubsub/apiv1

1.27.1 (2022-12-02)

Bug Fixes
  • pubsub: downgrade some dependencies (7540152)

1.27.0 (2022-11-29)

  • pubsub: start generating proto stubs (cf89415)


Changes for google-cloud-pubsub

1.122.1 (2022-12-02)

  • Update dependency org.graalvm.buildtools:junit-platform-native to v0.9.19 (#1428) (bfa9c3d)
  • Update dependency org.graalvm.buildtools:native-maven-plugin to v0.9.19 (#1429) (d3c44e7)

1.122.0 (2022-12-01)

  • Next release from main branch is 1.122.0 (#1409) (dad2c82)
  • Update dependency to v3.21.10 (#1425) (39c22cb)
Security Command Center

The kernelRootkit attribute was added to the Finding object of the Security Command Center API.

The kernelRootkit attribute contains information about a kernel rootkit that triggered a finding, including the following:

  • Name of the rootkit, if available.
  • Whether unexpected modifications were made to the kernel's code, read-only data memory, or certain important kernel data structures.

For more information, see the Security Command Center API documentation for the Finding object.

VPC Service Controls

Preview stage support for the following integrations:

Vertex AI

The Pipeline Templates feature is now generally available (GA). The Your Templates tab is supported by Artifact Registry and allows you to publish and curate pipeline and component templatess. For documentation, refer to Create, upload, and use a pipeline template.

December 04, 2022

Cloud Composer

(New environments only) Creating Cloud Composer 2 environments no longer depends on the constraints/compute.requireOsLogin organization policy setting.

(Cloud Composer 2) Cloud Composer 2 environments now include the composer-user-workloads namespace that you can use to run user-defined workloads.

(Available without upgrading) Fixed an issue where Cloud Storage bucket metadata would reset to defaults when an update labels operation was triggered for a Cloud Composer environment.

Fix to address occasional backfills deadlocks was backported to Airflow versions 2.2.5 and 2.3.4 (#26161).

The following versions for Cloud Composer 1.20.0 and 2.1.0 are available:

  • composer-2.1.0-airflow-2.2.5
  • composer-2.1.0-airflow-2.3.4 (default)
  • composer-1.20.0-airflow-1.10.15 (default)
  • composer-1.20.0-airflow-2.2.5
  • composer-1.20.0-airflow-2.3.4

(New environments only) Airflow 2.3.4 is now the default Airflow version for Composer 2 environments.

(Cloud Composer 2) Starting with version 2.1.0, Composer environments no longer use Deployment Manager.

Cloud Composer versions 1.17.6 and 2.0.0-preview.6 have reached their end of full support period.

December 02, 2022

Cloud Spanner

The number of concurrent database restore operations per instance that Cloud Spanner supports has increased from five to ten. For more information, see Backup and restore limits.

Confidential VM

Preview: Confidential Space is designed to let parties share sensitive data with a mutually agreed upon workload, while they retain confidentiality and ownership of that data. Such data might include personally identifiable information (PII), protected health information (PHI), intellectual property, cryptographic secrets, and more. Confidential Space helps create isolation so that data is only visible to the workload and the original owners of the data.


Eventarc support for customer-managed encryption keys (CMEK) is generally available (GA).

Security Command Center

Event Threat Detection, a built-in service of Security Command Center, launched the Initial Access: Database Superuser Writes to User Tables rule to General Availability. This rule detects events where a Cloud SQL superuser (postgres for PostgreSQL servers or root for MySQL users) writes to non-system tables. For more information, see Event Threat Detection rules.

December 01, 2022

AlloyDB for PostgreSQL

The AlloyDB Clusters page of the Google Cloud console displays summary cards and a resource table that provide an overview on the overall health of your databases. This helps you monitor the real-time performance of your database fleet.


BigQuery now supports querying Apache Iceberg tables that are created by open source engines. This feature is in preview.

Cloud Data Fusion

Google Cloud Platform Plugins version 0.20.4 is generally available (GA) in Cloud Data Fusion versions 6.7.1 and 6.7.2. This version includes Dataplex Source and Sink plugins in GA. For more information, see the CDAP Hub release log.

Google Cloud Platform Plugins version 0.19.3 is generally available (GA) in Cloud Data Fusion version 6.6.0. This version includes Dataplex Source and Sink plugins in GA. For more information, see the CDAP Hub release log.

Cloud Data Loss Prevention

The NEW_ZEALAND_IRD_NUMBER infoType detector is available in all regions.

The VAT_NUMBER infoType detector is available in all regions. Currently, this detector identifies VAT numbers from France, Germany, Hungary, Indonesia, Italy, and the Netherlands.

For more information about all built-in infoTypes, see InfoType detector reference.

Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL

The changes listed in the October 19th release rotes entry for PostgreSQL minor versions, extension versions, and plugin versions have been postponed.

Cloud TPU

Cloud TPU now supports Tensorflow 2.11.0. For more information see TensorFlow 2.11 release notes.


Dataplex Source and Sink plugins are generally available (GA) in Cloud Data Fusion for ingesting and processing data.

Error Reporting

Error Reporting is a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) supported service.

Identity and Access Management

For some users, the IAM basic and predefined roles reference is crashing or is very slow to load. We are working to mitigate this issue.


November 30, 2022

Agent Assist

The Agent Assist Smart Reply feature now supports French (Canada) in addition to English (United states). See the language support page for details.


The following supported default parsers have changed. Each is listed by product name and ingestion label, if applicable.

  • Akamai WAF (AKAMAI_WAF)
  • AlgoSec Security Management (ALGOSEC)
  • Ansible AWX (ANSIBLE_AWX)
  • Arcsight CEF (ARCSIGHT_CEF)
  • AWS Cloudtrail (AWS_CLOUDTRAIL)
  • AWS Control Tower (AWS_CONTROL_TOWER)
  • AWS GuardDuty (GUARDDUTY)
  • Azure AD Directory Audit (AZURE_AD_AUDIT)
  • Bluecat DDI (BLUECAT_DDI)
  • Carbon Black (CB_EDR)
  • Cisco Meraki (CISCO_MERAKI)
  • Cisco Router (CISCO_ROUTER)
  • Deep Instinct EDR (DEEP_INSTINCT_EDR)
  • Department of Homeland Security (DHS_IOC)
  • Elastic Windows Event Log Beats (ELASTIC_WINLOGBEAT)
  • Emerging Threats Pro (ET_PRO_IOC)
  • ESET Threat Intelligence (ESET_IOC)
  • Fortinet (FORTINET_DHCP)
  • Cloud Audit (N/A)
  • Security Command Center (N/A)
  • GitHub (GITHUB)
  • Hitachi Cloud Platform (HITACHI_CLOUD_PLATFORM)
  • Linux Auditing System (AuditD) (AUDITD)
  • Mandiant Threat Intelligence (MANDIANT_IOC)
  • Microsoft Azure Resource (AZURE_RESOURCE_LOGS)
  • Microsoft Exchange (EXCHANGE_MAIL)
  • Microsoft Graph API Alerts (MICROSOFT_GRAPH_ALERT)
  • Microsoft Powershell (POWERSHELL)
  • Netscout Arbor Sightline (ARBOR_SIGHTLINE)
  • Office 365 (OFFICE_365)
  • Okta (OKTA)
  • Palo Alto Networks Firewall (PAN_FIREWALL)
  • Palo Alto Prisma Access (PAN_CASB)
  • Sentinelone Alerts (SENTINELONE_ALERT)
  • Signal Sciences WAF (SIGNAL_SCIENCES_WAF)
  • Solarwinds Kiwi Syslog Server (SOLARWINDS_KSS)
  • Splunk Platform (SPLUNK)
  • Stealthbits Defend (STEALTHBITS_DEFEND)
  • STIX Threat Intelligence (STIX)
  • Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP)
  • Tanium Discover (TANIUM_DISCOVER)
  • Tanium Threat Response (TANIUM_THREAT_RESPONSE)
  • WatchGuard (WATCHGUARD)
  • Windows Event (WINEVTLOG)
  • Windows Network Policy Server (WINDOWS_NET_POLICY_SERVER)

For details about changes in each parser, see Supported default parsers.

Cloud Build

Users can generate Supply chain Levels for Software Artifacts (SLSA) build provenance information for standalone Java and Python packages when they upload artifacts to Artifact Registry using new fields available in the Cloud Build config file. This feature is in public preview. For more information, see Build and test Java applications and Build and test Python applications.

Cloud Data Fusion

Cloud Data Fusion version 6.4 is no longer supported as of December 1, 2022. You should upgrade your instances to run in a supported version. For instructions, see Upgrading your Cloud Data Fusion environment.

Cloud Talent Solution Job Search

Marking keyword_searchable_job_custom_attributes on the Company as deprecated. Moving forward please use the keyword searchable tag on the Job.CustomAttribute to specify keyword searchable.

Marking company_size histogram facet as deprecated.

SAP on Google Cloud

Cloud Storage Backint agent for SAP HANA version 1.0.23

Version 1.0.23 of the Cloud Storage Backint agent for SAP HANA is now available. This version includes stability enhancements.

For more information about the agent, see Cloud Storage Backint agent for SAP HANA overview.

Vertex AI

AutoML image model updates

AutoML image classification and object detection now support a higher-accuracy model type. This model is available in Preview.

For information about how to train a model using the higher accuracy model type, see Begin AutoML model training.

Batch prediction is currently not supported for this model type.

Cloud Logging for Vertex AI Pipelines is now generally available (GA). For more information, see View pipeline job logs.

reCAPTCHA Enterprise

reCAPTCHA Enterprise Mobile SDK iOS v18.0.3 is now available. This version contains the following changes:

  • Performance improvements
  • Dependency of the Protobuf library is removed
  • Build support for Xcode13
  • Bug fixes

reCAPTCHA Enterprise Mobile SDK Android v18.0.1 is now available. This version contains performance improvements.

November 29, 2022

Apigee Integration

On November 29, 2022 we released an updated version of the Apigee Integrations software.

Integration variable color code

The color codes of all the integration variable data types is removed and now changed to a single uniform color. Integration variables will no longer be color coded (green, blue, orange) based on their data type.

See Format of an integration variable.

Data Mapping editor

  • The background color of the Input and Output row is changed to a single uniform color.
  • Input rows are updated to add line breaks and indentations according to the use of mapping functions to improve readability and structure recognition.
  • A confirmation dialog is displayed before proceeding to delete an entire Input row.

See Data Mapping editor.

Google Cloud Armor

Three new rate limiting keys are now Generally Available:

  • SNI

For more information about using rate limiting keys, see the Rate limiting overview.

Google Kubernetes Engine

Kubernetes control plane logs are now Generally Available. You can now configure GKE clusters with control plane version 1.22.0 or later to export to Cloud Logging logs emitted by the Kubernetes API server, Scheduler, and Controller Manager.

These logs are stored in Cloud Logging and can be queried in the Cloud Logging Log Explorer or Cloud Logging API. These logs can also be sent to Google Cloud Storage, BigQuery, or Pub/Sub using the Log Router.

You can now use deprecation insights to identify clusters on versions 1.23 and earlier that use Docker-based node images, which are unsupported on GKE version 1.24 and later.


Text-to-Speech now offers additional Neural2 voices across 9 locales with 40+ speakers. Voices are available in the us-central1, us, and eu endpoints. See the supported voices page for a complete list of voices and audio samples.

November 28, 2022


BigQuery now supports the following features when you load data:

These features are generally available (GA).

Cloud Billing

View granular cost data from Cloud Run instances in Cloud Billing exports to BigQuery

You can now view granular Cloud Run cost data in the Google Cloud Billing detailed export. Use the resource.global_name field in the export to view and filter your Cloud Run instances.

Review the schema of the Detailed cost data export.

View granular cost data from Cloud Function instances in Cloud Billing exports to BigQuery

You can now view granular Cloud Function cost data in the Google Cloud Billing detailed export. Use the resource.global_name field in the export to view and filter your Cloud Function instances.

Review the schema of the Detailed cost data export.

Cloud Logging

A weekly digest of client library updates from across the Cloud SDK.


Changes for google-cloud-logging

3.13.2 (2022-11-21)

  • Update dependency org.graalvm.buildtools:junit-platform-native to v0.9.18 (#1201) (8b00108)
  • Update dependency org.graalvm.buildtools:native-maven-plugin to v0.9.18 (#1202) (c884361)
Google Cloud VMware Engine

Zerto Solution version 9.5u1 is now supported as a disaster recovery solution with VMware Engine. Learn more about setting up Zerto Solution.

Preview: VMware Engine private clouds support the addition of a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) 2.0 virtual cryptoprocessor to a virtual machine.

For details about this feature, see About Virtual Trusted Platform Module.


A weekly digest of client library updates from across the Cloud SDK.


Changes for google-cloud-pubsub

1.121.1 (2022-11-21)

  • Update dependency to v2.18.0 (#1375) (b6ada4e)
  • Update dependency to v2.19.1 (#1416) (e140a49)
  • Update dependency org.graalvm.buildtools:junit-platform-native to v0.9.18 (#1413) (b3fb828)
  • Update dependency org.graalvm.buildtools:native-maven-plugin to v0.9.18 (#1414) (74d2dc3)

November 23, 2022

Apigee Integration

On November 23, 2022 we released an updated version of the Apigee Integrations software.

Bug ID Description
250638658 Updated the behaviour of the SetIntegrationRequest policy to identify payload parameter strings enclosed within $# and #$ as flow variables.

SetIntegrationRequest policy payload parameter strings enclosed within { and } are no longer identified as flow variables.

Traffic Director

Traffic Director deployment with automatic Envoy injection for Google Kubernetes Engine Pods currently installs Envoy version v1.24.0.

November 22, 2022

Anthos clusters on bare metal

Release 1.13.2

Anthos clusters on bare metal 1.13.2 is now available for download. To upgrade, see Upgrading Anthos on bare metal. Anthos clusters on bare metal 1.13.2 runs on Kubernetes 1.24.


  • Ensured the kubeadmconfig Secret is deleted when a Cluster API node is removed.
  • Added preflight check command (bmctl check preflight) that you can use when upgrading version 1.13 and higher clusters.
  • Updated the commands bmctl check preflight and bmctl create cluster so that they fail if worker or control-plane nodes have docker credentials in /root/.docker/config.json. (Anthos clusters on bare metal version 1.13 and higher can no longer use Docker Engine as a container runtime. All clusters must use the default container runtime containerd).
  • The following container image security vulnerabilities have been fixed:

Known issues:

For information about the latest known issues, see Anthos on bare metal known issues in the Troubleshooting section.

Cloud Composer

We are currently experiencing an issue with gcloud CLI version 410.0.0. Some composer commands return non-zero error codes along with an additional gcloud crashed (TypeError): 'NoneType' object is not callable) output message.

This issue doesn't impact the functionality provided by the commands when used in interactive mode. It may contribute to misleading error stack traces and cause failures when using the commands programmatically since it returns non-zero error codes.

Cloud Functions

Cloud Functions has added support for a new runtime, Node.js 18, at the Preview release level.

Google Kubernetes Engine

GKE version 1.21.14-gke.9500 has an issue where Pods in certain conditions might get stuck terminating indefinitely, due to a Linux kernel bug. The version has been removed and is no longer available for new clusters. If your node pools are running 1.21.14-gke.9500 and experience the issue, we recommend downgrading the node pool to 1.21.14-gke.8500.

SAP on Google Cloud

Terraform configurations for SAP deployments on Google Cloud

Terraform configurations to automate the deployment of resources for running the following databases on Google Cloud are now generally available (GA):

For more information, see Automating SAP deployments on Google Cloud with Terraform.

November 21, 2022

Anthos Service Mesh

1.15.3-asm.6 is now available for in-cluster Anthos Service Mesh.

You can now download 1.15.3-asm.6 for in-cluster Anthos Service Mesh. It includes the features of Istio 1.15.3 subject to the list of supported features.

1.14.5-asm.8 is now available for in-cluster Anthos Service Mesh.

You can now download 1.14.5-asm.8 for in-cluster Anthos Service Mesh. It includes the features of Istio 1.14.5 subject to the list of supported features.

1.13.9-asm.3 is now available for in-cluster Anthos Service Mesh.

You can now download 1.13.9-asm.3 for in-cluster Anthos Service Mesh. It includes the features of Istio 1.13.9 subject to the list of supported features.


A weekly digest of client library updates from across the Cloud SDK.


Changes for google-cloud-bigquery

3.4.0 (2022-11-17)

  • Add reference_file_schema_uri to LoadJobConfig, ExternalConfig (#1399) (931285f)
  • Add default value expression (#1408) (207aa50)
  • Add More Specific Type Annotations for Row Dictionaries (#1295) (eb49873)
Cloud Asset Inventory

The following resource types are now publicly available through the Export APIs (ExportAssets, ListAssets, and BatchGetAssetsHistory), Feed API, and Search APIs (SearchAllResources, SearchAllIamPolicies).

  • Service Directory
Cloud Bigtable

A weekly digest of client library updates from across the Cloud SDK.


Changes for google-cloud-bigtable

1.7.3 (2022-11-18)

Bug Fixes
  • First pass on making retry configuration more consistent (#695) (c707c30)
  • Make internal rst_stream errors retriable (#699) (770feb8)
  • Make sure that the proper exception type is bubbled up for ReadRows (#696) (5c72780)
  • Prevent sending full table scan when retrying (backport #554) (#697) (c4ae6ad)
Cloud Logging

A weekly digest of client library updates from across the Cloud SDK.


Changes for google-cloud-logging

3.13.1 (2022-11-16)

Bug Fixes
  • Fix failing instrumentation test preventing release (#1187) (04bb6c0)
  • Test failures due to RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED (#1197) (f74b86d)
  • Wrong order of libraries info in instrumentation (#1196) (c3942ea)
  • Update dependency to v3.0.6 (#1190) (01ebe33)
  • Update dependency org.graalvm.buildtools:junit-platform-native to v0.9.17 (#1182) (d4f17ab)

Dialogflow CX now integrates with GitHub. This integration makes it easy to export your agent to JSON for a push to GitHub, and to pull from GitHub for an agent restore.

Document AI

Expense Parser Releases

As of November 18, 2022, for the Expense Parser, we have promoted our v1.3 Release Candidate version to a Stable version so that more customers can use it confidently. 

New Stable version

Features in the new Stable Expense Parser, pretrained-expense-v1.3-2022-07-15:

  • Support for a new language, Japanese, which has been requested by multiple customers.

  • Better entity performance

  • Addition of 3 new entity types (line_item/quantity, payment_typecredit_card_last_four_digits)

  • Better support for hotel and car-rental related expenses 

New Release Candidate version

Along with this Stable version, we are also launching a new Release Candidate version of the Expense Parser, pretrained-expense-v1.4-2022-11-18, with the following new features, in addition to the features in the Stable version:

  • Improvements to overall performance

  • Support for two (2) new languages, Italian and Portuguese

  • Support for Uptraining to improve or add/remove entities in the schema

  • Support for Uptraining to add support for unsupported languages

  • Addition of 3 new entity types (traveler_name, reservation_idline_item/transaction_date)

  • Maximum pages (online/synchronous requests) limit has been increased to 15.

Deprecation of the old Stable version

The pretrained-expense-v1.1-2021-04-09 version of the Expense Parser will be deprecated following this release. 

Invoice Parser Updates

The previous Stable Invoice processor version, pretrained-invoice-v1.1-2021-04-09, is deprecated as of November 22, 2022.

The Invoice Parser, for v1.3 and v1.4, now has the following quotas and limits:

  • Maximum pages (online/synchronous requests): 15
  • Maximum pages (batch/offline/asynchronous requests): 200
Firestore in Datastore mode

A weekly digest of client library updates from across the Cloud SDK.


Changes for google-cloud-ndb

1.12.0rc1 (2022-11-17)

Bug Fixes
  • Drop Python 2 support (90efd77)
  • Drop Python 3.6 support (#829) (b110199)
  • model: Ensure repeated props have same kind when converting from ds (#824) (29f5a85)
  • Add note in Django middleware documentation that it is unimplemented (#805) (aa7621d)
  • Add note that ProtoRPC message classes are unimplemented (#819) (ae813e9)
  • context: Note that several methods are no longer implemented. (#821) (34c2c38)
  • CONTRIBUTING: Note the need for Redis/Memcached env vars in tests (#838) (19f8415), closes #836
  • Fix bad import path in migration guide (#827) (7b44961)
  • Fix typo in begin_transaction docstring (#822) (7fd3ed3)
  • README: Syncronize supported version text with python-datastore (#837) (316f959)

1.11.2 (2022-06-03)

  • fix changelog header to consistent size (#773) (7bb4e5a)
Google Kubernetes Engine

The Logs tab available for each cluster on the Kubernetes Engine > Clusters page now includes suggested queries for your logs. For more information about using your GKE logs, see Viewing your GKE logs.


A weekly digest of client library updates from across the Cloud SDK.


Changes for google-cloud-pubsub

1.121.0 (2022-11-16)

  • Next release from main branch is 1.121.0 (#1406) (1b25b0e)
  • Update dependency to v2.8.28 (#1399) (ec1cae8)
  • Update dependency to v3.0.6 (#1395) (a3c32ea)
SAP on Google Cloud

Cloud Storage Backint agent for SAP HANA version 1.0.22

Version 1.0.22 of the Cloud Storage Backint agent for SAP HANA is now available. This version includes enhanced validations for backint configuration and backup stability.

For more information about the agent, see Cloud Storage Backint agent for SAP HANA overview.

Google Cloud monitoring agent for SAP NetWeaver version 2.7

Version 2.7 of the Google Cloud monitoring agent for SAP NetWeaver is now available. This version includes bug fixes and supportability improvements.

For more information about the agent, see Monitoring SAP NetWeaver on Google Cloud.

November 18, 2022

Anthos clusters on bare metal

Release 1.11.8

Anthos clusters on bare metal 1.11.8 is now available for download. To upgrade, see Upgrading Anthos on bare metal. Anthos clusters on bare metal 1.11.8 runs on Kubernetes 1.22.

Known issues:

For information about the latest known issues, see Anthos on bare metal known issues in the Troubleshooting section.

Apigee X

On November 18, 2022, we released an updated version of Apigee X (1-9-0-apigee-16).

Bug ID Description
257268790 There is an edge case scenario where an invalid resource or bundle configuration resulting in unhandled exception will result in failure that leads to restart of runtime pods or bootup of new runtime pods.
Cloud Build

You can now configure Cloud Build to continue executing a build even if specified steps fail. This feature is available as a preview release. To learn more, see the allowFailure and allowExitCodes topics in Build configuration file schema.

Cloud Composer

Airflow 2.3.4 is available in Cloud Composer images.

(Available without upgrading) Fixed issues where creating environments with Private Service Connect would occasionally time out with a Rate limit exceeded error or fail due to a missing subnet name.

Fixed an issue where the number of online Celery workers metric was sometimes incorrectly reported as 0.

Images with Airflow 2.3.4 use the public version 8.4.0 of the apache-airflow-providers-google package. See the package page.

(Cloud Composer 2 with Private Service Connect) SQL proxy now gets restarted faster when connection issues are detected.

(Cloud Composer 2) You can now create Composer environments with labels that contain only digits.

Cloud Composer 1.19.15 and 2.0.32 images are available:

  • composer-1.19.15-airflow-1.10.15 (default)
  • composer-1.19.15-airflow-2.1.4
  • composer-1.19.15-airflow-2.2.5
  • composer-1.19.15-airflow-2.3.4
  • composer-2.0.32-airflow-2.1.4
  • composer-2.0.32-airflow-2.2.5
  • composer-2.0.32-airflow-2.3.4

Cloud Composer version 1.17.5 has reached its end of full support period.

Airflow 2.3.3 is no longer included in Cloud Composer images.

Cloud Interconnect

Dedicated Interconnect support is available in the following colocation facilities:

  • Telecom Italia Sparkle Milano Data Center, Milan

For more information, see the Locations table.

Google Cloud Marketplace

You can download private offers as PDFs. Offers can include notes from the vendor and the included EULA.

Google Cloud Marketplace Partners

You can download private offers as PDFs. Offers can be saved at any point in the offer process and can include internal notes and the EULA for the offer.

Google Kubernetes Engine

GKE Autopilot clusters support compact placement policies in version 1.25 and later.

Policy Intelligence

Policy Analyzer now offers organization policy analysis. Policy Analyzer helps you get more information about the resources affected by an organization policy constraint. This feature is available in Preview.


The Kafka Connector library for Pub/Sub and Pub/Sub Lite is now generally available.

Pub/Sub Lite

The Kafka Connector library for Pub/Sub and Pub/Sub Lite is now generally available.

Resource Manager

Policy Analyzer now offers organization policy analysis. Policy Analyzer helps you get more information about the resources affected by an organization policy constraint. This feature is available in Preview.

Traffic Director

The backendServices API reference documentation now reflects that the outlierDetection object supports gRPC clients.

For more information about using the outlier detection feature with proxyless service mesh deployments, see the Outlier detection section of the Traffic Director documentation.

Vertex AI

Vertex AI Prediction

You can now perform some simple filtering and transformation on the batch input in your BatchPredictionJob requests without having to write any code in the prediction container. This feature is in Preview. For more information, see Filter and transform input data.

November 17, 2022

Access Transparency

For the Access Transparency logs for BigQuery, the prefix of the value for the accesses:resourceName field is changed from // to // For information about the various fields in Access Transparency logs, see Understanding and using Access Transparency logs.

Anthos clusters on VMware

Anthos clusters on VMware 1.13.2-gke.26 is now available. To upgrade, see Upgrading Anthos clusters on VMware. Anthos clusters on VMware 1.13.2-gke.26 runs on Kubernetes 1.24.7-gke.1400.

The supported versions offering the latest patches and updates for security vulnerabilities, exposures, and issues impacting Anthos clusters on VMware are 1.13, 1.12, and 1.11.

  • Fixed a validation error where the GKE Hub membership is not found when using a gcloud version that is not bundled with the admin workstation.
  • Fixed the issue where the admin cluster might fail to register due to naming conflicts.
  • Fixed the issue where the Connect Agent in the admin cluster does not upgrade after a failure to upgrade nodes in the user cluster control plane.
  • Fixed a bug where running gkectl diagnose snapshot using system scenario did not capture Cluster API resources in the default namespace.
  • Fixed the issue during admin cluster creation where gkectl check-config fails due to missing OS images, if gkectl prepare is not run first.
  • Fixed the unspecified Internal Server error in ClientConfig when using the Anthos Identity Service (AIS) hub feature to manage the OpenID Connect (OIDC) configuration.
  • Fixed the issue of /var/log/audit/ filling up disk space on the admin workstation.
  • Fixed an issue where cluster deletion may be stuck at node draining when the user cluster control plane and node pools are on different datastores.
  • Fixed the issue where nodes fail to register if the configured hostname in the IP block file contains one or more periods.
  • Fixed the following vulnerabilities:
Assured Workloads

The Impact Level 4 (IL4) compliance regime is now generally available.


Object tables are now in preview. Object tables are read-only tables containing metadata for unstructured data stored in Cloud Storage. These tables enable you to analyze and perform inference on images, audio files, documents, and other file types by using BigQuery ML and BigQuery remote functions. Object tables extend structured data features such as data security and governance best practices to unstructured data.

Metadata caching is now in preview. Using cached metadata might improve query performance for BigLake tables and object tables that reference large numbers of objects, by allowing the query to avoid listing objects from Cloud Storage.

Cloud Load Balancing

Internal HTTP(S) load balancers and internal TCP proxy load balancers now support global access. By default, clients for these load balancers must be in the same region as the load balancer. With global access enabled, clients can access the load balancer from any region. They still must be in the same VPC network as the load balancer or in a VPC network that's connected to the load balancer's VPC network by using VPC Network Peering.

For instructions, see the following:

Cloud Run

Logs from Cloud Run services can now be tailed or viewed in a command-line friendly format using gcloud beta run services logs tail and gcloud beta run services logs read

Compute Engine

Preview: You can limit the runtime of a VM to automatically stop or delete it when a time limit is reached. Limiting VM runtimes can help you optimize temporary workloads by minimizing costs and releasing quota. For more information, see Limit the runtime of a VM.


Dataproc Serverless for Spark supports Spark and System metrics. These metrics are enabled by default. Spark driver and executor metrics can be customised using overrides.

Added support for Dataproc to attach to a gRPC Dataproc Metastore in any region.

Secure Boot, Virtual trusted platform module (vTPM), and Integrity monitoring Shielded VM features are enabled by default for Dataproc on Compute Engine clusters that use 2.1 preview images.

Nodemanagers in DECOMMISSIONING, NEW, and SHUTDOWN state are now included in the /cluster/yarn/nodemanagers metric.

Dataproc Serverless for Spark now shows the subminor runtime version used in the runtimeConfig.version field,

Fixed a bug that caused a Dataproc cluster with a Dataproc Metastore service to fail the creation process, if the cluster was in the same network but different subnetworks.

Document AI Warehouse

Fixed the bug that users are unable to preview documents created involving Doc AI processors.

Google Cloud VMware Engine

Starting November 17, 2022, newly created private clouds will utilize IP address layout (IP Plan) version 2.0 subnet allocations. HCX addressing is now included in the management CIDR allocation, simplifying the process of starting data center VM migrations. IP Plan version 2.0 also enables additional scale and features delivered to your public cloud in upcoming releases.

Stretched private clouds are now available in the europe-west3 (Frankfurt) region. You can use stretched private clouds to stretch vSphere/vSAN clusters across zones and protect against zone level failures. This functionality enables high levels of availability for business critical applications.

You can now use the gcloud command-line tool or the API to manage VMWare Engine networks, network policies, and private clouds. See the API reference or the gcloud SDK for more information.

Google Kubernetes Engine

GKE Autopilot clusters support signaling to GKE that a particular node is problematic in version 1.24 and later.

Transcoder API

The output color space of transcoded videos matches the input color space.

VPC Service Controls

Preview stage support for the following integration:

Vertex AI

The Vertex AI Pipelines email notification component is now generally available (GA). This component enables you to configure your pipeline to send up to three emails upon success or failure of a pipeline run. For more information, see Configure email notifications and the Email notification component.

Virtual Private Cloud

Preview: Connectivity to Private Service Connect endpoints used to access a managed service is supported over VLAN attachments for Cloud Interconnect

November 16, 2022


You can collect Splunk CIM logs by using the Chronicle forwarder and Splunk default parser. For more information, see Collect Splunk CIM logs.

Cloud Storage

The following regions are now generally available for dual-region storage:

  • Mumbai (asia-south1)
  • Delhi (asia-south2)
  • Columbus (us-east5)
  • Dallas (us-south1)
  • Las Vegas (us-west4)

Turbo replication is now available for all dual-region combinations.

Compute Engine

Generally available: You can double the default size limit for a managed instance group (MIG): Zonal MIGs support up to 2,000 VMs and regional MIGs support up to 4,000 VMs. For more information, see Increase the group's size limit.

Document AI

The Identity Document Proofing Processor is now available in Public Preview.

The Identity Document Proofing Processor is designed to help predict the validity of ID documents with four different signals:

  • is_identity_document detection: predict whether an image contains a recognized identity document.
  • suspicious_words detection: predict whether words are present that aren't typical on IDs.
  • image_manipulation detection: predict whether the image was altered or tampered via an image editing tool.
  • online_duplicate detection: predict whether the image can be found online.
Filestore Security Command Center

Event Threat Detection, a built-in service of Security Command Center Premium, has launched the Initial Access: Excessive Permission Denied Actions rule to Preview. This rule detects events where a principal repeatedly triggers permission denied errors across multiple methods and services.

For more information about Event Threat Detection findings, see Event Threat Detection rules.

Virtual Private Cloud

Preview: Private Service Connect endpoints with consumer HTTP(S) controls now support accessing regional Google APIs and managed services using the following load balancers:

  • Regional internal HTTP(S) load balancer
  • Regional external HTTP(S) load balancer

November 15, 2022

Agent Assist

Agent Assist has launched backend modules as a GA feature. Backend modules is an out-of-the-box solution that provides an effective backend infrastructure, making integrating Agent Assist with your agent system faster and easier. See the backend modules basics and integration guide for details.

The Agent Assist Console is now GA. The Console now also includes built-in workflow tutorials that walk you through creating a dataset, training and testing a model, and creating a conversation profile. Sample datasets and demo models are now provided as well. To see the new Console tutorials, navigate to the Console and click the Get started button under the feature you'd like to test.

Agent Assist now supports sentiment analysis of voice data as a private Preview feature. For more information, see the Agent Assist private features documentation. To gain access to the private documentation, please contact your Google representative.

Agent Assist now supports CCAI Transcription as a GA feature. CCAI Transcription allows you to convert streaming audio data into text transcripts in real time, allowing you to implement Agent Assist features for use with voice data. See the documentation for details.


UDM Search

UDM Search is a new Chronicle search feature which enables you to find UDM events within your Chronicle instance. You can search both for individual UDM events and groups of UDM events tied to shared search terms. UDM search includes a number of search features, enabling you to navigate through your UDM data:

  • Quick Filters—Fast access to saved searches and search history.
  • Event Viewer—View the raw log and UDM for the event.
  • Search Manager—Comprehensive view of your saved searches and search history.

There is also a new UDM search API method available for the Chronicle Search API.

Be sure to review Google's recommended best practices for conducting searches using UDM Search. UDM searches can require substantial computational resources to complete if they are not constructed carefully. Performance also varies depending on the size and complexity of the data in your Chronicle instance.

Reference Lists

Google has made enhancements to the Chronicle reference lists feature, it now enables you to perform more complex matching beyond exact string matches. These new types of reference lists can be used in Detection Engine rules.

For more detailed information about these special list types, see the reference lists documentation.

When creating a list, you must provide a "List Type" to indicate how you want Chronicle to interpret your list. List type cannot be changed after list creation, and can be STRING, REGEX, or CIDR. The list type for any existing lists has been set to STRING, since all reference lists made by preview customers perform exact string matching.

You can create Reference Lists using the Chronicle user interface or programmatically using the Reference List API. For information on how to embed a Reference List within a Rule, see the documentation.

Cloud Bigtable

Cloud Bigtable now lets you retrieve metadata about a table, giving you greater observability when troubleshooting. This feature is generally available (GA). For more information, see Table stats.

Cloud Spanner

Time to live (TTL) is now supported in PostgreSQL-dialect databases. With TTL, you can reduce storage costs, improve query performance, and simplify data retention by automatically removing unneeded data based on user-defined policies.

Added support for the JSONB data type in the Cloud Spanner PostgreSQL dialect. For more information, see Work with JSONB data.

Cloud Translation

For online document translations, you can increase the page limit for native PDF documents to 300 pages.

Compute Engine

Generally available: Use the new distribution shape ANY SINGLE ZONE in a regional managed instance group (MIG) to automatically select a single zone that has available resources within your quota. Recommended for workloads that require low latency, high-bandwidth connections between VMs or when you want to avoid inter-zone network traffic costs.

Config Connector

Config Connector version 1.97.0 is now available.

Added spec.gcRules to BigtableGCPolicy (Issues #624, #542, #482, #345, #300).

Added spec.load.jsonExtension to BigQueryJob.

Added spec.externalDataConfiguration.avroOptions to BigQueryTable.

Added spec.compressionMode to ComputeBackendBucket.

Added spec.compressionMode to ComputeBackendService.

Added spec.advancedOptionsConfig.jsonCustomConfig to ComputeSecurityPolicy.

Added spec.managementConfig.fullManagementConfig to ConfigControllerInstance.

Added spec.nodeConfig.guestAccelerator[].gpuSharingConfig and spec.notificationConfig.pubsub.filter to ContainerCluster.

Added spec.nodeConfig.guestAccelerator[].gpuSharingConfig to ContainerNodePool.

Added spec.config.dataprocMetricConfig, spec.config.gceClusterConfig.confidentialInstanceConfig, spec.config.gceClusterConfig.shieldedInstanceConfig, spec.config.masterConfig.diskConfig.localSsdInterface, spec.config.metastoreConfig.dataprocMetastoreServiceRef, spec.config.secondaryWorkerConfig.diskConfig.localSsdInterface, spec.config.securityConfig, spec.config.workerConfig.diskConfig.localSsdInterface and spec.virtualClusterConfig to DataprocCluster.

Added spec.cloudLoggingConfig to DNSManagedZone.

Added spec.persistenceConfig to RedisInstance.

Added status.version to SecretManagerSecretVersion.

Added spec.maintenanceVersion and status.availableMaintenanceVersions to SQLInstance.

Added spec.passwordPolicy to SQLUser.

Added spec.customPlacementConfig to StorageBucket.

Added spec.notificationConfig to StorageTransferJob (Issue #303).

Moved SQLUser output-only field sqlServerUserDetails from spec to status.

Added support for DLPJobTrigger resource.

Contact Center AI Insights API

Topic modeling is now a GA feature. Topic modeling helps you discover topics (call drivers) in conversations between contact center agents and end-users. For more information, see the documentation.


Dialogflow CX agents can now be exported to JSON.


BigQuery subscriptions now support the JSON type for all string fields, including data and attributes. For more information about JSON type compatibility, see Properties of a BigQuery subscription.

November 14, 2022

Apigee Monetization

On November 14, 2022 we released an updated version of the Apigee Monetization software.

Added support for a new recurring fees

Apigee X now supports optional recurring fees charged to API developers. For more information on fees, see Understanding billing.

Assured Workloads

The Israel Regions and Support compliance regime is now in Preview.


A weekly digest of client library updates from across the Cloud SDK.


Changes for google-cloud-bigquery

2.19.1 (2022-11-08)

  • Update dependency to v2.15.0 (#2402) (aac2711)

2.19.0 (2022-11-07)

  • Add getTimestampInstant() method to FieldValue (#2350) (113303f)
  • Update dependency to v2-rev20221028-2.0.0 (#2393) (d3f6a6b)
  • Update dependency to v3.0.6 (#2399) (9de9aa8)
  • Update dependency org.graalvm.buildtools:junit-platform-native to v0.9.17 (#2396) (87f8cdd)
  • Update dependency org.graalvm.buildtools:native-maven-plugin to v0.9.17 (#2397) (7927350)

The slot estimator helps you manage slot capacity based on historical performance metrics. This feature is now generally available (GA).

Cloud Bigtable

A weekly digest of client library updates from across the Cloud SDK.


Changes for google-cloud-bigtable

2.16.0 (2022-11-11)

Bug Fixes

2.15.1 (2022-11-08)

Bug Fixes
  • Call record attempt compeletion on permanent failures (#1502) (f409c47)
  • Fix the connectivity error count caculation (#1401) (1f8cfd7)
  • Only record retry count when it's > 0 (#1488) (445a667)
  • Update dependency to v3.0.6 (#1501) (8f61c64)
  • Update dependency org.graalvm.buildtools:junit-platform-native to v0.9.17 (#1495) (1b7c21a)
  • Update dependency org.graalvm.buildtools:native-maven-plugin to v0.9.17 (#1496) (74779e3)

1.22.0-sp.4 (2022-11-08)

  • Regenerating with new Protobuf (1.22.0-sp) (#1491) (b31cafd)
Cloud Composer

All Composer environment GKE clusters are set up with maintenance exclusions for the period between November 18, 2022 and November 30, 2022. For more information, see Maintenance exclusions.

Cloud Functions

Cloud Functions container runtimes have been patched against CVE-2022-3786 and CVE-2022-3602. Affected runtime languages are:

  • Java 17
  • Python 3.10
  • Go 1.18/1.19
  • .NET 6

You should redeploy functions using the affected runtime languages as soon as possible. Google does not automatically update the base image in use for already-deployed functions. Google will automatically apply the most updated runtime version to the redeployed function.

Cloud Load Balancing

We're introducing a change in behavior for custom headers used with Global external HTTP(S) load balancers.

This change doesn't affect projects that have any traffic using custom headers before November 14, 2022. Only projects that aren't currently using any custom headers (with either backend services or URL maps) are affected. If you are using custom headers as of November 14, 2022, you'll still see the behavior in the Before column.

The following tables describe changes in behavior applicable only to the global external HTTP(S) load balancers with advanced traffic management. The classic external HTTP(S) load balancers already behave this way when you configure custom headers on backend services. Configuring custom headers on URL maps isn't supported by the classic external HTTP(S) load balancers.

Custom headers configured on backend services

Before After
Custom request header values are appended to headers on incoming requests. Custom request header values replace headers on incoming requests.
If a custom request header value resolves to an empty string, it is ignored. If a custom request header value resolves to an empty string, it is added to the headers, and replaces the existing header value for this header name.

Custom headers configured on URL maps

Before After
If a headerValue in requestHeadersToAdd cannot be resolved or resolves to an empty string, the header is ignored. If a headerValue in requestHeadersToAdd cannot be resolved or resolves to an empty string, the header is added, either replacing or appending to existing values based on the replace field.
When custom header variables are present, requestHeaderToAdd always defaults to replace: false. When custom header variables are present, requestHeaderToAdd now defaults to replace: true.
Cloud Logging

A weekly digest of client library updates from across the Cloud SDK.


Changes for @google-cloud/logging

10.3.1 (2022-11-07)

Bug Fixes
  • Switch instrumentation code to work with NODEJS_DEFAULT_LIBRARY_VERSION only (#1373) (32b22b4)
Cloud Tasks

Support for internal ingress from Cloud Tasks to Cloud Run and Cloud Functions is now at General Availability.

Compute Engine

Balanced persistent disks and SSD persistent disks now offer baseline IOPS and throughput performance. To learn more, see Baseline performance.

Config Controller

VPC Service Controls now support Config Controller. The support is in Preview status.

Config Controller now uses the following versions of its included products:


A weekly digest of client library updates from across the Cloud SDK.


Changes for @google-cloud/dataflow

2.0.1 (2022-11-11)

Bug Fixes
  • Allow passing gax instance to client constructor (#80) (9054e83)
  • Better support for fallback mode (#76) (7b4c304)
  • Change import long to require (#77) (531996b)
  • deps: Use google-gax v3.5.2 (#87) (9f856a5)
  • Do not import the whole google-gax from proto JS (#79) (a0924da)
  • docs: Document fallback rest option (#72) (bb637f7)
  • Preserve default values in x-goog-request-params header (#81) (18e64cc)
  • Regenerated protos JS and TS definitions (#90) (920d3fe)
  • Remove pip install statements (#78) (884ea27)
  • use google-gax v3.3.0 (a0924da)

Dataproc Serverless for Spark now now uses runtime version 1.0.23 and 2.0.3.

New sub-minor versions of Dataproc images:

1.5.77-debian10, 1.5.77-rocky8, 1.5.77-ubuntu18,

2.0.51-debian10, 2.0.51-rocky8, 2.0.51-ubuntu18,

preview 2.1.0-RC4-debian11, preview 2.1.0-RC4-rocky8, preview 2.1.0-RC4-ubuntu20.

Downgraded google-auth-oauthlib Python package to fix gcsfs Python package for 2.0 and 2.1 images.

Backported HIVE-17317 in the latest 2.0 and 2.1 images.

Dataproc Serverless for Spark runtime version 1.0.23 and 2.0.3 downgrades google-auth-oauthlib Python package to fix gcsfs Python package.

Upgraded Apache Commons Text to 1.10.0 for Knox in 1.5 images, and for Spark, Pig, Knox in 2.0 images, addressing CVE-2022-42889.

Dataproc Serverless for Spark runtime version 1.0.23 and 2.0.3 adds PyMongo Python library.

Discovery Engine API

Discovery for Media

Discovery for Media is available in Public Preview. Discovery for Media Recommendations provides Google-quality recommendations of your media content to help increase engagement.


A weekly digest of client library updates from across the Cloud SDK.


Changes for google-cloud-pubsub

1.120.25 (2022-11-09)

  • Update dependency to v2.8.27 (#1391) (dd9f1c3)
  • Update dependency to v3.21.9 (#1370) (8b753a4)
  • Update dependency org.graalvm.buildtools:junit-platform-native to v0.9.17 (#1389) (6def6bb)
  • Update dependency org.graalvm.buildtools:native-maven-plugin to v0.9.17 (#1388) (0924923)


Changes for google-cloud-pubsub

2.13.11 (2022-11-11)

Bug Fixes
  • Remove suboptimal logic in leasing behavior (#816) (f067af3)
Security Command Center

The files attribute was added to the Finding object of the Security Command Center API.

The files attribute contains information about each file that triggered a finding, including the name of the file, the full path to the file, and the size of the file.

For more information, see the Security Command Center API documentation for the Finding object.

November 11, 2022

Access Approval

Access Approval lets you revoke active access requests using the Google Cloud console.

Cloud Composer

Airflow triggerer and Deferrable Operators are available in Preview in Cloud Composer 2.

Note: Minimum versions required by Airflow triggerer: Cloud Composer 2.0.31 and up, Apache Airflow 2.2.5 and up.

Cloud Composer 1.19.14 and 2.0.31 images are available:

  • composer-1.19.14-airflow-1.10.15 (default)
  • composer-1.19.14-airflow-2.1.4
  • composer-1.19.14-airflow-2.2.5
  • composer-1.19.14-airflow-2.3.3
  • composer-2.0.31-airflow-2.1.4
  • composer-2.0.31-airflow-2.2.5
  • composer-2.0.31-airflow-2.3.3

Cloud Composer versions 1.17.4 and 2.0.0-preview.5 have reached their end of full support period.

Cloud Monitoring

Prometheus Query Language (PromQL) for creating charts and dashboards in Cloud Monitoring is now Generally Available. For more information, see PromQL in Cloud Monitoring.

Cloud Monitoring now provides a GKE Clusters dashboard for enabling Managed Service for Prometheus on clusters in your project. For more information, see Get started with managed collection.


Dataproc Serverless for Spark runtime versions 1.0.22 and 2.0.2 will be deprecated on 11/11/2022. New batch submissions that use these runtime versions will fail starting 11/11/2022. This is due to an update to the google auth library which breaks running Pyspark batch workloads having dependency on gcsfs. Upcoming runtime versions will address this issue.

Dataproc images 2.0.50 and preview 2.1.0-RC3 are deprecated and cluster creations based on these images will fail starting 11/11/2022. This is due to an update to the google auth library which breaks running Pyspark batch workloads having dependency on gcsfs. Upcoming image versions will have a fix to address this issue.

Document AI

New stable W2 processor version with the following enhancements:

  • Breaks down long entities such as addresses into fine-grained sub-entities: StreetAddressOrPostalBox, AdditionalStreetAddressOrPostalBox, City, State, and Zip. This modification not only improves accuracy, but also entity specificity.
  • Handles wider variations of W2 forms including multi-copies (2,3,4-ups) issued by various payroll vendors.
  • Introduces 8 new entities for Box 12 that represent both codes and values.

New stable Payslip processor version with the following enhancements:

  • Bonus, commissions, holiday, overtime, regular pay and vacation are now part of earning_item/earning_this_period and earning_item/earning_ytd. Captures all types of earnings beyond those categories, and maps them to their respective earning rates, hours and pay (both for the period and year-to-date).
  • Returns year-to-date and current period taxes and deductions.
  • Direct deposits are linked to the corresponding bank account numbers.
  • Returns page numbers, state and federal tax exemptions and filing statuses.
Google Kubernetes Engine

The Filestore CSI driver has patched the following CVEs for newly created clusters running GKE version 1.23 and later:

  • CVE-2022-37434
  • CVE-2019-19126
  • CVE-2019-25013
  • CVE-2022-23219
  • CVE-2021-35942
  • CVE-2020-10029
  • CVE-2021-3326
  • CVE-2022-23218
  • CVE-2020-1752
  • CVE-2021-3999
  • CVE-2020-27618
  • CVE-2021-27645
  • CVE-2016-10228
  • CVE-2020-6096
  • CVE-2021-33574
  • CVE-2022-29458

Speech-to-Text has updated its pricing policy. Enhanced models are no longer priced differently than standard models. Usage of all models will be reported to and priced like standard models. Also, all Cloud Speech-to-Text requests will now be rounded up to the nearest 1 second, with no minimum audio length (requests were previously rounded up to the nearest 15 seconds). See the Pricing page for details.

November 10, 2022

Anthos clusters on AWS

Two new vulnerabilities (CVE-2022-2585 and CVE-2022-2588) have been discovered in the Linux kernel that can lead to a full container break out to root on the node.

For more information, see the GCP-2022-024 security bulletin.

Anthos clusters on AWS (previous generation)

Two new vulnerabilities (CVE-2022-2585 and CVE-2022-2588) have been discovered in the Linux kernel that can lead to a full container break out to root on the node.

For more information, see the GCP-2022-024 security bulletin.

Anthos clusters on Azure

Two new vulnerabilities (CVE-2022-2585 and CVE-2022-2588) have been discovered in the Linux kernel that can lead to a full container break out to root on the node.

For more information, see the GCP-2022-024 security bulletin.

Anthos clusters on VMware

Anthos clusters on VMware 1.11.5-gke.14 is now available. To upgrade, see Upgrading Anthos clusters on VMware. Anthos clusters on VMware 1.11.5-gke.14 runs on Kubernetes 1.22.15-gke.2200.

The supported versions offering the latest patches and updates for security vulnerabilities, exposures, and issues impacting Anthos clusters on VMware are 1.13, 1.12, and 1.11.

Apigee Integrated Portal

On November 10, 2022 we released an updated version of Apigee integrated portal.

Bug ID Description
246636016 Updated the handling of linked or uploaded empty specification files for API catalog items, and added a meaningful error message.
226406073 In the portal list view, changed column Last Published to Created. Sorting is by oldest portal at top.
182687440 Updated the file filter for icon upload so you can choose and upload .ico files.
153886771 Fixed an issue with identity provider configuration where SAML certificate data would not correctly render after initial upload.
Apigee Monetization

On November 10, 2022 we released an updated version of the Apigee Monetization software.

Added support for a new setup fee

Apigee X now supports an optional setup fee charged to new API developers. For more information on fees, see Understanding billing.


Chronicle Curated Detections has been enhanced with the following additional detection content:

  • Windows-based threats:
    • Security Posture Downgrade: detects activity attempting to disable or decrease the effectiveness of security tools.
  • Cloud threats:
    • Suspicious Behavior: detects activity that is thought to be uncommon and suspicious in most environments.
    • Service Disruption: detects destructive or disruptive actions that, if performed in a functioning production environment, may cause a significant outage.
    • Suspicious Infrastructure Change: detects modifications to production infrastructure that align with known persistence tactics.
Cloud Load Balancing

Regional external and regional internal HTTP(S) load balancers now support regional SSL policies. SSL policies give you the ability to control the features of SSL that your Google Cloud load balancers negotiate with clients.

For details, see:

This feature is in General Availability.

Cloud Storage

You can now use the Google Cloud console to get role recommendations and policy insights for buckets. Role recommendations and policy insights help you understand and manage permission usage for your buckets.

Compute Engine

Per VM Tier_1 networking performance now includes up to 25 Gbps egress for traffic going to public IP addresses (increased from 7 Gbps).

Generally available: Share sole-tenant node groups with other projects or with your entire organization. For more information, see Share sole-tenant node groups.

Document AI Warehouse

Enable the validation check for Enum property values by default. Enum values that are not defined in the schema will not be allowed to be set to the corresponding document property Enum fields. The validationCheckDisabled flag in EnumTypeOptions disables the ENUM Validation.

Enable text extraction feature.

Fix partial document update which could cause loss of raw document name entry.

Fix plain_text unintended movement in API response messages.

Fix an issue when a user supplies multiple property filters for the same schema in the search query, the service returns error.

Google Kubernetes Engine

You can now use use compact placement for node auto-provisioning in Standard clusters with GKE version 1.25 and later. To learn more, see Use compact placement for node auto-provisioning.

Policy Intelligence

Role recommendations and policy insights for Cloud Storage buckets are now generally available. Additionally, you can now use the Google Cloud console to review bucket-level role recommendations and policy insights.

Security Command Center

Security Command Center added the ability to export findings to a CSV file from the Google Cloud console. For more information, see Export findings to a CSV file.

Spectrum Access System

The CBSDs can now operate in the 3650–3700 MHz portion of the CBRS band in the 150 km area around fixed-satellite service (FSS) receive-only earth stations. The 150 km area around each FSS for 3650-3700 MHz that was considered an exclusion zone is now a protection zone. For more information on how to access the CBRS heatmaps, see CBRS heatmaps.

This feature is Generally Available (GA).


Text-to-Speech now offers these new voices. See the supported voices page for a complete list of voices and audio samples.

  1. en-US-News-K
  2. en-US-News-L
  3. en-US-News-M
  4. en-US-News-N
Transfer Appliance

Users can now use SMB to transfer data by enabling SMB file share.

Vertex AI

AutoML Image Classification Error Analysis

Error analysis allows you to examine error cases after training a model from within the model evaluation page. This feature is available in Preview.

For each image you can inspect similar images from the training set to help identify the following:

  • Label inconsistencies between visually similar images
  • Outliers if a test sample has no visually similar images in the training set

After fixing any data issues, you can retrain the model to improve model performance.

November 09, 2022

Anthos clusters on VMware

Two new vulnerabilities, CVE-2022-2585 and CVE-2022-2588, have been discovered in the Linux kernel that can lead to a full container break out to root on the node.

For more information, see the GCP-2022-024 security bulletin.

App Engine flexible environment .NET

The option to set IP mode to internal for App Engine flexible environment instances is now generally available.

App Engine flexible environment Go

The option to set IP mode to internal for App Engine flexible environment instances is now generally available.

App Engine flexible environment Java

The option to set IP mode to internal for App Engine flexible environment instances is now generally available.

App Engine flexible environment Node.js

The option to set IP mode to internal for App Engine flexible environment instances is now generally available.

App Engine flexible environment PHP

The option to set IP mode to internal for App Engine flexible environment instances is now generally available.

App Engine flexible environment Python

The option to set IP mode to internal for App Engine flexible environment instances is now generally available.

App Engine flexible environment Ruby

The option to set IP mode to internal for App Engine flexible environment instances is now generally available.

App Engine flexible environment custom runtimes

The option to set IP mode to internal for App Engine flexible environment instances is now generally available.

Bare Metal Solution

Enhancements to Bare Metal Solution resource management–Adds the following self-service functionality:


You can now transfer data from Amazon S3 and Azure Blob Storage to BigQuery using the LOAD DATA statement. This feature is generally available (GA) and includes support for the following features:

  • Transfer files that are hive partitioned.
  • Load semi-structured JSON source data into BigQuery without providing a schema by using JSON columns in the destination table.
  • Encrypt destination tables using customer managed encryption keys.
  • Transfer data to US multi-region and US-EAST-4 regions.

Alerts and IOC Matches

The Alerts and Indicators of Compromise (IOC) page displays all the alerts and IOCs currently impacting your enterprise. It provides tools that enable you to filter and view your alerts and IOCs.

  • Alerts can be designated by your security infrastructure, by your security personnel, or by Chronicle Uppercase.

  • IOCs are designated automatically by Chronicle. Chronicle is always absorbing data from both your own infrastructure and numerous other security data sources. It automatically correlates suspicious security indicators with your security data. If a match is found (for example, a suspicious domain is found within your enterprise), Chronicle labels the event as an IOC and displays it on the IOC matches tab.

You can also still navigate to the Enterprise Insights page using the link provided at the top of the Alerts and IOCS page. To view CBN alerts, you still need to use the Enterprise Insights page.

Alert view

Alert view shows a variety of information with regards to a specific alert, including:

  • Alert Status

  • Alert Details—Displays an alert's creation time, recent updates, and its associated rule.

  • Decision States—Displays the verdict for the alert and if it is an indication of a security issue. History—Displays the history of changes made to the alert by your security team. For alerts originating from Chronicle SOAR, Alert view also includes the number and a link to the associated Chronicle SOAR case. You can pivot to your Chronicle SOAR account using this link.

Chronicle SOAR Authentication

You can authenticate with your Chronicle SOAR account from Chronicle. Once you have authenticated with your Chronicle SOAR account, you can pivot between your Chronicle account and your Chronicle SOAR account as needed.

Chronicle SOAR Cases

Chronicle SOAR ingests alerts from a variety of sources. You can conduct additional investigations of Chronicle SOAR cases from Chronicle or pivot to Chronicle SOAR. You can pivot to your Chronicle SOAR Cases from the Chronicle application menu. For more information on Chronicle SOAR cases, see the Chronicle SOAR documentation.

Chronicle SOAR Playbooks

Chronicle SOAR Playbooks define a series of automatic steps taken when triggered by an incoming alert and can be used to investigate and respond to security issues. You can pivot to your Chronicle SOAR Playbooks from the Chronicle application menu. For more information on Chronicle SOAR Playbooks, see the Chronicle SOAR documentation.

The following default parsers have changed. Each is listed by product name and ingestion label, if applicable.

  • Akeyless Vault Platform (AKEYLESS_VAULT)
  • AWS Control Tower (AWS_CONTROL_TOWER)
  • Azure AD (AZURE_AD)
  • Azure AD Directory Audit (AZURE_AD_AUDIT)
  • Azure WAF (AZURE_WAF)
  • BeyondTrust Privileged Identity (BEYONDTRUST_PI)
  • Cisco Router (CISCO_ROUTER)
  • Cisco Wireless IPS (CISCO_WIPS)
  • Citrix Monitor (CITRIX_MONITOR)
  • CrowdStrike Falcon (CS_EDR)
  • Darktrace (DARKTRACE)
  • Elastic Windows Event Log Beats (ELASTIC_WINLOGBEAT)
  • EPIC Systems (EPIC)
  • F5 ASM (F5_ASM)
  • Forcepoint DLP (FORCEPOINT_DLP)
  • Google Cloud Audit (N/A)
  • Security Command Center (N/A)
  • HAProxy (HAPROXY)
  • InterSystems Cache (INTERSYSTEMS_CACHE)
  • Lenel Onguard Badge Management (LENEL_ONGUARD)
  • Microsoft Azure Resource (AZURE_RESOURCE_LOGS)
  • Microsoft Defender for Endpoint (MICROSOFT_DEFENDER_ENDPOINT)
  • Microsoft Graph API Alerts (MICROSOFT_GRAPH_ALERT)
  • Microsoft IIS (IIS)
  • Netscout Arbor Sightline (ARBOR_SIGHTLINE)
  • Okta (OKTA)
  • Okta User Context (OKTA_USER_CONTEXT)
  • Palo Alto Cortex XDR Alerts (CORTEX_XDR)
  • Palo Alto Networks Firewall (PAN_FIREWALL)
  • Proofpoint Tap Alerts (PROOFPOINT_MAIL)
  • Pulse Secure (PULSE_SECURE_VPN)
  • Sentinelone Alerts (SENTINELONE_ALERT)
  • Signal Sciences WAF (SIGNAL_SCIENCES_WAF)
  • Sourcefire (SOURCEFIRE_IDS)
  • Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP)
  • Unix system (NIX_SYSTEM)
  • Vectra Stream (VECTRA_STREAM)
  • Versa Firewall (VERSA_FIREWALL)
  • WatchGuard (WATCHGUARD)
  • Wazuh (WAZUH)
  • Windows Defender ATP (WINDOWS_DEFENDER_ATP)
  • Zix Email Encryption (ZIX_EMAIL_ENCRYPTION)
  • Zoom Operation Logs (ZOOM_OPERATION_LOGS)

For details about changes in each parser, see Supported default parsers.

Cloud Storage

Expanded Cloud Storage monitoring dashboards are now available in Preview.

  • Available metrics include server and client error rates, write request counts, network ingress rates, and network egress rates.
  • Dashboards can be filtered by bucket location.
  • Dashboards are customizable, including the ability to set up alerts.

In addition to the project-wide dashboard, per-bucket dashboards are available in a new Observability tab in the Bucket Details for each bucket.

Cloud Tasks

Support for VPC Service Controls is in Preview.

Google Cloud Marketplace

Curate which products are available for your Organization to use with Private Marketplace (Preview). You can add products to collections and share these collections with your organization, folders, or projects.

Learn more about Private Marketplace.

Google Kubernetes Engine

GKE Gateway for Single Cluster is now generally available in GKE version 1.24 and later. Use the Gateway API to express the intent of your inbound HTTP(S) traffic into your GKE cluster and the Gateway controller will instrument and fully manage the external and/or internal HTTP(S) load balancer(s) that forwards traffic to your applications. For complete details about the GKE Gateway controller, refer to the following documentation.

Identity and Access Management

You can use the Google Cloud console to view authentication activities, which indicate when your service accounts and keys were last used to call a Google API.

Network Connectivity Center

The Google Cloud console now lets you do all of the following:

  • See a list of existing hubs
  • Create multiple hubs
  • Edit an existing hub's description and/or labels

Previously, you could complete these actions only by using the Google Cloud CLI or the API.

Also, the Network Connectivity Center Quotas page has been updated to describe the limit of 60 hubs per project.

For more information about creating and managing hubs, see Work with hubs and spokes.

Vertex AI

Feature Transform Engine is available in Preview. For documentation, refer to Feature engineering.

November 08, 2022

Anthos clusters on bare metal

Release 1.12.4

Anthos clusters on bare metal 1.12.4 is now available for download. To upgrade, see Upgrading Anthos on bare metal. Anthos clusters on bare metal 1.12.4 runs on Kubernetes 1.23.


Known issues:

For information about the latest known issues, see Anthos on bare metal known issues in the Troubleshooting section.

Cloud Data Fusion

DNS Resolution is generally available (GA). You can use domain or hostnames for sources instead of IP addresses for pipeline design-time activities, such as getting schema, wrangling, and previewing pipelines.

Cloud Functions

Cloud Functions has added support for the following new runtimes at the Preview release level:

Cloud Healthcare API

A release was made. Updates may include general performance improvements, bug fixes, and updates to the API reference documentation.

Cloud Spanner

Cloud Spanner now supports cross-region and cross-project backup use cases. You can copy a backup of your database from one instance to another instance in a different region or project to provide additional data protection and compliance capabilities.

Cloud Storage

The Autoclass feature is now available.

  • When enabled, Autoclass transitions the storage classes of your objects automatically based on their access patterns.
  • Currently, Autoclass can only be enabled at the time of bucket creation.

gcloud storage GA release 1.1 is now available.

  • The 1.1 release adds more support for managing bucket settings, including lifecycle configurations, CORS configurations, and labels.
Cloud Trace

The Trace scatterplot now indicates traces with error codes as red. For more information, see Finding and viewing traces.

Compute Engine

The quota limits displayed in the Cloud console might be incorrect in the asia-south1 region. For more information, see Known issues.

Deep Learning Containers

M100 Release

  • Regular package updates.
Deep Learning VM Images

M100 Release

  • Migrated the Docker proxy agent to use a systemctl service.
  • Regular package updates.
Google Kubernetes Engine

A security vulnerability, CVE-2022-39278, has been discovered in Istio, which is used in Anthos Service Mesh, that allows a malicious attacker to crash the control plane. GKE doesn't ship with Istio and isn't affected by this vulnerability. However, if you separately installed Anthos Service Mesh or Istio in your GKE cluster, refer to the Anthos Service Mesh security bulletin for more information.

Vertex AI Workbench

M100 Release

The M100 release of Vertex AI Workbench includes the following:

  • Fixed a bug that prevented an instance with a GPU from starting.
  • Regular package updates.
  • Miscellaneous bug and display fixes.

Fixed a server-side request forgery (SSRF) vulnerability. Previous versions of managed notebooks and user-managed notebooks instances still contain the vulnerability. It is recommended that you migrate your data to a new instance.

Virtual Private Cloud

Preview: You use the and VIPs to access Google APIs and services using IPv6 addresses. For more information, see the following pages:


Workflows is available in the following additional regions:

  • asia-east2 (Hong Kong, China)
  • europe-central2 (Warsaw, Poland)
  • europe-southwest1 (Madrid, Spain)
  • europe-west9 (Paris, France)
  • northamerica-northeast2 (Toronto, Canada)
  • us-east5 (Columbus, United States)
  • us-south1 (Dallas, United States)
  • us-west2 (Los Angeles, United States)
  • us-west3 (Salt Lake City, United States)
reCAPTCHA Enterprise

reCAPTCHA Enterprise Mobile SDK iOS v18.0.2 is now available. This version contains build (not runtime) support for older versions of iOS and some bug fixes.

November 07, 2022

Anthos Service Mesh

The rollout of version 1.15 for managed Anthos Service Mesh has completed in all regions.

Anthos clusters on VMware

A security vulnerability, CVE-2022-39278, has been discovered in Istio, which is used in Anthos Service Mesh, that allows a malicious attacker to crash the control plane.

For instructions and more details, see the Anthos clusters on VMware security bulletin.

Anthos clusters on bare metal

Security bulletin (1.11, 1.12, and 1.13)

A security vulnerability, CVE-2022-39278, has been discovered in Istio, which is used in Anthos Service Mesh, that allows a malicious attacker to crash the control plane.

For instructions and more details, see the Anthos clusters on bare metal security bulletin.


A weekly digest of client library updates from across the Cloud SDK.


Changes for google-cloud-bigquery

3.3.6 (2022-11-02)

  • Reconfigure tqdm progress bar in %%bigquery magic (#1355) (506f781)
Bug Fixes
Miscellaneous Chores

In the Explorer pane, you can now star your projects, datasets, and tables. This feature replaces the pin feature, which formerly allowed you to pin projects to the Explorer pane. This feature is now generally available (GA).

In the Cloud console, the Add data feature lets you access popular ways to search for and ingest data sources that work with BigQuery. For an example, see viewing listings in Analytics Hub. This feature is now generally available (GA).


Chronicle Feed Management added support for the Sentinel One Alerts API. See the Feed Management documentation for information about how to configure this feed.

When downloading data to CSV file format from the Chronicle user interface, raw log data is now excluded unless you are using Raw Log Scan. For example, raw log data is no longer included when you download events.

This resolves an issue where downloading to CSV was failing.

Cloud Build

Users can now customize Slack notifications for their builds using notifier templates. To learn more, see Configure Slack notifications.

Cloud Data Loss Prevention

The ExcludeByHotword type was added as a type of ExclusionRule. With this new type, you can do the following:

  • Exclude a column from inspect findings if the column name matches a regular expression.
  • Exclude a finding from inspect findings if that finding is proximate to a string that matches a regular expression.

Previously, you could do these only by setting up a hotword rule that lowers the likelihood of the matching findings.

For more information on excluding findings, see Exclusion rules.

Cloud Logging

You can now dynamically include your log content in your alert notifications for easier troubleshooting. For more information about extracting log content into labels, see Create a log-based alert (Monitoring API).

A weekly digest of client library updates from across the Cloud SDK.


Changes for @google-cloud/logging

10.3.0 (2022-11-04)

  • Add support for instrumentation version annotations (#1370) (c039022)

10.2.3 (2022-11-03)

Bug Fixes

10.2.2 (2022-10-31)

Bug Fixes
  • Runtime package.json check causes breakage when bundled (#1364) (ec40231)


Changes for google-cloud-logging

3.13.0 (2022-11-04)

  • Add support for instrumentation version annotations (#1179) (0931446)
  • Update release-please.yml with correct path (#1184) (9e75fe4)
  • Update dependency org.graalvm.buildtools:native-maven-plugin to v0.9.17 (#1181) (1830525)

3.12.1 (2022-11-02)

Bug Fixes
  • Make partialSuccess to be true by default (#1173) (123960a)
Cloud Monitoring

You can now dynamically include your log content in your alert notifications for easier troubleshooting. For more information about extracting log content into labels, see Create a log-based alert (Monitoring API).

Cloud Spanner

A weekly digest of client library updates from across the Cloud SDK.


Changes for spanner/admin/database/apiv1

1.40.0 (2022-11-03)

  • Expose logger in ClientConfig (#6958) (bd85442), refs #6957
  • Update result_set.proto to return undeclared parameters in ExecuteSql API (de4e16a)
  • Update transaction.proto to include different lock modes (caf4afa)


Changes for google-cloud-spanner

6.4.4-sp.7 (2022-11-02)

Compute Engine

Generally available: Memory-optimized M3 virtual machine instances are available in the following regions and zones:

  • Frankfurt, Germany (europe-west3-a,b)
  • Eemshaven, Netherlands (europe-west4-a,b)
  • Council Bluffs, Iowa, USA (us-central1-a,b)
  • Las Vegas, Nevada, USA (us-west4-a,b)

See VM instance pricing for details.


New sub-minor versions of Dataproc images:

1.5.76-debian10, 1.5.76-rocky8, 1.5.76-ubuntu18

2.0.50-debian10, 2.0.50-rocky8, 2.0.50-ubuntu18

preview 2.1.0-RC3-debian11, preview 2.1.0-RC3-rocky8, preview 2.1.0-RC3-ubuntu20,

Dataproc Serverless for Spark now now uses runtime version 1.0.22 and 2.0.2.

If a Dataproc Metastore service uses the gRPC endpoint protocol, a Dataproc or self-managed cluster located in any region can attach to the service.


The following languages are now GA (generally available) for Dialogflow CX:

  • Bulgarian (bg)
  • Catalan (ca)
  • Croatian (hr)
  • Czech (cs)
  • Greek (el)
  • Hebrew (iw)
  • Hmong (hmn)
  • Hungarian (hu)
  • Serbian (sr)
  • Slovak (sk)
  • Somali (so)
Firestore in Datastore mode

A weekly digest of client library updates from across the Cloud SDK.


Changes for datastore/admin/apiv1

1.9.0 (2022-10-26)



Changes for google-cloud-datastore

2.10.0 (2022-11-01)

Google Cloud Marketplace Partners

After your organization enrolls in Partner Advantage portal, you can start integrating your products with Google Cloud Marketplace and preparing to publish them at the same time that your organization completes the process of becoming an approved Google Cloud Build partner.

Google Distributed Cloud Edge

This is a minor release of Google Distributed Cloud Edge (version 1.2.0).

The following new features have been introduced in this release of Google Distributed Cloud Edge:

The following changes have been introduced in this release of Google Distributed Cloud Edge:

  • Google Distributed Cloud Edge now ships with the NVIDIA Tesla T4 GPU driver version 470.63.01.
  • The Network Function operator feature of Google Distributed Cloud Edge has been updated as follows. To learn more, see Network Function operator.
    • The NodeSystemConfigUpdate resource now supports additional sysctls fields.
    • The NodeSystemConfigUpdate resource now supports fields for specifying the IP address lists and domain lists of private image registries.
    • The CustomNetworkInterfaceConfig resource no longer supports certain previously supported fields.
    • You can now scope both safe and unsafe sysctls parameters to a specific Pod or namespace using the tuning Container Networking Interface (CNI) plug-in.
    • Webhook-level enforcement of valid field values is now in effect.
  • The Kubernetes control plane has been updated to version 1.23.5-gke.1505.
  • The coredns service has been updated to version 1.8.6-gke.0.

The following issues have been resolved in this release of Google Distributed Cloud Edge:

  • Google Distributed Cloud Edge nodes no longer become temporarily unresponsive due to excessive memory utilization.
Google Kubernetes Engine

When you create a LoadBalancer service in GKE, the Google Cloud controllers automatically create the following firewall rules and apply them to the GKE nodes to allow inbound connections on the Service port:

  • Internal load balancer with GKE subsetting or external load balancer with regional backend services (RBS): k8s2-[cluster-id]-[namespace]-[service-name]-[suffixhash]
  • Internal load balancer without GKE subsetting or external load balancer with target pool: k8s-fw-[loadbalancer-hash]

These rules now include the load balancer IP address in the destination ranges field to further control the inbound connections to the nodes. You can use the gcloud compute firewall-rules describe command to check a relevant firewall. The new field in the output is similar to the following:

Managed Service for Microsoft Active Directory

Support for schema extensions in Managed Microsoft AD is generally available. Learn how to extend the schema.


A weekly digest of client library updates from across the Cloud SDK.


Changes for @google-cloud/pubsub

3.2.1 (2022-11-04)

Bug Fixes


Changes for google-cloud-pubsub

1.111.0-sp.3 (2022-11-03)

  • Regenerating with new Protobuf (1.111.0-sp) (#1382) (58d55aa)
SAP on Google Cloud

New SAP certifications: M3 series of memory-optimized machine types

For use with SAP HANA and SAP NetWeaver, SAP has now certified the Compute Engine memory-optimized M3 series machine types.

For more information, see:

Security Command Center

Security Command Center released two new error detectors:

  • KTD blocked by admission controller
  • KTD image pull failure

These detectors report configuration errors that prevent the Container Threat Detection service from functioning properly.

Remediation guidance is provided for each finding type. For more information, see Security Command Center errors.

VPC Service Controls

Beta stage support for the following integration:

reCAPTCHA Enterprise

reCAPTCHA Enterprise offers the recommended score threshold system that allows users to calculate the best threshold value to take action against suspected bots based on the key's score history. Users can see this information on the reCAPTCHA Enterprise metrics page on the Google Cloud console.

November 04, 2022

Apigee Integration

On November 4, 2022 we released an updated version of the Apigee Integration software.

US multi-region (us) for Apigee Integration is deprecated. Use us-east1, us-west1, or us-central1 locations instead

As of November 10, 2022, you can no longer create an integration in the US multi-region (us) location. Any existing integration running in US multi-region (us) will be stopped on or after January 10, 2023.

It's recommended that you perform the following actions before January 10, 2023:

  • Clone your existing integrations to us-east1, us-west1, us-central1, or any of the supported regions. For information about how to clone an integration, see Clone integrations.

  • Migrate your existing integration proxies to us-east1, us-west1, us-central1, or any of the supported regions. You can do this by manually updating the IntegrationRegion child element in the SetIntegrationRequest policy.

Apigee X

On November 4, 2022 we released an updated version of Apigee X.

Apigee support for using Private Service Connect (PSC) for client-to-Apigee (northbound) traffic is now GA. In addition, we now support using PSC for northbound routing in multi-region configurations. For details, see Expanding Apigee to multiple regions. See also Northbound networking with Private Service Connect and Migrate northbound routing to Private Service Connect.

Cloud Logging

The Logs tab available for each cluster on the Kubernetes Engine > Clusters page now includes suggested queries for your logs. For more information about using your GKE logs, see Viewing your GKE logs.

Google Kubernetes Engine

(2022-R26) Version updates

GKE cluster versions have been updated.

New versions available for upgrades and new clusters

The following Kubernetes versions are now available for new clusters and for opt-in control plane upgrades and node upgrades for existing clusters. For more information on versioning and upgrades, see GKE versioning and support and Upgrades.

No channel

  • Version 1.23.12-gke.100 is now the default version.
  • The following control plane and node versions are now available:
  • The following control plane versions are no longer available:
    • 1.22.12-gke.500
    • 1.22.12-gke.1200
    • 1.24.3-gke.2100
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled will be upgraded from version 1.21 to 1.22.15-gke.100 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled will be upgraded from version 1.22 to 1.22.15-gke.100 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled will be upgraded from version 1.24 to 1.24.4-gke.800 with this release.

Stable channel

  • Version 1.22.15-gke.100 is now the default version in the Stable channel.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Stable channel will be upgraded from version 1.21 to 1.22.15-gke.100 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Stable channel will be upgraded from version 1.22 to 1.22.15-gke.100 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Stable channel will be upgraded from version 1.24 to 1.24.5-gke.600 with this release.

Regular channel

  • Version 1.23.12-gke.100 is now the default version in the Regular channel.
  • The following versions are now available in the Regular channel:
  • The following versions are no longer available in the Regular channel:
    • 1.21.14-gke.4300
    • 1.22.12-gke.500
    • 1.23.8-gke.1900
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Regular channel will be upgraded from version 1.20 to 1.21.14-gke.5300 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Regular channel will be upgraded from version 1.21 to 1.21.14-gke.5300 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Regular channel will be upgraded from version 1.22 to 1.23.12-gke.100 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Regular channel will be upgraded from version 1.23 to 1.23.12-gke.100 with this release.

Rapid channel

  • Version 1.24.5-gke.600 is now the default version in the Rapid channel.
  • The following versions are now available in the Rapid channel:
  • The following versions are no longer available in the Rapid channel:
    • 1.21.14-gke.5300
    • 1.22.13-gke.1000
    • 1.23.11-gke.300
    • 1.24.3-gke.2100
    • 1.25.1-gke.500
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Rapid channel will be upgraded from version 1.20 to 1.21.14-gke.7100 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Rapid channel will be upgraded from version 1.21 to 1.22.14-gke.300 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Rapid channel will be upgraded from version 1.22 to 1.23.12-gke.100 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Rapid channel will be upgraded from version 1.23 to 1.24.5-gke.600 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Rapid channel will be upgraded from version 1.24 to 1.24.5-gke.600 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Rapid channel will be upgraded from version 1.25 to 1.25.2-gke.1700 with this release.

(2022-R26) Version updates

  • Version 1.23.12-gke.100 is now the default version.
  • The following control plane and node versions are now available:
  • The following control plane versions are no longer available:
    • 1.22.12-gke.500
    • 1.22.12-gke.1200
    • 1.24.3-gke.2100
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled will be upgraded from version 1.21 to 1.22.15-gke.100 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled will be upgraded from version 1.22 to 1.22.15-gke.100 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled will be upgraded from version 1.24 to 1.24.4-gke.800 with this release.

(2022-R26) Version updates

  • Version 1.22.15-gke.100 is now the default version in the Stable channel.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Stable channel will be upgraded from version 1.21 to 1.22.15-gke.100 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Stable channel will be upgraded from version 1.22 to 1.22.15-gke.100 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Stable channel will be upgraded from version 1.24 to 1.24.5-gke.600 with this release.

(2022-R26) Version updates

  • Version 1.23.12-gke.100 is now the default version in the Regular channel.
  • The following versions are now available in the Regular channel:
  • The following versions are no longer available in the Regular channel:
    • 1.21.14-gke.4300
    • 1.22.12-gke.500
    • 1.23.8-gke.1900
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Regular channel will be upgraded from version 1.20 to 1.21.14-gke.5300 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Regular channel will be upgraded from version 1.21 to 1.21.14-gke.5300 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Regular channel will be upgraded from version 1.22 to 1.23.12-gke.100 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Regular channel will be upgraded from version 1.23 to 1.23.12-gke.100 with this release.

(2022-R26) Version updates

  • Version 1.24.5-gke.600 is now the default version in the Rapid channel.
  • The following versions are now available in the Rapid channel:
  • The following versions are no longer available in the Rapid channel:
    • 1.21.14-gke.5300
    • 1.22.13-gke.1000
    • 1.23.11-gke.300
    • 1.24.3-gke.2100
    • 1.25.1-gke.500
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Rapid channel will be upgraded from version 1.20 to 1.21.14-gke.7100 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Rapid channel will be upgraded from version 1.21 to 1.22.14-gke.300 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Rapid channel will be upgraded from version 1.22 to 1.23.12-gke.100 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Rapid channel will be upgraded from version 1.23 to 1.24.5-gke.600 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Rapid channel will be upgraded from version 1.24 to 1.24.5-gke.600 with this release.
  • Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Rapid channel will be upgraded from version 1.25 to 1.25.2-gke.1700 with this release.
Vertex AI

Vertex AI Prediction

You can now use A2 machine types to serve predictions.

Custom training on Vertex AI now supports NVIDIA A100 80GB GPUs on a2-ultragpu-1g/2g/4g/8g machines. For details, see Configure compute resources for custom training.

reCAPTCHA Enterprise

reCAPTCHA Enterprise Mobile SDK iOS v18.0.1 is now available. This version contains build support for Xcode14 disabling bitcode and some bug fixes.

November 03, 2022

Anthos Service Mesh

1.15.3-asm.1 is now available.

Anthos Service Mesh 1.15.3-asm.1 includes the features of Istio 1.15.3 subject to the list of Anthos Service Mesh supported features. If you've installed in-cluster 1.15.2, please update to 1.15.3 right away. Google will automatically upgrade customers running managed Anthos Service Mesh.

Anthos clusters on AWS

You can now launch clusters with the following Kubernetes versions:

  • 1.22.15-gke.100
  • 1.23.11-gke.300
  • 1.24.5-gke.200

Anthos on AWS nodepools now includes the iptables utility to resolve an issue with the installation of Anthos Service Mesh.

On clusters at version 1.24.3-gke.2200, the IMDS emulator fails to start. This issue is fixed for clusters at version 1.24.5-gke.200 and later.

Anthos clusters on Azure

You can now launch clusters with the following Kubernetes versions:

  • 1.22.15-gke.100
  • 1.23.11-gke.300
  • 1.24.5-gke.200

SQL functions for managing wrapped keysets are generally available (GA). You can now perform the following actions natively in BigQuery with fewer risks and steps:

Included with this release are the following new key management functions:

Cloud Asset Inventory

The following resource types are now publicly available through the analyze policy APIs (AnalyzeIamPolicy and AnalyzeIamPolicyLongrunning).

  • Org Policies
Cloud Logging

You can now collect Aerospike logs from the Ops Agent, starting with version 2.22.0. For more information, see Monitoring third-party applications: Aerospike.

Cloud Monitoring

You can now add table widgets to custom dashboards that let you limit the number of table rows, persiste specific columns, display only those rows with the highest, or lowest values, and that display a visual indicator of the value as compared to the range of possible values. For more information, see Display data in tabular form on a dashboard.

Cloud Spanner

Support for the NHibernate ORM is now generally available, enabling you to use Cloud Spanner as a backend database for the NHibernate framework. For more information, see NHibernate Dialect for Cloud Spanner.

Google Kubernetes Engine

You can now easily identify clusters that use certificates incompatible with Kubernetes version 1.23. Kubernetes 1.23 deprecation insights are now available in Preview for clusters of at least version 1.22.6-gke.1000.

Vertex AI

Vertex AI Prediction

Custom prediction routines (CPR) are now Generally Available. CPR lets you easily build custom containers for prediction with pre/post processing support.

November 02, 2022

Anthos Service Mesh

VPC-SC for managed Anthos Service Mesh is generally available (GA) in the rapid channel.

Apigee hybrid

hybrid v1.7.5

On November 2, 2022 we released an updated version of the Apigee hybrid software, v1.7.5.

For information on upgrading, see Upgrading Apigee hybrid to version 1.7.

Bug ID Description
251435916 Fixed an issue where in certain circumstances, MP pods would scale without traffic.
241959053 Fixed apigeectl parsing error for serviceaccountRef.
Bug ID Description
253693906 Upgraded Prometheus to 2.39.1 to address vulnerabilities in an earlier version. This change addresses the following vulnerabilities:
253498057 Upgraded Fluent Bit to 1.9.9 to address vulnerabilities in an earlier version. This change addresses the following vulnerabilities:
248288668 Fixes to address apigee-installer vulnerabilities.
247864229 upgraded kube-rbac-proxy to v0.13.0 to address vulnerabilities in an earlier version.
N/A Upgraded to ASM 1.12.9 to address Istio and Go language vulnerabilities in an earlier version (CVE-2022-39278). For more information, see the Service Mesh security bulletin.

The query execution graph is now in preview. You can use the query execution graph to diagnose query performance issues, and to receive query performance insights.


Enhancements to the Detection Engine API

The StreamDetectionAlerts method in the Detection Engine API has been enhanced to return detections generated by both user-created rules and Chronicle Curated Detections. For more information about this method, see StreamDetectionAlerts.

Deep Learning Containers

M99 Release

  • Fixed a bug where Jupyter widgets through ipywidgets were causing errors and not displaying.
  • Regular package updates.
Deep Learning VM Images

M99 Release

  • Fixed a bug where Jupyter widgets through ipywidgets were causing errors and not displaying.
  • Updated TPU versions for TensorFlow 2.8, 2.9, and 2.10 Deep Learning VMs.
  • Improved error messages for debugging custom container Deep Learning VMs that were instantiated with a GPU but without installing NVIDIA drivers.
  • Regular package updates.

November 01, 2022

Anthos Service Mesh

Version 1.15 is now available for managed Anthos Service Mesh and is rolling out to the Rapid Release Channel.

Upon rollout completion, the managed Anthos Service Mesh channels will contain the following versions:

  • Rapid Release Channel - Version 1.15
  • Regular Release Channel - Version 1.14
  • Stable Release Channel - Version 1.13

Note that regions will have mixed availability during the 1.15 rollout. Additionally, stable and regular channel promotion occurs before 1.15 rolls out to rapid channel.

See Select a managed Anthos Service Mesh release channel for more information.

End-user authentication is being made available to managed Anthos Service Mesh in the rapid release channel. See the preceding release note for rollout timelines.

Anthos clusters on VMware

Anthos clusters on VMware 1.13.1-gke.35 is now available. To upgrade, see Upgrading Anthos clusters on VMware. Anthos clusters on VMware 1.13.1-gke.35 runs on Kubernetes 1.24.2-gke.1900.

The supported versions offering the latest patches and updates for security vulnerabilities, exposures, and issues impacting Anthos clusters on VMware are 1.13, 1.12, and 1.11.

  • Increased logging granularity for the cluster backup operation including indicating status for each step of the process.
Anthos clusters on bare metal

Cluster lifecycle improvements in 1.13 and later

Preview: You can use the Google Cloud console to create user clusters, delete user clusters, and to add and remove node pools from a user cluster. To explore the new feature, try out the tutorial Create an Anthos on bare metal user cluster on Compute Engine VMs using the console.

App Engine standard environment Go

Build environment variables support is now generally available.

App Engine standard environment Java

Build environment variables support is now generally available.

App Engine standard environment Node.js

Build environment variables support is now generally available.

App Engine standard environment PHP

Build environment variables support is now generally available.

App Engine standard environment Python

Build environment variables support is now generally available.

App Engine standard environment Ruby

Build environment variables support is now generally available.


The BigQuery migration assessment is now available for Amazon Redshift in preview. You can use this feature to assess the complexity of migrating from your Amazon Redshift data warehouse to BigQuery.


The Ingestion API udmevents and createentities methods now accept both uppercase and lowercase characters in the following fields:

  • <_Noun_>.mac: defined when calling the udmeevents method, where Noun is either principal, src, target, observer, intermediary, or about.

  • entity.asset.mac: defined when calling the createentities method.

These fields are defined in the UDM record in the request body when calling the method. For more information about these methods, see Chronicle Ingestion API documentation. For more information about UDM fields, see the Unified Data Model field list.

Cloud Healthcare API

A release was made. Updates may include general performance improvements, bug fixes, and updates to the API reference documentation.

Cloud Router

The Cloud Router BGP MD5 authentication feature is Generally Available (GA). For more information, see Use MD5 authentication.

Compute Engine

The image import tool now supports importing Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and Windows 11 images to Google Cloud.


BigQuery subscriptions now support the Avro logical types timestamp-micros, date, and time-micros. For more information about schema compatibility between a Pub/Sub topic and a BigQuery table, see Schema compatibility.

Resource Manager

The feature for listing all tags that are attached to or inherited by your resources has entered general availability. For more information, see Creating and managing tags.

You can now use the Cloud Console UI to create and manage tags. For more information, see Creating and managing tags.

VPC Service Controls

Beta stage support for the following integration:

Virtual Private Cloud

Private Service Connect supports internal regional TCP proxy load balancers as a service attachment target in General Availability. This lets you create hybrid TCP/UDP services where a clients in a VPC network can connect to an on-premise service by going through Private Service Connect and a TCP proxy with hybrid NEGs to reach a hybrid endpoint.

October 31, 2022

Anthos clusters on AWS (previous generation)

Anthos clusters on AWS (previous generation) aws-1.13.1-gke.1 is now available.

You can now launch clusters with the following Kubernetes versions:

  • 1.22.15-gke.1400
  • 1.23.12-gke.1400
  • 1.24.6-gke.1300
Anthos clusters on bare metal

Release 1.13.1

Anthos clusters on bare metal 1.13.1 is now available for download. To upgrade, see Upgrading Anthos on bare metal. Anthos clusters on bare metal 1.13.1 runs on Kubernetes 1.24.


Known issues:

For information about the latest known issues, see Anthos on bare metal known issues in the Troubleshooting section.


A weekly digest of client library updates from across the Cloud SDK.


Changes for bigquery/storage/apiv1beta1

1.43.0 (2022-10-24)

  • bigquery/analyticshub: rename nodejs analyticshub library package name (52dddd1)
  • bigquery/storage/managedwriter: Enable field name indirection (#6247) (1969273)
  • bigquery/storage/managedwriter: Retry on FailedPrecondition (#6761) (d1a444d)
  • bigquery/storage/managedwriter: Support append retries (#6695) (6ae9c67)
  • bigquery/storage/managedwriter: Switch to opt-in retry (#6765) (a3e97a6)
  • bigquery: Add remote function options to routine metadata (#6702) (d9a437d)
Bug Fixes
  • bigquery/storage/managedwriter: Address possible resource leak (#6775) (979440b)
  • bigquery: Avoid stack overflow on query param with recursive types (#6890) (854ccfc), refs #6884
  • bigquery: Bq connection auth scopes (#6752) (8e09288), refs #6744
  • bigquery/storage/managedwriter/adapt: Typo in error string (#6729) (bb26153)
  • bigquery/storage/managedwriter: Add retry info to package docs (#6803) (81e52e5)


Changes for google-cloud-bigquery

2.18.2 (2022-10-28)


2.18.1 (2022-10-28)


2.18.0 (2022-10-27)

Bug Fixes
  • Add --add-opens arg to native-image command (#2369) (8e8b6d7)
  • Properly handle external table schema on table update (#2236) (460ef31)
  • Update arrow.version to v10 (major) (#2371) (b7873db)
  • Update cloud client dependencies (#2362) (0936699)
  • Update dependency to v2.6.0 (#2355) (7bc59a7)
  • Update dependency to v2.7.0 (#2366) (02102d3)
  • Update dependency to v2-rev20221015-2.0.0 (#2370) (9b796cf)
  • Update dependency to v1.10.0 (#2356) (edb2ca0)
  • Update dependency to v3.0.5 (#2361) (51b2258)
  • Update dependency to v2.10 (#2367) (82e3de5)
  • Update dependency org.graalvm.buildtools:junit-platform-native to v0.9.15 (#2352) (b0f172c)
  • Update dependency org.graalvm.buildtools:junit-platform-native to v0.9.16 (#2358) (f4e5fc5)
  • Update dependency org.graalvm.buildtools:native-maven-plugin to v0.9.15 (#2353) (ac9226c)
  • Update dependency org.graalvm.buildtools:native-maven-plugin to v0.9.16 (#2359) (52ec31a)

The max_staleness materialized view option helps you achieve consistently high performance with controlled costs when processing large, frequently changing datasets. This feature is now in preview.

Column-level data masking is now generally available (GA). You can use data masking to selectively obscure column data for groups of users, while still allowing access to the column.


Chronicle Feed Management added a hostname field to the configuration workflow of certain log types. The hostname field enables you to configure the API endpoint for the feed. If you do not define a value for this field, the following default values are used:

  • AzureAD (AZURE_AD) default hostname is
  • AzureADAudit (AZURE_AD_AUDIT) default hostname is
  • AzureADContext (AZURE_AD_CONTEXT) default hostname is
  • AzureMDMIntune (AZURE_MDM_INTUNE) default hostname is
  • MicrosoftGraphAlert (MICROSOFT_GRAPH_ALERT) default hostname is
  • MicrosoftSecurityCenterAlert (MICROSOFT_SECURITY_CENTER_ALERT) default hostname is
  • Office365 (OFFICE_365) default hostname is

Chronicle Feed Management API was also updated to support the hostname field for these log types.

Cloud Bigtable

A weekly digest of client library updates from across the Cloud SDK.


Changes for google-cloud-bigtable

2.15.0 (2022-10-26)

  • Add APIs for Mutation and RowMutationEntry (#1454) (a86934f)
Bug Fixes
  • Catch all throwables so version mismatch won't hang the client (#1402) (c03b8a4)
  • Fix attempt status tag for metrics (#1477) (e54cf7d)
  • Rename metric names to match the external name (#1479) (28ca7c3)
  • Set a longer timeout to wait for callbacks to be executed (#1478) (0d9ff6a)
  • Update dependency to v3.5.0 (#1464) (d8e58a5)
  • Update dependency to v3.6.0 (#1476) (331dcfb)
  • Update dependency to v3.0.5 (#1470) (557a4fb)
  • Update dependency org.graalvm.buildtools:junit-platform-native to v0.9.15 (#1462) (69540cb)
  • Update dependency org.graalvm.buildtools:junit-platform-native to v0.9.16 (#1467) (53599ca)
  • Update dependency org.graalvm.buildtools:native-maven-plugin to v0.9.15 (#1463) (a6612f9)
  • Update dependency org.graalvm.buildtools:native-maven-plugin to v0.9.16 (#1468) (fe0ddb1)
Cloud Composer

The apache-airflow-providers-google package in images with Airflow 2.1.4 and 2.2.5 was upgraded to 2022.10.17+composer. Changes compared to version 2022.9.6+composer:

  • Upgraded requirements for the google-cloud-container package from >=0.1.1,<2.0.0 to >=2.2.0,<3.0.0.
  • Added changes for GKEHook and GKE unit tests from #22852, without pulling changes for DataprocCreateClusterOperator.

The google-api-core package was downgraded from 2.8.2 to 2.8.1. This change fixes integration with Cloud Spanner.

Cloud Composer 1.19.13 and 2.0.30 images are available:

  • composer-1.19.13-airflow-1.10.15 (default)
  • composer-1.19.13-airflow-2.1.4
  • composer-1.19.13-airflow-2.2.5
  • composer-1.19.13-airflow-2.3.3
  • composer-2.0.30-airflow-2.1.4
  • composer-2.0.30-airflow-2.2.5
  • composer-2.0.30-airflow-2.3.3

Cloud Composer versions 1.17.3 and 2.0.0-preview.4 have reached their end of full support period.

Cloud Key Management Service

Cloud HSM resources are now available in the following regions:

  • europe-southwest1
  • europe-west9
  • me-west1

For information about which locations are supported by Cloud KMS, Cloud HSM, and Cloud EKM, see Cloud KMS locations.

Cloud Load Balancing

Cloud Load Balancing introduces the internal regional TCP proxy load balancer. This is an Envoy proxy-based regional layer 4 load balancer that enables you to run and scale your TCP service traffic behind an internal regional IP address that is accessible only to clients in the same VPC network or clients connected to your VPC network.

The internal regional TCP proxy load balancer distributes TCP traffic to backends hosted on Google Cloud, on-premises, or other cloud environments.

For details, see the following:

This capability is in General Availability.

Cloud Logging

A weekly digest of client library updates from across the Cloud SDK.


Changes for @google-cloud/logging

10.2.1 (2022-10-28)

Bug Fixes
  • Correct an order of instrumentation entries (#1362) (c6b11e3)

10.2.0 (2022-10-27)

  • Add support for partialSuccess global configuration (#1359) (178b19f)


Changes for google-cloud-logging

3.12.0 (2022-10-27)


3.11.10 (2022-10-26)

  • Update dependency to v3.0.5 (#1156) (413fa54)
  • Update dependency org.easymock:easymock to v5.0.1 (#1159) (df8bfbe)
  • Update dependency org.graalvm.buildtools:junit-platform-native to v0.9.16 (#1144) (4836c7e)
  • Update dependency org.graalvm.buildtools:native-maven-plugin to v0.9.16 (#1154) (a13ef9f)
Cloud Secure Web Gateway

Cloud SWG is available in Preview. Cloud SWG provides a secure web gateway that helps you secure egress web traffic (HTTP/S). Contact your sales representative to sign up and use Cloud SWG.

Cloud Spanner

A weekly digest of client library updates from across the Cloud SDK.


Changes for google-cloud-spanner

6.32.0 (2022-10-27)

  • Enable client to server compression (#2117) (50f8425)
  • Increase default number of channels when gRPC channel pool is enabled (#1997) (44f27fc)
  • Update result_set.proto to return undeclared parameters in ExecuteSql API (#2101) (826eb93)
  • Update dependency to v3.6.0 (#2125) (7d86fe4)
  • Update dependency to v3.0.5 (#2122) (308a65c)
  • Update dependency to v2.5.0 (#2126) (5167928)
  • Update dependency org.graalvm.buildtools:junit-platform-native to v0.9.16 (#2119) (b2d27e8)
  • Update dependency org.graalvm.buildtools:native-maven-plugin to v0.9.16 (#2120) (151cf77)
  • Update dependency org.graalvm.sdk:graal-sdk to v22.3.0 (#2116) (9d6930b)


Changes for @google-cloud/spanner

6.4.0 (2022-10-27)

  • Update result_set.proto to return undeclared parameters in ExecuteSql API (eaa445e)
  • Update transaction.proto to include different lock modes (#1723) (eaa445e)

Dataproc Serverless for Spark now allows the customization of driver and executor memory using the following properties:

  • spark.driver.memory
  • spark.driver.memoryOverhead
  • spark.executor.memory
  • spark.executor.memoryOverhead

Dataproc Serverless for Spark now outputs approximate_usage after a workload finishes that shows the approximate DCU and shuffle storage resource consumption by the workload.

Removed the Auto Zone placement check for supported machine types.

Document AI

A new Release Candidate (RC) version of the Document OCR Processor, pretrained-ocr-v1.1-2022-09-12, is available in the US and EU. This RC can detect document defects.

  • If the document is considered to be defective, the API now returns the same 5 document defect types supported by the Intelligent Document Quality Processor:
    • quality/defect_blurry
    • quality/defect_noisy
    • quality/defect_dark
    • quality/defect_faint
    • quality/defect_text_too_small
  • In addition, it now supports 3 more defect types:
    • quality/defect_document_cutoff
    • quality/defect_text_cutoff
    • quality/defect_glare
  • The defect detection results are in the image_quality_scores field on the Page object in the returned JSON. This additional feature adds latency comparable to OCR processing to the process call.
Firestore in Datastore mode

A weekly digest of client library updates from across the Cloud SDK.


Changes for google-cloud-datastore

2.12.3 (2022-10-24)

  • Update dependency org.easymock:easymock to v5.0.1 (#896) (0382c3d)

A weekly digest of client library updates from across the Cloud SDK.


Changes for pubsub/apiv1

1.26.0 (2022-10-24)

Bug Fixes


Changes for google-cloud-pubsub

1.120.24 (2022-10-28)

Bug Fixes
  • Adding an explicit check to prevent empty publishes (#1376) (689d7da)

1.120.23 (2022-10-27)

  • Update dependency to v2.8.22 (#1361) (0355868)
  • Update dependency to v2.8.24 (#1368) (9776aad)
  • Update dependency to v3.0.5 (#1362) (d32c591)
  • Update dependency to v3.21.8 (#1356) (dc1e0ca)
  • Update dependency org.easymock:easymock to v5.0.1 (#1365) (2a807a5)
  • Update dependency org.graalvm.buildtools:junit-platform-native to v0.9.16 (#1358) (226e105)
  • Update dependency org.graalvm.buildtools:native-maven-plugin to v0.9.16 (#1359) (3f10227)
reCAPTCHA Enterprise

reCAPTCHA Enterprise Mobile SDK v18.0.0 is now generally available. This native SDK supports iOS and Android devices.

October 28, 2022

Anthos clusters on AWS

A new vulnerability, CVE-2022-3176, has been discovered in the Linux kernel that can lead to local privilege escalation. This vulnerability allows an unprivileged user to achieve full container breakout to root on the node.

For instructions and more details, see the Anthos clusters on AWS security bulletin.

Anthos clusters on AWS (previous generation)

A new vulnerability, CVE-2022-3176, has been discovered in the Linux kernel that can lead to local privilege escalation. This vulnerability allows an unprivileged user to achieve full container breakout to root on the node.

For instructions and more details, see the Anthos clusters on AWS security bulletin.

Anthos clusters on Azure

A new vulnerability, CVE-2022-3176, has been discovered in the Linux kernel that can lead to local privilege escalation. This vulnerability allows an unprivileged user to achieve full container breakout to root on the node.

For instructions and more details, see the Anthos clusters on Azure security bulletin.

Anthos clusters on VMware

A new vulnerability, CVE-2022-20409, has been discovered in the Linux kernel that could allow an unprivileged user to escalate to system execution privilege.

For instructions and more details, see the Anthos clusters on VMware security bulletin.

Anthos clusters on bare metal

Anthos clusters on bare metal 1.11.7 is now available for download. To upgrade, see Upgrading Anthos on bare metal. Anthos clusters on bare metal 1.11.7 runs on Kubernetes 1.22.

Known issues: For information about the latest known issues, see Anthos on bare metal known issues in the Troubleshooting section.

AutoML Translation

The following language translation pairs have been added:

Language Pair Language Codes
Javanese -> English jv -> en
Khmer -> English km -> en
Myanmar (Burmese) -> English my -> en
Nepali -> English ne -> en
Pashto -> English ps -> en
Tagalog (Filipino) -> English tl -> en
Tamil -> English ta -> en
Telugu -> English te -> en
Uzbek -> English uz -> en
Zulu -> English zu -> en
Cloud Asset Inventory

The following resource types are now publicly available through the Export APIs (ExportAssets, ListAssets, and BatchGetAssetsHistory), Feed API, and Search APIs (SearchAllResources, SearchAllIamPolicies).

  • Cloud Domains
  • Cloud Functions 2nd Gen
Cloud SQL for MySQL

The changes listed in the September 15 Release Notes entry for read replica maintenance have been postponed.

Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL

The changes listed in the September 15 Release Notes entry for read replica maintenance have been postponed.

Cloud SQL for SQL Server

The changes listed in the September 15 Release Notes entry for read replica maintenance have been postponed.


The following preview Dataproc image versions are available:

  • 2.1.0-RC2-debian11
  • 2.1.0-RC2-rocky8
  • 2.1.0-RC2-ubuntu20

The following component versions are available for use with the 2.1.0-RC2 images (the HBase and Druid components are not supported in 2.1 image versions):

  • Apache Atlas 2.2.0

  • Apache Flink 1.15.0

  • Apache Hadoop 3.3.3

  • Apache Hive 3.1.3

  • Apache Hive WebHCat 3.1.3

  • Apache Kafka 3.1.0

  • Apache Pig 0.18.0-SNAPSHOT

  • Apache Spark 3.3.0

  • Apache Sqoop v1 1.5.0-SNAPSHOT

  • Apache Sqoop v2 1.99.6

  • Apache Tez 0.10.1

  • Cloud Storage Connector hadoop3-2.2.8

  • Conscrypt 2.5.2

  • Docker 20.10

  • Hue 4.10.0

  • Java temurin-11-jdk

  • JupyterLab Notebook 3.4

  • Oozie 5.2.1

  • Presto 376

  • Python 3.10

  • R 4.1

  • Ranger 2.2.0

  • Scala 2.12.14

  • Solr 9.0.0

  • Zeppelin Notebook 0.10.1

  • Zookeeper 3.8.0

Dataproc Serverless for Spark now now uses runtime version 1.0.21 and 2.0.1.

Dataproc Serverless for Spark runtime version 2.0.1 upgrades Apache Commons Text to 1.10.0, addressing CVE-2022-42889

Dataproc Serverless for Spark runtime version 2.0.1 upgrades the following components:

Google Kubernetes Engine

A new vulnerability, CVE-2022-20409, has been discovered in the Linux kernel that could allow an unprivileged user to escalate to system execution privilege. For instructions and more details, see the GKE security bulletin.

Translation Hub

The translator workflow is in Preview:

Support for 24 new languages is Generally Available (GA). Glossaries aren't supported when translating to or from these languages.

  • Assamese
  • Aymara
  • Bambara
  • Bhojpuri
  • Dhivehi
  • Dogri
  • Ewe
  • Guarani
  • Ilocano
  • Konkani
  • Krio
  • Kurdish(Sorani)
  • Lingala
  • Luganda
  • Maithili
  • Meiteilon(Manipuri)
  • Mizo
  • Oromo
  • Quechua
  • Sanskrit
  • Sepedi(Pedi)
  • Tigrinya
  • Tsonga
  • Twi (Akan)

October 27, 2022

Anthos Config Management

Changed the default Helm release namespace from config-management-system to default, if spec.helm.namespace isn't specified. Note that the value specified in spec.helm.namespace is only used as the value of Release.Namespace declared in your Helm template; otherwise, the namespace default will be used.

Added the spec.helm.values field in RootSync and RepoSync to allow overriding the default values that accompany the Helm chart.

The constraint template library includes a new template: K8sBlockLoadBalancer. For reference, see Constraint template library.

The constraint template library's K8sHttpsOnly template now supports Ingress blocks which do not include tls: using the new tlsOptional: true parameter. For reference, see Constraint template library.

Policy Controller has been updated to include a more recent build of OPA Gatekeeper (hash: 600a68d).

Config Sync now handles exporting metrics correctly with the right permissions and resource names after the update to Open Telemetry v0.54.0 which was introduced in ACM 1.12.2.

Fixed a Prometheus exporter error in the otel-collector by resolving a discrepancy between components regarding the description of the pipeline_error_observed metric.

GKE version 1.23 introduced a change that made 1.23 Autopilot clusters incompatible with Config Sync. To work around this issue, use Config Sync on an Autopilot cluster with version 1.22 or earlier. This note was updated on November 4, 2022.

The 409.0.0 Google Cloud CLI release introduced two bugs for Anthos Config Management. The version command incorrectly prints "NA" instead of the current version. The status command prints an incorrect message about unreachable regions. This note was updated on November 10, 2022.

Anthos clusters on VMware

A new vulnerability, CVE-2022-3176, has been discovered in the Linux kernel that can lead to local privilege escalation. This vulnerability allows an unprivileged user to achieve full container breakout to root on the node.

For instructions and more details, see the Anthos clusters on VMware security bulletin.

Apigee API hub

On October 27, 2022 Apigee API hub released a new version of the software.

A link to the Settings page has been added to the APIs list page.

See: Discover APIs using APIs list

Bug ID Description
254505866 Provisioning API hub using the UI failed if you selected a region other than the following: asia-east1, asia-southeast1, europe-west1, europe-west4, us-central1, us-east1, us-west1, us-west4.
Apigee X

On October 27, 2022 we released an updated version of Apigee X.

This release contains the General Acceptance (GA) release of Advanced API Security, which:

  • Detects unwanted requests sent to your APIs, including attacks by bots or other malicious agents.
  • Evaluates the security of your API configurations and provides recommendations for improvements.

Advanced API Security is a paid add-on to Apigee. You can try out Advanced API Security for free in any trial org—follow the procedure described in Enable Advanced API Security. Contact Apigee to learn more.

Apigee hybrid

hybrid v1.8.2

On October 27, 2022 we released an updated version of the Apigee hybrid software, v1.8.2.

For information on upgrading, see Upgrading Apigee hybrid to version 1.8.

Bug ID Description
253693906 Upgraded Prometheus to 2.39.1 to address vulnerabilities in an earlier version. This change addresses the following vulnerabilities:
253498057 Upgraded Fluent Bit to 1.9.9 to address vulnerabilities in an earlier version. This change addresses the following vulnerabilities:
248288668 Fixes to address apigee-installer vulnerabilities.
247864229 upgraded kube-rbac-proxy to v0.13.0 to address vulnerabilities in an earlier version.
N/A Upgraded to ASM 1.12.9 to address Istio and Go language vulnerabilities in an earlier version (CVE-2022-39278). For more information, see the Service Mesh security bulletin.

Search indexes and the SEARCH() function are now generally available (GA). These enable you to use Google Standard SQL to efficiently pinpoint specific data elements in unstructured text and semi-structured data.


Chronicle Feed Management added support for the CrowdStrike Detection API. See the Feed Management documentation for information about how to configure this feed.

Cloud Data Fusion

Cloud Data Fusion version 6.7.2 is generally available (GA). This release is in parallel with the CDAP 6.7.2 release.

In Cloud Data Fusion version 6.7.2, the default machine type changed from N2 to E2.

Fixed in 6.7.2:

  • In the BigQuery Sink plugin (version 0.20.3), fixed an issue that caused a NullPointerException error when table metrics were updated or when the output schema was not defined.
  • In the Send Email batch pipeline alert, fixed an issue where emails failed to send when the Protocol was set to TLS.
Cloud Storage

Bucket tags are now generally available (GA).

Compute Engine

Generally available: Compute Engine flexible committed use discounts (flexible CUDs) are spend-based discounts that add flexibility to your spending capabilities by eliminating the need to restrict your commitments to a single project, region, or machine series. You can purchase flexible commitments and commit to a minimum hourly spend amount to use vCPUs and/or memory in any of the projects within your Cloud Billing account, across any region, and belonging to any eligible general-purpose and/or compute-optimized machine types.

Learn more about flexible CUDs and how to purchase flexible commitments.


Filestore is now available in Columbus (us-east5 region).

Filestore is now available in Dallas (us-south1 region).

Filestore is now available in Tel Aviv (me-west1 region).

Google Kubernetes Engine

A new vulnerability, CVE-2022-3176, has been discovered in the Linux kernel that can lead to local privilege escalation. This vulnerability allows an unprivileged user to achieve full container breakout to root on the node. For instructions and more details, see the GKE security bulletin.

Retail API

Recording Google Analytics 4 user events to the Retail API is available in GA. If you have integrated Google Analytics 4 for your user events, you can record the user event data in Google Analytics 4 format directly to the Retail API.

To use this feature, see the Record user events with Google Analytics 4 documentation.

A/B experiment traffic monitoring for Retail Search is available in private preview. See the documentation for A/B experiment monitoring.

A/B experiments compare key metrics between the Retail API and your existing search implementation. After setting up an experiment and its traffic splitting, you can monitor experiment traffic using the Retail console. In the console, you create variant arms that map to each experiment group that you created for the A/B experiment. This allows you to check whether the actual traffic matches the intended traffic split of your experiment. Traffic monitoring can help you determine if differences in traffic are due to a quality gap between services or an incorrect experiment setup.

To use A/B experiment traffic monitoring in private preview, contact Retail Support.

Traffic Director

Traffic Director deployment with automatic Envoy injection for Google Kubernetes Engine Pods currently installs Envoy version 1.20.0.

Vertex AI

Vertex AI Prediction

You can now use E2 machine types to serve predictions.

October 26, 2022


The following geography functions are now generally available (GA):

  • ST_ISCLOSED: Returns TRUE for a non-empty geography, where each element in the geography has an empty boundary.
  • ST_ISRING: Checks if a geography is a linestring and if the linestring is both closed and simple.
Config Connector

Config Connector version 1.96.0 is now available.

Added storageTarget to BigTableInstance (Issue #729).

Added location and BITBUCKET support to CloudBuildTrigger (Issue #672).

Added visibleCoreCount to ComputeInstance.

Added visibleCoreCount to ComputeInstanceTemplate.

Added snapshotProperties.chainName to ComputeResourcePolicies.

Added chainName to ComputeSnapshot.

Added certificateMapRef to ComputeTargetSSLProxy.

Added costManagementConfig, nodePoolDefaults, serviceExternalIpsConfig to ContainerCluster.

Added locationPolicy, totalMaxNodeCount, totalMinNodeCount to ContainerNodePool.

Added channelRef and resourceConditions to EventarcTrigger.

Added mesh to GKEHubFeatureMembership.

Added forceDelete to MonitoringNotificationChannel.

Removed labels field from NetworkServicesGateway (alpha), NetworkServicesGRPCRoute (alpha), NetworkServicesHTTPRoute (alpha), NetworkServicesMesh (alpha), and NetworkServicesTCPRoute (alpha).

Released new controller unmanaged-detector. Now if there is no Config Connector controller for a resource's namespace, that resource's status will show as "Unmanaged".

Extended faster reconciliation of resources with dependencies to support IAMAuditConfig and IAMPolicy.

Added support for DLPInspectTemplate resource.

Fixed issue with DataprocCluster where resource creation was failing with error message Update call failed: error applying desired state: infeasible update: ({true }) would require recreation (Issue #661).


All Dataproc Serverless for Spark runtime versions prior to 1.0.21 and 2.0.1 will be deprecated on November 2, 2022.

VPC Service Controls

General availability for the following integration:

October 25, 2022

Anthos Service Mesh

1.15.2-asm.6 is now available.

Anthos Service Mesh 1.15.2-asm.6 includes the features of Istio 1.15.2 subject to the list of Anthos Service Mesh supported features.

Docker images for in-cluster Anthos Service Mesh v1.15 and later support the Arm architecture.

Anthos Service Mesh now supports configuring Mesh CA and Google CA Service connectivity through an HTTPS proxy when direct connectivity from the sidecar-injected workloads is not available (for example, due to firewalls or other restrictive features). See Configure Certificate Authority connectivity through a proxy for more information.

Anthos Service Mesh 1.12 is no longer supported. For more information, see Supported versions.

Managed Anthos Service Mesh 1.15 isn't rolling out to the rapid release channel at this time. You can periodically check this page for the announcement of the rollout of Managed Anthos Service Mesh to the rapid channel. See Select a managed Anthos Service Mesh release channel for more information.

1.14.5-asm.3 is now available.

Anthos Service Mesh 1.14.5-asm.3 includes the features of Istio 1.14.5 subject to the list of Anthos Service Mesh supported features.

1.13.9-asm.1 is now available.

Anthos Service Mesh 1.13.9-asm.1 includes the features of Istio 1.13.9 subject to the list of Anthos Service Mesh supported features.

Anthos clusters on VMware

Anthos clusters on VMware 1.12.3-gke.23 is now available. To upgrade, see Upgrading Anthos clusters on VMware. Anthos clusters on VMware 1.12.3-gke.23 runs on Kubernetes 1.23.8-gke.1900.

The supported versions offering the latest patches and updates for security vulnerabilities, exposures, and issues impacting Anthos clusters on VMware are 1.13, 1.12, and 1.11.

  • Fixed the issue of a race condition that blocks the deletion of an old machine object during cluster upgrade or update.
  • Fixed an issue for clusters enabled with Anthos Network Gateway where the NetworkGatewayGroup object may erroneously report nodes as having NotHealthy status.
  • Fixed an issue where creating or updating NetworkGatewayGroup objects fails because of a webhook IP conflict error.
  • Fixed the following vulnerabilities:


Dataproc Serverless for Spark runtime version 2.0 will become the default Dataproc Serverless for Spark runtime version on December 13, 2022.

Identity and Access Management

Deny policies are generally available (GA). Use deny policies to prevent principals from using certain permissions, regardless of the roles they're granted.

SAP on Google Cloud

New SAP certification for operating systems

SAP has certified the operating system SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 15 SP4 for SAP HANA and SAP NetWeaver on Google Cloud.

For more information about SAP-certified operating systems, see:

Vertex AI Workbench

The v1beta1 version of the Notebooks API is scheduled for removal no earlier than January 16, 2023. After this date, you must use Notebooks API v1 to manage Vertex AI Workbench resources.

October 24, 2022

Apigee X

On October 24, 2022, we released an updated version of Apigee X (1-9-0-apigee-5).

Some runtime error messages have been improved with a reason code. To display only the error codes with a reason code, scroll down to Search and type reason. The error catalog filters the view.

See: Runtime error catalog

Bug ID Description
252818300 Fixed issue with failing web socket connections.
249580739 This feature introduces a new filter-based mechanism to display API products.
249521773 Endpoint attachment ID naming convention change. The ID must start with a lowercase letter followed by up to 31 lowercase letters, numbers, or hyphens, and cannot end with a hyphen. The minimum length is 2. See Create an endpoint attachment.
249069616 Fixed issue where error in DebugSession could interrupt runtime flow.
248631925 The Developer List API has been enhanced to support pagination in a Google-wide consistent pattern.
247540503 Race condition with encryption key lookup causing KVM lookup failures.
246774745 io.timeout.millis not honored, causing 504 Gateway timeout for dynamic targets.
246193561 Disabling/Destroying of customer cloud KMS key impacted the runtime after 5 minutes and data that was encrypted with the key could not be accessed by Apigee data plane.
241786534 MART is able to send logs to UDCA successfully now.
240618523 Dynamically setting target.url now supports websocket protocols (ws and wss)
218567150 X-request-id headers modified at 14th character.
206879901 Fixed issue where Response headers were not visible from debug screen.
181569522 Fixed the environment recreate scenario without manual cleanup.
173566787 Message Processors behavior is changed. Message Processors will now reuse existing target IP addresses once if DNS resolution fails during DNS cache refresh
159599332 The flow variable servicecallout.requesturi reflects appropriately if the URI is constructed using multiple variables.
N/A Upgraded infrastructure and libraries
Bug ID Description
204965286 Security fix for CVE-2022-25647
193613381 Security fix for CVE-2021-21290 in netty-transport

You can now view BI Engine Top Tables Cached Bytes, BI Engine Query Fallback Count, and Query Execution Count as dashboard metrics for BigQuery. This feature is now in preview.

Cloud Bigtable

A weekly digest of client library updates from across the Cloud SDK.


Changes for google-cloud-bigtable

2.13.2 (2022-10-20)

Bug Fixes
  • Respect deadlines for column family operations (#687) (df2e64a)
Cloud Functions

Cloud Functions now supports the .NET Core 6.0 runtime at the General Availability release level.

Cloud Logging

You can now instrument gRPC applications to use Microservices observability.

Pricing for Microservices observability is the same as Cloud Operations Pricing. There are no separate charges for using Cloud Trace, Cloud Monitoring, or Cloud Logging Microservices observability plugins.

A weekly digest of client library updates from across the Cloud SDK.


Changes for google-cloud-logging

3.11.9 (2022-10-17)

  • Update dependency org.graalvm.buildtools:native-maven-plugin to v0.9.15 (#1145) (5bd000c)
Cloud Monitoring

You can now instrument gRPC applications to use Microservices observability.

Pricing for Microservices observability is the same as Cloud Operations Pricing. There are no separate charges for using Cloud Trace, Cloud Monitoring, or Cloud Logging Microservices observability plugins.

A new version of Managed Service for Prometheus is now available. Version 0.5.0 of managed collection for Kubernetes has been released. Users who deploy managed collection using kubectl should reapply the manifests. Users who deploy the service using gcloud or the GKE UI will be upgraded on a rolling basis over the coming weeks. This release has no impact on users of self-deployed collection.

For details about the changes included, see the release page on GitHub.

Cloud Spanner

A weekly digest of client library updates from across the Cloud SDK.


Changes for @google-cloud/spanner

6.3.0 (2022-10-03)

Bug Fixes
  • deps: Update dependency @google-cloud/precise-date to v3 (#1676) (3f20ec4)
  • Do not import the whole google-gax from proto JS (#1553) (#1700) (f9c2640)
  • Update google-gax to v3.3.0 (f9c2640)
Cloud Trace

You can now instrument gRPC applications to use Microservices observability.

Pricing for Microservices observability is the same as Cloud Operations Pricing. There are no separate charges for using Cloud Trace, Cloud Monitoring, or Cloud Logging Microservices observability plugins.


Dataproc Serverless for Spark now supports spark.dataproc.diagnostics.enabled property that enables auto diagnostics on Batch failure. Note that enabling auto diagnostics will hold compute and storage quota after Batch is complete and until diagnostics is finished.

Firestore in Datastore mode

A weekly digest of client library updates from across the Cloud SDK.


Changes for google-cloud-datastore

2.9.0 (2022-10-18)

  • Add datastore aggregation query APIs (#306) (96d98e5)
Bug Fixes


Changes for google-cloud-datastore

2.2.11 (2022-10-17)

  • Regenerating with new Protobuf (2.2.x) (#873) (9b3d60b)

2.12.2 (2022-10-21)

  • Update dependency to v3.0.5 (#891) (1f32176)

2.12.1 (2022-10-19)

  • Update dependency org.graalvm.buildtools:junit-platform-native to v0.9.16 (#885) (c8b7559)
  • Update dependency org.graalvm.buildtools:native-maven-plugin to v0.9.16 (#886) (76df7ea)

2.12.0 (2022-10-17)

  • Update dependency to v2.16 (#872) (b2a72ca)
  • Update dependency org.easymock:easymock to v5 (#877) (ed816e2)
  • Update dependency org.graalvm.buildtools:junit-platform-native to v0.9.15 (#878) (831a92b)
  • Update dependency org.graalvm.buildtools:native-maven-plugin to v0.9.15 (#879) (76a187a)
Google Cloud Armor

Default security policies are now Generally Available. You can configure a default rate-limiting security policy when you use the Google Cloud Console to set up your load balancer. For more information, see the Rate limiting overview.


A weekly digest of client library updates from across the Cloud SDK.


Changes for google-cloud-pubsub

1.120.22 (2022-10-18)

  • Update dependency org.easymock:easymock to v5 (#1350) (1e88543)
  • Update dependency org.graalvm.buildtools:junit-platform-native to v0.9.15 (#1351) (2af7579)
  • Update dependency org.graalvm.buildtools:native-maven-plugin to v0.9.15 (#1352) (379e39b)

Text-to-Speech improved the quality of these voices. See the supported voices page for a complete list of voices and audio samples.

  1. cloud-en-GB-Wavenet-A
  2. cloud-en-GB-Wavenet-B
  3. cloud-en-GB-Wavenet-C
  4. cloud-en-GB-Wavenet-D
  5. cloud-en-GB-Wavenet-F
  6. cloud-es-ES-Wavenet-B
  7. cloud-es-ES-Wavenet-C
  8. cloud-es-ES-Wavenet-D
  9. cloud-hi-IN-Wavenet-A
  10. cloud-hi-IN-Wavenet-B
  11. cloud-hi-IN-Wavenet-C
  12. cloud-hi-IN-Wavenet-D

Eventarc event-triggered requests are limited by the execution API write request on workflows. Events that exceed the limit follow the Eventarc retry policy.

Support for limiting the maximum number of concurrent branches or iterations within a parallel step is available in Preview.