• Infrastructure tools and solutions for DevOps


    Infrastructure automation tools and solutions

    • Accelerate your DevOps practice

      DevOps is a set of practices that organizations are using to bring speed and efficiency to their IT Operations. Through standardized APIs, integrations with common automation frameworks and innovative tooling, Dell Technologies helps organizations pragmatically evolve existing investments to adopt modern approaches.

    • It starts with standard, open APIs

      At Dell Technologies we’ve standardized REST APIs for our products and published those APIs to enable software control and configuration.  We then use those APIs to develop integrations with common automation frameworks and tooling. This enables DevOps teams to implement automated operations through approaches such as Infrastructure_as_Code and GitOps.

    • Dell Technologies Developer Portal

      Discover APIs to automate and integrate management of infrastructure solutions. You will find API reference documentation and tutorials to help get you building right now.

    • DevOps Transformation Services

      Bolster DevOps with advisory, design and implementation support

      Our services help you to innovate and respond to ever-changing marketplaces and technology landscapes. DevOps services enable you to use platforms that employ the architectural blueprints and operating patterns you need.


      Accelerate your containers and Kubernetes adoption

      Bolster your modern IT infrastructures with the solutions necessary to scale, secure, automate and manage your container and Kubernetes environments.

    • DevOps Resources

    • 451 Research - Requirements for Cloud Native Infrastructure

      Learn about a common infrastructure foundation that can handle heterogeneous workloads, deployed across bare metal, VMs and containers.

    • Intelligent Automation with Dell Technologies PowerStore

      Learn through this discussion with ESG Analysts on how automation with PowerStore simplifies load balancing, supports DevOps tools and CloudIQ.

    • From Ad-hoc to Operationally Mature with Unstructured Data Infrastructure

      Discover how unstructured data infrastructures “as code” can be supported by Dell Technologies and at scale.

    • Protect and Restore Kubernetes Master Nodes with PowerProtect Data Manager

      This whitepaper describes how to protect and restore a Kubernetes etcd database with Dell Technologies PowerProtect DD Series and Data Manager.

    • Achieve DevOps transformation on your terms with Dell Technologies

      Every organization has existing investments that they must preserve and extend while modernizing their operations. Dell Technologies has proven expertise and the right products and  tooling to help your organization adopt modern IT practices in to help you reach your goals.