Home page Threat Intelligence
Threat Intelligence

Take decisive action with industry-leading intelligence

Home page Threat Intelligence

Empower your team with Mandiant's uniquely dynamic view of the attack lifecycle. Combine machine, adversary and operational cyber threat intelligence to understand and defend against relevant threats.


Threat actors being tracked


Researchers and analysts


Languages covered

MA Homepage Technology

The power of Mandiant in a single platform

MA Homepage Technology

The Advantage Platform allows you to automate Mandiant expertise and intelligence so you can prioritize effort and increase capacity to detect and respond faster to attacks - think of it as a virtual extension of your team.

7.6 billion+

Analyst hours saved per year through expert automation

Home Page Expertise

Maximize security effectiveness with unparalleled expertise

Home Page Expertise

Apply the experience and knowledge of leading threat researchers, reverse engineers, intelligence analysts and incident responders defending organizations of all sizes at the front lines of cyber conflict since 2004.

17+ years

Investigative experience

200k+ hours

Responding to attacks / year


Engagements per year

Managed Defense image
Managed Defense

Protect and Defend with Mandiant Experts

Managed Defense image

Get the expertise you need when you join forces with Mandiant's premier MDR service. Managed Defense hunts for hidden actors, investigates incidents and provides swift, decisive response.


Resolutions without incident response

< 5 minutes

Average time from alert to triage

Special Briefing

Ukraine Crisis Resource Center

Special briefing

The crisis in Ukraine has already proven to be a catalyst for additional aggressive cyber activity that will likely increase as the situation deteriorates.

Mandiant believes the escalating crisis in Ukraine has increased the cyber threat to our customers and community. Mandiant has created a task force and initiated a Global Event to track this situation and provide updated insights and guidance to our customers.

Special briefing
M-trends 2022 Report
M-Trends 2022

Insights into Today's Top Cyber Trends and Attacks

M-trends 2022 Report

Mandiant's annual report provides an inside look at the evolving cyber threat landscape. Explore threat intelligence analysis of global incident response investigations, high-impact attacks, and remediation.

About Mandiant

We are on a relentless mission to make every organization secure from cyber threats and confident in their readiness. We deliver dynamic cyber defense solutions by combining services and products powered by industry-leading expertise, intelligence and innovative technology.

Have questions? Let's talk.

Mandiant experts are ready to answer your questions.