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FP Events & Virtual Dialogues

Now, more than ever before, millions of thought leaders across the globe are turning to Foreign Policy to stay up to date on the latest international news and understand the complexities of unfolding crises, trends and geopolitical issues. FP Virtual Dialogues brings these insights and analysis to a global audience that’s hungry for credible and engaging content in an interactive environment. Interested in adding your voice to the conversation? Partner with FP.

Upcoming Events

December 12, 2022
The resurgence of authoritarianism across Eurasia and the Middle East portends serious risks not only for the immediate security of Europe, but liberal societies around the world. Join Foreign Policy, in partnership with the Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies, for a timely discussion with security experts and policymakers on the implications of recent manifestations of aggression, ways to strengthen democratic institutions, defend human rights, and address the challenges posed by emboldened autocratic regimes.
December 14, 2022
FP will bring together global leaders across government, industry, finance, and civil society to discuss how to effectively mobilize global resources to stem the current crisis, and how to strengthen global food systems to better withstand shocks and help ensure reliability and sustainability going forward.

Past Events

December 7, 2022

Funding and empowering African institutions at the frontlines of managing how people live with nature is crucial to maintaining African biodiversity. What is at stake, not just for Africa but the world, if the current rate of habitat degradation and loss is not reversed? Foreign Policy, in partnership with the African Wildlife Foundation (AWF), hosted a conversation exploring the strategies and policies that are affecting the region.

December 1, 2022

2022 was marked by crucial reversals for women’s rights across the world, including the United States. Coupled with the impediments to women’s progress brought by the pandemic, the world is now less equal than it was a year ago. FP’s Her Power Summit entered its fourth year with a dynamic program with prominent leaders at the forefront of these ongoing challenges, and how the need to invest in women for a more prosperous future is more crucial than ever.

November 15, 2022

With the rise of global crises and a projected slowdown in economic growth forecasts, investing in the future of women and girls will be critical to achieving prosperity for communities around the world. Foreign Policy, in partnership with the Population Institute, hosted a conversation exploring the strategies needed to prevent growing pressure from population growth.

November 8, 2022

This panel discussion, hosted at COP27 in partnership with Deloitte, put a spotlight on practical reductions in fossil fuel use and the transition to a clean energy economy–and how these changes will shift economies and labor markets around the world.

October 12, 2022

Foreign Policy, in partnership with AARP, hosted a conversation focused on the impacts of demographic change around the world, and how international financial institutions and other stakeholders can support this transition while strengthening local economies and supporting the wellbeing of older adults. This event featured research on this topic produced by FP Analytics, with support from AARP.

September 28, 2022

Trust in elections is under assault in all too many countries—and this growing trust deficit is damaging both democratic institutions and social cohesion. Against this backdrop, Foreign Policy, in partnership with The International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), convened a conversation with leaders from government, media, and civil society about actionable solutions for how to restore the public’s fragile faith in elections and democratic institutions around the world. 

September 21, 2022

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine sent shockwaves through global markets, putting additional pressure on already-strained supply chains with cascading global impacts. FP, in partnership with the Open Society Foundations, hosted a frank discussion on the fallout from the Russia-Ukraine crisis, and how the multilateral institutions can identify targeted strategies to quell the crisis and more effectively support the world’s most vulnerable.
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September 21, 2022

As the digitalization of global economies accelerates and geo-strategic competition intensifies, governments around the world are developing tech-focused policies that will affect supply chains, impact trade, and carry major implications for the future of global health. Stakeholders from government, industry, and civil society will need to work together to mitigate risks and scale technologies to provide for a better future. Our second annual Tech Forum convened experts for a series of conversations on the geopolitical, market, and governance factors shaping the future of global tech.
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Path-UNGA -site image - 1500x1000 (2)

September 20, 2022

The lack of local manufacturing capacity in Africa and other areas of the Global South has been a driver of extreme disparities in access to lifesaving COVID-19 vaccines, diagnostics, drugs, and devices. FP, in partnership with the African Union & PATH, explored the investments, partnerships, and models that can inform a strategy for fostering sustainable African manufacturing industry and distribution networks across the continent. 

September 16, 2022

Empowering communities with the tools for resilience and capacity building is vital for economic and human security in developing countries. How can governments, implementation partners, and local stakeholders collaborate to advance these efforts? Foreign Policy, in partnership with Food for the Hungry, hosted a virtual dialogue exploring the strategies and policies that can turn these development goals into action.

Attacks on the rights, voice, and agency of women, girls and other marginalized communities have become a frequent presence in the anti-democratic toolkit of authoritarians around the world. FP, in partnership with the National Democratic Institute (NDI), convened a conversation that explored the strategies and policies that male political leaders can pursue to break the link between the reversal of women's rights and the rise of authoritarian and illiberal regimes.

July 21, 2022

As global crises including conflict and COVID-19 create new opportunities for exploitation and authoritarian abuse, democratic defenders across the world are citing corruption as one of the key issues plaguing modern democracy. Foreign Policy, in partnership with the National Democratic Institute (NDI), welcomed global experts, civic leaders, and officials for a conversation addressing how collective steps can combat these illicit influences in the leadup to the Summit for Democracy.

How are global leaders strategizing across sectors to create more resilient global health systems as we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic? Foreign Policy’s inaugural, hybrid Global Health Forum convened experts at the forefront of global health on the most pressing topics in international healthcare, including smarter investments, antibiotic resistance, bioterrorism, and more.

High-tech industries are set to dominate the Fourth Industrial Revolution—but can American companies maintain a competitive edge? Foreign Policy, with support from Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA), held a conversation exploring the potential impacts of proposed legislation on funding for advanced technology R&D.

The invasion of Ukraine has rallied leaders from across the globe and across party lines in support of democracy and against aggression. How can governments carry on bipartisan momentum and apply these lessons for future democratic crises? Foreign Policy, in partnership with the National Democratic Institute (NDI), held a conversation with officials and institutional experts that explored cooperative efforts to ensure safety, provide aid, and protect democracy. 

May 25, 2022

Sweeping legislative proposals before Congress that focus on American technology companies could inadvertently create national security risks. How can lawmakers mitigate these risks amid heightened security threats from both state and non-state actors? Foreign Policy, in partnership with Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA), hosted a conversation with policy experts and government and industry leaders spotlighting these risks and the means to address them.

May 16, 2022

Free press is under threat globally, and journalists are facing physical and digital dangers. With journalism of paramount importance to fortifying democracy amid geopolitical turmoil, how can the public and private sectors collaborate to identify threats to journalists and protect them from harm? FP, in partnership with Microsoft, hosted a conversation on the necessary actions to protect the press across the world.

May 10, 2022

Foreign Policy, in partnership with the University of Toronto’s Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, hosted an exciting virtual dialogue celebrating the 2022 Lionel Gelber Book Prize winner, Carter Malkasian, and his book The American War in Afghanistan: A History. The conversation explored the lessons learned about foreign intervention and the steps that led to a losing outcome for the U.S.

Foreign Policy’s second annual Climate Summit returned for two days of high-level programming on pressing issues in the fight against climate change. On the heels of COP26, global leaders across government, business, and civil society are looking for collaborative ways to make up for lost time and accelerate the transition to net zero. We convened global leaders and trailblazers to share best practices and drive forward actionable climate agendas.

April 23, 2022

In the lead-up to the COP27 Summit, and against the backdrop of Biden administration’s efforts to reassert U.S. leadership on climate issues, the world is at a critical juncture for policymakers and stakeholders to further define the frameworks that will catalyze public and private investments in adaptation and mitigation measures that scale. FP, in partnership with Climate Investment Funds, hosted a highly-curated, in-person event with global experts previewing what’s at stake and on the agenda at COP27.

April 19, 2022

Leaders are struggling to simultaneously emerge from the financial pitfalls of the COVID-19 pandemic and pursue the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Join Foreign Policy, in partnership with Microsoft, for a deep dive into the potential role of blended finance—a model combining public, private, and donor funds into the same investments—in bridging the finance gap and launching critical infrastructure and sustainability projects in the world’s least developed countries (LDCs). 

March 24, 2022

Amid a global trend of “de-democratization” and pervasive corruption, leaders in the EU and the U.S. have made commitments through platforms such as the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance against Kleptocracy to protect democratic institutions. Join Foreign Policy, in partnership with the International Foundation for Electoral Systems, as we convene thought leaders to explore trends in authoritarianism, key takeaways from the Summit for Democracy, and how to strengthen and employ an effective anti-corruption strategy to safeguard democracies around the world.

March 23, 2022

As global leaders seek pathways to carbon neutrality, the implementation of firm technologies can augment variable production from other low-carbon sources such as wind and solar, provide a firm source of zero-emissions generation, and contribute to the stability of the grid. Foreign Policy, in partnership with Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation, held a talk on public and private approaches to achieving a truly zero-carbon electricity mix, and the potential of diverse portfolios in securing energy supplies.

March 10, 2022

Diminished crop yields and intensifying concerns about climate change are driving innovation in AgTech and the deployment of advanced technologies around the world. Foreign Policy, in partnership with the UAE Embassy in Washington, held a virtual conversation with global changemakers on what is being done—and what is still needed—for innovation to sustainably feed the growing population of our warming planet.

December 16, 2021

Foreign Policy, in partnership with Brand South Africa, hosted an event exploring COVID-19 “vaccine apartheid."  With the world about to enter the third year of the COVID-19 pandemic, the gulf in vaccination rates between developed and developing nations remains severe. While wealthy nations are now offering booster shots for their own vaccinated populations, less than 7% of citizens in lower-income countries have received one dose. Our event explored how global best practices can be best implemented to help bridge the vaccine divide and avoid a “forever pandemic.”

December 8, 2021

Increased investments from U.S. strategic competitors like China and Russia grow not only their economic ties, but also political capital in South Caucasus. With long-declining economic interests in the region, the U.S. risks losing influence in a vital lynchpin for Eurasian security and investment. FP, in partnership with AGECF, hosted an important conversation about developments in the South Caucasus, the security risks of losing ground, and how U.S. policies can best support effective strategic and economic engagement with the region.
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Scenic landscape with aerial view of fields

December 1, 2021

Global food insecurity has been on the rise. A changing climate and more frequent environmental disasters, coupled with economic disruptions, are exposing deficiencies and vulnerabilities in an unsustainable global food system. FP's third annual Food+ Summit convened leading government officials, industry experts and stakeholders to discuss innovative agricultural practices, technological advances and partnerships to feed the world while conserving and restoring the earth’s ecosystems.

November 30, 2021

Now more than ever, access to reliable information is vital for defending against polarization, mistrust, and misinformation endangering democratic governance everywhere. FP, in partnership with International Fund for Public Interest Media, hosted a conversation that explored multistakeholder pathways to securing free and independent media to advance democracy worldwide.

November 17, 2021

The world’s approach to technology policy has mostly been piecemeal, too little, and too late. FP's inaugural Tech Forum featured discussions centered around a road map for global tech policymaking and a multilateral approach to policy that works for all.

November 10, 2021

A profound transformation of global finance is underway in the form of cryptocurrencies, bringing the potential for a more equitable and inclusive economic future. FP, in partnership with Square, Inc. convened entrepreneurs, global thought leaders, and finance experts to examine fintech's impact and future across the international marketplace.

October 28, 2021

The climate is changing at an unprecedented pace, often with devastating impacts on communities around the world from environmental events like storms, droughts, and wildfires that force human migration. FP, in partnership with Chemonics, convened a panel of experts to examine the nexus of climate and migration and the role of international development in tackling and mitigating this urgent aspect of the climate crisis.

October 26, 2021

Despite the tremendous achievements and firsts made by women around the world, this year alone, gender equality remains elusive. This is especially true given the numerous setbacks women and girls face due to the pandemic. FP's Her Power summit returned for a third year with a powerful program that celebrated the successes of prolific changemakers and focused on the longterm benefits of applying a gendered lens in combatting the concurrent crises of global health, recovery efforts and climate change.

October 21, 2021

Developing countries are bearing the brunt of the climate crisis, however, they are also a critical part of the solution as well. Green market creation and clean infrastructure transformation have great potential to move the needle on global climate targets. FP, in partnership with CIF, examined how governments and global institutions can empower growth for emerging economies through driving climate-smart development.

September 23, 2021

FP Analytics, in partnership with Microsoft, unveiled a groundbreaking special report on the economic, social, and geopolitical implications of escalating cybersecurity threats and the urgent need for international collaboration to combat them. The in-depth conversation featured global thought leaders, policy experts, and private sector executives, who explored the current state of play of cyber cooperation around the world.

September 21, 2021

International experts have been sounding the alarm for decades that the world is rapidly running out of one of its most essential resources: fresh water. The tenuous future of our most precious resource is a global challenge and one that demands greater attention and collaborative solutions. FP, in partnership with the UAE Embassy in Washington, hosted policymakers, scientists, and innovators for a dynamic discussion on securing the future of water.

September 17, 2021

It's like the Superbowl for diplomats. Hundreds of world leaders, top diplomats, and business executives are convening for the United Nations' annual General Assembly in September, partly in person and partly virtually amid pandemic concerns. Join FP reporters Colum Lynch and Robbie Gramer as they provide a sneak peek on the biggest diplomatic event of the year. From Biden's agenda to U.N. campaigns on climate change and refugees, they'll open up their reporter's notebooks to take you inside the planning and priorities for the 76th annual U.N. General Assembly.

July 28, 2021

Against a backdrop of polarized politics, economic strife and a changing global order, how are think tanks adapting and how should they evolve to bring value to the communities where they operate? Watch as FP, in partnership with Atlas, unveils the findings of a groundbreaking research study examining the impact of democracy-building, free-market focused think tanks and their effectiveness in advancing locally-driven reform initiatives.

July 27, 2021

Foreign Policy, in partnership with the Embassy of the UAE, is excited to launch a three-part event series to explore global partnerships and solutions for a food-secure planet. Our first dialogue focused on the nexus of climate change and agriculture and brought together policy leaders and experts from around the world to discuss pathways toward a sustainable future for food and farmers.

July 26, 2021

U.S. President Joe Biden has been getting a warm reception from European leaders since he took office, but with differences emerging between the United States and European Union on major foreign-policy issues, how long is the honeymoon going to last? SitRep’s Jack Detsch and Robbie Gramer joined a conversation with FP's executive editor Amelia Lester to give subscribers the inside scoop about the key sticking points dividing the White House and European capitals. SitRep Live calls are available exclusively for FP subscribers.

July 22, 2021

In the face of deteriorating political, socio-economic, and environmental conditions, hundreds of thousands of people are fleeing northern Central American countries. Recognizing the urgency and complexity of this evolving crisis, and the need for innovative and collaborative solutions, FP partnered with World Vision and the World Bank on a first-of-its-kind simulation focused on resilience. Watch for insights and recommendations resulting from the simulation on how to address this urgent issue.

June 29, 2021

Governments and industry have committed unprecedented action and resources in the battle against COVID-19. What lessons have we learned about health supply chain vulnerabilities and ways to mitigate them? Watch our timely conversation spotlighting the crucial role health supply chains play in global recovery, development and security.

June 28, 2021

Women around the world are shouldering the brunt of economic and social burdens created by the pandemic. While the crisis has exposed many inequities across our global systems, it can also serve as an opportunity to shape a more inclusive, sustainable and resilient future. Watch as FP convened leading international thinkers and doers to share insights and policy recommendations for harnessing the transformative potential of women.

June 9, 2021

Foreign Policy, with support from BlackSky, examined emerging threats and vulnerabilities across the world’s supply chains and explored new tools and technologies, including earth observation and data analytics, that industry leaders hope will strengthen supply chain resilience.

May 26, 2021

Foreign Policy, in partnership with Maxar, convened a leading-edge conversation to highlight the growing importance of “eyes on the ground” in volatile environments where lack of infrastructure can limit intelligence gathering and situational awareness.

May 25, 2021

As world leaders race to vaccinate their populations against COVID-19, they face a formidable obstacle: misinformation. FP and Northwestern University’s Roberta Buffett Institute for Global Affairs hosted a critical discussion to understand, and overcome, the misinformation clouding the world’s COVID-19 response.

May 7, 2021

FP held a discussion on May 7th to explore the Biden administration and took stock of how the new team has been managing key foreign policy issues in the first 100 days.

May 6, 2021

Our digital lives are being shaped mostly by a small group of people working in big tech — and most of them are men. The gender divide at the heart of the world’s most powerful tech companies makes everyone – not just women – less safe online. Foreign Policy, in partnership with Our Secure Future, convened accomplished digital thought leaders to assess solutions to rectify gender inequities within the technology landscape.

May 5, 2021

FP in partnership with the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy at the University of Toronto convened an exciting virtual dialogue celebrating the 2021 Lionel Gelber Book Prize winners, Matthew Klein and Michael Pettis for their book “Trade Wars are Class Wars.”

As President Biden renewed America’s commitment to climate action, FP hosted a global gathering of government leaders, experts and innovators to galvanize cross-sector solutions for a sustainable future. What lessons have we learned from the pandemic about the interconnectedness of a healthy planet to key global priorities? Can we extend the international cooperation mobilized in the fight against COVID-19 to tackle climate change?

April 15, 2021

How are governments adapting to the modern global risk landscape and how will technological advances including AI and machine learning shape the future of diplomacy, crisis intervention and humanitarian action? FP and Dataminr convened a dynamic panel of experts for a look at the cutting-edge of foreign policy and tech.

March 30, 2021

This special subscriber event highlighted findings from FP Analytics’ update to its COVID-19 Global Response Index, which has been tracking 36 governments’ responses to the pandemic. The event featured perspectives on the vaccine rollout from FP reporters around the world.

March 24, 2021

The May 2021 deadline to decide whether to withdraw American troops out of Afghanistan looms large as President Biden’s first major foreign policy challenge. Could this decision redefine America’s leadership role in the world? FP, in partnership with the Charles Koch Institute, convened a timely dialogue on a path forward in the Afghan peace process and what lessons to draw for the future of U.S. foreign policy in the region.

March 18, 2021

With a growing majority of people relying on the digital information space for their daily news, the lack of editorial and fact-checking responsibility on many platforms has allowed misinformation and disinformation to proliferate. FP, in partnership with Northwestern University’s Buffett Institute for Global Affairs, hosted a solutions-oriented dialogue about fake news, how it starts and spreads, and how to stop it.
Matt Rota illustration for Foreign Policy
Matt Rota illustration for Foreign Policy

March 16, 2021

Syria has been torn apart by war for a decade, leaving a generation of children knowing only conflict, destruction and extreme poverty. FP, World Vision and Syrian American Medical Society launched the release of the podcast series, Syria's Lost Generation which shares first-hand perspectives from young survivors, aid workers and advocates striving for a peaceful conflict resolution.

February 3, 2021

FP, in partnership with the International Republican Institute, convened U.S. lawmakers and international experts to examine the impact of foreign influence in open societies and ways to strengthen democratic resilience to confront it. Watch in full.

December 18, 2020

Foreign Policy, in partnership with Brand South Africa, convened Ambassador Jerry Matthews Matjila and a panel of prominent journalists to spotlight African leadership on the United Nations Security Council for a conversation that looks into the past, present and future of African security. Watch in full here. 

December 15, 2020

Watch the release of FP Analytics and USADF's groundbreaking new study examining key drivers of economic and social resilience within African communities amid the pandemic. Hear from those at the forefront of economic development, conflict prevention and security and the strides they have made to a more equitable and sustainable future. Watch in full here.

December 10, 2020

With only 10 years to reach the Sustainable Development Goals, the UN has called for a decade of action to mobilize the transformative changes needed for a more sustainable, equitable, and resilient global future. FP and ASU convened leading thinkers for a conversation about reimagining education to meet 21st century challenges & opportunities. Watch in full.

December 4, 2020

The pandemic has disproportionately impacted women globally, including a documented rise in violence against women that has proliferated as a “shadow pandemic." FP and Brand South Africa convened trailblazing women who have campaigned to raise awareness and advocated for measures to help eradicate gender-based violence. Watch here.

December 2, 2020

The pandemic has emphasized existing food and nutrition security challenges around the world while also revealing vulnerabilities in food systems. Watch FP’s Food+ Summit where world leaders and industry experts spotlight actions taken to combat hunger, support access to healthy nutrition and promote a more sustainable global food supply. Watch now.

November 20, 2020

While America’s competitive edge in the space domain is undeniable, global challengers like Russia and China pose a potential threat to its dominance especially at a time when traditional on-the-ground intelligence-gathering face unprecedented obstacles. FP and Maxar hosted a dialogue on the importance of U.S. commercial and government cooperation to drive innovation in space infrastructure and earth observation to ensure actionable intelligence gathering. Watch here.

November 18, 2020

As the world continues to grapple with the vast effects of COVID-19, global clean energy growth could be the key to America’s economic rebound. FP and ClearPath convened thought leaders for a discussion on driving innovation and exports in the U.S. clean energy market to bolster domestic economic growth and combat climate change. Watch in full here.

November 17, 2020

The third installment in the 5G series from Foreign Policy and Nokia continued with a Virtual Dialogue aimed to demystify the concept of open access radio networks (O-RAN). We explored the ability to build an innovative, competitive and secure 5G ecosystem through conversations with experts in the telecommunications field. Watch live here.

October 22, 2020

The 5G rollout risks exacerbating the existing digital divide in the U.S. and around the world at a time when virtual access to school and business is more vital than ever. FP, in partnership with Nokia, hosted experts and policy makers to discuss the obstacles and opportunities in deploying 5G technology around the world. Watch in full here.

October 14, 2020

FP’s flagship global women’s summit returned this year in a digital format. We continued the momentum set in motion at our inaugural event by using this platform to celebrate the leadership contributions and amplify the voices of women in foreign policy and the global arena.

October 8, 2020

Twenty years after the UN Security resolution on Women, Peace & Security, the world is facing a new set of challenges—including technology, climate, political volatility, and a pandemic. FP and Our Secure Future hosted a conversation that illuminated the WPS strategic framework and how it can be leveraged to confront these global challenges. Watch here.

October 6, 2020

Is a new data arms race brewing? Foreign Policy, in partnership with Microsoft, convened an expert panel to examine the new geopolitics of data and its corporate and policy implications as emerging markets are making a foray into the digital economy. Watch here.
WATCH: FP Virtual Dialogue: Human Rights & Older Persons Foreign Policy, in collaboration with AARP, convened a high-level discussion on human rights and aging—and how COVID-19 is compounding vulnerabilities of older adults. Watch now
WATCH: FP Virtual Dialogue: Human Rights & Older Persons Foreign Policy, in collaboration with AARP, convened a high-level discussion on human rights and aging—and how COVID-19 is compounding vulnerabilities of older adults. Watch now

September 30, 2020

Foreign Policy, in partnership with AARP, hosted a policy-oriented program commemorating the 30th anniversary of the International Day of Older Persons. A panel of advocates explored the efforts and importance of integrating older persons into human rights and social equity frameworks. Watch here.

September 29, 2020

How can U.S. policy and business innovation activate a domestic transformation that supports American leadership in a post-COVID world? Leaders across U.S. policy, industry and civil society convened to discuss a way forward. Watch here.

September 17, 2020

Foreign Policy, in partnership with Women in Global Health and the Wagner Foundation, hosted a high-level digital summit coinciding with the 2020 UN General Assembly to illuminate the need for gender-transformative policy within global health security. Watch here. 

July 29, 2020

Foreign Policy and the U.S. African Development Foundation hosted a Virtual Dialogue focused on grassroots investment and sustainable growth in Africa and its effect in supporting COVID-19 recovery.  Watch here.

July 22, 2020

Few innovations have the potential to shape the global landscape as profoundly as 5G. Following the release of FP Analytics’ three-part “5G Explained PowerMap,” we take a closer look at what’s at stake in the global “race to 5G." Watch here.

July 21, 2020

Foreign Policy and the Embassy of the State of Qatar in Washington D.C. relaunched Her Power with a dynamic conversation on the role of female leadership in driving global recovery and resilience and the need for more inclusive governance. Watch here.
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June 30, 2020

FP and ASU partnered to discuss how lessons learned from the coronavirus recovery can be applied to climate change and inclusive governance in order to build capacity for a sustainable and resilient future.  Watch here.

June 25, 2020

FP and Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) engaged with leaders from around the world to discuss the powerful benefits of partnering on community-based infrastructure projects in order to build health resilience and provide impactful strategies for economic growth and poverty reduction.  Watch the conversation here.

May 26, 2020

Global health experts convened to discuss the varying responses to COVID-19 and how the lessons learned from this pandemic can lead to a more effective health system for the future. Watch in full here.

May 21, 2020

Foreign Policy hosted an engaging conversation with Ivan Krastev and  Stephen Holmes, authors of The Light That Failed: A Reckoning and winners of the 2020 Lionel Gelber Prize, exploring the post-1989 repudiation of liberalism in Eastern Europe. Watch the event in full here.

May 13, 2020

Restrictions on gatherings are straining the cohesion of protest movements in the Middle East, and ruling elites are using the crisis to stifle and erase these movements’ gains and reestablish their own popular support. Watch the conversation in full here.

April 22, 2020

Foreign Policy hosted a special Earth Day-edition FP Virtual Dialogue on the topic of Climate & Security, which featured the release of FP Analytics’ latest report and an expert dialogue on this pressing topic.

March 31, 2020

Foreign Policy and Brand South Africa partnered to discuss what economies can do to recover from the market slump, how leading African nations are reacting to the crisis, and investment opportunities on the continent, given the current climate. Watch the event in full here.

March 26, 2020

FP celebrated the virtual launch of our newest report "Women as Levers of Change" and shared how companies and other industry actors can empower women to further unleash their transformative potential. Read the report here and watch the event here.

February 26, 2020

The FP - Quincy Institute Forum brought together the foremost leaders and thinkers from across the American foreign policy, defense and security communities to explore rising calls for military restraint and a shifting paradigm for U.S. global leadership and peacebuilding. Find photos of the event here. 
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Forever Food Summit 2019 - Panel's & Keynotes-8372

December 3, 2019

The summit sought to raise awareness around the challenges to the modern food system, and encourage innovation and collaboration in pursuing a permanently food secure world. Following the solutions summit, guests were invited to attend the Food Forever Experience. Click here to learn more.

November 14, 2019

The Future Diplomats PeaceGame offers diplomatic academies from around the world the opportunity to nominate their most promising students to participate to “game out” peaceful resolutions to serious conflicts. Click here to learn more about Future Diplomats PeaceGame.

November 12, 2019

The Climate & Security PeaceGames brought together policy experts, practitioners, and advocates from around the world to grapple with the cross-border security, governance and humanitarian challenges mounting from climate change. Click here learn more about PeaceGames.
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Foreign Policy Diplomat of the Year - Jason Dixson Photography - 191112 - 201521 - 8169

November 12, 2019

Foreign Policy’s eighth annual Diplomat of the Year Award Gala was held November 12, honoring NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg. Click here to learn more about Diplomat of the Year.
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Foreign Policy HerPower Summit - Jason Dixson Photography - 191015 - 105043 - 8780

October 15, 2019

Highlighting female change agents, the program explored gender equity as a catalyzing force for stronger democracies, economies and communities. Click here to learn more.

October 2, 2019

The high-level crisis simulation explored the potential for worsening security and humanitarian scenarios in Venezuela and ways to effectively respond. Click here to learn more about the takeaways, and click here learn more about PeaceGames.

September 23, 2019

Serving as a complement to the UNGA’s High-Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage, this roundtable explored best practices to better position policy-makers to establish and monitor national infection prevention and control programs, while emphasizing the delivery of national action plans within ministries of health around the world. Click here to read about the proposed solutions.

July 9, 2019

This special FP Editorial Roundtable as explored China’s growing foothold over the global supply chain of raw materials critical to modern technology. Coinciding with a groundbreaking special report on this topic released by FP Analytics, we highlighted key findings from our research and assessed implications on geopolitics and global economics. Click here to read the report.

June 6, 2019

On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of D-Day and against the backdrop of evolving dynamics shaping EU-U.S. relations, this event convened a timely and critical conversation about the future of the transatlantic security alliance. Click here to learn more.

April 15, 2019

This roundtable brought together policy leaders, executives from finance and investment companies, leading experts on emerging markets and international development, along with key media representatives, to explore investment-focused strategies for catalyzing Africa’s growth potential. Click here to read the takeaways.
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FPG Dinner Roundtable - Jason Dixson Photography - 190326 - 190712 - 4066

March 26, 2019

This roundtable dinner gathered 40 top level executives from multinational companies and Japanese corporations with presence in the U.S. along with leaders and experts on U.S. - Japan trade relations. Click here to view photos of the event.
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Foreign Policy Group Lunch Roundtable - Jason Dixson Photography - 190312 - 121107 - 1176

March 12, 2019

This gathering explored new trends and innovative strategies for cybersecurity in weapon systems through the lens of mission resilience. Click here to read the takeaways.

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Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is likely the most popular elected leader in the world. No other politician has won so many votes in history. Few other incumbent leaders around the world...Show more


What to Expect From China in 2023



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Stephen Walt Looks Back—and Ahead

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  2. Only FP subscribers can submit questions for FP Live interviews.


Geopolitics dominated the world in 2022, with Russia’s war in Ukraine and competition between the United States and China impacting everything from energy to food to semiconductors. What t...Show more