BlurDeleteMePrivacyPrivacy News

Abine Supports the CPRA, California’s New Privacy Bill (plus the death of Civics classes)

Abine, The Online Privacy Company, announces its support in favor of the California Privacy Rights Act (also known as “Proposition 24”) which will be put to a popular vote among Californians this upcoming November. While it may not be surprising that an online privacy company is in favor of better data privacy controls, the reason […]

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BlurPrivacyPrivacy News

Online Privacy Leaders including Abine, Brave, DuckDuckGo, Mozilla Firefox, and more launch “GPC” (Global Privacy Control) Standard for Web Browsers

Announcing a New Standard for Online Privacy Announced today, the Global Privacy Control (“GPC”) is a new standard web browsers and websites can use, to simplify making and handling online privacy requests – particularly requests like “Do Not Sell” (do not sell my data to third parties without my consent). Such online privacy requests have […]

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PrivacyPrivacy News

The Pros, Cons and Neutral Cases for CPRA/Prop 24

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) – the country’s most ambitious state-level attempt at online consumer privacy protection – went into effect this year, and quickly disappointed many privacy advocates for its limited oversight and weak enforcement mechanisms. Prop 24 – or, the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) – aims to plug many of the […]

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Blur, Meet Microsoft Edge

It’s official: Blur is now available for the new Microsoft Edge.   When Microsoft first released Edge in 2015, it was built on their own proprietary Browser Engine, EdgeHTML. This made it extremely difficult for developers (like us) to provide their users with compatible versions of their software.  In 2019 however, Edge was finally rebuilt […]

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PrivacyPrivacy News

Privacy Tips for Working at Home (3 part series)

Part 1: updated 4/14/20 Part 2: updated 4/20/20 Part 3: updated 5/11/20 Starting in March 2020, cities and states across the US began implementing ‘stay-at-home/ shelter-in-place’ recommendations for any non-essential workforce to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, and your average worker has started working at home instead of in the office. In this 3 […]

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