Join Dell Women’s Entrepreneur Network | DWEN

Enjoy member-only access to networking events, DWEN’s exclusive directory, newsletters and webinars.

The DWEN program is best for entrepreneurs who believe that technology is the backbone of their success. In this day and age, every business is a tech business and Dell is a valuable tech partner for women entrepreneurs.

Please register to join the global network. Invitations to the DWEN Regional Events and partner events will be based on your profile. Incomplete profiles may result in missed opportunities, so we encourage you to provide a comprehensive overview of the state of your business. You will be able to update your profile anytime at your convenience. If you have any questions, please contact the team at [email protected]

Exclusive Member-Only Benefits

  • Networking opportunities: online and in person
  • Networking events: global and local
  • DWEN’s exclusive global directory
  • Promote your business with our Marketplace
  • Newsletters, webinars, and podcasts
  • Access to Dell Technologies Advisors
  • Funding resources for women owned businesses
  • Benefits and special deals
  • Chapters, and Special Interest Groups

Join these types of DWEN Members

Woman Founder/ Business Owner

Women Business Owners, Co-Owners, Founders, or Co-Founders wishing to use the DWEN community to advance their business, product, or service.

Aspiring Woman Entrepreneur

Women who are in the process of building or pursuing their own business, product or service, or exploring the world of entrepreneurialism.

DWEN Champion

Investors, Partners, or Dell Technologies Team Members who are currently, or desire to support, women entrepreneurs through the DWEN Community. This membership type is inclusive of both women and men.

Still not convinced? Don’t just take our word for it.

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