A business-oriented assessment approach and a single composite indicator to help decision making.
More about MRL

Project of the month: Rocket.Chat

Rocket.Chat is an open source collaboration platform that has the largest and most active chat community on GitHub. Rocket.Chat won the 2017 OW2 Best Project Innovation Award.

Projects Market Readiness Levels Focus : ASM


With an MRL at 6, ASM is recognized as a proven product with a customer base of early users. The project fits for third party contributions and is implicitly driven by a community governance. View ASM Market Readiness synthesis

News and Events



Open Source Experience 2022 0.5 

Open Source Experience is over now. Check out the photos of our booth shared with OW2 members  Xwiki, MORPHEMIC, FusionDirectory and with NGI Search H2020 project. 



Open Research Webinars - January 24, 2023 0.7 

Next instalment of the webinar series we launched in cooperation with the Eclipse Foundation to introduce european software research projects that help shape the future of open source software and the IT industry. The detailed agenda will come soon, stay tuned!



OW2con'22, June 8-9, online 1.03 

OW2con'22 online is over now. Check out the replay of all sessions! Many thanks again to our speakers and sponsors who helped us make it possible. 



OW2 OSS Good Governance Handbook  1.04 

We are very proud to announce the availability of the first translation (in German) of the Good governance handbook at Lulu global retailer. The French version is now ready, and we are working on the Italian and Portuguese versions. 


How can you take part in the Community?


What is OW2

  OW2 is an independent, non-profit community organisation dedicated to promoting industry-grade open source software for corporate information systems and to fostering their business ecosystems.

Why Join OW2

    Make a stand, focus your open source efforts, help steer the community, increase your open source visibility, promote your projects, and join renowned industry leaders, SMEs, academics and individuals.

Free Infrastructure Software

  OW2 hosts some one hundred open source projects spanning application platforms, components, middleware, cloudware and tools for the development, deployment and management of distributed and cloud applications.

Submit a Project

  At OW2 it usually starts with an open source project. We provide resources, governance and help build awareness for your project. Checkout the project life cycle and fill in the submission form. Join the code base.

Quality and Adoption

  Facilitate the market adoption of your project with our suite of freely accessible quality tools and with OW2's unique Market Readiness Levels project assessment program.

Open Source Good Governance

  The Good Governance initiative develops a blueprint to help implement corporate-wide open source policies and improve the competitiveness and sustainability of the European open source ecosystem.

Download OW2 Software

Infrastructure Software, Application Platform, Middleware, Tools

Open source with an industry perspective
We've been working with open source software since 1997 at first as users and later on as a... more

Collaborative Projects

Leveraging open source to foster collaborative innovation is a powerful strategy. OW2 is an experienced Open Source Software community for collaborative R&D projects. We provides community support and dissemination services and community building services to multinational open source collaborative projects and large collaborative R&D projects. In particular, OW2 has established itself as the reference dissemination and community platform for complex government-supported, open source-oriented projects.

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