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Commuter Tax Break Parity For 2015 Still Uncertain

Ashlea Ebeling

Here’s something to mull over on your commute: will Congress restore the tax law that gives transit riders the same tax benefits as their fellow workers who drive and pay to park? And are you poised to take advantage of the tax break if it’s extended retroactively?

For 2015, assuming your employer offers a transit plan as an employee benefit, you can put away $250 a month pretax salary to use for parking but only $130 a month pretax salary to use for transit (bus, rail, trolley, subway, ferry or van pools). Why the discrepancy? A “parity” provision first put into law in 2009, and extended as part of the tax extenders package of on-again, off-again tax laws, expired on Dec. 31, 2014.

For a commuter whose transit expenses top $250 a month, that’s a loss of $576 in annual tax savings.

There’s more at stake than lost tax savings. There’s lots of support for the transit break, the noisiest from New York and Chicago with outsized commuter populations. Reps. Dan Lipinski (D-IL) and Peter King (R-NY) sent a letter last week to the House Ways & Means Committee calling on Congress to increase and permanently extend the commuter tax parity provision. “Congress should ensure that the benefit is restored in order to continue efforts to encourage public transportation ridership, which helps get cars off the road, reduce emissions, and eliminate lost time and delays,” says the letter, signed by 52 House members.

You can only get the transit tax benefit if your employer offers it as a benefit.  You’re basically throwing away money if you have commuting expenses and don’t sign up for workplace transit benefits. (It’s not like dependent care expenses where if you fail to run them through a workplace benefit account, a dependent care flexible spending account, you can still get a tax break by claiming the dependent care tax credit on your income tax return.) Some cities are requiring that employers offer the transit benefit, but it’s still optional whether you sign up or not.

How much of a difference would the equalized commuting limit make? Here’s how the math works. If you’re in the 40% combined federal and state tax bracket and can select $250 a month in pre-tax transit benefits, instead of just $130 a month, you save $576 a year (an extra $1,440 in pretax salary deferrals times the 40% rate). For high-earners who are subject to the new 39.6% top federal income tax rate, the benefit is even greater.

Most employers have a third-party administrator like WageWorks administer the benefits program. Depending on how your employer sets up the plan, you can allocate after-tax salary to pay for commuting expenses in excess of the $130/month limit. That’s convenient and it’s key, given Congress’ history of extending parity retroactively. If you run your full commuting expenses (pre-tax and after-tax) through your paycheck and Congress extends parity retroactively, your employer can adjust your W-2 so you’ll get corrected tax forms in the spring and get to take the full break. Unfortunately, not all employers allow this, causing employees (and employers) headaches and lost taxes last time Congress extended parity at the last minute. The IRS guidance about how to handle the 2014 retroactive law came out in January 2015.

The transit benefit is just one of 50–plus tax extenders in limbo. Over 2,000 businesses sent a letter to Congress earlier this month urging immediate action on the expired laws. Each of these has its own constituency and lobby, and there have been attempts to take some out of the package and make them permanent. But it looks like another typical year, when Congress will act on the extenders in the fourth quarter. The best hope for commuters is that there’s a two-year extension through year-end 2016, retroactive to Jan. 1, 2015, not just a one-year extension like last year’s Tax Increase Prevention Act signed by President Barack Obama on December 19.

I cover personal finance, with a focus on retirement planning, trusts and estates strategies, and taxwise charitable giving. I've written for Forbes since 1997. Follow me

I cover personal finance, with a focus on retirement planning, trusts and estates strategies, and taxwise charitable giving. I've written for Forbes since 1997. Follow me on Twitter: @ashleaebeling and contact me by email: ashleaebeling -- at -- gmail -- dot -- com