47.818,69€ of 212.000€

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Free Software Foundation Europe

Free Software Foundation Europe is a charity that empowers users to control technology.

Software is deeply involved in all aspects of our lives. Free Software gives everybody the rights to use, understand, adapt, and share software. These rights help support other fundamental rights like freedom of speech, freedom of press, and privacy. Learn more...

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failed attempt to audit a source code

EU Declaration of Digital Rights and Principles falls short of its ambitions

06 December 2022

Member states, the European Parliament, and the Commission have reached a consensus on the Declaration of Digital Rights and Principles. Although it aims to serve as a reference point for the digital transformation of Europe, it instead descends into murky waters, causing ambiguity. Its wording is unclear and it overlooks existing good proposals.  

FSFE booth at one event

5 reasons why your contribution is crucial for the promotion of Free Software

05 December 2022

Your support and contribution for the promotion of Free Software are important for securing our continuous work, ensuring our independence, strengthening our democratic society, promoting and implementing concrete steps towards software freedom, and making it easier to use and develop Free Software.  

Four illustrations. 1 three gears in different colors and sizes    integrate with each other, while one has the coding abbreviation on    it. 2 a phone-like device out of which come three arrows, one to the    left, one to the right and one straight ahead. 3 four different    geometrical figures are connected via bridges 4 a phone like device    looks like a lock that has been opened

Sign our open letter about the right to install any software on any device

22 November 2022

More than 100 civil society organisations across sectors have already signed our open letter about “The universal right to install any software on any device”. Now, in the European Week for Waste Reduction, we open up the letter to be signed by individuals. Join our cause and make your voice heard!  

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The "Public Money - Public Code" campaign, as well as the "REUSE Initiative" made me notice that the FSFE is an organization which supports the same ideals that I do. I want to help them do more great things, and so now I am proud FSFE supporter.

Greg Kroah-Hartman (Linux Kernel Developer)

I hope that more and more people will understand the importance of being ethical in their digital life and thus consciously use Free Software and that we will have more and more volunteers from all over Europe.

Amandine “Cryptie” (Privacy Specialist)

I support the FSFE because it's totally worth it. Its community is strong and very knowledgeable on a wide range of topics, so contributing to its mission is a good way to help the Free Software movement.

Vincent Lequertier (PhD candidate Artificial Intelligence)

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08 December 2022

FSFE Hamburg local group meeting in Hamburg, Germany

08 December 2022

FSFE Zurich local group meeting in Zurich, Switzerland

08 December 2022

FSFE Berlin local group meeting in Berlin, Germany

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