The results of our work show Mediascope’s commitment to the principles of quality management system and information security. We regularly assess, develop and maintain quality standards of internal business processes by ordering annual surveillance audits according to ISO 20252:2012.

Our goal is to continuously improve our operational efficiency and meet the needs of our clients.

  • We comply with the following standards and industry demands
  • ISO 20252:2012 international market research quality standard
  • ICC/ESOMAR Code on Market and Social Research
  • Non-commercial partnership “Association of Market and Public Opinion Researchers” membership code of conduct

We assume the following responsibilities:

  • To guarantee training of all staff and to provide them with the necessary resources so that they follow the internal policy on the quality management system
  • To set goals, regularly analyse how they are achieved and continuously revise the policy for improving the quality of our services and increasing our information security level
  • To ensure that our staff comply with applicable legal, statutory and business requirements
  • To shape and maintain Mediascope’s quality management structure and information security in order to identify and minimize potential risks

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